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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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the presidents begin to show flowers and discuss something on the way to the hall of official delegations. next, the leaders traveled in one car; they were already expected in the new uzbekistan park. it was opened on the thirtieth anniversary of the sovereignty of this republic in the twenty-first year. in the center of the park there is a sixty-meter-tall monument of independence, on it there is a bas-relief telling about the three-thousand-year history of this ancient land. vladimir putin laid a wreath in russian colors at the foot of the monument. here's a short excursion and a short story about the images of the physician abusina, in europe he was known as ovicena, the mathematician al-khurizmi, who coined the term algebra, the commander tamerlane and other great natives of the lands where uzbekistan is now located, but the country lives in the future, tashkent is developing, in the new tashkent region now there will be a street connected with russia, so? in history, one
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street of the new tashkent remained, namely st. petersburg, st. petersburg, and today you are in your visit for this impression, that’s why i ’ll bring it here, be with me beautifully, yes very beautiful, then in the evening the presidents have informal communication planned, the capital of the state has prepared for this visit in advance , russian tricolors and flags of uzbekistan are hung along the entire route of vladimir putin, it’s almost already a flight. hot tashkent, the city of a thousand fountains, welcomes guests from russia. moscow and tashkent have centuries-old relations, but it is in recent decades that russian-uzbek ties have reached a fundamentally new level. the leaders of the two countries talk about a comprehensive alliance strategic partnership. this means that the two states have common views on global economic and political problems and common approaches to global security issues. tomorrow vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev will have a busy program for the second. day
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of the state visit. all main events will take place at the kuksaroy residence, whose uzbek name translates as green palace. there , the host party will hold a welcoming ceremony with a guard of honor and the anthems of the two countries. the presidents will also have their photographs taken there. press, and then hold bilateral negotiations. first one on one, then as part of a delegation. this part of the work will end with the signing of joint documents and statements for the media. russia's total investment in the economy of uzbekistan exceeds nine. russia and uzbekistan. alexey golovko, sofia petrosyan, konstantin morozov and andrey greshnev. news of the week from tashkent, republic of uzbekistan. on wednesday, iran said goodbye to president ibrahim reisi, who died as a result.
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the main ceremony at the university of tehran farewell in the arabic language of the koran, the spiritual leader of khameniya said the words of prayer. the commemorative events became a visible embodiment of the breadth of the muslim world's desire to put aside political differences, at least for a while. the prime minister of iraq, the prime minister of pakistan, and the vice president of india came to tehran.
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an official delegation of the taliban government, including the acting first deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, arrived from afghanistan, and the leader of the hamass movement also arrived. the president took part in the farewell ceremony tunisian prime minister of syria. the emir of qatar also arrived with the delegation on this day. the chinese special envoy was present. in total , representatives of more than fifty countries gathered in tehran on this day. the russian delegation was headed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. in tehran, he also spoke with the acting president of the islamic republic, mohammed mahber. in the iranian capital , volodin conveyed words of condolences on behalf of the russian president. with the death of ibrahim raisiya. he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward person, self-confident, overall, a man who was guided by national interests, but, of course, he was a man of his word. if we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be
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fulfilled. for our part, we will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in this vein. putin said that. if necessary, russia is ready to provide any assistance to iran in investigating the true causes of the disaster, in which, in addition to the president of the islamic republic, the head of foreign affairs and other officials, eight people in total. having reached the crash site first, the search parties quickly realized that there was no one to save. oh god, part of the wreckage is here, come here, the wreckage is here, sir, where are you, sir, oh god, there were no survivors, the president’s ring was found at the scene of the plane crash, and he was the spiritual leader of khaminia, and the murdered man was immediately identified by the ring in 1920 american airstrike in iraq against iranian general soleimani. the iranian general staff, which is conducting the investigation, announced in a preliminary report that there were no traces of no external impact on the helicopter was detected; there were no traces of bullets or similar
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damage. according to experts, the helicopter caught fire only after colliding with the ground. experts also found that before the fall, the helicopter was moving along a given trajectory and did not deviate.
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crashed or was shot down and lists all possible versions of what happened. the suspicious death of the iranian president as a result of the crash of his helicopter has raised many questions. israel is the prime suspect, but israel cannot act in this region without us support. is it
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an accident or murder? has the president fallen victim to a power struggle within iran? is this a joint action between israel and the united states or murder? israel, through the mouth of an anonymous official, said. the people on board, as they say, had three navigation systems, including gps, but the signal from the helicopter could not be detected for a long time, possibly due to the fire that had started. the investigation continues, in the islamic republic, meanwhile , early presidential elections have been announced, which
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will take place on june 28. alexander khristenko, alexander plotnikov, news of the week. prime minister viktor orban causes fire himself. viktor orban is pursuing his line literally at the risk of his life, because never before has there been an independent political position in defending national interests. five bullets at orban’s colleague, slovak prime minister robert fitz, are compelling arguments: the shooter was a man over 70 with graphomaniac tendencies. now it is still debated whether he was a loner, but no one denies the ideological motive for the assassination attempt. robert fitze was categorical opponent of pumping arms into ukraine, not to mention '.
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a reported fact, insider information made public is dangerous; in parallel, orban also notices the preparation of western society to enter the war; for him, the parallels with past world wars are obvious. before the two world wars, the media spent quite a long time preparing for entry into the war, i think what is happening today in brussels and washington, but rather in brussels.
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europe's entry into the war. this happens in the media statements of politicians. orban, as we see, extremely inconvenient for the west, just as fitz was inconvenient. and how inconvenient, of course, was the iranian president, ibrahim raisi, who died last sunday. raisi is the latest in a series of victims. of course, for iran, the iranian people and you , i ask you to convey words of sincere
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condolences in connection with this tragedy, indeed he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward man, self-confident, first of all, a man who was guided by national interests, but of course, he was a man of his word with they were pleased work, and now the facts: the preliminary cause of the plane crash has been announced. a disciplined country like iran is impeccable. there is no doubt about this . but why did you still fly on a flight to border azerbaijan on a russian mi helicopter, but fly away on an american bel. why did the cockpit catch fire or explode and the crew burn to death, which was the source of
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the fire? even the american publication atlantic writes that iran is not like a country where presidents die by accident. it's all a bit too dense. at the beginning of may it was reported impending assassination attempt on the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman. certainly not a pro-american figure. then the saudis are done. refuted, but what was it, why and who benefits? information about the preparation of an assassination attempt on serbian president aleksandar vucic has been confirmed. there, by a court decision, a certain dragan mijatovic from the city of sombor, on the border with croatia, was arrested. vučić keeps serbia openly close to moscow and is not going to announce any sanctions to russia, which he has announced several times. but in our world today this is... already big risk, however, proximity to moscow is only an option for independence, another option
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for independence is demonstrated by turkish president erdogan, no one can call his line pro-russian, it is simply independent from the united states, it has already been punished once with a coup and an attempt to assassinate erdogan. the ears behind all this were american. in the summer of the sixteenth , an anti-erdogan military rebellion broke out in turkey, and the puchis quickly took control of strategic objects in the capital, istanbul.
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phone informs about the risk to life in case of the entry into force of the recently adopted law on foreign agents. even against the background of many years of blackmail, the threat voiced in a telephone conversation with one of the european commissioners was astonishing. in particular, he listed a number of measures that western politicians could take after overriding the veto of the foreign influence transparency act and, as he listed them, said: “you saw what happened to fitz. you have to be very careful.” you must be very careful, a direct threat under the guise of concern, with cynical directness, these are the methods proposed with west, in short, without restrictions, isn't it disgusting, that is, that viktor orban is really next? however, let’s return specifically to europe, where mikhail antonov is from. wearing
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a yellow vest, i stepped out of the blue carriage onto the kiev platform on tuesday morning.
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wise of the third degree, after which the german foreign minister planned to visit zelensky, presented berbock with the order of yaroslav kharkov, but it’s not like running around bomb shelters under a camera, it really can be dangerous there, so everything was limited to kiev, about some practical result of the visit, if there is no need to say that this is not the next batch of curses against russia. on the contrary, this week the consequences of the us secretary of state’s visit to kiev began to appear. the first was.
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at times, conservatives are leaving the country in the worst financial situation in 70 years, according to bloomberg. finally, we decided to set a voting date. while there is life there is hope. britain now has to choose its future, decide whether we want to build on the progress we've made or risk going back to square one without a plan.
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and confidence. earlier today i spoke to his majesty the king to ask for the dissolution of parliament, the king has granted this request and there will be a general election on july 4th. the second result of blinken’s visit to kiev is, of course, more important than the first; as the new york times writes, the secretary of state asks biden to lift any restrictions. into the depths of russia outside the northern military district zone, at any military targets, it is noteworthy in this regard, the statement of the minister of foreign
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affairs of poland sekorski, made in an interview with the british guardian. the americans said to the russians, that if nuclear weapons are used, even if they don’t kill anyone, we will hit all your targets in ukraine, with conventional weapons, we will destroy everything. when the americans blew up the nord streams, sikorsky wrote on social networks: “thanks to the usa, i got stuck and deleted the message, but the guardian will not delete anything. the idea that the united states should directly intervene in the conflict if russia decides to use nuclear weapons in the fall in 1922, retired american general ben hodges threw it in, it was then chewed on by various military analysts, but on at the official level, the pentagon did not publicly formulate such response options. why is it the pole sekorski, and not austin, who is authorized to make such statements, or, in extreme cases , blinkin.” turns out to be the first person vested with some kind of power in the west who takes on such a mission, because he is either a fool or a useful fool whom the owners sent to warn the world that
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another round of raising rates is inevitable. another way of escalation that is beginning to be actively discussed is the creation of a no-fly zone by nato air defense forces, which could cover at least the western region of ukraine. in this case, launches of interceptor missiles and ground-based aircraft would be carried out.
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can exist as a member of nato without participating in nato operations outside the territory of the alliance. history knows the option of simultaneously existing in nato outside of it. in 1966, charles de gaulle withdrew france from the military organization of the alliance. while remaining within the political framework. and only president sarkozy in 2009 resumed the country’s full participation in all nato headquarters. perhaps this option would be suitable for hungary, which.
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to find a safe method for financing ukraine, that is, the method must be one that will not discourage foreign investors from investing money in the west and keeping their savings there. such methods do not exist in nature, but they are still trying to invent something. they have two, as it seems to them, workable options: the first is to send to the kiev regime only income from frozen assets for the year - this is about 3 billion euros, and the first withdrawals of funds from european banks are planned. but on the other hand
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on the other hand, this is much more like confiscation, because ukraine is bankrupt. it is clear in advance that she will never return any money to anyone. and the amount of the collateral will have to go to the creditors. this is not an easy decision for everyone. the 5 billion dollars seized in the united states and the 260 billion that are in europe are incomparable values, and accordingly, the risks are also incomparable. but washington is putting pressure on its allies. in the same way , he hopes to push them into a trade war with china. the usa does not hide that this will be the second the main topic at the g7 meeting in italy. president biden has made it clear that he will take action to protect american companies. and last week, the united states announced strategic and targeted steps in key sectors in response to china's unfair trade practices. the united states has introduced prohibitive duties on the import of chinese electric vehicles, batteries and...
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generators, and now they want europe to do the same. the german government had the audacity to object, saying that significant some of the electric cars produced in china are european brands, for example, volkswagen. this week, us treasury secretary helen was awarded an honorary doctorate from the frankfurt school of economics and used its podium to lecture scholz on the need for a common response to china's industrial policy. the chancellor should have guessed that this answer... would be exclusively in american interests, but this is not certain. the other day, at a meeting with voters, scholz made an astonishing statement. he said he would take away textbooks from politicians stories because they read them and then dream of the revival of the empire. the hint is clear, but there is also a suspicion that in the head of the chancellor, like many other german figures, there was an absolutely flat, one-dimensional picture of the world, in which for the last
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3 years, or even 30 years,
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industrial centers of competence of the icc. they bring together developers, manufacturers and customers of digital products. the head of gazprom neft, alexander dyukov, who is also the head of itsk neftegaz, said that out of twelve projects, six have already replicated. for example, the digital system invented by transneft is used by gazprom, and the one developed by gazprom is used by evrachem. the company always strives to maximize its profits and make effective decisions by investing its own funds, but you are not going to share this with direct competitors, if you have any, are you ready to give everything you do to your partners, or do you still have any restrictions? we are of course ready to give everything, but not completely, and yes, and as for a number of solutions, we offer a service, that is, accordingly, this is a solution that
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will be accompanied by our company for... well, quite a long time, which will allow us, accordingly, to receive additional income from this use. the creation of industrial competence centers provided a tectonic shift in digitalization, which was urgently needed after western companies left the russian market en masse. transporting continuous cycle production to another location is difficult and expensive. the only option is to combine the efforts of the business authorities. in the light of new appointments are worth the task. strict administration, implementation of our russian systems in all russian enterprises from the economic sphere, this is now the main task, but at the same time we do not forget about implementation:


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