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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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on monday, the international criminal court, not to be confused with the international court of justice of the united nations, issued an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. in general, this is the first time that the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant for a us ally.
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the united states and israel received another blow on wednesday when norway, ireland and spain announced they would recognize palestine as a state. these days it sounded like a sensation, like a demarche in favor of what, in the opinion of many, israel changes ariol from the holocaust victim to the role of executioner. in fact, it is rarely mentioned that more than 140 countries have already recognized the territory of palestine within the 1967 borders as a separate state. but in any case, the move by norway, ireland and spain brought attention to the problem. the massacre in palestine has already caused quite a stir in american society and has become an important factor in the presidential campaign. from the usa, our correspondent, dmitry melnikov. during the 7 months of the operation in gaza, there was a reserve of historical compassion for the jewish state.
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refugees in gaza and fierce criticism of the israeli authorities against the three european states. victory over hamas is still illusory; prime minister netanyahu is ready to label all palestinian residents as terrorists, and europeans who sympathize with them as accomplices. the intention of a number of european countries to recognize a palestinian state is to encourage terrorism. 80% of palestinians in judea and samaria support the horrific october 7 massacre.
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the statements of the three european countries came after the vote of the un general assembly, where 143 states the day before supported the palestinian authority's application for full membership in this organization. thus, after the decision of spain, ireland and norway, out of 193 un members, palestine is recognized by 146. israel is in a global minority, as is the united states with its main allies. unilateral recognition. so france and germany, following the united states , are hastening to announce that they will not recognize palestine unilaterally. we have no reason to recognize the palestinian authority as a separate state. there is no clarity regarding the state territory, all other questions, and there is still a long way to go. what we need is a negotiated solution between israel and the palestinians.
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which will lead to a two -state solution, with tel aviv's allies recognizing that the two-state strategy in the current environment is fatal for israel. it would mean admitting defeat to hamas and the israeli authorities have no other choice but to continue to destroy gaza, which means the chances of saving the hostages who are still in the hands of terrorists are fading before our eyes. on the eve of the hostage family published this.
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in kathor, but in the same statement, separated by commas, the prosecutor of the international criminal court demands that the israeli leadership also be arrested. based on the evidence collected and examined by my team, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister yoav galand have been criminally responsible for international crimes committed within the state of palestine since at least october 8, 2023 . among the multiple charges against the prime minister. and the israeli minister of defense, deliberate attacks, killings, organization of blockade and famine, as well as the targeted extermination of the palestinian civilian population. however, as the new york times writes in its sensational investigation, the ideologists of the systematic destruction
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of palestinian villages have always been present in the top leadership of israel; for them, war may simply be a goal, and hut olmert, the former prime minister of israel, said that he believes that many ...
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under jewish motives, biden leaves the podium, and official washington then attacks the international criminal court with threats, the us congress is preparing tough sanctions against the prosecutor and judges if
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arrest warrants for netanyahu and holland are nevertheless issued. an independent court in the hague must understand that its independence has limits. must punish the international criminal court, put karim khan in his place, and if moose is allowed to threaten israel's leaders, we know america will be next. the united states has already imposed sanctions against the court once, when it dared to begin an investigation into the war crimes of the americans themselves in afghanistan. evidence at that time, enough evidence was collected, but the investigation was quickly curtailed. the america's military protection act of 2002 is authorized by the president. the united states will take the toughest measures against him if he acts against the americans or their allies. i will read to you some harsh criticisms that you received from the usa. here's a quote. target israel and we
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will target you. this is a threat? some elected leaders of countries have directly told me that this court. created only for africa and for thugs like putin, that’s exactly what i think said one important leader. who was this leader? it is unknown, obviously, one of those who supported the decision of mus to issue an arrest warrant for the president of russia and the ombudsman for children's rights for saving children from shelling in the donbass, but 16 thousand dead children of palestine are something completely different. at congressional hearings, secretary of state blinken puts his head down, fearing retaliation. the request for the arrest of israeli officials is another blow to the unity of the west. so the european union
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admitted that they would arrest netanyahu and holland if they arrived in any eu country. and here britain will ignore the court order; president biden will drive away the decision of prosecutor khan. the impasse is the final discredit of the international criminal court on the one hand and the furious anger of palestinian defenders on the other. the graduation season at american universities has turned into... 2/3 of americans already call biden’s course a failure of foreign policy. conflicts in europe and the middle east are the direct responsibility of the current administration. at the end of the week, another international court, the un's highest court, ordered israel immediately end the military operation in rafah. believes that, in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention, israel must immediately cease its
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military offensive and any other actions in the rafah area that could create living conditions for the palestinians in the gaza strip that could lead to their physical destruction in whole or in part. israel and the united states have lost their credibility. washington is not able to resolve conflicts, and a world order based on rules, as the situation with international court. and for america itself nothing more than an empty phrase. and, of course, this festival of double standards is being closely watched in the global south, where they have long had no illusions about the moral and diplomatic authority of the collective west. moreover, the former third world countries have accumulated enough claims against it over their long history, and many of the west’s crimes against these countries have no statute of limitations. news of the week from washington. a new round
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of tension around taiwan. on monday at the new president of taiwan, light qingde, took office. in his inauguration speech, he called on beijing to recognize the rebel island's independence. the chinese foreign ministry reacted sharply. no matter how the situation in taiwan changes, it cannot change the irrefutable fact that taiwan is part of china. nothing can stop the historical trend. and at the same time, along the entire coast of the strait , the chinese army deployed multiple
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launch rocket systems. 我們火箭炮打的 we will be ready to fight and decisively destroy all separatist forces advocating this called taiwan independence. in the joint sword maneuvers 2024a, beijing immediately involved aviation and navy, ground and... missile forces, simulating not just a blockade of taiwan, but simulating attacks on critically important objects for making political decisions. this is a serious punishment for the separatist forces and a serious warning against interference and provocations from external forces. their actions will be resolutely opposed by the 1,400 million chinese people. beijing's harsh reaction to the statement of the new head of taiwan administration. his entire speech was dedicated
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to the so-called independence, this is clearly absurd, when he said that the two sides on the other side of the taiwan strait do not obey each other, he was clearly testing the strength of the mainland. the chinese ships came close to taiwan; at one point the island was less than 40 km away. the taiwanese military heard it clearly on the radio. an attempt to forcefully refuse the reunification of the homeland. sisters in the national army, it seemed that just a little more and the strait would begin to boil, and not even so,
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how it was after pilosi’s visit to taiwan, all the things from where ding island, controlled by taipei, are smaller in full view, they remember well how after the civil war, in which the communists won, and the kuomintang forces fled to taiwan, both sides fought each other for a long time friend. all these guns and aircraft were used in the previous war with gaminden. in the historical park there are old planes, anti-aircraft guns, talking loudly. the world's military loudspeaker, the signal transmission range is 12 km, it was used for in order to literally reach the neighboring islands and the kuominan with a proposal to lay down arms and follow the path of peaceful reunification of both sides of the strait. the coast guard has already encircled the small islands adjacent to the mainland. the island of daden in china has the official status of one of the three
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islands of heroes; it was here that for fifty years the front line of armed confrontation with the chinese people's liberation army of the guomend troops was located. which the united states supported, well , now here is a park for patriotic education, and what is curious is that the coastline is no longer visible there, instead there is a coupled sand quarry, the chinese seem to emphasize that they do not look at the other side of the strait through the gun sights. the exception, chinese military experts emphasize, is the political leadership of taiwan. we conducted a maneuver during which a joint strike was carried out on a key target, that is, on the base camp of the separatist forces. in beijing they explain the reasons for the choice of each training area, here we are blocking the escape routes of the separatist forces, if they want to hide abroad, we also block the logistics routes for supplying the island from the us to their allies. this worries the united states, congress demanded that the pentagon present its plan for a blockade of china, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese chip manufacturers do not rule out the evacuation of production to
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the japanese states and are ready to turn off all chip machines so that they do not go to the prc, the american one. the press compares the capabilities of beijing and washington at sea, and not in favor of the americans. china launched what is believed to be the world's first specialized unmanned aircraft carrier. the communist country already has the largest navy in the world. military experts have already described the scenario of a likely armed conflict between beijing and washington, identifying five fields of these battles: the battle for space, the missile war, small islands and at the inauguration, where the main guests were precisely.
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and now they are taking supporters out onto the streets right next to the protests from political opponents, the main complaint against the current authorities is that none of the previous promises on improvement in the social sphere has not been achieved. the global press publication, citing a certain source, reports beijing’s plans to take taiwan in early june, although
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it looks like an outright fake, now it all depends on endurance, china’s is similar. there were no public statements about taiwan and the maneuvers, but everyone understood everything; next week in singapore, a meeting between the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, and the minister of defense of the people's republic of china, dongjun, is not excluded, after the demonstrative taking of taiwan into the ring of beijing's negotiating position, which requires the americans to stop support for the separatists will presumably be stronger.
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took power, i can say one thing: the last 2 and a half years have been the calmest time, hostilities have stopped, the streets have become much safer. believe me. in other words, this is a non-staged story. patrols on the streets of kabulul, one of which we have seen just now, is an absolutely normal thing. thanks to these guys, who inspire
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some fear, the city is quite calm. under such protection, people feel more confident and have hope for that the taliban warriors will defeat the most terrible enemy. this is footage from october 21, then it seemed that nothing would change here under the bridge for drug addicts, this is the hottest place in kabul, the police visit here regularly, the first taliban raids gave only temporary results, they were caught, treated and released, but drug addicts returned to their backwater holes. well, as you can see, the garbage heaps, of course, have not gone away and there is a terrible stench. also hasn’t gone anywhere, but the main problem has been solved: there is no longer drug camps, they were all taken out of here.
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the taliban have destroyed more than a thousand underground drug factories. thousands of hectares of afghan land were cleared of opium poppy plantations. when we met a few years ago, you told me that we would achieve the complete eradication of drugs in afghanistan. to be honest, i didn’t believe it then, but now i’m just amazed how you managed to achieve such amazing success? if we promise, we deliver. we explained to the people, through the media and through clergymen that we would punish for drugs and after that we began destruction operations. according to the un, you succeeded. cope with the drug problem in afghanistan by 90-95%. how accurate is this figure? our statistics differ by 1%. we
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know for sure that we destroyed more than 95% of the crops. the taliban prepared for a long time and dispersed all the dens literally in one night. at the same time, major drug dealers were arrested. there are rumors that most of them were hanged as a warning to others, those who are now also being held. in custody, on forced treatment, we are in one of the most closed prison hospitals in kabulul. well, here we are, actually, entering the territory where the wards are located, several thousand people, there are those who will not survive, there are those who are gradually emerging from this hell, there are practically healthy people, specialists in absolutely all fields.
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after completing the training, i decided return to afghanistan, the war was in full swing here, there was no work, the bad guys got me hooked on drugs, i didn’t have time to get into serious trouble, hasan is already recovering, you’re talking now with me, and before that they spoke 25 years ago, your russian is brilliant, you haven’t forgotten it, you haven’t forgotten it, thank you. thank you, you too, thank you very much, thank you, get well too, never go on drugs, it’s very
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bad, you see.
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all forms of hepatitis, an open form of tuberculosis, sleeping, non-healing wounds, and doctors are struggling with all this, people in white coats here just need to erect monuments, if... on the street and not brought here, they would either die or simply decomposed alive. oleg accompanied us in the red zone ivanovich gontsov, veteran of combat operations in afghanistan. i will not hide that without his help we would not have been able to film this report. he might not have gone to the most dangerous place in the camp, but apparently the immutable rule of the paratroopers worked here too: we don’t abandon our own. according to statistics
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, only 6% of drug addicts are completely cured of heroin use, but this is a big victory, at least several tens of thousands of afghans can be saved, although the battle is now going on for the lives of all 4 million drug addicts. yes, drug addicts have it it very often happens when the skin is affected and is quite deeply open. ulcers: there is not enough medicine, this is the main problem. first, the west did what it could to cripple these people, but now it is not responsible for this in any way. after all, with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. the americans did not fight this at all, and now that they have left, there is no responsibility, they do not help us treat drug addicts, and they continue to kill afghans. we have been trying to achieve this filming for a very long time; it was difficult for the afghan ministry of internal affairs to organize it. everything that was stored in warehouses in kabul has long been
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already destroyed. we collected the remains in the provinces, we can say that we will now see the last major fire with drugs in afghanistan. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including ninety- one children, were found by search engines when they came across this shot pit.
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