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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white you can sing a rose, i can, you can sing it somehow, lively, we don’t need names, it’s not worth it, or what, it’s not worth it, it’s not yours, well, you little gem, little ray of god, to the machine gun, what to do? call sign passenger,
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i suggest changing the call sign passenger to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right! this is hashish, it smells like a coniferous plant, this is where drug addicts in afghanistan begin their short journey. to death, then
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everything moves on to pills, harder drugs, yes, please tell me how important this issue is for afghanistan, for the current leadership of afghanistan, the destruction, the total destruction of alcohol and drugs in the country. i will say that we will do everything to ensure that our people are free from absolutely everything that can kill them, as far as i understand, the new world.
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american bases are no exception, this vodka was made in ukraine, guys, you shouldn’t have supplied it to the americans. i pour your vodka on afghan hashish, british american whiskey, everything is on the fire, all this is subject to total destruction in afghanistan, like this, we try not to deviate from traditions, drugs are only burned... a group of our colleagues from afghan television, ready, set fire, standing on the leeward side
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is now unsafe, because the drugs are very acrid, disgusting smoke,
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unknown to stories and acquaintances, only a new afghanistan lies ahead. independent, open and free, we are not saying goodbye, there will definitely be a continuation. sergey zenin, alexey yaldin, ruslan ababekerov, veronika magazeyshchikova and oleg ivanovich gontsov. news of the week. high-profile arrests of high-ranking military officers suspected of corruption in it's been happening more and more lately. here is just a simple chronology according to official sources: on may 13, the head of the main personnel department of the russian ministry of defense, lieutenant general yuri kuznetsov, was detained. he is suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, up to 15 years in prison. on may 17, the former commander of
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the 58th army of the russian armed forces, a participant in the special operation, major general ivan popov, was detained. the investigation suspects popov of metal theft. intended for the construction line of defense in the nwo zone. the damage is tentatively estimated at 100 million rubles. on may 23, the head of the main communications department of the russian armed forces and the deputy chief of the general staff, lieutenant general vadim shamarin, was detained. he is also suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale during procurement under government contracts. 36 million rubles from the general director of the perm telephone plant. on the same day , the head of the department of the ministry of defense for ensuring state defense orders, vladimir vertyaletsky, was taken into custody. according to the investigation, his actions caused damage to the state in the amount of more than 70 million rubles. well,
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on april 23, that is, before the appointment of a new defense minister, timur ivanov, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense, was detained right at his workplace. he is also charged with receiving a bribe. on a particularly large scale. according to investigators, timur ivanov, as part of an organized group, received property benefits worth a billion rubles from contract work for the needs of the military department. in general, the purification process attracts attention. the kremlin believes that there are no components there is no. after all, the fight against corruption is consistent work. this is not a company, this is an ongoing work. this is a component.
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at the beginning of the week, a fresh survey was published by the institute of marketing and social polls of the republic of moldova. citizens were asked what nationality they consider themselves to be. almost 72% called themselves moldovans, and only 11% considered themselves romanians. for the current moldovan authorities, led by president mai sandu, with a romanian passport. this is a failure of their policy to romanianize moldovan society. home
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the goal is the plans to absorb romania. for the romanian authorities, this would be the embodiment of a long-standing dream of the so-called greater romania. and for moldova, this is a way to slip into the european union without queuing through the back door. one problem. moldovans do not want to be romanians. the moldovan language has already been renamed romanian and this norm has been introduced. but stubborn moldovans do not want to become romanians and part of the myth of great romania,
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which, by and large, is not great, nor has it ever been independent, and romanians sometimes lose their shores, so they went to war with hitler us on a campaign, somehow frivolously, and, probably, it is not for nothing that bismarck is credited with the catchphrase: romanians are not a nationality, but a profession. i understand that this is far from political correctness, but it is also an aspiration. absorb moldova, too. a short history lesson from my colleague, documentarian alexey denisov. versailles - 1919. the international conference sums up the results of the first world war. the victorious powers, france, great britain, the usa and italy are redrawing the map of old europe. new ones arise from the ruins of disappeared empires states with borders that never existed. one of... one of the fattest pieces of the versailles pie goes to romania. having entered the war on the side of the entente in
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1916, defeated by the germans and saved by tsarist russia, the romanian power managed to more than double its territory . first, taking advantage of the collapse of the russian empire, the romanians captured bessarabia; by force of arms they forced the self-proclaimed bessarabian council of the country to vote for joining bucharest, after which it was dispersed. following this, the lands were seized the collapsed austro-hungarian empire, including transylvania and bukovina. there is a saying, happiness is to be romanian. the romanians, we must give them their due, always managed to end up with the winners and receive that profit that others would not have received under normal conditions. at the versailles conference they immediately position themselves as a future part of the cordon sanitaire. they look at them like this: yeah, the british and french who commanded there, you’ll be a cordon, but we need to pay you off with something, so to speak.
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creation of an ethnically pure state, greater romania. in this regard, a course was set for the accelerated romanianization of new lands. in bessarabia, already in january 1919, moldovans were prohibited from using traditional cyrelic graphics. the language of the slavs, jews, hungarians and other peoples was harshly expelled from the public sphere. since 1938, under penalty of imprisonment, any public use of the russian language, which was spoken by almost 40% of the inhabitants of bessarabia, was prohibited. all russian newspapers were closed. the romanian authorities reassigned the local orthodox church and banned worship in the church slavonic language, they introduced the gregorian calendar instead of the julian calendar, and expelled the russian archbishop from chisinau. they walk very rudely, they, having received a multinational territory, bessarabia, not only, begin
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to pursue a frenzied policy of romanization, speaking non-romanian in public places is not encouraged, moreover, you can literally get hit by a policeman , there are examples when he approached i beat him with a whip because someone asked something and didn’t speak romanian. the response to forced romanianization was several popular uprisings in khatin, bendery and tatarbunary, which were brutally suppressed. bessarbians died of hunger. during the interwar period, no one invested money in bessarabia. nobody invested money in chisinau. he's not needed. so, therefore, the local population, in
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general, was not very happy with the actions of the romanian administration. therefore , the arrival of the soviet army, in general, well, it gave it relief from this rather harsh romanian pressure. arrival of the red army in june 1940 most residents of bissarabia greeted it with delight. the population immediately began to change romanian signs to russian ones and demolish monuments to great romanians. the soviet union never recognized the annexation of bessarabia. bessarabia has always been painted in such shaded colors on our maps.
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stand above those very slavic orts, which in general cannot be called a civilization. in the fall of 1940 , the pro-fascist dictator ion antonescu came to power in romania. at his request, king carol ii abdicated the throne and left the country. formally the throne passed to the eighteen-year-old mihai i, but all the levers of power were in the hands of antonescu.
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in november 1940, romania joined the tripartite pact. and became the main supplier of oil for hitler’s war machine, antonescu was a completely convinced racist and i want to note that it was antonescu who hitler said at one time that he was going east to destroy the slavs. antonescu fully accepted this idea, especially since he was entitled to the main compensation for land losses in europe in the east. 22 june 1941. romania entered the war against the ussr on the side of hitler's germany. romanian troops took part in the assault on odessa and sevastopol, the seizure of crimea, and the attack on stalingrad. antonescu will declare the occupied soviet regions between the dniester and the bug an integral part of greater romania and call transnistria.
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the moldovans will be recognized as the only friendly people to the romanians. people of other nationalities, including russians and ukrainians, were subject to destruction and eviction. or romanization. according to various sources, during the years of romanian occupation in more than 200,000 soviet citizens were killed in transnistria. the greater romania project would be buried by the red army in the summer of 1944 during the liberation of the odessa region, transnistria and bessarabia from the hated occupiers. after the entry of soviet troops into the territory of romania itself, ionantanescu will be overthrown by a group of conspirators led by king mihai i. after this, the romanian. the army will go over to the side of the allies, and the young king will receive the order of victory from stalin. order of victory, awarded to michael i. this is truly one of the significant events. the question arises, why? romania did what it did in '44, it declared war on germany and ceased to be a springboard against us. among other things, the award was given to mihai for opening the front, he saved many hundreds of thousands
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of our soldiers, and this was also a sign of gratitude. true, the gratitude of the romanians themselves. the fact that stalin allowed them to end the second world war in the camp of the victors had completely evaporated by the beginning of the 20th century. alexey denisov, vasily yakovlev, yuri starikov, oleg makarov, andrey greshnev, especially for the news of the week program. yesterday the russian football champion was determined. this year's tournament was probably the most unpredictable in a long time. in the last round, three teams could take gold medals at once. and still a champion. for the sixth time in a row, st. petersburg became the zenith, about how the city walked on the neva, a report by ekaterina fisenko. it’s night, and the st. petersburg sky is still blue, the raster columns burn on white nights, the tv tower is painted in the colors of the zenith, st. petersburg does not sleep, and this is so
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unlike those decorous, concentrated petersburgers, who were going to the match, as if they themselves had to play, such was the intrigue, krasnodar-dynamo-zenit, who had already won the rpl. five times, but this year before the last round of the championship race he was not considered a favorite, but two goals from the st. petersburg team gave three winning points, zenit was the champion for the sixth time in a row, then everything came together, victory, and the team’s ninety-ninth birthday. that’s why sergei simak was baptized before the match; not everything depended on zenit. the first half was all in favor of dynamo, in the second there were goals, but in the online table, st. petersburg falls back to third place, even after the first goal from a penalty kick. and more was needed. just one goal, here it is, the winning golden one in the 85th minute, arthur left, 5 minutes before the end of the match, it
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was necessary to hold on to this difficult victory, an out in favor of zenit, of course, that's all zenit is the champion, that's it, friends. it is impossible to calm down these emotions, the stadium is rejoicing, the team is rejoicing, well, an incredible season, a denouement, of course, which cost all the coaches of the three teams who betrayed for gold, probably a lot, but today we we received a lot of positive emotions, but all the bad luck, some moments that were very difficult for us during the season. many people shouted in our backs that it was not the same and other bad words that woke us up, but we proved it back and won the championship today. six
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times in a row, this is already a trend; football players bring even their very young children, a lot of joy and their favorite songs to the locker room celebration. the centenary anniversary of the st. petersburg team exactly one year later with sergei simak immediately on the field extending the contract until the thirtieth year, together they will have to work on the next anniversary victory and until their 105th birthday. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, alexander borushkov, alexander abramov, valery golikov. news of the week, st. petersburg.
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why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity. attitude towards people have been established, even if these criminals are already
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dead, are used to watching videos on the network, it has stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on website.
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and at the end of the program, a story from chukotka, where the great kelvey holiday continues, young fawn. it is in april and may that deer give birth to offspring, a great joy. but for the families of reindeer herders there are notes of sadness, because after the holiday, the male reindeer herders drive their herds to distant summer pastures, which means many months of separation.
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the main magic of this land. unpredictable weather is the first thing that strikes chukotka. the second is sled dogs. the harness is the main transport of sea hunters. there are 10-14 dogs in one team, each requiring daily care and attention from the owner. well, life depends on a good team, because if bad team, everything will be lost in the tunda. and a good team will always take you home, to your home.
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the fact that there are no roads in chukotka is not an exaggeration. there are 30 km of the federal highway between the anadrem airport and coal mines on the entire peninsula, and even then part of it runs on the ice of the liman, and in the summer you can cross it by raft or helicopter. it’s the 21st century, and life here is measured not in days and hours, but in teas. for example, to the village of uelkal, which is at the entrance to the bay of the cross, there is one tip, that is, one day of travel or better yet, a night along the winter road. just tundra underneath, there may be streams. there may be swamps, like here, here several all-terrain vehicles passed and the road, well, yes, well, not a few, about five or six more or less turn out to be a road, you can’t see anything, but what to see there, we’re driving at night, because it’s colder, winter road at this time of year it’s already floating, here in general every trip is a test, give or take a meter you can get stuck for life, you can and help is already on the way to anadre, just an hour away,
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in fact... nothing special happened, just in chukotka any road is always unpredictable, to say that after after the collapse of the ussr , nothing was updated in chukotka, it’s wrong, in uelkala with a population of just over 100 people, excellent schools and comfortable cottages from the time of governor abramovich, a first aid station was recently opened, but there is still room to grow, so that there are many beautiful houses, the territory is as large as possible. greenery, uh, children's playgrounds, well, we need to at least double the size of the sports ground. in a region with a population of only 47,500 people, the penultimate place in russia, at 720 thousand km, almost one and a half in france, everything necessary has been imported for decades only for navigation, and this is at least plus 500 rubles to the price of a kilogram of any cargo, so here you have to do
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everything at once. +5 and sunny, and this is the best reason for a walk around the northernmost city in the world, especially since pivek is very picturesque, bright and located on the coast of the arctic ocean. today the whole world is watching pivek, because the world’s first floating nuclear power unit, academician lomonosov, is successfully operating here. oh, yes, this is now a lot that depends on us, we are at least a low-power nuclear power plant, in general, compared to mainland stations, but for a separate... taken region specifically for chukotka, and for similar regions where logistics are difficult, where the population is small, we are a nuclear power plant of enormous power, we are actually the most important source of energy supply in the chambili energy hub. the plavochka, as everyone here calls it , is a cosmic and high-tech phenomenon, the city is actively growing on its energy, people from all over russia come to work in rosatom, chukotka, they pay well and there is also a northern coefficient.


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