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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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coast of the arctic ocean, today the whole world is watching pivek, because the world’s first floating nuclear power unit, academician lomonosov, is successfully operating here. yes, this is now a lot that depends on us, at least we are a low -power nuclear power plant, in general, compared to mainland power plants, but for a single region , specifically for chukotka, and for similar regions, where it is difficult with logistics, where there is a small population, we nuclear power plant of enormous power, we... are the most important source of energy supply in the energy hub. the float, as everyone here calls it, is a cosmic and high-tech phenomenon. the city is actively growing on its energy, people from all over russia come to work in rosatom, chukotka, they pay well, and there is also a northern coefficient. the water is nice, warm, with spring ice, scheduled inspection of the water area. chukotka - significant participation in the sea route.
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dictates the construction of a new sea terminal at port chaun with a powerful energy base. pivek is becoming a real energy hub. the most powerful komonos academy is already operating. and soon, a little further along the coast in the cape area with the beautiful chukotka name nagleinin, several more modernized power plants will appear. this will bring the unique bayemskoye field to its design capacity. an airstrip has already been built there . they are constructing a seasonal road. thanks to investments in the bayemka, russia will turn from an importer into an exporter of copper, and chukotka will be able to get rid of subsidies and begin to support itself. it is very important to develop the economy, because the money that we receive from the budget through taxes is, of course, will be directed to the social sphere. we have several projects. which are
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certainly our pride and are significant for russia and are generally noticeable at the world level. we were going to the mayskoye field and stopped specifically to look at these power lines. the wooden one is old from soviet times, and the new metal supports are power lines that were pulled from a floating nuclear power plant. construction projects like this in the arctic are a feat and expensive, difficult, but now. develop business in chukotka extremely profitable because this is the only district in the country where three special regimes for business are in force. gold is being mined at the mayskoye deposit. what is it that is white here? this is quartz, quartz, quartz is a sign that there must be a gold component here, this is what glitters, this is already associated minerals, mineral resources go to a depth of thousands of meters. what is our essence?
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not slaughter, just quality. the scale of mining operations can be assessed by the height of the dumps. enrich crushed ore by flotation method. with the help of air and reagents, the precious metal, gold, accumulates in such bubbles, in a lotation concentrate, it is filtered, dried and sent for processing to a metallurgical plant. well, here we have 62 g for this whole bag. wow, this is this concentrate. yes, this is our gold-containing concentrate. of course, everyone thinks that we are releasing. these giant shopping bags are used to transport the finished concentrate. in 2014, we came here to mayskoye and opened a gold extraction factory. then the content gold in concentrate was approximately 50 g per ton. technologies have been improved, production costs have decreased, and the price of chukotka gold has increased. simultaneously with investment projects , the social sphere is developing and modern infrastructure is growing. chukotka is not only a land of harsh people. natural conditions, this is a region where
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the economy is growing by 12% per year, one of the highest rates in the entire far east, which opens up completely new, unique prospects for the entire territory and its inhabitants. there is free public transport and absolutely all medicine. computed tomography, expert-class equipment, endovideosurgical equipment for performing minimally invasive surgical interventions, ophthalmology is well developed. there are several regional programs for teachers in chukotka: you can take advantage of housing rental compensation or a preferential mortgage, the initial payment is paid by the district, and the chukotka emergency workers are resettled, albeit slowly. there are already 3.0 m in the villages,
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and they expect to deliver the same amount by the end of the year. an important task is food security of the region. milk, meat products and bread are on the shoulders of the polar plant. in the summer we import all raw materials, that is, for the production of meat, dairy and bread products, crispy, hot bread, you don’t have such bread, chukotka, chukotka, in anador public pages with news about a bumper harvest of cucumbers, the makotrov greenhouse complex is booming, a tour is conducted housewife, mother of many children and entrepreneur, the project in the extreme conditions of the eternal world was implemented, including through government subsidies, equipment and russian seeds. our cucumber produced here, of course, it is cheaper, it is half the price, plus fresh, yes, plus fresh, just picked with a flower, beautiful, the assortment and its cost in stores is almost the first point in conversations with residents of chukotka, the only one in the entire district the mariinsky supermarket has
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everything, but prices are still biting, reductions are expected, a new federal law on northern delivery has been adopted, chukotka, due to the short navigation window, has been given priority for loading, plus ... my subsidizing of socially important education. now it’s already a little bit weird products, goods, in addition to the district ones, and we also need to invest in roads, aviation, the internet and, of course, in the core sector it is getting on its feet, now it is only developing forward. the average age of residents is 36 years. chukotka is generally a very energetic region with a strong character. twelve-year-old hockey players from the village of gvekinot traveled 12 hours off-road for a match with the legends of soviet hockey. and it's all for the sake of ho'. yes, i want to play with the legends, it’s very interesting, in general, to see them live, it’s like, well, everything is fine with the goalkeeper, hello here, they welcome guests in chukotka, they love to greet them, there are even weekend tours from moscow and st. petersburg, for example, only here you can catch smelt at the junction of two
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hemispheres, they say that it smells like cucumbers, i can try it, yes, oh, oh, it’s alive , alive, alive, yes, listen, really, it’s like, oh-oh-oh, it’s falling fresh. chanamom from thailand vanadori participates in the international culinary project gastrocamp,
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transforms traditional chukchi-skimo cuisine with wild meat and herbs into a high one, the council of elders evaluates innovation chukotka this is also curious. i think tourists will like it. kelvey in chukotka in may. feast of new life, feast of the first calf. tundra dwellers all get together and hold their rituals dedicated to increasing the herd. we expect the offspring to be somewhere around 43 thousand calves. experts say that reindeer husbandry is one of the most profitable agricultural businesses today. it's better to stay in the tundra and work. salary 120,000 and also benefits.
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reindeer husbandry and also sea hunting are an important source of income for local residents and life, allow us to preserve and develop national culture. the lead singer of a local rock band, veronica usholik, sings about the wind, nature spirits and dog sleds. chukotka rock has already spread almost all over the world. musicians and zanadri perform in canada, in greenland in these modern sounds. the voices of ancient northern shamans call, beckon to chukotka, the land of real people, where there are still so many unexplored places. most often they say about chukotka that it is the end of the world, but it is not the end, it is the very beginning of the world. the indigenous peoples have a legend that this is the land and
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heaven meets, and after this meeting a soul is born. that is, literally here in chukotka everyone can feel their purpose and understand their path in life. alena ragozino, dmitry arkhangelsky and gennady korneev. news of the week, chukotka. well , that's all for today, all the best and see you next sunday. we see even what is hidden. you have finally waited for the start of the most exciting political program. always one step ahead. good evening, meeting, working meeting, international negotiations in moscow, official visit to minsk and state visit to uzbekistan. the president's schedule this week included several events a day, one of the most important meetings with the heads of enterprises
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of the defense-industrial complex, talking about how important it is to continue to increase production volumes, especially high-tech weapons. we must always be one step ahead of the enemy, the president emphasized, then victory will be guaranteed. today vladimir putin begins a two-day state visit to uzbekistan, which includes negotiations on highest level of participation. moscow with the king of bahrain in minsk with belarusian president alexander lukashenko, with whom issues of economics, defense and security were discussed in the conditions, as putin said, of the unconditional hostility of the west and attempts to restrain the development of our countries. true, the president noted, no one has ever succeeded in this regard and will not succeed. here we feel absolutely confident and reliable. hello, in minsk, of course, everyone
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closely followed the first meeting of the defense ministers of the two countries. west continues to make the situation worse. the level of escalation is getting higher. we were able to ask minsk foreign minister sergei lavrov about this.
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historical russian lands, when they realized this, they began to make decisions like these, as i understand it, these conversations reflect, well, somewhere hopelessness in a certain sense, the understanding that by the usual honest means that are used in international law, even during combat actions.
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they were counting on it, but as always happens when they have a russian bear, ours
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the people have united, united like never before, these are not empty words, and the same can be said about those russians who lived in the former ukrainian territories, despite the fact that they are exposed to threats every day and the nazi regime continues to use western weapons to strike ... confirm their commitment to the russian world in all its senses, they never perceived themselves in isolation from russia, so the west, as often happens with its strategists, got exactly the opposite results, a minute later president putin arrived here, again negotiations that started
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the night before, in sunny and as always beautiful belarus, right from the doorstep at the airport, this is how vladimir putin is greeted. as part of the first visit after taking office, full moon, minsk airport, we go to our marked points, we stop, the presidential aurus also parks at its point, a few minutes before the landing of russian air force one, we point bayonets, in the footage of presidential meetings at airports it is always from afar show bread and salt, here... what this is beauty up close: alexander lukashenko walks to the airfield, sees putin’s gaze. 23:15, the president of russia has arrived in minsk, right now a bilateral meeting with alexander lukashenko will begin here at the airport. the first
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negotiations will take place right here at the airport. we are all yes until midnight. i think it’s okay, a point that only our program drew attention to, the day before, after a meeting of the agency for strategic initiatives, the president decided to talk separately with deputy prime minister novak, it was very difficult to hear, but one could understand that putin was scheduling some kind of big meeting with the participation of numerous ministers, that’s what we heard a day later, a big meeting with members of the government, we were talking about my visit to you, probably, there were negotiations with half the government at the airport. completed, the presidents are heading to minsk together in one car. then it turned out that the conversation lasted until 3:00 a.m., and even in the elevator, judging by these shots, it wasn’t about the weather at all. first of all, during the visit, the presidents said, discussed security, the two countries are conducting joint nuclear exercises. if you are a machine gunner and
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why, in order to attack or defend, we don’t have it. weapons cannot be compared with a machine gun, we need to train, we are all doing what they did before us and are doing now, the world is unstable, dangerous, we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they must know this, but we are not escalating the situation, we... the fact that russia will deploy its nuclear weapons in belarus became known from the air our program a year ago. alexander grigorievich, lukashenko has long raised the question of placing russian tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus. he says: well, listen, we are your closest allies, why are the americans doing to their allies, placing them on their territory, training them,
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by the way, their crews and pilots, we agreed that we will do the same without violating our own... so the same as for the security of the russian federation, and this is probably the key element of our interaction in this area. when did you this is what you heard, what you thought, what you felt? confidence in today, tomorrow, feel our fraternal and friendly relations, i will say more, in communication with my colleague, the minister of defense, i especially emphasized our special relationship,
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so we are confident in our today and tomorrow. two defense ministers together. at the press conference of putin, lukashenko, there were so many journalists that the president still had to try to find the one asking the question. and of course at the press conference of the presidents of russia and belarus simply could not help but ask a question about the situation in ukraine, i’ll start, probably,
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yes, he knows better, yes, about the possibility of negotiations, because it was in belarus that these negotiations, in principle, began 2 years ago, russia has never refused these negotiations, and moreover, it took the squeeze out of these possible agreements..., stopped implementing them, moreover, announced that the negotiations were being terminated, they said this
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publicly, the ukrainian side announced these agreements, it was not we who stopped these negotiations, they stopped, they forbade themselves to continue these negotiations, we did not forbid anyone, we are for negotiations, mr. arhami correctly said, if it were not for the position of the west, broadcast by former prime minister johnson, the war would have ended a year and a half ago. damo goiter, we won’t join nato. if we turned to istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said that we are in love, we will not sign anything with them, and let’s just fight. why did the west take this position? i speak namely the west and, above all, the anglo-saxon world, since the former prime minister, mr. johnson could not come on his
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own initiative without consulting with washington on this matter. surely such consultations not only took place, but i think that he simply went on a business trip at the expense of the american administration, they paid him a travel allowance for this, and there he stated his position on what was needed. to negotiations, but let them return, but return not based on what one side wants, but based on those agreements of a fundamental nature,
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which were reached during difficult negotiations in belarus and turkey and based on the current realities that have developed on earth, we are ready for this, but the west is only ready for something else, to supply more and more weapons, they are diligently provoking. the situation is constantly increasing the level of escalation, there are a lot of hotheads who consider it their duty to further add fuel to the car. now it is becoming obvious to all specialists that no weapons are capable of somehow turning the tide of events in the northern military district zone. and the only thing is what these weapons can do is make the fate of the ukrainian people more difficult. the position is absolutely irresponsible, a position dangerous in its consequences. they talked there for a very long time about what they do not encourage, then they said that they do not allow it, then again they advise not to use it, but in fact they
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are waging a war against us, american weapons have already been used on a variety of targets outside the conflict zone, so what the americans are trying for their public opinion or for nato members, some make reassuring statements or show that... a decision has not been made yet, this is all, in my opinion, a trick, and we proceed from the fact that american and other western weapons are striking targets on russian territory, primarily civilian infrastructure, residential areas, so this is on their conscience, we see that from there more and more militant statements are heard from all levels, the highest, our position, it is more cold-blooded, how high is the risk in your opinion that they will cross that very the last one. when we will answer in such a way that it will not seem a little, i assure you that they will not be able to cross this line unnoticed, how sensitive and
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important it is for... that one of the goals of the conference that was announced, the conference in switzerland, is precisely that so that the western community, the sponsors of today's kiev regime, confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state or an inactive one, but these pr steps, they do not matter for legal documents, we,
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of course, will need... if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations must be resumed, but if it comes to this, we, of course, need to understand who we need and can deal with in order to reach the signing of legally binding documents, then we must be completely sure that that we are dealing with legitimate authorities, we need to look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine, which ones?
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