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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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would not be close to the loser, there is another interpretation, if biden is sane after the seventh, we will bring, no, it’s clear why this is being done, they are trying to somehow confirm the legitimacy of zelensky, but in fact they they understand that they will now calculate how this will be perceived in america, because when biden arrives, he will say, who were you hanging out with, you can come up with anything you want, but the constitution is different, and they will start it now. republicans are warming up, they say who are you with, you were hanging out with a corrupt tyrant, because that you yourself are the same, the republicans there are a little, a little differently now building themselves, but the situation is that biden will be guided, of course, to a greater extent by what is happening there, and on the 27th, june 27, he debate with trump.
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i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.
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in order to express, so to speak, ask a question on afghanistan, he is ready to sit, but at least they...
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there will still be a wild number of funny programs, everyone is giggling, whatever, latin american youths will have a hard time talk and thank those for winning the championship, we raised good football players, well, you know, i’m from latin america, i don’t know russian football, so it’s hard for me to say anything here, me too now, no, i didn’t know it before , i don’t speak spanish, i don’t speak portuguese, it’s... it’s hard for me to navigate modern russian football, excuse my kindness, well , well, well, what can i say, that’s not enough, i probably still remember when there were teams of lieutenants from lieutenants, yes, yes , it was, it was, it was like that, when they say to me, you’re for who do you root for, i say, and who to root for, well
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, just really who to root for, when it was soviet times, i understood, i understood that this was a club, i understood its history, i understood the students of this club, now...
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i remembered the german national team , which is going to win this european championship, but still about schulz, wait, well , the germans already have a wonderful pederostic uniform, very beautiful, really, just a chic uniform, all of germany is still in a trance, yes, still in trance, very beautiful color, they say so themselves they said, that is, this is a return, they still didn’t understand why this uniform was needed, well, in general, well, actually, the team is now putting together a good one, we’ll see, for sure, the uniform won’t ruin it, absolutely, the uniforms have to do with this.
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i never told this, i will now tell you a few details about how today’s germany, how it came to this, which i know directly of the person who took part in this, they can explain a lot about what is happening now in 1989 in october , mikhail gorbachev comes to germany in bon to kohl, helmut kohl, then chancellor of the federal republic of germany, they talked about some things, but conversations that were. they had a one-on-one, they weren’t really well-known, in principle, and a month after this visit , the parliamentary state secretary of the ministry of defense, willy wimer, came to moscow and met with marshal akhrameev, well, they
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were resolving some military issues, he meets with marshal akhrameev, they have a conversation, there are three people present, the german ambassador, who then, i don’t remember him surname, who was then in moscow.
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it all started approximately the same way with the americans, but then the americans quickly realized that if the soviet union gives up the gdr, then germany will inevitably take it away, even if all the allies don’t want it, and if it happens in exactly this way and everyone is against it, then the federal republic of germany, already united, will go to the soviet union, it will fall under the influence of the soviet union. the americans could not allow this, then all this talk began about the americans saying: yes, we seem to be ready. we don’t seem to be, at this moment the most serious turning point came for germany, it was necessary
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to decide, how to do all this? they were then negotiating with that leadership of the gdr, in august 1989, unexpectedly for everyone, they unexpectedly signed the so -called unification agreement, a unification agreement, which did not yet provide for the unification of germany, but it seemed to serve as the basis for the parliaments of the two countries could unite. and now it finally comes at the time when all this had already become known, the people's chamber was meeting, or it was called differently there, the people's council of the gdr, and the parliament of the bundestag of the federal republic of germany was meeting, 244 deputies of the people's assembly of the gdr were voting to unite with the federal republic of germany, 80 people are against it, and you know who in these eighty, well, of course, the pds, the party of democratic socialism. most of almost the entire green faction in the bundestag is voting, in which
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the entire bundestag takes part, there are almost 480 people there votes, this vote was in which country, two votes, one in the gdr, he said this, and this is actually in the federal republic of germany, and that is the greens, this is just the federal republic of germany, the greens in this was the green party, the greens, this is the union of the ninetieth, this is in the german democratic republic , it was a new party that was formed; their official name was the green union party of ninety. were called, then they united and became the green party, and the same thing happened in the federal republic of germany, those who voted against the unification germany, they were green, there were several people from the cdu, csu, but mostly they were green, then the following question arises: how can germany exist, because we must do something, here the question arises that you and i have often discussed the constitution, then they make a decision, these two chambers united, they make a decision, we take as... the basis of the constitution of the federal republic of germany, immediately declaring that
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the constitution of the gdr has lost force, and at the same time we actually highlight a few more points that we are adding, in particular about the destruction of the stasia, well, other various repressive methods, and then here is the next point that we have never talked about here before: the gdr is part of the federal republic, divided into five parts , not as a single whole, but it was divided into five. well, yes, today there are these five so-called lands, but why this fragmentation occurred during the unification of germany is understandable only if you understand this whole structure, it was necessary so that in case of unrest it would be easy to solve these problems with each individual, and not as a whole with this gdr, with this entire german democratic republic, but in general they solved this whole matter, they solved it all, all this happened on october 3 , 1990, germany unites in fact...
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now germany is united, here is a peaceful germany, they finally decided, everyone was satisfied. listen, ninety-one, hans dietrich genscher makes his first decision, which leads to the very first big war in europe, he recognizes croatia, the already united germany does this, the yugoslav war begins with this, not with any other country, it begins with germany, in fact, it is hans genscher who
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makes this decision that he recognizes croatia, he actually separates yugoslavia, and this is the beginning of this big war in yugoslavia.
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actually destroy germany, yes, she created germany, the locomotive that we know today, but when was the decision made, in particular regarding migrants, when was a decision was made on the minsk agreements, which, as we know, now germany was not going to implement, what it was, it was this big germany, which was what it was striving for, which was striving to unite, but still lose its independence and completely be under external control and under external pressure, so when today i... listen to scholz, who begins to talk about changing history, about what needs to be changed, he knows what he is talking about, this is the whole history of the last 35 years of germany, which i, by the way, have been observing, just starting from this moment, from the year eighty-nine, it’s all about this, here it is, that history is forgotten, and it no longer exists, there is another story, there is another germany that entered into europe, which
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was divided in europe, which absorbed under itself a certain part of german culture, eastern... culture, which was completely different, which entered so quietly and completely calmly, entered into wars outside germany, who could imagine that the bundeswehr will participate in combat operations outside of germany, this was strictly prohibited, now this is not just normal, now the issue is being discussed that we can supposedly participate, among other things , in protecting the airspace of ukraine, and so on, so on, so on, so the question of historical memory, it can be even... more important than the question of the media space, because this restructuring of history, it entails a restructuring of both the media space and human perception, and the most important thing is understood by everyone, but another 10 years will pass and there will be no one left who remembers what happened, how the division of germany began, millions
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of dead, etc., and what will happen then, then there will be a story that will be drawn by a country that is only 200 years old...
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but when we say, there is the most important point in all this unification, which shows, by the way, the absolutely low level, the shamefully low level of the people who determined the fate of the late soviet union, as politicians, as thinkers, as analysts, they did not do the most important thing, they did not achieved the neutral status of germany and the introduction of american-british occupation forces from european territory, they did not want this, they even talked about it. they couldn’t think, it’s not a category of wanting or not wanting, they were such stupid, narcissistic turkeys that it didn’t even occur to them, they looked at how they were standing around them...
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in fact, the president of the russian federation himself noted this, but this was far from a courtesy visit, look how the preparations went on the day before, despite the very busy schedule of the russian president, how he
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said, a meeting of half the government before the trip to belarus, because the trip was supposed to be eventful, and there was a maximum number of specific decisions, agreements, the leaders communicated a lot in private in a broad group in a narrow group, the new minister of defense came to... in our eastern -the european theater of military operations, and it is now from finland, in general, i would say, from the arctic, to the black sea, at least, and we, unfortunately,
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border on very aggressive states, belarus borders, in addition to the kiev regime, poland and the baltic states, and if you look at the distraught sikorsky, his last statement, interview with the guardian, you quoted them today, but in general he went crazy there , he said that russia spends 40% of gdp.
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they want to increase the massiveness of these attacks, realizing that at the front they are unable to defeat russia, at a minimum, they want to move on to this more active phase of the terrorist war and strike with long-range weapons, look what they did when the american senators are off the map this one came showing specifically the city russia, against which they intend to increase massive attacks, are very dangerous, so these threats certainly need to be countered. another very important point, president of belarus. he said, in general, these are all sorts of obstacles, some instructions about which we talked about here, we need to forget the time or not, in principle, abandon this, we must be guided by the logic of life, and what the president of belarus said: defend yourself from those who imposed sanctions on those who interfere with the development of the economy, that is, those who internally interfere with the development of the economy, the person who are guided by some far-fetched pieces of paper, and not by a real solution to the issue, and
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today here... experts who will work out, even with such a high level of interaction , there are still breakthrough points where we can still develop, the key emphasis is import substitution, i hear a voice from wonderful share, awesome, very
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cool charges. awesome, really funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are simply gorgeous, mom, this is alice, i liked alice and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov really , really made this film, i’m all i see, i’m a fan of konstantin khovensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked ki the most. yuri borisov is the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it came right off, i don’t know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you’re so sensitive, hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago forward, i have thought a lot over these 100 years.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. why did they give an example tragically with by the iranian president's helicopter, an american helicopter, this was said at the meeting of the two leaders, we must.


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