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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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vladimir putin will hold negotiations with shavkat mirziyuev in tashkent. today is the second day of the state visit of the russian president to uzbekistan, the development of cooperation and current international issues are on the agenda. signing of documents is expected. in the belgorod region, fragments of shot down shells caused noticeable damage to the belt when falling in rzhevka and shebekina. at least 20 houses and 10 cars were hit. some caught fire and restoration work is underway. the israeli army claims to have killed two hamas commanders in rafah, who headed the headquarters movement on the west bank of the jordan river. the arabic television channel al-jazeera, in turn, reports that at least 35 civilians were killed in the airstrike. the russian ministry of defense stated that it is ready to help armenia with eliminating the consequences of severe flooding; upon request from yerevan, the 102nd military base will provide soldiers and the necessary equipment. in the north. vladimir putin is on
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a state visit to uzbekistan, today is the second, main day of negotiations, the program is busy, and the main thing in it, of course, is the meeting with the uzbek leader shavkat mirziyoyev, it will begin soon, vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev will discuss the development of relations between moscow and tashkent, as well as issues of strategic partnership and alliance. participation in the first meeting of the council of regions of the russian federation and the republic of uzbekistan. the president arrived in tashkent the day before. vladimir putin’s visit began with laying flowers at the monument to independence and humanism in tashkent; the relief wall dedicated to the history of uzbekistan reflects the most important events of the country, as well as five main points development strategy announced by shavkat merzeyuev. the russian leader was told about the monument and shown a presentation of preparations for the asian ones, and
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shavkat mirziyoyev visited the city this year, and that they have developed very warm, russia already has two, in february the president has had good, trusting personal relationships. uzbekistan was in kazan, where he took part in the opening of the games of the future, and in may he took part in a meeting of the supreme council of the ias. uzbekistan participates in it as the head, as an observer state. also in moscow shabkat mirzeev attended the festive event on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of victory day.
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tashkent is a completely new city, which is being built in close proximity to the current capital of uzbekistan. here, the president of uzbekistan shared with vladimir putin the idea of ​​naming one of the streets in honor of the russian president’s native city of nanive. the main part of the program is planned for today, this includes a solemn welcoming ceremony at the koksoroe residence, a green palace, a visit to victory park in tashkent, and of course, a very busy business meeting. program on the agenda for discussing economic cooperation are issues of regional interaction; russia is one of the leading economic partners of uzbekistan, its share in the total volume of foreign trade of the republic is more than 15%. russia ranks second in this indicator after china. in
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the twenty-third year, trade turnover between our countries increased by 11.5% and amounted to almost $10 billion. current figures show that in the first quarter of this year trade turnover increased by almost 20% compared to the same period last year of the year. among the current topics of negotiations are several new very large-scale projects, such as the creation of a copper processing plant in uzbekistan, the construction of a gas chemical complex and a metallurgical cluster. an important topic of negotiations will be gas supplies, which are already being successfully supplied. to uzbekistan through the territory of kazakhstan, the prospects for expanding this cooperation, increasing the volume of efforts to strengthen the central asian region are now being discussed. another important joint project is the construction of a nuclear power plant.
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power plants of russian design. the contract parameters are currently being agreed upon. the issue of constructing small nuclear power plants in the country is also being discussed. in addition, it is expected that today the presidents of russia and uzbekistan will take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of the two countries, it should be noted here that interregional cooperation is developing very successfully, more than 80 constituent entities of the russian federation work directly with the regions of uzbekistan and it is noted here that very stable and mutually beneficial horizontal connections, without a doubt, the council of regions, which...
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employees were injured, the governor of the regions reports this in his telegram channel, when a gas station in the city of livny came under attack, when the first drone crashed on its territory, on the scene of the incident emergency services arrived, at that moment the second drone of the kiev regime exploded at the gas station, now people are working on the spot, collecting all the information about this attack. the belgorod region is eliminating the consequences of a new shelling. from the ukrainian armed forces. this time the kiev regime chose rzhevka and shibekin as its targets. the air defense worked effectively and shot down targets, but when it fell, the debris, including the warheads of the shells, caused a lot of damage. our special correspondent, yegor grigoriev, saw how they were rebuilding what was destroyed by the militants. four loud
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arrivals in a row, several more half an hour earlier. the ssu fired rockets. rzhevka , the missile danger signal has not yet been canceled, but firefighters have left for the arrival site, this is the shibekinsky district, near the village of rzhevka, itself shibekina, after the arrival the grass caught fire, now the firefighters are doing everything to prevent the fire from spreading to residential buildings, there was an arrival, there was an unexploded shell, now you are getting water and even extinguishing it. the fire was chaotic, shells were falling near the school, on the roads, on the houses of the villagers, i was sitting here when the arrival arrived, i had a glass of tea in my hand, the cup, of course, i didn’t finish it, so the window jumped out and everything began to flow, i was a little bit it was blown out, a crater in the garden
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shattered the old seven with fragments, shards of glass protruded from the rickety frames, you see what they did to make it empty , it’s cruel, the world. they were hit terribly at rzhevka, this never happened, of course, at least twenty houses and a dozen cars were damaged, gas and electricity lines, water supply were broken, after rzhevka there were blows. the ukrainian armed forces moved to the city of shibekina. during the breaks, precisely in the short pauses between missile danger alarms, the city miraculously comes to life. utility workers are barely keeping up with the consequences of the arrivals. after the blows the night before, the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings was like ashes. rocket got into the domestic tank.
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the nationalists' point on the right bank of the dnieper. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military
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defended crimea from an air attack. the crew commander had only a few seconds to make a decision. the target was approaching very quickly. in such conditions, you have to take full responsibility on yourself and not wait for approval from higher command. stanislav vasilchenko will tell you what threat was removed from the peninsula. there is no analogue in this machine in any army in the world. unique anti-aircraft missile system torus. m2 - this is an ultra-reliable shield against attacks by enemy air targets. drones, airplanes and helicopters, cruise and anti-radar missiles, gliding and guided bombs. all this appears daily in the sky over the zaporozhye region. therefore, the anti-aircraft gunners of the dnepr group of troops are at their combat post around the clock. the radar system detects objects at a distance of up to 32 km, even those that use stells technology. when the target approaches the complex too quickly. surcalculation does not wait for commands and independently makes a decision to destroy the object. we discovered that the strike
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had hit, as we further understood, there was no time to wait, report, we worked on it ourselves and, as it turned out, later, we did everything correctly. the target was heading towards crimea. turem2 performs flawlessly day and night in any weather conditions, the missiles of the complex have an extended destruction zone. increased shooting accuracy, compared to the previous version of the thor, the m2 ammunition has been doubled and is already 16 guided projectiles, while these work the air defense system is based on the principle of one target, one missile. such characteristics make the tor m2 air defense system the most effective weapon, which is why the ukrainian armed forces intelligence is actively hunting for them. but here too the complex has an advantage. the vehicle can combine traveling and combat modes of operation. while in motion, the torus is capable of detecting, capturing and destroying up to four targets simultaneously. wow. has always been the number one goal for the enemy, we cause them a lot of trouble, how many times a day during combat
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duty do we have to change positions here, during we change operating hours very often, every 10 times per day. the thor family air defense systems are constantly being modernized and improved, which makes them unique and one of the best in the world. it is possible that the experience gained during the special operation will form the basis for future improvements. the european union is being drawn into the conflict in ukraine without assessing its costs to achieve its goal. this statement was made by hungarian prime minister viktor orban. he noted that he considers such a step on the part of brussels extremely irresponsible. according to orbán, to become nato is also seeking to become a participant in the conflict in ukraine. at the same time, the chances that the alliance will be able to be maintained are minimal. the prime minister of hungary stressed that no one in the military leadership of the bloc. not ready to negotiate. ukraine has the right to strike russian territories
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as long as this complies with the laws of introducing military conflicts. this statement was made by the swedish minister of defense. he emphasized: according to international law, kiev can use weapons supplied by stockholm for such attacks. the minister believes that such actions should be considered as self-defense, to which ukraine has the right. the topic will be continued by anton dadykin. president of france. was in germany on his first official state visit in a quarter of a century. macron planned it a year ago, but then the unrest that broke out in france after the murder of a seventeen-year-old native of north africa prevented it. the main goal of the visit is to show that paris and berlin are pursuing a joint, conscious policy, which many already openly doubt. macron clearly failed to calm them down. we never there were so many enemies, both inside and outside, we are experiencing an existential moment because, as i already said, our europe could perish, firstly, because war has returned to europe, and secondly, our continent
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must decarbonize its economy . the two countries have weak politicians, there are many disagreements between them, and french-german relations are in decline. europeans are turning away from the old leaders and believe that they are leading the eu into the abyss. according to polls, the french national rally party in the european parliament elections will get twice as many votes as the entire coalition of centrist parties, into which macron’s revival was squeezed. in
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berlin, the ruling elite is considering how to nail down the growing ratings of the alternative for germany party, the publication claims.
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independent western experts say: the united states and its allies must achieve peace negotiations as soon as possible. there is every reason to believe that in the coming weeks and months , russia's advantage in manpower and firepower will increase even more, and ukraine's position will continue to deteriorate. russian the military has gained valuable combat experience, and the military-industrial complex is noticeably superior to the west in the production of shells. the american new york times quotes complaints from ukrainian commanders that many western weapons. there, an intercity bus collided with local residents and collided with a truck in the oncoming lane, look, there was literally nothing left of the car, then two more cars collided with them,
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according to the authorities, 10 people died as a result of the accident, about 40 more suffered, now. doctors are providing assistance, a fire brigade is working at the scene, and the police are investigating the causes of the collision. returning to vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan, the central topic of the meeting of leaders will be trade and economic partnership, maria filippova will talk about this not only in our economic bloc. masha, good morning, how actively are economic relations between our countries developing? good morning, raman, trade turnover is growing last year, it increased by more than 11%. cooperation will become one of the central themes of russian-uzbek negotiations at the highest level. they will take place today in tashkent. vladimir putin and president of the republic shavkat mirziyoyev are expected to first have a teta-teta conversation, and then the communication will continue with the participation of delegations. russia is one of the leading economic partners of uzbekistan. 15.5% of foreign trade, this is the second place after
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china. last year, trade turnover between our countries increased by 11.5% and exceeded 9.5%. dollars. in the first quarter of this year , the growth in indicators continued. russia supplies primarily light products industry, mechanical engineering, machines, equipment. from uzbekistan to our country, mainly textile products , fruits and vegetables are also supplied. these positions collectively account for more than 60% of turnover. russia is also one of the key investors in the republic’s economy. total capital investments are approaching $9.5 billion. in uzbekistan, it works from above. in total , more than 3,500 enterprises with russian participation operate on the territory of uzbekistan, and as a result, these enterprises are mainly financed by the russian side and produces products that are sold both
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on the territory of uzbekistan and on the territory of third countries, for example, some of these products go beyond the territory of uzbekistan and not only to russia, but for example to the countries of the middle east. on other topics: rospotrebnadzor, against the backdrop of the start of the holiday season, has opened a hotline on tourism issues. services, now people will be able to learn more about purchasing, exchanging and returning vouchers. consultants will comment on the clauses of the contract for tourist services and tell you what to do in case of complaints about the quality of the product. set you can ask your question from today until june 7th. regional hotline numbers are available on the websites of department departments. the cost of sea freight has approached its january peak, notes the financial times. on average, urgent delivery of a forty-foot container from... the far east to northern europe now costs about $4,350. january highs, when the houthi attacks first began, were around 4,800. experts argue
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that the current growth is due to erroneous forecasts by the largest retailers. they were expecting demand is too low due to difficult macroeconomic conditions, but the consumer is active and stocks need to be urgently replenished. at the same time, many universities continue to deliver cargo bypassing africa, according to the data. according to the british statistics office, in the first week of april, the volume of traffic on the bustle canal was 66% less than a year earlier. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 70 kopecks, the euro is 97 rubles. 9 kopecks. raman, thank you, now to the latest messages: today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, the president will hold negotiations with his uzbek counterpart shavkat mirziyuev, discuss cooperation and regional ones. in the belgorod region , houses, gas and electricity lines damaged after shelling in the federal security service are being restored. this time the blow fell on rzhevka and shibekin. air defenses shot down the targets, but
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shell debris fell on buildings and parked cars, damaging at least 20 houses. the president of the country was elected in lithuania. the current head of state, getanos nauseda, won the second round, gaining 74% of the votes, with him, with his rival is three times smaller. nausida pursues a russophobic policy and calls for military assistance to ukraine. a fatal accident in turkey in the south of the country: an intercity bus carrying local residents crashed into a truck. two more cars were involved in the accident. as a result, 10 people were killed and about forty were injured. police are investigating the cause of the incident. footage of a serious and spectacular accident in formula 1. three cars collided there. this is not only in the news.
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sports news, in the studio alexander abramov, sazh, good morning, the final series has begun in the vtb united league, we are waiting for details. roman, good morning, cska won the first match of the final against unix, cska never in history the united league did not start the final series with a defeat. so, cska moscow started the final series of the vtb united league against kazan unics with a victory, it worked out. during the third quarter of the match , cska's maximum advantage became double-digit, but it was not possible to maintain it. unix caught up with csk just 49 seconds before the final siren, the kazan team was ahead +5. the ending of the match was turned around by the most productive player of the match, melo trimble. first, the american legionnaire of cska made an effective pass under the hoop, after which he calmly converted four free throws, including after an unsportsmanlike foul by dimitrievich. cska basketball players in this match were
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generally from the free throw line. they never missed , 100% conversion of 18 out of 18. as a result , 96-95, cska took the first match of the final and the second match of the series will be held there in kazan tomorrow. transition matches for the right to play in the rpl for the next season will be held on may 29 and june 1. thus, on the first day of summer the full composition of rpl participants for the 24-25 season will be known. from the rpl , parin and ekaterinburg ural will play in the transition matches. by results. may become rpl clubs. such matches will be played according to the classic rules of a two-round confrontation. if the results of the two matches are a draw, the teams will play 30 minutes of extra time and, if necessary, there will be a penalty shootout. goalkeeper
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of krasnodar. safonov has become even closer to moving to the french psg. he writes that negotiations between krasnodar and psg on the russian goalkeeper are in their final stages. even the amount of the potential transaction appears, about 20 million euros. according to information in the press, matvey's contract safonov's deal with psg will be for 5 years. the goalkeeper himself, after saturday’s match against dynamo, in response to a direct question about the move to psg, replied that he could neither confirm nor deny this information. safonov has a valid contract with krasnodar. until the age of twenty-nine. and one more goalkeeper news from the russian championship. sergei pesyakov leaves the rostov football club. this information was officially confirmed by the club. sergei pesyakov has played for rostov for the last seven seasons. started in the suburbs of paris the main part of the grid at the second season of the grand slam tournament. the barrier of the first round , roland gorosa, was successfully overcome by the sixth racket of the world, andrey rublev. the russian
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beat the japanese representatives in four sets. daniel. the key factor was rublev's first serve. andrey won almost 90% of balls on the first serve. during the match, andrei rublev took the opponent's serve five times, and, not surprisingly, did not return his own serve even once. the opponents spent just over three hours on the court. let me also remind you that at the french open so far the best for rublevo his career result is reaching the quarterfinals, where he played twice. the first racket of russia, the fifth number in the world ranking , daniil medvedev, will play his match at ralangoros. the eighth stage of the formula 1 season , the monaco grand prix, turned into a spectacular and serious accident on the first lap on the city circuit in monte carlo. three cars were involved in the collision, including the car of the mexican pilot of the red bull team sergio perez, who failed to fit into the turn and crashed into the bump stop after a collision with the xas driver kevin magnuson. the race had to be stopped, none of the pilots were injured.


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