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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, you hear. vladimir putin will hold negotiations with shavkat mirziyuev in tashkent; today is the second day of the russian president’s state visit to uzbekistan, the development of cooperation and current international issues are on the agenda, the signing of a document is expected. in the belgorod region. the fragments of the shot down shells
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caused noticeable damage to the belt when falling in rzhevki and shibekina. at least 20 houses and 10 cars were hit, some caught fire. restoration work is underway. the israeli army claims to have killed two hamas commanders in rafah, who headed the movement's headquarters on the west bank. the arabic tv channel al-jazeera, in turn, reports: at least 35 civilians were killed in the airstrike. russian ministry of defense. stated that it is ready to help armenia with the elimination of the consequences of severe flooding; upon request from yerevan, the 102nd military base will provide soldiers and the necessary equipment. menstruation fell in the north of armenia normal sediment, three people died. vladimir putin on a state visit to uzbekistan. today is the second main day of negotiations. the program is intense, the main thing in it, of course, is the meeting with the uzbek leader shavkat mirziyoyev. the heads of state will discuss development. relations between moscow and
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tashkent, cooperation in a variety of areas, regional problems, as well as issues of strategic partnership and alliance. first there will be a conversation in teta format, then the delegation will join the conversation. as a result, the whole package is expected to be signed documents. in addition to the talks , other events are planned. this is how the leaders will speak at the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan. let me remind you that vladimir putin arrived in tashkent the day before and headed straight from the airport.
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the new tashkent was precisely petersburg, st. petersburg, excellent, and today you are in your visit for this impression, that’s why i’ll bring it here, be the most beautiful, yes very beautiful, and we will show you a very picturesque place, along green boulevard, very beautiful, so ecological a clean new city, i have been nurturing it for a long time for 3-4 years, very serious companies worked, russian companies also participated in the project. in the oryol region, during an attack by drones in the armed forces of ukraine, the driver of the fire department was killed, three more employees were injured, according to the regional authorities, a gas station in the city of livnoe was under attack, when the first drone crashed on its territory, employees arrived at the scene of the incident. emergency services. at that moment
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, the second drone of the kiev regime exploded at a gas station. security forces are currently working on the spot strike, collect all information about this attack. in the belgorod region, the consequences of a new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. this time the kiev regime chose rzhevka and shibeikin as targets. the air defense worked effectively, shot down targets, but when they fell, the warheads of the shells, including the fragments, caused a lot of damage. our special correspondent, egor grigoriev, saw it. how they are rebuilding what was destroyed by militants, there, there, four loud arrivals in a row, a few half an hour earlier, ukrainian armed forces rockets were fired at the village of rzhevka, the missile danger signal has not yet canceled, but firefighters went to the place of arrival, this is the shibekinsky district, near the village of rzhevka, shebekina itself, after the arrival the grass caught fire, now the firefighters are doing everything that...
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it was empty, it’s cruel, peaceful battles, they shelled rzhevka terribly, nothing like that there was, of course, damage to at least twenty houses and a dozen cars, gas and electricity lines, and water supply were interrupted; after rzhevka , the ukrainian armed forces’ attacks shifted to the city of shibekina. in
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the breaks, precisely in the short pauses between missile danger alarms, amazing this is how the city comes to life. utility workers barely have time to eliminate the consequences of the arrivals after the strikes the night before in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings, like a pipe. the rocket hit the tank of a domestic car, three nearby cars immediately burst into flames, and several more cars were cut by shrapnel. there was a tank, she flew in and was thrown out of there when they came out through the doors, yeah, and here. in the windshield it is also visible, yes, that is, if someone had broken the panel, the steering wheel had been broken, if someone had been sitting in the car, it would have broken everything, nearby, also on the weekend, a rocket fell near a grocery store, wounded a woman, the ssu targets civilian shebekin residents, the enemy consolidates
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his status as a terrorist. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, alina zykova, news. in one of the strategically important areas of the special operation, western fighters. groupings of troops attacked the colony of ukrainian armed forces equipment. air reconnaissance detected the movement of groups of ukrainian militants and their guns. the coordinates were transmitted to the command post, after which the crews of the uragan rocket systems left shelters quickly prepared the combat vehicle for work. with precise strikes, our military personnel destroyed a convoy of nationalist equipment at a distance of more than 30 km. the first target we worked on was a convoy with ammunition and personnel, at maximum range, at an expense of six, two vehicles and about twenty people were hit, as well as various targets, mostly infantry vehicles, or bunkers hidden in command posts, a lightly armored
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vehicle , i want my child to grow up in safety, so we are here to eradicate all this is evil. the russian military is ready to help armenia in eliminating the consequences of a severe flood, our ministry of defense reported this, they emphasized that the command of the 100th second military base was given instructions to allocate personnel and the necessary equipment. if requested by the armenian side, they will be immediately dispatched to the disaster area . heavy rains have been falling for several days in the northern regions of armenia, the monthly norm of precipitation has fallen, rivers have overflowed their banks, according to the latest data, three people have died, hundreds of houses and residents have been flooded. parliament overcoming the president's vote on the law on georgia today launches the procedure for foreign agents. the document will first be considered by the committee, and a vote will take place tomorrow.
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the bill caused mass protests in the country. they even rallied on a holiday, independence day, which the republic celebrated the day before. how did the celebrations go and why? the american military did not come to the parade and what the president called for, anton potkovenko will tell you. georgian independence day for the first time in several years without americans at the parade, the us military, who usually marched on freedom square along with units of the georgian army, was not present. maybe they were afraid of the rain in tbilisi , it has been uncharacteristically cloudy for several days, but in a political sense it turned out very indicative, against the backdrop of the words of prime minister irakli kabakhidze, about the fact that sovereignty is the most effective guarantee of security.
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problems will be overcome, this veto will be overcome, this will be a plenary session and the dream will have a sufficient majority in parliament, without the law coming into force. zurabishvili called for a day independence of emmanuel macron, i even wrote a letter to him, but he didn’t come. it seems that on the eve of the autumn elections, the president of georgia feels...
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israel announced the liquidation of two hamas commanders, they led the headquarters of the movements on the west bank of the jordan river, as noted by the army press service, high-ranking palestinian military personnel were killed as a result of airstrikes on the city of rafah in gas sector. meanwhile, the arabic television channel al-jazeera reports the bombing. at least 35 civilians were killed in this area, as the ministry of natural resources and gas said that among the victims were women
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and children. ambulances went to the destroyed neighborhoods to help the wounded. the israeli army reported that they were aware of casualties among civilians; according to the press service, i will quote, the incident is being considered. meanwhile, hamas calls on egypt to put pressure on tel aviv so that israel withdraws troops from the rafah checkpoint. according to the leaders of the palestinian movement, this is the only way to get the sick out of the gas. and the wounded and deliver humanitarian aid to the enclave. let me remind you that earlier the city of rafah was announced safe zone for civilians. now a shot from the usa. yep, these are the shots. as a result of the devastating storm in several states, the death toll has reached 18 people. texas authorities said the numbers will continue to rise as debris is cleared from the affected areas. the hurricane tore down trees. many of them broke through the roofs of motorhomes, now these images of the consequences are on your screens, the hurricane
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cut wires due to bad weather without electricity, about half a million residents remained, weather forecasters warn that there is a threat of tornadoes remains in at least six states, well , now let’s return to vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan, the central topic of the meeting of leaders will be trade and investment partnership, maria filippova will talk about this not only in our economic bloc. good morning, how actively are business relations between our countries developing? roman, good morning, trade turnover is growing last year, it added more than 11%. economic cooperation will become one of the central topics of russian-uzbek talks at the highest level. they will take place today at tashkent. vladimir putin and the president of the republic shavkat mirziyoyev are expected to first have a tet-otet conversation, then the communication will continue with the participation of delegations. russia is one of the leading economic partners of uzbekistan. dollars. in the first quarter
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of this year, the growth in indicators continued. russia supplies primarily light industry products, mechanical engineering, machine tools, and equipment. from uzbekistan to our country, mainly textile products, fruits and vegetables are also supplied. these positions collectively occupy more than 60% trade turnover. russia is also one of the key investors in the republic’s economy. total capital expenditure is approaching $9.5 billion. there are over 3,000 enterprises with russian participation in uzbekistan. and in russia about. there are 700 companies with uzbek capital; in total , more than 3,500 enterprises with russian participation operate in uzbekistan, and as a result, these enterprises are mainly financed by the russian side and produce products that are sold both in uzbekistan and in
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territories of third countries, for example, part of such products goes beyond the territory of uzbekistan and not only to russia. for example, to the countries of the middle east. and to other topics. the information division of s&p claims that russia is creating a shadow fleet of lng carriers . according to analysts, little-known companies registered in vietnam, china and the united arab emirates are actively buying relevant vessels on the secondary market. the priority is the speed of transactions, that is, sometimes they pay decent money for tankers. according to westerners industry representatives, then these ships will be used exactly according to... the same scenario as shadow oil tankers, right up to reloading at sea. actually, there is nothing surprising here; the creation of a new disguised flotilla began after sanctions against the arctic lng-2 project by the united states and britain. in addition, the european union is considering a ban on the re-export of russian lng, and to circumvent all restrictions , ships with anonymous owners will be needed, according to snpi analysts. rospotrebnadzor
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opened a hotline against the backdrop of the start of the holiday season regarding tourism services. now people will be able to learn more about purchasing, exchanging and returning vouchers. consultants will comment on the clauses of the contract for tourist services and tell you what to do in case of complaints about the quality of the product. you can ask your question from today until june 7. regional hotline numbers are available on the department's websites. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 70 kopecks, euro - 97 rubles. 9 kopecks. that's all i have. novel. masha, thank you. today is the second day vladimir putin's state visit to uzbekistan, the president will hold talks with his uzbek counterpart shavkat mirziyuev, discuss cooperation and regional problems. in the belgorod region , houses, gas and electricity lines damaged after shelling by the federal security service are being restored. this time the blow fell on
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rzhevka and shebekin. the air defense shot down the targets, but fragments of the shells fell on buildings and parked cars, damaging them... the police are investigating the cause of the incident. russian military in the kharkov region destroyed dozens of enemy artillery systems. the operators of lancet loitering munitions managed to achieve such an impressive result in a short period of time. thus, the fighters reduced the intensity of shelling in the belgorod region by the ukrainian armed forces. our
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military correspondent, evgeniy podubny, will tell you how events are developing in this area of ​​the special operation. this is what the battle for volchansk looks like. soldiers of our assault units knock out the enemy from buildings that have been turned into strongholds, even in the most ordinary-looking house, machine gun crew enemy, every ten meters must be covered with heavy fighting. the enemy behaves the same way, they defend themselves, well , maneuverable defense, we call it, they retreat to lines that choose the best ones for... these actions, they retreat to these lines, they try to counteract, the enemy has prepared very well, prepared all his positions , he uses every house as a fortification, over the last year the nature of the action would have changed, well, of course the enemy is developing drone technology in this direction and how would it be they succeed, but it’s worth admitting,
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because well, the serious problem now comes to the point that we only move either at night or in... the conditions of forest belts in general, and just like in cars, we also walk, because well, it’s clear, the copters see, they immediately send their drones there, the use of infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, support for armored vehicles in general, as such we don’t have them now, because they are susceptible to attacks by foudrons, well, in principle the same is true for the enemy, yes, absolutely right, yes, same most of the enemy, they also hide their equipment and do not show it to us, and they also burn their armored vehicles and... everything is said, that is , this is such a story, yes, yes, absolutely right, volchansk is comparable in territory to avdievka, except that there is no such a large-scale industrial zone, in fact, the northern part of the city...
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here is an example of how aviation supports the infantry, this is a blow to the reserves of the kiev regime that are trying to cross the river. four high-explosive bombs with gliding modules destroy enemy unit. aviation is hitting panto crossings that the enemy is trying to covertly establish outside volchansk. the city is currently experiencing the most intense fighting. in the kharkov direction, but the area of ​​active hostilities is, of course, much larger. our troops are advancing over a wide area in order to push the enemy back to kharkov to form a sanitary zone,
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which will protect the cities of the belgorod region from terrorist attacks by the kiev regime using multiple launch rocket systems. scouts who they identify and destroy targets and continue the hunt for enemy crews who are involved in the murders of residents. belogorye, what are your priority goals? priority targets for us are mainly rszzo, because rszzo shelling is being conducted on belgorod, on the civilian population, so this is the highest priority target for us, the enemy also uses cannon artillery, d-30, d-20, we also destroy, we find in forest belts, in forest areas, mainly located in the edges. yeah, but they put it far away in terms of distance their technique, that is, they are afraid, afraid, afraid. large-scale combat work is underway. this unit of the russian army may
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have set a new record. during active operations in the kharkov direction , loitering ammunition operators destroyed more than forty enemy artillery systems. the call sign of this soldier, the grandfather , came to the active army voluntarily, with military service behind him and experience of combat operations in the north caucasus. what emotions does he feel? when you hit enemy equipment, it’s nice, nice, of course, nice, first of all, great the likelihood is that none of our people will suffer from this equipment, well, mainly because of this, a tank, rszzo, gun, no matter what, this is at least a saved life of ours, not just a soldier, but as practice shows, every belgorod several times a day, so there are more civilians, because the soldier... in principle, he chose his own path, and for no reason they treat civilians with the worst and most terrible, full of old soviet
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equipment, really old, well, it’s more interesting and more pleasant destroy, these are nato ones, which are considered one of the best, like on every fence they write, it’s nice, it burns much better than soviet technology, now they are lancet operators. this includes counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, destroying enemy radar stations and air defense systems. ranges allow. the enemy deployed units equipped with the most modern western -made weapons systems to the kharkov direction. in addition, the redeployment of ukrainian armed forces reserves continues. the command of the formation of the kiev regime is trying to slow down the advance of our troops after like several breakthroughs.
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units of the russian army continue to press, but have not deprived our fighters of the initiative, the enemy. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week, kharkov direction. in the studio of alexander abramov, the schedule of play-off matches for the right to play in the rpl became known. tell us when the full lineup for next season will be announced. roman, good morning. stack matches between rpl and first league teams will be held on may 29 and june 1. let's start with basketball. cska moscow started with a victory final series of the vtb united league against kazan unics. it turned out to be an exciting match during the third quarter, cska's maximum advantage was already becoming double-digit, but... it was not possible to maintain this advantage. unix caught up with cska just 49 seconds before the siren, kazan was ahead +5. at the end of the match, the most
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productive player of the match, melo trimble, turned it around. first, the american legionnaire of cska made an effective pass under the ring, after which the cool-headed man made four free throws, including after an unsportsmanlike foul dimitrievich. cska basketball players in this match never missed from the penalty line at all, 100% success. as a result, 96-95, cska took the first match of the final and the second match of the final series will be held in kazan tomorrow. stack matches for the right to play in the rpl for the next season will be held on may 29 and june 1, thus, on the first day of summer, the full composition of rpl participants for the 24-25 season will become known. from the rpl , parien and ekaterenburg ural will play in transition matches. at the end of the season they finished thirteenth and fourteenth places, respectively. the first league will be represented by talyatinsky akron and tula arsenal. in the first division they took third and fourth places. based on the results of the draw , the rpl clubs will become the hosts of the first matches. stack matches will be played according to classic
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two-round rules. state, if the results of two matches are a draw, then the teams will play 30 minutes of extra time, if necessary there will be a penalty shootout. krasnodar goalkeeper matvey safonov has become even closer to moving to the french psg. they write about that negotiations between krasnodar and psg on the russian goalkeeper are in the final stages. even the amount of the potential transaction appears, about 20 million euros. according to information in the press, matvey safonov’s contract with psg will be for 5 years. the goalkeeper himself after. saturday's match with dynamo, in response to a direct question about the move to psg, he replied that he could neither confirm nor deny this information. usafonova has a valid contract with krasnodar until the twenty-ninth year. and one more goalkeeper news from the russian championship. sergei pesyakov leaves football club rostov. this information was officially confirmed by the club. sergei pesyakov played for rostov for seven seasons. the main part
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of the bracket at the second season of the bolshoi series tournament started in the suburbs of paris. roland gorosa successfully overcame the helmet barrier of the first round by the sixth racket of the world andrey rublev. the russian defeated japanese representatives taro daniel in four sets. the key factor was rublev's first serve. andrey won almost 90% of balls on the first serve. during the match, andrei rublev took the opponent’s serve five times, his own serve, unsurprisingly, i never gave it back. the opponents played on the court for just over 3 hours. and let me also remind you that at the french open the best result for the ruble so far ... was reaching the quarterfinals, where he played twice. the first racket of russia and the fifth number in the world ranking daniil medvedev will play his first round match at rolango rossi today. the eighth stage of the formula 1 season, the monaco grand prix, turned into a serious and spectacular accident on the first lap, on the city circuit in monte carlo. three cars were involved in the collision, including car of the mexican red bull team driver sergio perez. he failed to make the turn and crashed into the bump stop after
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colliding with. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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