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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.
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mid-hour news, briefly: vladimir putin will hold negotiations with shavkat mirziyoyev in tashkent. today is the second day of the russian president’s state visit to uzbekistan. on the agenda: development of cooperation and...
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at least 35 civilians were killed. the russian ministry of defense stated that it is ready to help armenia with the liquidation of severe flooding; upon request from yerevan, the 102 military base will provide soldiers and the necessary equipment. on a month's worth of precipitation fell in the north of armenia, and three people died. the russian military in the kharkov region destroyed dozens of enemy artillery systems. such an impressive result, in a short period of time ...
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well, of course, the enemy is developing this direction with the help of a drone, and how they manage to do it, but it’s worth admitting, because well, there’s a serious problem, now it’s getting to the point where we’re only moving either at night, or in conditions in general from forest belts, as well as in cars, also we’re on foot, because, well, it’s clear, the copters see, they immediately send drones there, the use of infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, support in general for armored vehicles as such now. we don’t have it, because
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it is susceptible to attacks by the foderns, well , it’s basically the same with the enemy, yes, that’s absolutely true, and the same with the enemy, they also hide their equipment and don’t show us, and they also burn their armored vehicles, everything is said, that is history, yes, yes, yes, absolutely true, volchansk is comparable in territory to avdiivka, except that there is no such large-scale industrial zone, in fact, the northern part of the city under the control of the russian army,
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how aviation supports the infantry, this is a blow to the reserves of the kiev regime formation that are trying to cross the river, four high-explosive bombs with planning modules destroy the enemy unit. aviation hits the pontoon crossings that the enemy is trying to covertly establish outside volchansk. the most fierce fighting in the city is now in the kharkov direction. but the area of ​​active hostilities, of course, much bigger. our troops are advancing over a wide area in order to push the enemy back to kharkov to form a sanitary zone that will make it possible to secure. cities of the belgorod region from terrorist attacks of the kiev regime using multiple launch rocket systems. scouts who identify and destroy targets continue to hunt for enemy crews who are involved in the murders of belogorye residents. what is your
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priority goal? and the priority targets for us are mainly mlrs, because mlrs attacks are being carried out on belgorod, on civilians, so this is the highest priority goal. for us, the enemy also uses cannon artillery, and we also destroy d-30, d-20, we find them in forest belts, in forested areas, mostly it is located in the edges, yeah, and in terms of distance they place their equipment far away, that is, they are afraid, they are afraid, they are afraid, large-scale combat work is underway, this unit of the russian army, perhaps, set a new record, during active operations in the kharkov direction, loitering ammunition operators destroyed more than 40 enemy artillery systems. the call sign of this soldier, the grandfather, came to the active army voluntarily, with military service behind him and experience of combat operations in the north caucasus. what emotions do you experience when you hit an
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enemy vehicle? nice, nice, of course, nice. firstly, there is a high probability that none of our people will suffer from this technology, well, mainly because of this. tank, rszz, gun, it doesn’t matter what, it’s at least a saved life of ours, not only of a soldier, but as practice shows, belgorod every day several times, so there are more civilians, because the soldier, in principle, he chose his own path, and for no reason they cover civilians, the worst and most scary, full of old soviet equipment, really old, but also... more interesting and more it’s nice to destroy, these are nato ones, which are considered one of the best, as they write on every fence, it’s nice, they burn much better than soviet technology. now lancet operators conduct counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, destroy
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enemy radar stations and systems air defense. ranges allow, the enemy has transferred units to the kharkov direction that are staffed with the most... the kiev regime is trying to slow down the advance of our troops after several breakthroughs of the front line and a serious advance, the north group has actually baffled the leaders of the kiev regime, but additional units, and the ukrainian armed forces are removing battles from other sections of the line of combat contact ; they have not deprived them. news of the week, kharkov direction, russian student spring in saratov, why young people from all over the country strive to attend
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the festival, about this and more immediately after the advertisement. sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, the megamarket is just to grow with us, one of my friends went into the wrong area, uh, kid, there’s
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a call, but i myself have zero account, you have a megaphone, mega power communication at zero is already included in the tariff is free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, according to the megaphone. i am a new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories and get cashback up to 25% in rubles, thank you, no thank you, but in rubles anywhere. we found out that the phone works even with zero, we received the account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and calls work. connect support at zero to the beline application. beline is the safest operator. if you
8:41 am
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to look your expenses in the eye, your money won’t fly away with one iota, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can iota, every wedding ends the same, the newlyweds retire in the bedroom and decide: i i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift, it’s more profitable with sberbank with prime, these are the ivanovs, the average russian family, they throw away everything in a year. 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21
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backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort waste, give things a new life. we continue the release. the georgian parliament is today launching a procedure to override the president’s vote on the law on foreign agents. the document will first be considered by the committee, and a vote will take place tomorrow. the bill caused mass protests in the country. they even held rallies on independence day, which the republic celebrated the day before. anton potkovenko will tell you how the celebrations went, why the american military did not come to the parade and what the president and prime minister called for.
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take into account mrs. sabeshvili’s veto, there will be a plenary session and a dream that has a sufficient majority in parliament, this veto will be overcome without any problems, this law will come into force. zurabishvili was invited by emmanuel macron for independence day, she even wrote a letter to him, but he did not come. it seems that on the eve of the autumn elections the president of georgia does not feel too confident. i only asked president macron about georgia, who naturally did not come to tbilisi. october 26. naturally, she will have to resign after the parliamentary elections, she until the end she earns herself a good pension in france, because no one here loves or respects her, and her electorate is 0.0. georgia’s desire for freedom, which has been spoken about more than once from high stands, is understood differently by different parties, but given the absence of macron and
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the american military at the parade, it seems that independence day in georgia is beginning to live up to its name. anton potkovenko, vesti. a selection and genetic center has appeared in the stavropol region, where they will improve breeds of small cattle. we started with one of the farms where they breed sheep, later they will connect another farm, as well as a scientific station where they will use the most modern reproductive technologies. boris ostankovich found out how this will affect the development of domestic livestock farming. on the territory of the farm there are the first 285 heads of the best meat. from shursny breeds of sheep, domestic foreign selection, this is a mountain breed, meat and dairy, so we collect here and we will deal with them in pure breeds, the lambs obtained from these breeds have very good performance, they are distinguished by high growth energy, with carcass weight up to 25 kg, meeting the needs of both the domestic and export markets. we
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use the latest, so to speak, reproductive technologies, including technology. the main vector of sheep breeding within each breed and the distribution of genetic material among private farms through artificial insemination. the work is carried out using the latest technologies in the field of reproduction and automated control systems for the selection process. this project will reduce dependence on imported breeds based on genetics.
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sheep, artificial insemination station, embryo laboratory and quarantine area. the entire project will be completed in 2025; its implementation will create more than fifty jobs in the region. sostankovich, pavel kovalenko, vesti stavropol territory. the russian student spring festival has opened in saratov, a bright and grandiose holiday for talented youth from all over the country. more than 3,500 participants came from the regions. over the course of the week , young people will present more than one and a half thousand creative numbers. for the first time, spring will become a platform for a grant competition for youth
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projects. this year they decided to abandon fireworks at the opening ceremony. all proceeds . will be sent to support fighters in the special operation zone. student spring is about development, about new challenges that students take on themselves and are not afraid to overcome them. and we, the system of science and higher education. we, all mentors, all universities will, of course, create an environment that will promote development. thirty degree heat will come to this week in the capital, it’s so warm, spring says goodbye to the moscow region. no more than once every 15 years. forecast after advertising. maybe a neighbor anywhere will get an appetite only dad will tame dad wears dad wears a wild
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8:53 am
thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment. someone will go to the long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. we are deducing the estimation in persil. enzymes work on the surface and from the inside of the fabric, let the memories remain, not stains on things, once persit, always persit, i am a new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories and get cashback up to 25% in rubles, thank you, no thank you, but in rubles, magnet , doctor's sausage, velikoluksky meat processing plant 159,999. magnet - the price is what you need. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer
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investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree. but first , let’s open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank , everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and get. three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. subtropical heat came to moscow, and moscow weather went to the subtropics. when the capital's thermometers rise to +30 for the first time this season. and what is happening on the outskirts of the hot giant anticyclone. time weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy. leading specialist of the fobas center. hello, by the end of the working week moscow will be covered in thirty-degree heat. until now, the most extreme weather has reigned on the periphery of the giant anticyclone, which
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stretches from scandinavia to the steppes of kazakhstan. for example, a large hailstorm occurred in the altai territory the day before. ice floes fell from the sky in the vicinity of yekaterinburg, while in the north of the sverdlovsk region the precipitation turned to snow. one can imagine how despondent the residents of nizhny tagil fell when days before summer, a blizzard swirled outside, but not at all made of poplar fluff. in the north of armenia, showers began on friday and by sunday morning brought in some places 130% of the monthly precipitation norm, the result was a large-scale rain flood, some cities, such as allaverdi, were flooded. we had to cancel trains between yerevan and tbilisi. stormy streams demolished bridges. the flooding also damaged a section of the connecting highway. with georgia. in moscow yesterday the air warmed up to +24. ideal weather early in the day allowed the bikers
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open the motorcycle season. in the late afternoon, the atmosphere was refreshed by a small downpour, real may bad weather, the only thing missing was hail, and a very strong wind. the cause of local thunderstorm rains in central russia was the clouds of a cold front that made their way into the anticyclone region, and its main body of points provoked nenaste in the urals and southern siberia. another cloud vortex, the culprit of extreme showers and thunderstorms in the transcaucasus. today along the border. anticyclone , active cyclonic activity will continue, one massif of frontal cloudiness will stretch along the arctic coast of european russia, here precipitation may even turn into snow, another will provoke local thunderstorms in the black sea region and the caucasus, clouds will no longer be able to penetrate deep into the center of high pressure, sunny weather will prevail over most of the russian plain, such a situation in atmosphere will persist
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at least until the end of may, as a result of... intense heating of the air in the anticyclone region, the heat pole of the russian plain will move here. at noon, columns thermometers in the northwest and in the center of the region will show +26-31, in the volga region and up to +33. but on the black sea coast, cumulonimbus clouds will limit the influx of solar energy and daytime temperatures will not exceed +23-28. for example, in sochi the last days of may will be accompanied by showers and thunderstorms. the most intense. rains are expected in the resort capital of russia on wednesday; on this day , about a quarter of the month's moisture volume may pour out here, and the temperature will be only slightly warmer than the climate, in the afternoon +22:24. in the central regions, on the contrary, through the end of the work week, significant precipitation is unlikely and daytime temperatures will rise rapidly. if today and tomorrow in moscow in the afternoon it is +23-26, then on thursday-friday it will be about +30. this. a little
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warmer than usual at this time of year in antalya, turkey. that's all for me, goodbye.
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today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, in tashkent he checked negotiations with shavkat verziyoyev, we are waiting for our correspondent to join us directly. last year, trade turnover between moscow and tashkent has grown to almost ten.
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the main topic of this day: negotiations between vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev will begin in tashkent in the near future. bilateral relations and international issues. vladimir putin is in uzbekistan on a state visit; the head of our central asian bureau, robert frantsev, is monitoring its progress; he has already joined me. robert, greetings, tell us what exactly is planned to be discussed at the negotiations in general, what is the program of the visit? hello, alexander, vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan continues for the second day, in general it must be said.


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