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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the yakutsk-nizhny bestyag ferry service began operating. on the first day, three vessels entered the line. let's tell you the details. in the european part of the country, truly summer temperatures have set in. our meteorologists will give their weather forecast. and now to the main topic of this day: negotiations between vladimir putin and shavkat merziyo will begin in tashkent in the near future. the president of russia will discuss the development of bilateral relations and international issues with collie. vladimir putin is in uzbekistan on a state visit. our boss is watching its progress central asian bureau, robert frantsev, he has already joined me. robert, greetings, tell us what exactly is planned to be discussed at the negotiations in general, what is the program of the visit? hello, alexandra, vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan continues for the second day, it’s absolutely necessary.
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plans to name one of the streets of the new city in honor of st. petersburg, the hometown of vladimir putin, this is the dialogue that took place, if you agree, we will agree that the history will remain and one street of the new tashkent will be st. petersburg, st. petersburg, and today we are in your visit , this is an imprint, that’s why i ’ll bring it here, be the most beautiful, yes very beautiful and...
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the main part of the program is planned for today, in the next few hours a solemn ceremony will take place in the presidential palace, the heads of the two countries will also visit victory park in tashkent, and of course a busy business program awaits them, it is planned to discuss issues of economic cooperation, issues of interaction in the financial sector, in the field of migration, security, regional cooperation, in general, there is indeed a very busy agenda, this is not surprising, given how closely russia and... uzbekistan are now interacting , trade turnover between the two countries is growing; last year showed significant growth, reaching almost 10 billion dollars, and it must be said that this year this figure continued to grow; in the first quarter of this year it increased by more than than 15% compared to the same period last year, as well. it must be said that
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russia is one of the leading investors in the economy of uzbekistan, the leader in the number of joint ventures, today there are about 3,000 of them, and well, it also must be said that the total investment package of russia in uzbekistan amounts to more than 44 billion dollars, and of course we we have the right to expect that today, as a result of negotiations, this figure will be increased and new joint projects between russia and uzbekistan await us. alexander. thank you. the progress of vladimir putin's visit to uzbekistan is being monitored by the head of our central asian bureau, robert frantsov. and on other topics: russian air defenses stopped attempts by the kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks using unmanned aerial vehicles. over the past night , 12 ukrainian uavs were destroyed, one of them was eliminated in the bryansk region, four in the krasnodar region and six more were intercepted in the oryol region. this was reported by the ministry of defense.
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the consequences are being eliminated in the belgorod region new shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. this time the kiev regime chose rzhevka and shibekin as its targets. the air defense worked effectively and shot down the targets, but... when the debris fell, including the warheads of the shells, they caused a lot of damage. our special correspondent, egor grigoriev, saw how destroyed housing was being restored. four loud arrivals in a row, a few more half an hour earlier, rockets in the ssu were fired at the village of rzhevka. the missile warning signal has not yet been canceled, but firefighters have left for the arrival site, this is the shibekinsky district.
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i was arriving, i had a glass of tea in my hand, the cup, of course, i didn’t finish it, the window jumped out and everything was leaking, i was a little drowned out, there was a crater in the garden, shattered the old seven with fragments, shards of glass were sticking out from the rickety frames, you see the fascias, what they did to make it empty there, it’s cruel, the civilians were terribly shelled at the dzhelka, of course this didn’t happen, at least a dozen cars were damaged, gas and electricity lines were broken, water supply, after rzhevka the ukrainian armed forces’ attacks shifted to the city of shibekina. during the breaks, precisely in the short pauses between missile danger alarms, the city miraculously comes to life. utility workers barely
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have time to eliminate the consequences of the arrivals, after the strikes the night before, in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings, as if... a missile hit the tank of a domestic passenger car, three nearby cars immediately burst into flames, and several more cars were cut by shrapnel. there was a tank, it arrived, she was thrown out of there, they went out through the doors, yeah, and there i looked in the windshield too, you could see it, that is, if someone had broken the panel, the steering wheel had been broken, if someone had been sitting in car, it would have pierced everything, nearby. also on the weekend, a rocket fell near a grocery store and injured a woman. in the suu , peaceful shibekin residents are chosen as their target. the enemy consolidates his status as a terrorist. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, alina zykova. news. in the kherson direction of the special operation, fighters
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of the dnepr group destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the scouts transmitted the coordinates of the target with the crew of a swinging mortar under their noses. in a matter of minutes, the military took over. position struck the enemy with eighty-two-millimeter mines, as a result, it was possible to create a fortified point on the right bank of the dnieper. mortar. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military defended crimea from an air attack. the crew commander had only a few seconds to make a decision. the target was approaching very quickly. in such conditions, you have to take full responsibility yourself and not wait for approval from higher command. stanislav vasilchenko will tell you all the details. there is no analogue in this machine in any army in the world. the unique tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system is an ultra-reliable shield against attack enemy air targets. drones, airplanes and helicopters, cruise and anti-radar missiles, gliding and guided bombs. all this
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appears daily in the sky over the zaporozhye region. therefore, the anti-aircraft gunners of the dnepr group of troops are at their combat post around the clock. the radar system detects objects at a distance of up to 32. they perform flawlessly day and night in any weather conditions, the missiles of the complex have an expanded kill zone , increased firing accuracy, compared to the previous version of the thor, m2 ammunition doubled and now has 16 guided missiles, while these air defense systems operate on the principle of one target, one missile. such
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characteristics make the tor m2 air defense system the most effective weapon. that is why the ukrainian armed forces intelligence is really hunting for them. but here too the complex has an advantage. the vehicle can combine traveling and combat modes of operation. while in motion, the torus is capable of detecting, capturing and destroying up to four targets simultaneously. he always had the number one goal for the enemy, we cause them a lot of trouble. several markets. behind during combat duty we have to change the point of position; during work we change it very often, once every 10, per day we change. the thor family of air defense systems is constantly being modernized and improved, which makes them unique and one of the best in the world. it is possible that the experience gained during the special operation will form the basis for future improvements. stanislav vasilchenko, sergey eliseev, alexander porhunov. news: southern sector, military special operation. ukraine has. the right to strike russian territories as long as this complies with the law of the introduction of military
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conflicts. this statement was made by the swedish minister of defense. he stressed that according to international law, kiev can use weapons supplied by stockholm for such attacks. the minister believes that such actions should be considered as self-defense, to which ukraine has the right. anton dodykin has all the details. the french president arrived in germany with the first reason. century official state visit. macron planned it a year ago, but then the unrest that broke out in france after the murder of a seventeen-year-old a native of north africa. the main goal of the visit is to show that paris and berlin are pursuing a joint, conscious policy, which many already openly doubt. macron clearly failed to calm them down. we have never had so many enemies, both inside and outside. we are experiencing an existential moment because, as i said, our europe. may die, firstly, because war has returned to europe, and secondly, our continent
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must decarbonize its economy. of course, macron didn’t say that it was the west that returned to the continent and actively supports the war. next, the president launched into a discussion about the crisis of democracy. he expressed surprise that europeans, against the backdrop of a diving economy, stopped trusting the authorities. macron got so carried away that even the presenter could not stand it. she began to ask her aides whether there was at least a little time left for the president himself. europe was divided during the 2 years that the conflict was going on, but we were able to come together and know what to do next. even the french newspaper lumond notes that the heads of the two countries the politicians are weak, there are many disagreements between them, and french-german relations are in decline. europeans are turning away from the old leaders and believe that they are leading the eu into the abyss. according to polls, the french national rally party will gain twice as many votes as the entire coalition in the european parliament elections. centrist parties, into which the macron revival was squeezed. in berlin, the ruling elite is considering how
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to nail down the growing ratings of the alternative for germany party, says spiegel. press bullying doesn't help curb the popularity of the right. they have a simple program: europe should take care of itself, and not follow us orders to pour tens of billions into zelensky’s corrupt regime. we do not want to see ukraine in the european union, and we are against arms supplies to ukraine. we warned about this from the very beginning, only peace and diplomacy, our children and grandchildren should not participate in this war. everyone is sure that kiev will lose. sky news tv channel has calculated that russia produces three times more shells than the united states, great britain produces them allies combined. zelensky has less and less ammunition and trained troops, the report says.
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on foreign agents in georgia, which caused a wave of protest. may come into force in the near future, despite the president’s disagreement. parliament is today launching a procedure to overcome the vote, which is what the west is extremely dissatisfied with? the american military significantly did not come to the apparatus on independence day, and the us secretary of state recalled that the decision could affect the country’s accession to the european union. the topic will be continued by anton potkovenko. georgia's independence day for the first time in several years without americans at the parade, the us military, which usually...
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and various types of treason, including treason by the president. what kind of confrontation must have reached the relationship between the prime minister and the president for words about treason to be heard on a national holiday? however, kabakhidzi had previously called salame zorabishvili an agent of foreign influence in the context of the political battle around the law on foreign agents initiated by the ruling georgian dream party. this confrontation spilled out on the street more than once. this time the protesters gathered near the philharmonic and let's go to vaki park. it seems like flags. union even more than the georgian ones, there are american, stars and stripes, the march against the law on foreign agents was not dispersed, while security measures have been taken, police cars with flashing lights are ahead of the procession, the country is faced with a choice , emphasized, opening the parade on freedom square, salomeshvili indicated, which choice exactly is meant. in the european environment, our
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country is given the opportunity to maintain its independence and achieve development. it's amazing what i have to do today to convince someone, who is a friend, who is an enemy. we know who took our territories, who violates our sovereignty. anti-russian rhetoric of the pro-western elites of georgia led by zorabishvili. and the dream, having a sufficient majority in parliament, will overcome this veto without any problems, and this law will come into force. zurabishvili invited emmanuel macron to independence day, she even
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wrote a letter to him, but he did not come. it seems that on the eve of the autumn elections the president of georgia does not feel too confident. i only asked president macron about georgia, who naturally, i didn’t come to tbilisi. on october 26, naturally, she will have to resign after the parliamentary elections, she will do it until the end. with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he has already joined us, hello, denis vladimirovich, hello, alexander, let's start with the situation with shelling of residential areas, what is the situation? alexander,
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unfortunately, the situation remains difficult, because the enemy continues to shell donetsk itself, and the petrovsky, kirovsky districts, and partly the kuybyshsky district are now under fire donetsk, also gorlovka is under almost daily shelling, this is the central city, nikitovsky district. at a greater distance, as long as the enemy remains able to shoot, they will fire at our cities and districts. let's now move on to other
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topics, the media are reporting about georgian mercenaries in konstantinovka, this is what you know about this and in general, how many cases of the presence of mercenaries from georgia and other republics of the former socialist camp have you recorded in the dpr lately? alexander, i wouldn't say that it’s just kind of redundant.
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that we have now managed to stretch it out and prevent any more active actions, but nevertheless the shelling continues, nevertheless we see the use of drones, and which primarily pose a threat to a greater extent even to the civilian population, i will tell you that only in the petrovsky and kirovsky districts, the fsb forces in the donetsk people's republic neutralized 197
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infiltration attempts over the past week. drones into our territory, and this includes large drones, this, of course, could have very serious consequences for the civilian population, so of course we positively assess in the republic that the front is stretched out and the enemy has less opportunity to shoot, but at the moment it is not yet possible to exclude this kind of shelling, they continue to arrive news about the liberation of new territories, recently the russian military took control of the settlement of arkhangelsk in the dpr, what is it like ? alexandra, locality arkhangelskaya, albeit small, but very significant in terms of the fact that our units continue to move, and this is already the direction, that’s next in line, and here the development of events may go further in several directions, here only the military command will determine, but this is aside krasnoarmeyskaya, this is towards dzerzhinskaya,
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they can develop here.
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registration, that is, the complete legalization of migrant workers, of course, has this, this is precisely a consequence of the fact that constant verification activities, constant, let 's say, inspections of certain contractors, so i think this is a very good result, because everything should be within the framework of the law, then it fits into large parameters, then it is not something...
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we are trying to organize that or another route and build its work, which means that in general we already have more than 100 routes, now 100 directions that are used for transporting the civilian population, residents of the republic, as for those routes that you say, new additional ones, as for moscow, they should be launched
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no later than august 6, so... taking into account the needs, taking into account the load, taking into account the necessary conditions for creating comfortable travel.


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