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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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there are more than 100 routes, now 100 directions that are used to transport the civilian population, residents of the republic, as for the routes you are talking about, new additional ones, as for moscow, they should be launched no later than august 6, from taking into account the needs, taking into account the load, taking into account the necessary conditions for creating comfortable movement. residents of the republic,
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what is the situation with the development of railway transport today? alexander, railway transport is more difficult, because railway the direction will also, and maybe even more, be in demand among our residents, but at the same time we understand that now we can carry out repair work, they are carrying out large-scale repair work, but at the same time, to fully launch the railway. the message is not possible yet due to security measures, because well, this is the target of the enemy’s aspirations and unfortunately , enemy strikes have been repeatedly carried out on railway stations and on places where railway cars and cars accumulate there are too many risks, but at the same time we understand that railway communication is extremely promising for the donetsk people's republic, both for passenger transportation and , of course, for cargo transportation, because without
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railway communication it will be extremely difficult for us to develop our industry, restore the economy, taking into account the fact that we need to transport a fairly large part not only, but let’s say, only by railway transport, and sometimes there are combined routes, meaning the use of our port of mariupol, of course without we won't make do with railway messages. and the dpr has developed a strategy for the development of the prize sector. 1940, this is what it includes, what stage is the implementation at, do i understand correctly that first of all it is necessary to clean up this territory? absolutely right, alexander, we need to clean up and take inventory of how much, what kind of pollution, what kind of work is needed, we need to clearly build this action plan, and it really takes a long time, this is strategically important for our entire country, because the sea of ​​azov... is inland
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the russian sea has now become, and of course, we bear full responsibility for it, but at the same time we can extract a certain kind of benefit for our country, and for our regions that adjoin the sea of ​​azov, this generally becomes first place, in terms of our attention, but i can say that until 2026, this is exactly the first stage, i apologize, i apologize, the first stage, which involves taking an inventory just before 2026, that is, evaluate all the necessary resources that will be involved, the next stage is already before 2030, at this stage it is planned to carry out a whole series of works there, a whole series.
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this is connected with the infrastructure of sanatorium-resort holidays on the coast , this is connected with fishing with the development of fishing in the sea of ​​azov, of course , the next stage is already bringing it to very high world standards, here is the development of the sea as a whole, the sea is unique, but it you need to do everything that is included in the strategy, that is endowed president, of course, but for us it is at the forefront. thank you, denis vladimirovich, i will remind you that the head of the dpr denis pushelin was in direct contact with the studio. we'll be back on air in just a couple of minutes. i hear a voice from a beautiful distance. wow, very cool. i really did this film in general,
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i see everything, i’m a fan of konstantin khovensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov, the best actor, it’s just all done, very cool, it just came off, i don’t know if it will be so really. 100 years, but i would like it to so it was, you are so sensory, hands, we will meet in the future, 100 years ago, i have thought a lot over these 100 years,
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here all the senses are heightened to the limit. happiness has resurrected me, she loves me. passenger's call sign. go, i'll come back for you.
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in moscow 9:36 onwards, briefly. in tashkent , today is the main day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan; he will hold negotiations with shavkat mirziyoyev. cooperation and current international issues are on the development agenda. a substantial package of documents is expected to be signed. also presidents will speak at the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan. in the belgorod region , emergency services began to eliminate the consequences of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. in shibekin, due to falling fragments of ammunition shot down by air defense, windows in five apartments of a high-rise building were broken. parked cars were hit by shrapnel. also , houses in the villages of muron and
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rzhevka received various damages. there is a violation of water, gas and electricity lines. in armenia, where protests have resumed, police have already made almost no arrests. the current president of lithuania won the second round of elections. gitanas nauseda received 75% of the votes. his rival, the country's prime minister , admitted defeat. congratulated the president on his re-election. expanding investment and economic cooperation will be one of the main topics of negotiations between vladimir putin and his uzbek counterpart shavkat mirziyoyev. the meeting will take place today in tashkent as part of the state
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visit of the russian president to uzbekistan. we’ll find out all the details from maria filippova. she joins me. masha, good morning, tell us how mutual trade is changing between our countries? hello sasha. trade turnover. last year showed growth of plus 11.5% this year will continue to grow. now i’ll tell you all the details. the leaders of russia and uzbekistan will discuss issues of cooperation between the two states today. the focus is on trade and economic relations . as a result of the meeting , a number of agreements are expected to be signed. russia and uzbekistan today are significant economic partners for each other. thus, our country’s share in the total volume of foreign trade of the republic ranks second after china and amounts to 15%. there is a noticeable increase in mutual trade turnover; last year it increased by 11.5% and reached almost $10 billion. in 2024, the dynamics are intensifying; in the first quarter , export-import relations exceeded the same figure last year by almost 20%. it must be said that last year was
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almost a record year; both sides traded almost $10 billion, of which, of course, russia holds the palm, that’s a little over five billion. uzbekistan is approximately three and a bit billion, and the main items of the product range are manufactured goods, both from uzbekistan to russia and from russia to uzbekistan, but there are... specifics, for example, from uzbekistan, a huge amount of fruit and vegetable products are traditionally supplied to russia. our country supplies the republic mainly with metals, oil, gas, equipment , agricultural products, wood, chemicals and paper. as for imports from uzbekistan, these include textiles, cotton, food and chemical products. about three thousand companies in uzbekistan operate with russian participation. uzbekistan supports approximately... 700 enterprises in russia, according to the government of the republic, over the past few years , companies in our country have invested
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more than $14 billion in the economy of uzbekistan. at the moment, about 20% of all companies with foreign capital that operate in uzbekistan are companies with russian participation. here, of course, in terms of investment cooperation, the share of russian capital in uzbekistan significantly exceeds the reverse side, that is, the number of companies with russian participation capital, it’s big, it’s in general. is constantly growing, and the prospects here are opening up quite broad, since the uzbek economy has shown quite high rates in recent years, especially under mirziyoyev’s presidency; well, according to the results of last year, for example, it grew by about 6%. among the major projects, a joint production of trucks with kamaz in samarkand, the largest production of plant chemicals in central asia is located nearby. over the years, exploration, production, and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials - priority area of ​​cooperation. uzbekistan is in third place in gas production in
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the cis after russia and turkmenistan and is among the ten largest gas-producing countries in the world. in 2023, gazprom entered into a two-year contract with uzbekistan for the supply of natural gas. the volume is 9 million cubic meters per day. in february, the government of the republic announced the modernization of gas pipelines in order to increase the import of russian raw materials by 3 and a half times from 9 million to 30.2 million cubic meters per day. they also intend to increase oil supplies. since 2017 they have been going in transit through kazakhstan. if in the twenty -third year more than 154 thousand tons of russian raw materials were transported in this way, then in the twenty-fourth year the transit volume is expected to increase to more than 500,000. nuclear energy is another important area of ​​cooperation. a nuclear power plant will be built in uzbekistan according to a russian project. survey work is currently underway at the site.
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is strengthening its position in central asia; on the other hand, it is obvious that russia , including in the field of energy resources development receives an additional opportunity for further export. energy resources, that is, the product of a power plant to other territories. in the context of the future, they are also discussing the construction of a copper processing plant in the tashkent region, a gas chemical complex in the bukhara region, the creation of a metallurgical cluster at the tibinbulak iron deposit. and at the end of this year, two new russian-uzbek technology parks are expected to open. so, sasha, relations are developing today between russia and
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the american delegation for its part said the us will continue to supply reinforcements to the island's defenses. the head of taiwan has defensive weapons, and the latest ones, and not outdated ones, as for ukraine. at least 18 people have died after a powerful hurricane in the united states. texas authorities said the numbers will continue to rise as debris is cleared from damaged neighborhoods. the destructive storm tore up trees, many of them broke through the roofs of houses and tore them off. wires, as a result , due to bad weather, about half a million residents were left without electricity. forecasters
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warn the threat of tornadoes remains in at least six other states. a state of emergency due to forest fires has been introduced in two districts of lugansk of the people's republic, as well as in two districts of buryatia. a special fire regime for hot , dry weather is already in effect in 47 russian regions. at the same time, weather forecasters warn that europe. in moscow, the forecasts have not been clarified, plans have not changed yet, and indeed at the end of the working week the thermometers will approach +30, and this temperature at the weather station means that it will be even hotter in the city. but let's start with warm anomaly in yakutia, ice drift began on one of the northernmost coldest rivers in the world, the indigirka. by the way, this is where the country’s pole of cold, aymicon, is located.
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this year , poisonous snakes entered the central and northern regions of the sakha republic, which... had never been seen here before. local residents hope that the snakes will not withstand harsh weather conditions for a long time and will not have time to develop new territories. the weather in the republic is surprising; the record for maximum temperature was updated even in the northernmost port of the country. tiksi, meteorological statistics on sunday were rewritten in kandalaksha, murmansk region. hot and dry weather increases the risk of wildfires. in the tver region , they were forced to involve a fire train in the village of unzhak in the ostrama region to extinguish the forest floor. three residential and seven non-residential buildings, as well as 24 outbuildings, were completely burned out. residents were not injured. the wind helped spread the fire. in st. petersburg , the warm sun attracted thousands of beachgoers . swim in the finnish gulf of neva it’s cold, although there are people who want to come, but the weather over the weekend was ideal for getting a tan. on the shores of the sea of ​​azov, the beach
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season has so far been disrupted. due to strong squeezing winds, the mure retreated several hundred meters. which attracted daredevils who decided to take a ride and walk along the bottom of the sea. the territories where the temperature background is ahead of the climate schedule are becoming more and more extensive. in the west of the country, positive anomalies are almost 10°. in the pskov region it is almost as hot as in the lower reaches of the volga. the south of siberia is not far behind. baikal region can compete with the volga region. only the urals and western siberia do not participate in this competition; a cyclone prevents good warming up. i'll say a few. words about some atmospheric processes that shape the weather today, anticyclones are responsible for overheating during the daytime hours, their dominance is becoming more and more extensive, a cyclone is sandwiched between two centers of high pressure, it still delivers heat to eastern siberia, and the urals , western siberia, in the rear there are vortices on the way of the northern winds. precipitation in the cold front zone,
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rain and thunderstorms in the south, and rain in the north snow is mixed in. most of the country's european territory. the sun and eastern winds of the sea retreat from its shores, and the clouds on the periphery of the anticyclone forced the azov atmospheric front to hold back the warming in the black sea region. the anticyclone will continue to expand its boundaries, simultaneously displacing the cyclone to the north, and the temperature in russia will continue to rise. on the next map is the forecast for tomorrow. from the black sea region to the baltic, the air will warm up to 25° and above, this also applies to the capital region in the non-volga. will above 30°. it will become warmer in the volgovyat region and in the southern urals. the cold will retreat to the northeast. in taganrog today it will be cloudy with clearings, 25° in the daytime. the wind is still east, 13 m/s. tomorrow there will be almost no changes, only the daytime temperature will rise to 27°. on wednesday the wind will change direction to the south and southwest, allowing
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the sea to return. there will be short-term rain, possibly a thunderstorm in the daytime - 24°. but. on thursday there will be no precipitation, the wind will subside, the air will warm up to +26. in moscow, today it’s sunny, +24 during the day, this is the temperature that the forecast will show the maximum thermometer at a weather station, that is, in a well-ventilated, slightly shaded area. tomorrow it will also be sunny, the air will warm up to 26°, on wednesday to 27, the city will be refreshed by short-term rain, thunderstorms are not excluded, well, on thursday-friday the daytime warming will reach 29°, there is a high probability that the mark of +30 will be reached. may began with october weather, but ends with july weather. vadik, come out, come out and start a business, with sberbank, our idea
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the first, gdve fuel reveals the potential of the engine and those who strive to be the first, tested in racing conditions, driv, be the first, meet a free children's sber card, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free payment sticker. children's savings card - an adult approach. now let's talk about sports, sum up the results of the season in the russian premier league. zenit won its sixth championship title in a row, and baltika was relegated from the rpl along with the football club. sochi, alexander abramov will tell you all the details, he is joining me, sasha, good morning, but this season is over, when is the next one? sash, good morning, we don’t have long to wait,
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less than two months, on july 20 the first round of the new russian championship will take place. so, the next season in the rpl is over, the intrigue that lasted not just until the last round, but until the last minutes of the last round, when three teams competed for gold medals at once. the championship turned out to be the most interesting in many recent years. years: this victory will pay us back even more, because many shouted in our backs that the wrong thing and other bad words are waking us up, but we proved it back and today we won the championship. the main result of the tournament, zenit is again the champion, for the sixth year in a row, sergei semak’s team is at the top of russian football, zenit’s competitors had a huge number of chances, at the end of the championship, zenit depended not only on itself. the situation developed in such a way that if zenit would cease to be the champion right now, it would look logical, but the truth of football in russia for many recent years remains relevant, the champion is zenit,
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russian football continues to live precisely in this paradigm, an incredible season, denouement, of course, which probably cost all the coaches of the three teams who betrayed for gold a lot, but today we got a lot of positives. zenit scored 57 points, for the first time in the history of the russian championships such a relatively small number the number of points was enough for gold. second place goes to krasnodar and third place to dynamo. lokomotiv is fourth, followed by spartak and cska, for which fifth and sixth places are obvious. does not match the club's ambitions. rostov, valeria karpino was seventh, and rubin took eighth place. before the last round of the rpl, dynamo moscow was considered the
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team's favorite in the championship race. to become a champion, lichki only had to play a draw against krasnodar. this did not work out, dynamo lost 0:1. there was drama in krasnodar, and dynamo missed out on the championship the first in 48 years, and krasnodar itself did not become a champion either. against the backdrop of tremendous disappointment, dynamo representatives gave touching, if not heartbreaking, speeches. poho guys did a great, fantastic job. and they gave me confidence.
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will play in stock matches, the situation with baltika is unique in many ways, sergei ignashevich’s team is leaving the top division, baltika ended up playing in the rpl for only a year, but next sunday baltika can win trophies in the russian cup super final, baltika will play against zenit. it was possible to remember in the autumn part, of course, there were more refereeing errors not in our favor, unfortunately, this is what he should be prepared for at the club, moving to the top division and...
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and in general this season should serve as a lesson for football players, for coaches , of course, for managers to draw the right conclusions from mistakes, and of course, next season set the task of going out and going out already having, albeit negative, experience. here are some records from the last championship: the most attended match of the tournament was the zinit-spartak match on march 2. then we played 0:0, this was the first match after. in the twenty-ninth round, the rpl scored 39 goals, so many had never been scored in one round in the history of the russian championships , and also during the season there were 12 coaching resignations, the third of which came from the sochi football club. the top scorer of the championship was mateo casiera from zenit, he scored 21 goals, including mateo casiera scoring pentatrik, and scored five goals against akhmatov in the penultimate round. next on the list of snipers are konstantin tsyukavin from
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dynamo and john cordova from. krasnodar, konstantin tyukabin scored the most beautiful goal of the championship in the twenty-seventh round against sochi with his heel without looking with his back to the goal. there is not long to wait for the next season, less than two months. the match for the russian super cup is on july 13, and the first round of the new championship is scheduled for july 20. the full roster of rpl participants for the season will be announced on june 1. it is on this day, saturday , that the return play-off matches between rpl and first league clubs will take place. for the right to play higher. in the division ural and okron and nizhny novgorod will meet against arsenal. that's how he was this russian championship. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website.
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now footage from the government house. good morning, dear colleagues, in the decree no. in accordance with the updated national goals, the president set the task of forming a network of sustainable partnerships with foreign countries, but also creating infrastructure for foreign economic activity, technological, industrial cooperation and, of course, the development of new markets. last this week the government took a working trip to turkmenistan; in ashgabat we held a meeting of the council of heads of government and the commonwealth of independent states.


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