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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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region, the creation of a metallurgical cluster at the tibinbulak iron ore deposit. and at the end of this year, two new russian-uzbek technology parks are expected to open.
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wait, who are they, the new guys, this is a passenger, a reporter, a director with me, i came for my brother, i am the commander.
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change to rebin’s call sign, no, that’s my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. in moscow 10:32 onwards, briefly about the main thing. today is the main day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan in tashkent. monday program saturated. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyev will discuss the development of cooperation at the negotiations. after them
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, a substantial package of documents is expected to be signed, then the presidents will speak at the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan. at least 18 people have died after a powerful hurricane in the united states. texas authorities said the numbers will continue to rise as debris is cleared from the affected areas. the destructive storm tore up trees, many of them pierced the roofs of houses and cut wires. as a result due to bad weather. there are about half a million lights left residents. forecasters warn that the threat of tornadoes remains in at least six states. in the belgorod region, emergency services began to eliminate the consequences of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. in shibekin, due to falling fragments of ammunition shot down by air defense, windows in five apartments of a high-rise building were broken. parked cars were hit by shrapnel. also, houses in the villages of murom and rzhevka received various damages. there is a violation of
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gas, water and electricity lines. in armenia, where protests have resumed, police have already detained more than 200 people. demonstrators took to the streets demanding the resignation of prime minister pashinyan. activists blocked roads in yerevan and also blocked the highway leading to iran. the leader of the opposition movement called for mass acts of civil disobedience in the country the day before. preparations for the st. petersburg international economic forum have reached the home stretch, there are only a few days left before the opening, year after year the forum proves its effectiveness, the signed agreements help the development of various enterprises, including the plant in kaluga, where they produce aluminum parts. maria filipova found out what changes took place there after the previous st. petersburg forum. new parts take baths with boiling water and red balls.
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janob rossiya federatsiyasi prezidenti vladimir vladimirovich putin, faxriy qo'ravul sizni o'zbekiston respublikasiga kelishingiz
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munosabati bilan toplandi.
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so, today is the second main day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, huh. as we see now, a solemn welcoming ceremony took place, and the russian leader, let me remind you that he arrived in tashkent the day before, at the invitation of the president of the republic shavkat mirziyoyev, now on our channels we see vladimir putin shaking hands with all members of the delegation, and shavkat mirziyoyev is doing the same. let me remind you that the day before the kremlin press service said that during the negotiations the leaders of the two countries plan to discuss the current situation. and prospects for the further development of relations between moscow and tashkent, as well as issues of strategic
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partnership and alliance. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev will also take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of the russian federation and the republic of uzbekistan, and it is planned that as a result a whole package of documents will be signed. i will add that uzbekistan has become the third country where... vladimir putin went on a foreign visit after being re-elected for a new presidential term. in mid-may, he had already visited beijing, where he held negotiations with chinese president xidinping, and then visited harbin. vladimir putin chose belarus as the second country for his visit; the visit took place on may 22-24. it is worth noting that now, as we we see on our tv channels that the russian presidents are already greeting. to the delegation, and, as we understand, now after this
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negotiations between the countries will begin. it is worth noting that uzbekistan is one of the leading economic partners of our country in the central asian region. russia is also the leader in foreign trade with uzbekistan among the ias countries. according to the uzbek side, russia and uzbekistan last year increased bilateral trade turnover by almost five. and it amounted to 8 9 billion and 884 million dollars. at in this case, the state is consistently switching to payments in national currencies, as noted earlier in the russian foreign ministry, the share of such payments is already about 55%. speaking about relations between the countries, it is worth noting that both states are also part of the cis and cooperate in the format. in the twentieth year of the sco, uzbekistan received observer status in the eurasian economic union (eau). let me
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remind you that it already includes russia, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. but at the same time, despite the very complex and difficult international environment, our economic and investment ties are consistently strengthening. last year , mutual trade turnover exceeded 600 billion rubles. and it has increased by more than... now we see how the presidents greet the russian delegation, and some short dialogues are taking place even here as part of the grand opening of the beginning of the main second day of vladimir kuzin’s state visit to uzbekistan. but let's return to the economic agenda. let me remind you that russia supplies oil and petroleum products to the republic. besides, natural gas, metals, cars, equipment, food. agricultural products, these are the main export items of uzbekistan to our country -
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textiles, cotton, agricultural products, chemical products. well , of course, a promising area of ​​cooperation, which, of course, will also be discussed today, is the exploration, production, transportation and processing of hydrocarbons , especially natural gases. in addition, of course, it is worth noting that today the largest... russian companies are actively are increasing their presence in uzbekistan. their total investments make up one fifth of the total volume of foreign investments. over the past 3 years , the number of enterprises with the participation of russian capital has doubled in uzbekistan. today there are almost 3,000 of them. well, here’s just one example: in uzbekistan there is an enterprise producing combine harvesters with the participation of rosselmash. but also, in recent years. russian companies, including lukoel, gazprom and mipelcom, have invested more than
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$14 billion in the economy of uzbekistan, this is how we now see ceremony, by the way the presidents greeted all the delegates from both sides, we see, firstly, the large number of people who came, these are members of the cabinet of ministers, and the heads of the company, and of course, the heads of the regions, because today the first forum between. between the two countries, and we will talk about interaction precisely at the interregional level. let's continue talking about the economy.
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signed an intergovernmental agreement on the construction of a nuclear power plant in uzbekistan according to a russian project. the plant with two power units is planned to be built in one of the areas. the cost of the project is about 11 billion dollars. commissioning of the first power unit is planned for 28. now we see that the heads of two states, vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev. they are just communicating with the head of the internet, igor shuvalov, and the delegation is really very large-scale, as i already noted, these are representatives of business, and heads of regions, and of course, all members of the government, and its updated composition, well, now on our screens we see , like vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev we have finished welcoming all delegates from
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both sides, negotiations between them are now expected.
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all events today will take place in kuksaroy, this is a modern country residence of the president of the republic of uzbekistan, in which...
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you are a great audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank, you still owe the bank, i have already ordered
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an anti-credit card rosbankrot on valders on yandex- market. now we continue to talk about the topics of this monday. 226 people were detained in yerevan during renewed protests. the day before, the leader of the opposition movement of armenia called for blocking all roads, except those leading to areas where an unfavorable situation has developed due to the flood. activists blocked the highway.
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ukraine and pressure on russia. and now the fifth studio program is on air, my colleague, yuri bogdanov, has already joined me. yura, greetings, tell us what we will talk about today. yes, alexander, good afternoon, today our focus is on the international agenda. let's start with vladimir putin's visit to uzbekistan, and then we will discuss several topics, which have recently occupied quite a lot of attention in the world media and, in general , the attention of the entire world community. we have connections with the chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, grigory.
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the eurasian region, so there are very interesting negotiations ahead, i think that they will be productive and will lead to the state of affairs on the eurasian continent in an even more positive, constructive format. do you think uzbekistan will join international formats in the post-soviet space? and uzbekistan has long been is looking closely at the euro-asian economic union, i will not be surprised and would like to believe that after some time... euroses, that is , the eurasian economic union, will be replenished with the membership of uzbekistan, the same applies to the csto, an organization very useful in this
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difficult geopolitical situation , in a word, the process is moving in the right direction, we’ll see when the appropriate decisions are made. grigory, let's move on then to the agenda that i announced; quite a lot of unfriendly statements have been made in recent days countries and from leaders. he said the united states warned russia that in response to the possible use of nuclear weapons in ukraine, the united states would strike russian positions in the conflict zone. tell me, first of all, do you have information about whether there really were such warnings or were they inventions of segorsky? i want to tell you in general, yuri, that in recent weeks in recent days in particular. some kind of schizophrenic psychosis is growing not only among the polish political class and leadership, this also applies to many other european countries, in
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including northern europe, and the nato leadership makes a lot of belligerent and threatening statements, but this only indicates that there is growing uncertainty in development and uncertainty about what tomorrow will bring, we calmly react to... all these statements , where necessary, we respond, i repeat, where necessary, we respond, uh, that means, if we are talking about some kind of fraud and thievery towards our assets, we reserve the right to adequately respond to topics in the same area, this is great, clear silunov said just the other day, in a word, we hear, we don’t react to everything, but we remember everything and... the most important thing is that we keep track of the nasty things that are said to us by politicians who consider themselves, so
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to speak, or what? staffed by the western political service, but do you think the americans can even deliver such a blow, both from a political and technical point of view? i think that we don’t need to discuss these topics publicly, we need to draw conclusions and take concrete measures to prevent this from happening kind of event, for this we have the appropriate resources, both military-political and simply political, the most important thing is that the course towards...
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grigory, you mentioned, as far as i understand, including the results of the meeting of the group of seven ministers, the group’s finance ministers seven who discussed the possible seizure of russian assets and income from them, as i understand it, they did not come to any specific decisions, they stalled, but i would like to discuss with you another summit, a summit in switzerland, now information is coming that , what zelensky sends out an invitation to world leaders, and everyone is discussing who will come and who will not come, generally linking the status of this event with this. what are your expectations?
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politicians would make threats against russia, he doesn’t want to negotiate, which means that everything else loses all meaning, all this indicates, first of all, that the kiev regime is close to a serious crisis, look at these schizophrenic people , look at the personnel changes, at the dismissal of a whole series of ministers due to hysteria over the fact that something was wrong gets... there they catch young people in cities and villages and so on, so not everything is going as planned, to put it mildly, rather everything is not going as planned, the geneva conference in this sense will not help zelensky and his regime in any way. grigory borisovich, another topic that has attracted attention in recent days is the discussion around the issue of terminating the implementation of the maritime
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convention in the arctic. here. the foreign ministry called this impossible, i would like to get your comment, is there such a need at all now? no, i think that the un international convention on the law of the sea, which we, the russian federation , ratified in 1997, still remains in full force, we follow all the provisions of this convention, i note that in some...
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in germany there were reports that they were proposing to move to reform of the health care system so that it can accommodate a large number of wounded, do you think europe is preparing for war?


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