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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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less than 30 million slavs. why is it important to recognize that it was not genocide against the soviet people that was subject to destruction? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of nazism. mostly europeans abstained. united states. voted against a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install. we open, watch, russian
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channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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grow with us. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i eat it because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise. no sugar. without vinegar and without starch, it is just as tasty, mayonnaise is clean, bright taste, more useful, well, out into nature, oh, what is this, and this is a trad scheme, there are different cards with cashback, why, you need one vtb card, transfer to it for free from any bank, without any restrictions, and receive cashback for purchases up to 25% in rubles, together everything will work out. russia and belarus are showing increasingly large-scale growth trade turnover, this is in conditions when the west was thinking of strangling both economies. in connection with the so -called sanctions, more of them were introduced against russia than against
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anyone else in the world, 16 thousand different ones, they create certain problems, of course, but they create for us certain opportunities for development, so that citizens of two countries felt. the history of russia and belarus shows one thing: it will not be possible to command people from abroad, it will be this multipolar world, these madmen are bringing this multipolar world closer with their with these actions, whoever likes it, they stole money, in this case, they not only don’t
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like it from russia, they seized it, they arrested some ship, they seized the tanker, they took the goods, everything is allowed, they are strong. anton siluanov explained to us what it means.
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but we will direct the income from their use to the purposes that they define,
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we have the same thing, all the possibilities, so we have frozen money in the accounts of the es, yes, we have assets, we also receive income, there will be a decision, we will do the same in absolutely mirror, so we have the answer yes, the independent position of other countries irritates the west so much that european commissioners in private conversations threaten fate beyond the control of politicians...
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then we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support in identifying the true causes of this disaster. the vile, disgusting attitude of the united states has led to this. these scoundrels did not have the right to impose sanctions against ships, against planes, helicopters on which people are transported. they introduced sanctions against us, against my, say, plane, well, vladimi i won't get it. because it has a russian side, and here they imposed these sanctions, this is
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normal, these are people moving, you sold this ship, but they forbade their companies from servicing it, so this is also their fault, they are all believers , well , if they are believers, then let them wait, he will send them an answer, they don’t behave like that in the world, by the way, the accompanying persons flew on two russian ones, all the requirements that are presented by our russian authorities, therefore, regarding repairs and timely replacement
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all this is done in parts. if we imagine that normal, or more or less normal, economic ties will resume again, boeing and airbas will want to return to us, we will open our arms to them again, as we once did, or we will behave strictly towards them, you know, i i’ll come down to earth and give an example regarding a car. industry, this is how foreign manufacturers acted, western ones, well, after such a demarche, slamming doors and leaving our market, it turned out that it was possible to leave in one day, that is, we have definitely already we won’t allow it, we learned a good lesson, we were taught, this won’t happen again, thank you very much. negotiations between putin and lukashenko lasted so
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long on the second day that these shots were taken at half past midnight. the belarusian country later reported that lukashenko treated putin to his own youth salad. the russian president flew to moscow to hold a meeting on the defense complex and begin a visit to uzbekistan on sunday. this word is an absolute workaholic, the schedule is really very busy, the president ends the working day every day far after midnight, every day far to fill in itself. in the morning he is already in contact, he is already functioning again, a period that requires very energetic efforts from the head of state, our president knows what and how to do, one meeting, another meeting, good
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afternoon, teleconference with the regions, good evening, in time... operators and those who helped in organizing teleconferences. the most interesting video is always on zarubin’s telegram channel, subscribe, but behind the scenes the work continues, for obvious reasons, a lot now requires special secrecy. at one meeting, even the minister handed out mobile phones to special safes. but in the kremlin , maxim oreshkin checked himself, just in case. presidential meetings meetings can be very long, so you don’t even need to watch for hours; correspondingly, where we are, and then photographs appear in the night, late in the evening i met with the president, it was a good conversation, the president , as always, supported me, gave me parting words and received additional
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energy, we will continue to build a republic, fight, finish off the devils. one step ahead all the time, we must stay ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed, you yourself know, your specialists are always in contact with those of our guys who work on the line of combat contact, fight, not sparing themselves, defend the interests of russia, how only we are ahead, at least half a step, of everything, efficiency increases multiple times, simply multiple times, oil plants that have become the target of drones are now operating in a special mode, of course, well...
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once on aviation technology and unmanned aerial vehicles four times, good pace, large volume, at many meetings this week, the new minister of industry, you have been the youngest all your life, then the youngest governor, now the youngest minister, this is probably such a really additional responsibility, very significant, when they say it like that all the time, it’s some kind of additional challenge, well , another reason to work harder, but it’s true, youth is a thing that quickly passes, we don’t have long to remain young, but we will, of course, solve the most ambitious tasks, ensure economic growth, and therefore the well-being of russian families, if we continue to expand opportunities for our scientific and production teams, for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative
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teams, at the agency meeting strategic initiatives behind putin’s back there is this inscription: and before the start of the meeting, the people on whom many changes in the country depend, discussed in detail the economic details of oreshkin approaches nabiulin and reshetnikov, then they also begin to participate in the calculations, as the economic bloc of the government and the presidential administration have demonstrated without exaggeration over the past 2 years.
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a special suitcase is traveling around the kremlin. our program has seen a lot, but this is the first time. the guests put numerous documents signed by russia and bahrain into a suitcase, which ends up being closed with great difficulty. agreement after agreement.
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the president also provided support with the translation; during the start of negotiations it quickly became clear that that the king had not yet encountered such translation devices, putin tried to suggest, members of the delegation from bahrain also, of course, tried to help, tried to help more than once, putin decided to show what is called on himself.
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minister and president. respect for different gestures is important: russian hospitality to countries, cultures, religions, why
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the russian position is valued by the vast majority of states in the world. and now on sunday evenings vladimir putin is in tashkent, our program too, we begin to cover vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. special hospitality, as always in uzbekistan, from the doorstep, the presidents will travel from the airport in one car, that’s what our program saw. tashkent, which has seriously changed in recent years, will soon become even more modern, the new tashkent project, so that the history remains i... and the street of new tashkent was exactly petersburg, st. petersburg, excellent, and today you are on your visit this impression, that’s because i
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’ll bring it here, be it the most beautiful, yes very beautiful, informal communication started quite late in the evening in tashkent presidents, you and i wrote interviews day and night, you said that the president’s schedule is especially difficult, but how do you bear it all and worry about it, well, listen, it’s much more difficult for the president. everything, because after all, behind all these ceremonies there are then many hours of communication, and now the two presidents are going for personal communication, which, in fact, is probably one of the important elements of this visit, because it is at the moment of such communication that the most sensitive questions, and you also constantly play sports i work out in order to withstand this, i try, but i definitely try, i worked out today, i arrived, i had an hour and a half of time, so i worked out. from the car window , putin can definitely see such numerous screens. pavel, what is known about
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the president’s plans for the next week? the president's new working week has essentially already begun. state visit to uzbekistan. also this week, putin will present state awards, and on the eve of children's day he will talk with large families. there will be many others events, well, i’ll repeat it right now, a visit to uzbekistan. next will be tashkent, a state visit to uzbekistan, the first day is today, monday, the second day of the visit, continuation of extremely intense negotiations. vladimir putin and shavkat perziyoyev met and communicated in detail quite recently, two weeks ago in moscow, but the level of relations between the two countries has gained such momentum that there are always many questions, consistent with the nature of the comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance between our countries, also in the presidential schedule on week advice on... the development of national projects, the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill-wishers to limit us in some way. putin will continue to work with the regions. according to our information
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, there will be many other events this week. if you want to learn about the most important things in big politics before others, then subscribe to the zaruben telegram channel, well, again, only our program will show you more than others. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week. for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to fight headaches. retire to the bedroom and decide: i prefer investments, where to invest the donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and
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now i eat it because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise, without sugar, without vinegar and without starch, it is just as tasty, pure mayonnaise, bright taste, more benefits, which men are silent about, painful emission, erection problems - these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis, langidaza against prostatitis, thanks to purchases at mega. anyone can make an annual deposit, open a deposit on
12:00 pm! now we are returning to uzbekistan. dear vladimir vladimirovich, once again welcome to uzbekistan. we have been preparing for this visit very carefully and for a long time, and i think it will help us.


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