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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, how are the negotiations going, what formats are on the agenda? and what statements have already been made? chinese response to kiev beijing reacted to zelensky’s call for sidzenping to take part in the summit, which will be held in switzerland. what position did you take in the prc? diplomatic issue mit and menus sent a proposal to the kremlin to remove the taliban's terrorist organization status. what are the conditions for this? political
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clinch in georgia, legal committee parliament voted today to override the president's veto on laws on common agents, should we expect new unrest? birthday of st. petersburg, what program have you prepared for residents and guests for the city day? we will tell you about the plans for the construction of a new all-season resort on lake baikal in a special report dedicated to the project. five seas. the pace of development of economic relations between russia and uzbekistan is impressive, they are becoming more diverse and have good potential. vladimir putin stated this in tashkent during negotiations with colleague shavkat mirziyoyev. today is the main day of the russian leader's state visit to the republic. its progress is being monitored by the head of our central asia bureau, robert frantsev. he's taller now. direct connection with the studio,
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robert, greetings, what else did the leaders of russia and uzbekistan say at the negotiations? and robert, can you hear us? hello! yes, unfortunately, we have problems with communication, let me remind you that my colleague robert frantsov should talk about vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan, about the topics of negotiations in the center of attention, what issues have already been discussed, what statements have been made, we will definitely return to this topic on our air a little later, well, now to other events, the russian military in the donetsk people's republic liberated a village. tailov, our
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units managed to improve their tactical position. the ministry of defense reported that the center group of troops also repelled five counterattacks by attack aircraft in the ssu near ocheretin, solovyov and umansky. the enemy lost up to 335 people, five armored vehicles, and during the counter-battery fight, nine different guns, including nato ones. a message about the serious successes of our military came from the kharkov region. the west group liberated the village of ivanovka. now russian units occupy more advantageous positions. the ssu lost more than 400 military personnel, armored vehicles and guns. in the southern donetsk direction, we will continue to talk about the situation in their zone, the russian military destroyed the fortification of the armed forces of ukraine, the combat mission was effectively carried out by the crew of the self-propelled and galubits, modern equipment allows them to work quickly and accurately, so that they can cover targets
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change position before a retaliatory strike from the enemy, our war correspondent, eduard punigov with details. an mstas self-propelled artillery unit of the eastern group is in a combat position. the crew conducts targeted fire at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. fast reload, adjustment of target coordinates, the next blow hits the next one. the enemy's supporter. after a series of shots, the gunners immediately change positions so as not to fall under return fire. these calculations came here from buryatia. artillerymen of the eastern military district support fire infantry, which these days is working on the vremev ledge in the south donetsk direction. musta can shoot at a distance of over 30 km. the installation can operate both from closed firing positions and direct fire. as a rule, these are targets hidden deep behind enemy lines. calculations are destroyed. strong points, fortified
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enemy tanks, disable artillery and mortar batteries. the senior officer at the battery gives the settings, i set the settings, overlap the target, that’s all and... then we work on the shot on the previous version, everything is there on tumlers it’s all done manually, there are already computers here, everything is set automatically. howitzers keep opponents in constant tension, they work day and night, crews fire dozens of shots per day. what is its rate of fire? and the rate of fire, it depends on the loaders, force is needed, that is, it’s like you have to push the projectile there, then the cartridge case, and push it all in there. after combat work, the installation is hidden in the so-called... garage in a forest belt, they are also periodically changed so that they are not detected by enemy drones, according to duty must under no circumstances linger in one place. the fierce battle in this area is now in the active phase, the ukrainian armed forces are hopelessly losing the artillery duel. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction.
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mirziyoyev called kuksaroy, which means green palace. the president had a meeting in a limited format, now they were joined by members of the delegation. this is one of the first visits after the completion of the elections, all procedures related to this, including related to the formation of the government, i came to uzbekistan, that’s why. such a representative delegation is no coincidence, it emphasizes our special character, both strategic partnership and allied relations, uh, the pace of development of economic ties, they are really very impressive, according to your data, about 30% over the past year, we really have our the statistics are a little smaller, but overall we account for 15.5% of your turnover. not a bad result, and i ’m sure it will be greater, meaning for the first quarter of this year, even according to our
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according to statistics, more than 20% is strictly enough, this is a decent, very good result, and thanks to your efforts, thanks to the efforts of the government of uzbekistan, our trade and economic relations are diversified, have good prospects, especially in the field of industrial cooperation and high technology, this... in development of cooperation and current international issues are on the agenda; a significant package of documents is expected to be signed. according to mirzioyev, the goal is to double the trade turnover between the two countries. i'm very grateful that one of the first visits you went to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for uzbekistan and the multinational people of uzbekistan. i am very grateful to you for this. i think today.
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nato does not have the right to decide whether kiev can use western weapons to strike russian territory, said the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of italy, antonio taijani. this morning at the nato parliamentary assembly in sofia, en stoltenberg again spoke in favor of allowing ukraine to attack the territory of our country with the bloc’s weapons. now our european correspondent regina is in direct contact with the studio sebastianova. regina, hello, what other calls were made in the bulgarian capital and how do eu leaders comment on the initiative of the nato secretary general? hello, italy and germany are against it.
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on what conditions to supply weapons to ukraine. as i said earlier, the time has come to consider lifting a number of restrictions. ukraine is under attack from russian territory with missiles and artillery, and it is difficult to respond to them. kiev has the right to defend itself in accordance with the un charter, international law, including attacking legitimate military targets on russian territory. some allies have lifted such restrictions, allowing ukrainians to better defend themselves. i believe that the time has come to lift other restrictions. stoltenberg stressed that nato's goal remains to prevent the conflict from escalating into a full-scale
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war between russia and its allies; he stressed, for example, that nato has no plans to station ground troops on ukrainian territory, despite the statements that the president has made recently france emmael macron. in italy, for example, this idea was not supported, she was criticized both by the head of the ministry and personally by prime minister george melone. i don't know why stoltenberg says something like that. there are clear rules for the supply of weapons and, which were agreed upon with ukraine, at the moment these rules are working, this
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is olaf scholz’s position, and sweden, in an appropriate response to a request from journalists, actually supported jans stoltenberg’s idea. according to international law, ukraine has the right to defend itself by introducing military operations directed against the territory enemy, as long as military actions comply with the laws and customs of war. constantly proclaiming what our own red line is only encourages moscow to adapt its christmas actions to our constantly changing voluntary restrictions. earlier, let me remind you, the head of the british foreign ministry said that ukraine can decide for itself how to use british weapons; in his opinion, kiev has the right to strike targets on russian territory. this announcement
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was made on may 3, at the end of february finland made a similar statement at the chapter level. ministry of defense of the country, let me remind you that the new york times previously stated that anthony damn will try to convince joe biden to also lift restrictions on the use of weapons that the united states supplied to ukraine. yuri, yes regino, thank you for the detailed story, let me remind you that our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, was in direct contact. the taliban is the real power in afghanistan, and this is not indifferent to russia. head of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov also stated an initiative about the possible expulsion of the taliban. list of terrorist organizations reflects objective reality. earlier, mik and minyu sent a proposal to the kremlin to remove this status from the taliban. this was announced by the director of the second department of asia of the ministry of foreign affairs, zamir kabulov. the fact that the relevant departments were working on the issue became known in april. since the taliban came to power in afghanistan in 2021, russian authorities have stated that the taliban must meet a set of demands from
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the international community. among them ethnopolitical inclusiveness of the government, respect for basic rights. people primarily in relation to women, and previously the taliban delegation had already visited russia, and now an invitation has been sent to the taliban to take part in the st. petersburg economic forum. in georgia, at the finish line of the adoption of the law on foreign agents, the parliamentary committee on legal issues approved overcoming the veto previously imposed by the president. and now the issue awaits consideration at the plenary meeting, which is scheduled for tomorrow. the document caused a wave of protests in the country. the collective west also opposes him. german foreign minister anna lena berwock said that the law should be withdrawn as it does not correspond to the values ​​of the eu. otherwise, georgia is closing its path to the european union. in armenia, the number of people detained at protests is growing. almost 300 people are already in the hands of the police. demonstrators are demanding the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan. the unrest began after news of
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baku and yerevan agreeing on border delimitation. according to the agreement of azerbaijan, they withdraw four villages in tavuzh region. the protesters are unhappy with this and accuse pashinyan of unilaterally surrendering land. the protests were led by the head of the tavush diocese of the armenian apostolic church, archbishop bagrad galstanyan. pashinyan has already called the church an agent of influence and threatened to resolve the issue with it in 2-3 months. in his opinion, an agreement with baku will be a guarantee of security for armenia. the military court again refused to transfer the former commander of the fifty-eighth army, major general ivan popov, to house arrest from the pre-trial detention center. law on changing the preventive measure filed an investigation. popov was arrested for 2 months on charges of committing a crime under the article fraud on an especially large scale. the general is involved in the theft of almost 2.0 tons of rolled metal, which were intended for the equipment of engineering defensive structures. in chisinau, after a break of almost a month , the trial against the head
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of ggauzia, evgeniy gutsul, resumed. the new meeting took place against the backdrop of mass protests by gutsul supporters. hundreds of people.
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2:24 pm
beijing is in favor of a peace conference recognized by both moscow and kiev. this is how the chinese foreign ministry responded to zelensky’s call for sidzenping to take part in the summit, which will be held in switzerland. according to a chinese foreign ministry official, equal participation by all is necessary.
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beijing reacted sharply to today's bravado in taiwan and the provocative statements made there by american congressmen, and despite the fact that washington constantly insists that it follows the one-china principle and allegedly does not maintain official ties with the taiwanese leadership, saying that the legislator is not a representative of the executive branch, yet they see everyone understands what american high-ranking officials are getting at every time they fly to taipei , but we shouldn’t forget that michael makol, who heads the delegation of american congressmen, is not just anyone, but the chairman of the committee on foreign... affairs, but with him the same are not the last people in the us congress, who today at a meeting with the new head of the island administration, publicly promised taiwan to continue to provide, including military
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assistance. to confront beijing. the united states is fully committed to military, diplomatic and economic support for taiwan. we agree with taiwan's president lai tsende that peace, stability and strength are essential to global security and prosperity. and we are moving forward in the development of these weapons systems. i wish it would happen faster, but they are already preparing. and i think $4 billion in foreign military funding. this is a huge investment, but at the same time a sign of our support for taiwan. the americans will invest in military assistance to taiwan, and as makol said, the us government intends to supply taiwan with the latest advanced weapons systems, and not old weapons, as in ukraine, new reserves, new technologies, the us intends to speed up development and deliveries, and here with an emphasis specifically on naval weapons, specifically at sea, the united states believes, there will be major battles with china take place. in general, the americans are pushing the island to
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arm itself. conflict, despite the fact that beijing has repeatedly demanded that washington stop approaching this red line, not cross the red line, that is, not continue to maintain contacts with the taiwanese authorities, which beijing considers separatists, and despite the doctrine that in the end the chinese army spent last week in the taiwan strait, thereby making it clear that it does not intend to calmly look at american aid to the islands authorities, in beijing today they once again emphasized this, demanding that washington abandon any, and above all, military contacts with taipei. we call on american lawmakers to stop using taiwan as a bargaining chip, to stop interfering in china's internal politics, and to stop pandering to separatist forces in taipei. by such actions, the united states damages sino-american relations and undermines peace and stability in the taiwan strait. china will take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. actually, this is why beijing conducted military maneuvers to blockade taiwan
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in order to cut it off. including from the supply of american weapons, well, they remind in beijing that biden personally gave his word not to interfere in the internal affairs of china, and as we see, the americans are not keeping it, and the taiwan strait is one step away from boiling over. alexander baalsky, news, beijing bureau.
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wait, who are they, new people, this is a passenger with me. reporter, director, i came for my brother, i am the battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has a call sign, i’m adam, why isn’t adam adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose , you can, i can, you can sing somehow, whether i shave, i’m alive, we don’t need names, she’s not a trosh, or what, not a trosh not yours, well, you, crumble, light of god, homer to the bullet gun, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger,
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call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military defended crimea from an air attack; the commander of the crew had to make a decision in a matter of seconds, the target was approaching very quickly.


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