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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, as negotiations are taking place. what formats are on the agenda and what statements have already been made? chinese response to kiev beijing reacted to zelensky’s call for sidzenping to take part in the summit, which will be held in switzerland. what position did you take in the people's republic of china? diplomatic issue mit and mineus sent a proposal to the kremlin to remove the taliban's status as a terrorist organization. what are the conditions for this? political? clinch in georgia, legal
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a parliamentary committee voted today to override the president’s veto on the law on foreign agents, should we expect new unrest? birthday of st. petersburg. what program was prepared for residents and guests for city day? and we’ll tell you about tourism prospects about plans for the construction of a new all-season resort on lake baikal in a special report dedicated to the five seas project. the current negotiations will benefit the russian-uzbek partnership. many documents adopted today by the two countries are aimed at developing trade and economic cooperation. vladimir putin announced this today in tashkent following negotiations with his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev. my colleague anastasia efimova is following vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. she joins the broadcast. anastasia, greetings. what did the leaders of russia and uzbekistan agree on, what documents were signed? hello. there are quite
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a lot of topics, i’ll try not to miss anything. a solid package of documents in the field of trade, commerce and peaceful nuclear energy was signed today between moscow and tashkent. the ceremony took place immediately after the end of negotiations between the leaders of the two countries. one of the agreements concerns the construction of low- power nuclear power plants in the republic. experts discussed technical aspects and uzbekistan declares the strategic nature of the project. in general, the portfolio of joint projects is being assessed. 45 billion dollars, while trade and economic ties are diversifying, vladimir putin emphasized this, noting, among other things , the good prospects for partnership between the two countries, this is one of the first visits after the completion of the elections of all procedures related to this, including including those related to the formation of the government, such a representative delegation came to uzbekistan, it is no coincidence, this emphasizes our special character. and strategic partnerships, and
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allied relations, the pace of development of economic ties, they are really very impressive, according to your data, about 30% for last year, according to our statistics, we actually have a little less, but in general we occupy 15.5% of your trade turnover not a bad result, and i'm sure it will be more, keeping in mind that. for the first quarter of this year, even according to our statistics, which are quite strict, more than 20%, this is a decent, very good result, and thanks to your efforts, thanks to the efforts of the government of uzbekistan, our trade and economic relations are diversifying and have good prospects, especially in the field of industrial cooperation and high technology , it is most important. let me remind you that i am on a state visit.
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vladimir putin arrived in tashkent the day before, today is the main working day. this morning vladimir putin arrived at the country residence of shavkat mirziyoyev kuksoroy and after the obligatory photographing ceremony in such cases, the negotiations themselves, first in a narrow format, quoting the head of uzbekistan with a pencil in hand, the leaders went through all the items on the agenda. i am very grateful that one of your first visits... went to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for uzbekistan and the multinational people of uzbekistan, i am very grateful to you for this. i think today we have a very extensive agenda, we will go through all the issues that are on our agenda, and for the first time we signed a road map of 63 points. i must say that this is actually being done and there is real progress. and today, if we speak. the expanded,
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representative delegation that vladimir putin mentioned is an opportunity to substantively discuss a variety of areas of cooperation, including the supply of russian gas to uzbekistan, and moscow is ready to increase the volume. uzbekistan is a strategic partner, a reliable ally. our close friendly relations are on the rise, developing dynamically on the principles of equality, mutual respect and taking into account each other's interests. we are in constant contact with you, dear shakhat miramanovich, we constantly keep under personal control all current issues of bilateral relations, moreover, a solid package of intergovernmental, interdepartmental, interregional and
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commercial agreements will be signed, covering cooperation in trade, industry in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, culture , science and education, i will separately mention that on october 7... the twenty- third year, you and the president of kazakhstan launched the start of deliveries russian gas to uzbekistan through kazakh territory. currently, exports are being carried out well ahead of schedule, and we are ready to increase this volume if necessary. so, energy, metallurgy, petrochemistry, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence - this is not a complete list of areas in which moscow and tashkent cooperate. what is important, shavkat mirziyoyev emphasized this in particular: all projects are exclusively mutually beneficial and involve the use of the most advanced technologies. traditionally priority the direction is cooperation in the energy complex. today russia is
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our strategic partner in the supply of natural gas, oil and petroleum products. thanks to your support, last year we began receiving russian blue fuel through the existing pipeline. in the new regime, there are agreements on modernizing the gas transportation system, increasing the volume of supplies of gas, oil and petroleum products, and implementing projects with leading russian hydrocarbon processing companies. in total, russian-uzbek the negotiations lasted about 3 hours, obviously a full assessment of their effectiveness will be given by the leaders as part of a statement to the press, we are waiting for it in the near future and will definitely show it on our broadcast. yes, anastasia, thank you for your detailed story; my colleague anastasia efimova is following the progress of vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan. on other topics, russian units occupied two more settlements: the village of nitaylovo in the donetsk people's republic and the village of ivanovka in the kharkov region. this was reported instead of defense. in
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the military department also stated that the troops of the north group are moving into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian army. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to counterattack in most directions, but these attempts are being successfully repelled. at the same time , the enemy suffers significant losses, both in manpower and equipment. the defense also reported that the troops of the southern group improved the position along the front line, and the eastern ones occupied more advantageous positions. a ukrainian citizen was detained in the lugansk people's republic on suspicion of espionage, the fsb reported. she is accused of collecting information about the locations of the russian military and the transfer of this data to the ukrainian special services. as investigators established, she told everything she learned to her sister.
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the allies must decide for themselves on what
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conditions to supply weapons to ukraine. as i said earlier, the time has come to consider lifting a number of restrictions. ukraine is under attack from russian territory with missiles and artillery, and it is difficult to respond to them. kiev has the right to defend itself in accordance with the un charter, international law, including attacking legitimate military targets in territory of russia. some allies lifted such restrictions, allowing the ukrainians to better for... i don’t know why stoltenberg says something like that. i think he needs to be very careful with statements like that.
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i agree that nato must take a tough stance and not give in. but there are many, let’s say, dubious and controversial statements. suffice it to recall the statement by french president emmanuel macron about sending nato troops to ukraine. i advise you to be more careful. federal chancellor of germany olaf scholz also stated that he does not currently see prerequisites for expanding the scope of use of western weapons supplied by the allies. to ukraine, he noted: there are clear rules for the supply of weapons that have been agreed upon with ukraine, and at the moment these rules are working. this is olaf scholz's position. but sweden, in an appropriate response to a request from journalists, actually supported jans stoltenberg’s idea. according to international law, ukraine has the right to defend itself by introducing military operations directed against enemy territory until as long as military actions comply with the laws and customs of war. sweden supports.
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stated that ukraine can decide for itself how to use british weapons; in his opinion, kiev has the right to strike.
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beijing also called on washington to think deeply about responsibility for the emergence and escalation of the ukrainian crisis. in georgia , the parliamentary committee on legal issues is in the final stretch of adopting the law on foreign agents. approved overriding the veto previously imposed by the president. the issue now awaits consideration in plenary meeting scheduled for tomorrow. the document caused a wave of protests in the country. the west is also against it. the head of the german ministry of foreign affairs, anna lena berbach, said that the law should be withdrawn as it does not correspond to the values ​​of the eu. otherwise, georgia is closing its path to the european union. almost 300 people were detained during a protest in armenia. most of them already.
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in his opinion, an agreement with baku will be a guarantee of security for armenia. the taliban is the real power in afghanistan and russia is not indifferent to this, as foreign minister sergei lavrov commented on the information about the possible exclusion of this organization from the list of terrorists. let me remind you that such an initiative was put forward by the russian ministry of justice and the ministry of justice. the fact that relevant departments were working on this issue became known in april. after the taliban came to power in afghanistan.
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and not in pakistan, hence the name of the movement from arabic talib is translated as student. the taliban's goal in the nineties was to overthrow the law-making government sharia. the first clashes of the detachments of his movement. after 2 years, the taliban occupied kabul and were in fact in power until 2001. after the movement refused to hand over terrorist binladen, who was hiding in afghanistan, to washington, the united states launched a military operation to overthrow the taliban regime. for many years , members of the movement fought a guerrilla war and eventually achieved the withdrawal of us troops in 2021 . the taliban continued to fight
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the pro-american government. in a short time they managed to regain control over the entire country. un sanctions on the movement act.
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because i am not guilty of the fact that i am now being tried, so on june 3 we will have a continuation of the trial. in the belgorod region, the consequences of night shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. this time the kiev regime chose rzhevka and shibekin as its targets. as reported, the pvu worked effectively and knocked down the mudflow, but when it hit, the debris, including the warheads of the shells , caused a lot of damage. our special correspondent, egor grigoriev, saw how the destruction was being restored. four loud arrivals in a row, a few more half an hour iran. the ukrainian armed forces fired rockets at the village of rzhevka. the missile warning signal has not yet been canceled, but firefighters have left for the arrival site. this is the shibekinsky district, next to the village
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of rzhevka, shibekina itself. after arrival , the grass caught fire. now the firefighters are doing everything to prevent the fire from spreading to residential buildings, there was an arrival, there was an unexploded shell, now it is taking on water, still to be extinguished, the fire in the isu was chaotic, shells fell near the school, on the roads, on the houses of villagers, i i was sitting here when we arrived, so in my hand there is a glass of tea, a cup, of course, everything hasn’t...
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shifted to the city of shibekina. during the breaks, precisely in the short pauses between missile danger alarms, the city miraculously comes to life. utility workers are barely keeping up with the consequences of the arrivals. after the blows, the night before, the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings was like ashes. the missile hit the tank of a domestic passenger car. three nearby cars immediately burst into flames, several more cars were cut by shrapnel, the tank was flown in and she was thrown out of there through the doors, they went out, yeah, and there i also look in the windshield, it’s also visible, that is, if someone’s panel had been broken, the steering wheel had been broken, if someone had been sitting in the car, it would have pierced everything, nearby, also
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on the weekend, a rocket fell at a grocery store , wounded a woman, with its entire purpose... to today’s bravado in taiwan and the provocative statements that american congressmen have made there, and despite the fact that washington always insists that it follows the one-china principle, it allegedly does not maintain official ties with taiwanese. leadership, they say, the legislator is not representatives of the executive branch, they still see everyone understands what american high-ranking officials are getting at whenever they fly to taipei, but we shouldn’t forget that michael makol, who
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heads the delegation of american congressmen, is not - but the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, but along with him are not the last people in the us congress, who today, at a meeting with the new head of the island administration, publicly promised taiwan to continue to provide including military assistance for the confrontation. the united states is fully committed to military, diplomatic and economic support for taiwan, and we agree with taiwan's president lai tsende that peace, stability and strength are essential to global security and prosperity. and we are moving forward in the development of these weapons systems. i wish it would happen faster, but they 're already preparing, and i think $4 billion in foreign military funding is huge.
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which beijing has repeatedly demanded from washington stop approaching this red line and do not cross the red line, that is, do not continue to maintain contacts with the taiwanese authorities, who are considered separatists in beijing, and despite the exercise that the chinese army conducted in the taiwan strait at the end of last week, thereby making it clear, that it does not intend to calmly look at american assistance to the island authorities, beijing emphasized this once again today, demanding that washington abandon any, and above all, military contacts with taipei. we call on the american lawmakers should stop using taiwan as a bargaining chip, stop interfering in china's internal politics, and stop pandering to separatist forces in taipei. by such
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actions, the united states damages sino-american relations and undermines peace and stability in the taiwan strait. china will take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. actually, this is why beijing conducted military maneuvers to blockade taiwan, in order to cut it off, among other things, from supplies. 321st birthday, the date doesn’t seem to be anniversary, but very similar to a countdown before the start, and indeed, today st. petersburg is not only a city, an
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open-air museum, but a rapidly developing metropolis with a huge number of plans. and, of course, st. petersburg is a city with its own traditions; birthdays are celebrated here with gratitude. the founder of the capital of the russian empire, peter i. the city dressed up for its birthday, the wind flutters flags on the main avenues, embankment bridges, and here on the blue bridge near the legislative assembly there used to be parking, and now a linden grove and flower garden. another tradition of the celebration is to reward and celebrate the best citizens; the list of honorary
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citizens of the city today was replenished with three names, jazzman david goloshchokin received badges, and now new personnel from uzbekistan. hadmi ramonovich, dear friends, colleagues, first of all, i would like to once again thank the president of uzbekistan for the invitation to visit your country on a state visit, this is indeed one of the first trips abroad after the formation of the government, after the elections president in russia, and i want to say that even during this period of time, when we had these changes, our partnership did not stop as a result of that... level that, thanks to the level that was achieved in our relations over the previous period, this partnership continued to develop dynamically and progressively, i... certainly
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agree with shavkhat miramonovich that today’s negotiations were held in a constructive manner and were indeed very useful. we have considered practically all current issues of russian-uzbek cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields. and the joint statement we signed as a result of the negotiations defines long-term expansion guidelines. their contacts were assigned tasks appropriate within the framework of the visit, a number of intergovernmental agreements and commercial contracts were concluded, many of them are aimed at enhancing practical interaction in the economic sphere, first of all, this is quite natural, since russia is one of the key business partners of uzbekistan. based on the results of last year, trade turnover, we have already talked about this according to uzbek statistics, some figures according to
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ours. others, but still increased significantly, amounted to almost 10 billion dollars, of course, this is not the limit, we just discussed with the president, but if we implement all the projects and programs that we talked about, and i have no doubts about that they will be implemented, why not, there is a readiness and desire on both sides to work in these areas, of course we we will increase, we will increase this volume of trade turnover in the first quarter. this year, it has grown by almost 20%. it is important that our countries consistently switch to using national currencies, which we consider extremely important. in financial mutual settlements, credit cooperation between credit and banking institutions is strengthening; the share of the ruble in bilateral commercial transactions reached 58% at the end of last year. continues to grow,
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but i already said, in a broad composition i mentioned in a narrow one, in the uzbek market there are more than 3,000 enterprises with russian participation, and this is a good start, in general, russian capital investments in the economy of uzbekistan exceeded 9 billion dollars, the strategic direction is, in any case, one of the most important is energy, our... country reliably supplies uzbekistan’s economy with hydrocarbon fuels, thereby promoting the stable functioning of energy-intensive sectors of agriculture, as well as the public utilities sector, shakhat miranovich already mentioned this, i too i will say this in october together with shakhatatomovich and the president of kazakhstan kasamat takaev. we
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launched the pumping of russian gas by gazprom to uzbek consumers, in transit through kazakh territory, i remember how it began, the winter before last in uzbekistan there was a difficult critical situation due to abnormal cold weather, i remember how shakhat miranovich was worried and of course looked for all the opportunities to solve this problem, and naturally we all started thinking about the future. the climate is changing, we need to take some steps ahead of time. are underway work is currently underway to increase the throughput of the central asia center pipeline system, which will make it possible next year to increase the volume of gas pumped to uzbekistan to 11 billion m. large russian energy companies, gazprom, lukoil, have been operating in the republic for a long time and are developing gas fields, tatneft is working
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abroad. oil, they are engaged in petrochemical production, refining, fuel supply, increasing the productivity of oil fields, there are good prospects for cooperation in hydropower, rushydro provides assistance to uzbekistan in creating flexible generation capacities that will help equalize the country’s energy balance and ensure uninterrupted operation of the entire energy system of uzbekistan. on the agenda. two such large hydro -storage power plants for construction on lakes aydarkul and karakaterin and a combined total production capacity of 1 gigawatt, this will be such a good, serious contribution to the energy sector of uzbekistan. another priority area, shafhat miramonovich
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just mentioned this, is the peaceful atom. the protocol signed today on amendments to the relevant intergovernmental agreement of 2018 opens up the opportunity for the construction of low-power nuclear power plants in uzbekistan according to... modern russian


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