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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers, learned what it’s like to actually go to war, on the front line, the youngest is also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants same thing to go, i realized that i can’t sit anymore. there is a lot to learn from young guys.
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awareness of reality: the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of justice proposes to exclude the afghan taliban movement from the list of organizations banned in russia. its representatives were even invited to st. petersburg economic forum. the taliban are the real power in afghanistan and afghanistan is not our cup of tea. no different - these are the words of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. he made this statement during a conversation with journalists in moscow, just answering a question about the possible exclusion of the taliban from the list of prohibited organizations. and according to lavrov, such an initiative, this quote, reflects awareness and objective reality. earlier it became known that the foreign ministry, together with the ministry of justice, reported to vladimir putin that the taliban can already be crossed off from the list of prohibited movements. also russia. extended
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an invitation to the taliban to take part in the international economic forum in st. petersburg next week. let me remind you that the taliban have been in power in afghanistan since august 2021, after they ousted the pro-american government, the americans themselves simply left afghanistan. but the taliban has been on the russian list of banned organizations since 2003, but after the events of the twenty-first, russian officials have repeatedly talked about a new political. reality in afghanistan. a taliban delegation even came to moscow. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses. children are growing up. and we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card.
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waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. discovering the tundra and its main goal is to preserve the unique heritage of the country, as well as introduce the younger generation to the magical world of ancient legends and traditions. barvara nevskaya will continue: enchanted brides, magical owls and horned bears, heroes of fairy tales of the peoples of the north, spoke
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with the voices of popular blockbusters and cartoons. atmospheric stories of folklore, which even inspired pushkin, have received a new digital life. this is an unusual gift from a smoker. for centuries they were carefully passed down within families, from generation to generation, by word of mouth, and were hidden from the general reader in the vastness of the mysterious tundra, now they will be heard throughout the world in the format of fascinating audio performances, they so very atmospheric, they are literally about... permeated with the way of life of these peoples, and this is very interesting, i generally love fairy tales of the peoples of the world, fairy tales of northern peoples, probably one of the most beloved, because on the one hand they are so short and simple, on the other hand, they are very rich in some details of everyday life, how they
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hunt, how they spend their leisure time there, how they build interaction with each other. the goal of the volunteers is to preserve the unique cultural heritage of the country; they managed to collect folklore for the audio library nenets khanty, mansi and fifteen other indigenous peoples of the north. and this summer the project is expected to continue. the northern animals of fairy tales will literally appear on the big screen, in the plots of the gazprom neft art project, opening the tundra. our art project, revealing the tundra, is a fantasy look at the real world of the tundra, with its plots and the state of a fairy tale, into which we immerse the audience. the project will premiere soon at the st. petersburg international economic forum. new digital. formats invite you on a journey through the unknown world of the north, where there is faith in miracles and good spirits, and nature is like a fabulous living creature, the way the indigenous people of the north see it. fairy tales are already waiting for their listeners on popular audio services and internet platforms. varvara nevskaya,
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news. in georgia, the adoption of the law on benoagents is at the finish line. the parliamentary committee on legal affairs approved overriding the veto previously imposed by the president. now the issue awaits consideration at the plenary meeting, which is scheduled for tomorrow. let me remind you that the document caused a wave of protest in the country. the west is also against it. the head of the german ministry of foreign affairs, anna lena berbach, said that the law should be withdrawn as it does not correspond to eu values. otherwise, georgia is closing its way to the european union, she said. almost 300 people were detained during the protest in armenia. most of them have already been released, the local ministry of internal affairs reported this.
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pashinyan has already called the church an agent of influence and threatened to resolve the issue with it in 2-3 months; in his opinion, an agreement with baku will be... security guarantees for armenia. the north atlantic alliance is directly involved into the ukrainian conflict, this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the statement of the nato secretary general. in an interview with russian media, he noted that jan stoldenberg contradicts himself when he calls for allowing the kiev regime to strike russia with western weapons, but at the same time says that nato does not want direct confrontation with moscow. this cannot be his personal opinion, he is an official, he is the secretary general
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of the north atlantic alliance, so we perceive this, nato is increasing the degree of escalation, nato flirts with military rhetoric, falls into military ecstasy, this is the reality with which we need to continue to deal. our military also knows what to do; they are continuing a special military operation to stop all this. well, in turn , russian foreign minister sergei lavrov noted that the nato secretary general exceeded his authority by proposing. restrictions on kiev’s use of western weapons to strike russian territory. some eu leaders also did not support stoltenberg’s initiative. all details from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. italy and germany oppose jens stoltenberg’s proposal to lift restrictions on the use of western weapons by ukraine, including for attacking russian targets on internationally recognized russian territory. at the same time , poland and sweden actually supported this idea. in interviews and speeches, he said earlier,
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dedicated, in particular, to the upcoming nato summit. the allies must decide for themselves on what conditions to supply weapons to ukraine. as i am it is time to consider removing the row restrictions: ukraine is subject to attacks from russian territory with missiles, and it is difficult for them to respond with artillery. kiev has the right to defend itself in accordance with the un charter and international law. including attacking legitimate military targets on russian territory. some allies have lifted such restrictions, allowing ukrainians to better defend themselves. i believe that the time has come to lift other restrictions. at the same time, en stoltenberg emphasized that nato’s goal remains to prevent the conflict from escalating into a full-scale war between russia and the allies. he emphasized, for example, that nato has no plans to deploy ground troops on ukrainian territory, despite the statements recently made by french president emmael macron. something like that, i think that
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he needs to be very careful with such statements, i agree that nato should take a tough position and not give in, but there are many, let’s say, dubious and controversial statements, just remember the statement of french president emmael macron about sending nato troops to ukraine, i advise you to be more careful. scholz also said that at the moment he does not see the prerequisites for expanding the scope of use of western weapons that the allies supplied to ukraine, he noted that there are clear rules for the supply of weapons that were agreed upon with ukraine, at the moment these rules are working, this is olaf scholz’s position , here sweden, in an appropriate response to a request from journalists, actually supported jans stoltenberg’s idea. according to international law, ukraine has the right protect yourself by introducing. actions directed against enemy territory, as long as military actions comply with
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the laws and customs of war. sweden supports international law and ukraine's right to self-defense. this position was also agreed by the head of mid-poland, who in an interview with the guardian stated that, quote, the constant proclamation of what our own red line represents only encourages moscow to adapt its birth actions to our ever-changing voluntary restrictions. let me remind you earlier head of mita. great britain stated that ukraine can decide for itself how to use british weapons. in his opinion, kiev has the right to strike targets on russian territory. this statement was made on may 3; at the end of february, finland made a similar statement at the level of the head of the country's ministry of defense. let me remind you that the new york times previously stated that anthony damn will try to convince joe biden to also lift restrictions on the use of weapons that the united states supplied to ukraine. irina shamaeva, evgenia semtsova and eva fedotova, european bureau of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company. well, now
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let’s return to the topic, or more precisely, to the proposal to exclude the taliban from the list of prohibited organizations. so, let’s talk about how timely this proposal is with the russian president’s special representative for afghanistan, zamir kabulov. he joins us live now. zamir naveevich, we greet you, can you hear us? good afternoon. good afternoon. good afternoon, great. so, the first question is: what are the prerequisites for excluding the taliban? from the list of prohibited organizations? yes, why did this proposal appear now? well, that's it.
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yes, what will this mechanism for changing the status of the afghan movement look like legally and politically? are there any such precedents in russia? there were no such precedents in russia, this is the first thing, i must remind you that the security council adopted this resolution 12 number 1267 in 2001. and we were not talking about the taliban movement, but about individual leaders, the list was of leaders, but the russian federation included the entire organization, now there is a question of removing this status with the taliban movement, since
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the process of normalization of bilateral economic relations begins. and uh , this status prevents, first of all , russian economic operators from establishing normal cooperation, and this is doubly true today, may 27, since exactly 105 years ago, young soviet russia recognized the independence of afghanistan from the british empire, so there is a certain symbolism here. yes very. continuation of your answer to the previous question, you talked about normalizing relations, accordingly, where do we start as soon as this opportunity arises? yes, what will this give to moscow and kabul? to be honest, we have already started, in general, we have not hidden it, for several years now,
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the afghan delegation has been taking part in both st. petersburg. economic forum, and recently at the kazan economic forum, so this process has begun, but for russian economic operators, both public and private, it is important that they establish relationships with representatives, who have no complaints under russian legislation, so we needs to be eliminated.
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russia, the taliban movement can be accepted at the un level, is this possible? well, this is a matter within the competence of the council.
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finally they could not, because egil is supported by external patrons who finance and sponsor this movement, therefore
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cooperation with russia in various fields, in the economy, but in the law enforcement sphere, can strengthen the potential of the law enforcement agencies of afghanistan, which will be able to be more successful. suppress the international testing organization, well, yes, but this one is not fast work to combat radical groups. you have already spoken about inviting the taliban to the pfm, we know that last year they were also invited, in principle, by the very fact they already attracted attention, by the very fact of visiting the pfm, yes, it seems to me that this year it is already possible to take another step, probably to participate in some negotiations, agreements, the first ones, yes, especially if... the president makes a decision to exclude the taliban from the list of prohibited organizations, what do you expect from this visit to the st. petersburg forum? well
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by the way, have the taliban confirmed their visit to st. petersburg? yes, absolutely, you are right, the minister of labor of the taliban government and the head of the chamber will take part in the st. petersburg economic forum. and i hope that they and the afghan businessmen accompanying them will be able to agree with russian and other foreign partners on establishing cooperation. as for the russian country, i have already mentioned that we already have such cooperation, but the potential here has not been exhausted, and there is wider opportunities, counting on the fact that... the afghan delegation is making the most of this chance to strengthen and expand cooperation both with russian
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business and with other friendly countries. zamer davich, thank you very much, let me remind you that we spoke with the special representative of the russian president for afghanistan zamir kabulov. yes, in russia they are discussing the need to remove the status of a banned organization from the taliban movement. such plans do not conflict with council resolutions. russia will continue to do everything to increase the authority of the cis. about this at a meeting with deputy prime ministers said mikhail mishustin, who returned from a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis countries in ashgabat. this year, the chairmanship of the cis passed to the russian federation. recalled that the creation of sustainable partnerships with foreign countries was set by the president as the main task in the updated national goals. the cis today
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is an effective platform for the development of multilateral dialogue, coordination and promotion of common initiatives in our macro-region. in the year of the russian presidency, we will continue to do everything necessary to increase the authority of the commonwealth, expand communications with... with other integration associations, important agreements have been reached to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector, transport, as well as in the field of the chemical industry, hazardous waste management, liquidation of accumulated harm facilities together, and we will continue take measures to protect intellectual property and develop national telemedicine systems, i am sure that...
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expects a high fire danger in the capital region in the coming days. earlier weather forecasters announced an increase in heat in the european part of russia. well, let’s talk more about the weather with the leading specialist of the phobos center, evgeniy tishkovets. evgeny, hello. well, have the forecasts changed, are we still waiting in moscow, these hot +30s. good afternoon, colleagues, i looked at the statistics, it’s so warm. spring says goodbye to moscow only once every 15 years and
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every season. the thermometer columns will really try to storm the thirty-degree height. finally. summer , meanwhile, has already reached the coldest regions of our country. reindeer became hostage to the ice drift on the olenyok river in yakutia. ice movement began at the moment when they were crossing to the opposite shore. this year, poisonous snakes that have never been seen here before have entered the central and northern regions of the sakha republic. local residents hope that the snakes will not withstand difficult weather conditions for a long time and will not develop these territories. in st. petersburg, the warm sun attracted thousands of holidaymakers to the beaches. it’s cold to swim in the gulf of finland and the neva, although there are people interested, and the weather is ideal now for getting a tan. but in taganrog the beach season is still cancelled. due to strong squeezing winds, the sea of ​​azov retreated several hundred meters, which attracted daredevils who decided to take a ride and walk along the bottom. most
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of. european russia still remains under the rule of a low-cloud anticyclone, it is because of it that the wind in taganrog has acquired an unfavorable eastern direction, and it continues to disperse the clouds over the north-west of our country, center and the volga region, as a result the air in these areas warms up perfectly. the high pressure center is very stable, so tomorrow the heat will only intensify, from the black sea coast to the baltic it will be +25 and above, the same forecast for the capital region. on the lower reaches of the volga , the thermometer can exceed the thirty-degree mark; it will also become warmer in the volgovyatsky region and in the southern urals. the cold will retreat to the north. in taganrog today it will be cloudy with clearings, the east wind continues to blow with gusts of up to 14 m/s. tomorrow almost no changes, only the daytime temperature will rise to 27°. on wednesday the wind will change direction to the south, southwest, which will allow the sea to return. there will be
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a short-term event in the city. rain, possible thunderstorm, 24° in the afternoon. on thursday there will be no precipitation, the wind will subside, the air will warm up to +26. not a record, but still unusually hot on the banks of the neva. in st. petersburg in the middle of the day it was +26.2. there is a chance that there will be some life-saving rain in the evening, and a thunderstorm is not excluded. until the end of the week, daytime temperatures will remain at 27°. the weather will be unstable, showers and thunderstorms. the humidity is high, which does. an even more difficult test for the city's residents. the sun shone brightly in moscow all monday. the maximum temperature in the city center in balchiga was +23.6. tomorrow it will also be sunny, the air will warm up to 26°. on wednesday +27. the city will be refreshed by short rain. thunderstorms are possible. on thursday-friday, daytime temperatures will reach +28-30, which is 7-8° above
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the climate norm. according to statistics, it is so warm in moscow at the end of spring no more than once times every 15 years, and on may 31, 2024, it may become one of the top three record holders in the entire meteorological history of vdnkh. in general, may began with october weather and ends with july weather. these are facts, we continue, well, trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan has reached $10 billion.


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