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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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intermittent rain, thunderstorms are possible. on thursday-friday, daytime temperatures will reach +28-30, which is 7-8° above the climate norm. according to statistics, it is so warm in moscow at the end of spring no more than once every 15 years, and may 31, 2024, may become one of the top three record holders in the entire meteorological history of vdnkh. in general, may began with october weather and ends with july weather. these are the facts, we continue, so what?
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trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan has reached 10 billion dollars and may soon increase to 30. this became known in during the visit of president vladimir putin to tashkent. well, dmitry morocco is following the negotiations; he joins us live . dmitry, we greet you, we see messages from news agencies, they literally pour in every 10 minutes. what are the main areas of cooperation between the two countries ? yes, welcome, this includes gas supplies, as well as projects in the field of peaceful nuclear energy. uzbekistan is a strategic partner and a reliable ally of russia, today relations between the two countries are experiencing a new rise, president vladimir putin stated this in during the visit to tashkent. ties are developing in the spheres of trade, industry, and peaceful nuclear energy. in terms of trade volume, russia is in second place among uzbekistan’s partners after china; the share of our products in the republic’s market is 15.5%. at the same time , the transition to settlements in national currencies continues, the share of the ruble in commercial transactions based on the results.
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last year reached 58%. it is important that our countries are consistently moving - in calculations in national currencies, which we consider extremely important - in financial mutual settlements they are strengthening their credit cooperation between credit and banking institutions, the share of the ruble in bilateral commercial transactions at the end of last year reached 58 percent and continues to grow. last year, trade turnover between the two countries reached almost $10 billion. our country supplies the republic mainly with metals, oil, gas, equipment, agricultural products, and wood. as for imports from uzbekistan, these include textiles, cotton, food, and chemical products. cooperation is successfully developing within the framework of previously signed roadmap with 63 points. i have to say that. this is actually
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being carried out, there are real advances, and today, if we talk about trade turnover, we have already reached 10 billion. growth this year is 30%, this is very good growth, we are now working with our colleagues to reach 20 billion in the near future. moscow and tashkent are implementing many joint projects, the portfolio of which currently amounts to $45 billion, and during the current visit they signed an agreement for another 20. about 3.00 companies in uzbekistan operates with russian participation, and uzbekistan supports approximately 700 enterprises in russia, all this indicates a significant increase in direct investment. direct russian investments in uzbekistan are increasing every year, now they have already reached a solid figure, almost 10 billion dollars, i am sure that if they are implemented, i have no doubts about this, all our plans, which we just talked about in a narrow . that these direct investments
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will increase significantly. for many years, one of the priority the main area of ​​cooperation between the two countries remains energy. in the twenty-third year , gazprom entered into a two-year contract with uzbekistan for the supply of natural gas, the volume is 9 million cubic meters per day. now exports are being carried out well ahead of schedule and russia is ready to increase the volume if necessary, said president vladimir putin. nuclear energy is another important area of ​​cooperation in uzbekistan; a nuclear power plant will be built according to a russian project. commissioning is expected in 208 . in addition, as it became known, according to based on the results of negotiations, it is planned to build several small stations, which will include up to six power units. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds
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profitable, alpha profitable. russian units occupied two more populated areas point: the village of nitaylovo in the donetsk people's republic and the village of ivanovka in the kharkov region. this was reported to the ministry of defense, where they also stated that the troops of the north group were advancing into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian army. and at least they are trying to counterattack in most directions, but these attempts are being successfully repelled. at the same time, the enemy suffers significant losses, both in manpower and equipment. well, now we are returning to tashkent. president of the republic of uzbekistan shavkat miromonovich mirziyoyev and president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin.
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dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the meeting of the council of regions of the republic of uzbekistan and the russian federation. please pay attention to the monitors. uzbekistan and russia,
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a history of relations proven over centuries, a vibrant modernity, when understanding and trust at the highest level create a solid foundation for the future. the free trade regime favors the growth of trade turnover. there are 3,044 enterprises with russian capital in uzbekistan. projects have been launched over the past 7 years for billions of dollars. almost 17 billion dollars have been disbursed,
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interregional cooperation has acquired a completely new dynamic, today all regions of uzbekistan. they actively trade and develop industrial cooperation with 78 constituent entities of russia. over the past year alone , 276 mutual visits between the regions of the two countries took place. one of the most important areas is education. there are 14 russian universities in uzbekistan. effective programs operate in the healthcare sector.
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once. on the overall picture of relationships through thousands of projects and multi-billion dollar prospects, through the warmth of friendship and the strong emphasis on developing connections, the main priority emerges. development in the interests of our countries and peoples. this means that current successes are just the beginning.
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the floor is given to the president of the republic of uzbekistan shavkat miromonovich merziyoyev. rakhmat, thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear members of the council, our council, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, once again i sincerely greet dear vladimir vladimirovich all members of the russian delegation, the leader and representative of the regions present in this hall russia, welcome to uzbekistan.
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expansion of uzbek-russian relations of comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance. i want to say again that this is special attention to uzbekistan. and most importantly, to the multinational people of uzbekistan, thank you very much for this, i can say with confidence that your state visit to uzbekistan has become a truly historical event, opening a new
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milestone in multifaceted cooperation. today, dear comrades, we are in the process of... further development of interregional dialogue and filling it with new practical content. dear members of the delegation, heads of regions. 6 years ago, together with vladimir vladimirovich, we launched a mechanism for interaction between the regions of the two countries, which
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in fact showed its relevance. note that such cooperation is highly effectiveness contributes to the expansion of long-term partnership between uzbekistan and russia. in this regard, i would like to thank dear vladimir vladimirovich for supporting the proposal to transform the council of regions forum under our chairmanship and holding his first meeting as part of the state visit program. i am glad that today in this hall, together with the leaders of about thirty russian regions, their uzbek colleagues have gathered, there are also representatives of leading industrial enterprises and businesses of the two countries, many of you, i know personally, we have repeatedly met, talked, argued, but still we always at our meetings
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come to the result of a positive decision, which was about today in a small film, but... it's very big, a lot has been done in a short time. since the beginning of this year, our contacts have been developing especially actively. last week, delegations from all regions of uzbekistan visited partner regions in russia. earlier in april, more than 2,000 delegates from 65 constituent entities of the russian federation participated in the traditional inoprom exhibition in tashkent.
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new ambitious guidelines for cooperation for the future, this is reaching a trade turnover of 30 billion dollars in the coming years and mastering investments in the amount of up to 10 billion dollars already in next year, this is a big task, but i think, i am sure, as a former governor for many years, i think the governor’s corps will cope with this, and i really hope that...
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astrakhan, ivanovo, chelyabinsk regions, krasnodar, perym region, bashkarystan and many, many others, today action plans have been adopted to... increase trade turnover through cooperation and import substitution projects, primarily with the active involvement of regions. in the coming months we
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intend to open a full-fledged trading representative offices of uzbekistan in russia to support such projects. the second is expanding the scale of industrial cooperation. russia is the leading investment and technological... partner of uzbekistan. more than 3.0 russian companies operate successfully with us. today we are implementing projects in all key industries, including energy, chemistry, petrochemicals, mechanical engineering, agriculture, logistics, textiles, food industry and other industries, expanding their scale. industrial zone khimgrad tashkent region, launched with partners from tatarstan with a branch of the dzhezak region, which vladimir
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vladimirovich especially noted at the extended meeting: the total portfolio of joint projects already exceeds $45 billion, and this is far from the limit. as part of the current summit , agreements were reached on new cooperation projects for another $20 billion. a quarter of which, as i already noted, are in the regions, among them high-tech polymer production in the kharezom region, a metallurgical plant in krakal pakistan, gas processing complex of the kashkadara region, industrial parks in the bukhara and novoinsky regions. we intend to create new joint industrial zones to implement the project. in cooperation with leading enterprises of the regions of russia, i am confident that the leaders of the region of the two countries will prepare such projects within the framework of the activities of our
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council. third, expanding cooperation in the field of agriculture. the development of test practical interaction meets the common interest and is aimed at ensuring food security our countries. currently , projects are underway to expand the network of agrological centers in the regions of uzbekistan to organize direct supplies of high-quality fruit products to russia. our large agricultural enterprises and agricultural clusters are also interested in the joint development of wholesale distribution centers in russia and the cultivation of crops in the future.
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support and financing of regional projects. we also discussed this issue during the negotiations. work will begin soon joint investment platform with initial capital of $500 million. fifth, we pay special attention to expanding cultural and humanitarian cooperation. currently , 14 branches are successfully operating in uzbekistan. today we signed another fifteenth branch of bauman. i think that these are branches of leading russian universities, including the moscow and st. petersburg state universities in tashkent,
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the missus university of science and technology in almalyki, the kazan federal university in jizaki and many, many others agreed on the approval in our country of branches of the moscow state, as i said, the nikolai technical university. baumna all-russian academy of foreign trade. active work is underway to create centers for the development of advanced knowledge and competencies. in addition, today a cultural exchange program was adopted for the next 3 years, which provides for joint events in the regions of our countries. another area that i would like to draw attention to is the increase tourist flow. over the past few years, the number of russian tourists to uzbekistan has increased fivefold; along with bukhara and kheva, routes to
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kaka are in demand. regional leaders, dear friends, in recent years a lot of work has been done jointly to develop a full-scale partnership between uzbekistan and russia, however, it should be recognized that the potential for regional cooperation has not been tapped even halfway, this is a fact that the prime minister and i were talking about today the regional leaders themselves said, in fact,
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there are many issues that need to be resolved, we will resolve them, and if we realize our potential, every year we build up everything that we plan, i think the result will be very large and significant. we need more active efforts by both sides, more serious joint work aimed at achieving concrete results, which is why the respected vladimir vladimirovich and i decided to personally head the council of regions. we have agreed that we will maintain your contacts worldwide.
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dear shevat miramonovich, dear colleagues, friends, we are very pleased when i tell us, bearing in mind myself and the president of uzbekistan, we just walked here and talked about it, it’s very nice to see in this wonderful hall so many responsible people on whom decision-making depends not only in industries, but in the regional dimension, because your effective work
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will largely... depend on the overall success of our undoubtedly noble cause aimed at developing relations between uzbekistan and russia. the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan will undoubtedly take into account the positive experience gained over the years holding a forum of regions of the two countries. the main thing is that the new format differs not only in name, but in essence, in particular , i am sure that there will be greater attention to interregional cooperation. will be given by the central authorities of both states, and this is what we did at the suggestion, at the proposal of the president of uzbekistan, that in essence we combined the visit and such work of a representative delegation of the government of the russian federation in tashkent and a meeting of regional leaders. regions do play a key role in facilitating relations comprehensive strategic partnership and
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alliance between russia and uzbekistan make a significant contribution to the development of the entire complex of our relations. representatives from various regions of 22 russian governors and 14 uzbek mayors, heads of ministries, departments, legislators, representatives of business, scientific and public circles, that is, those who develop real things in practice, gathered at the council meetings in tashkent. russian-uzbek relations, including their trade and economic component. agenda of the council of regions is very extensive, it includes current topics such as deepening industrial cooperation, cooperation in agriculture, innovation and digital technologies. i would like to note that a total of 78 out of 89 constituent entities of the russian federation have mutually beneficial partnerships with the uzbek
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regions. it is thanks to such direct contacts, active initiative joint efforts of regional authorities, teams, and managers.


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