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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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brought together representatives from various regions of 22 russian governors and 14 uzbek mayors, heads of ministries, departments, legislators, representatives of business, scientific and public circles, that is, those who, in practice, with real deeds develop good neighborly russian-uzbek relations, including their trade and economic component. the agenda of the council of regions is very extensive . includes current topics such as deepening industrial cooperation, cooperation in agriculture, implementation of innovations and digital technologies. i would like to note that a total of 78 out of 89 constituent entities of the russian federation have mutually beneficial partnerships with the uzbek regions. it is thanks to such direct contacts, active and proactive joint efforts of regional authorities, teams, and management.
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regions, business circles, cooperation between russia and uzbekistan is filled with specific content and involves more and more participants. the contractual and legal framework for interregional cooperation is constantly expanding and complementing the asset several dozen agreements between the governments of the regions of the two countries have been prepared for regulation within the council, and even more agreements and commercial contracts have been prepared, aimed, among other things, at the development of mutual trade.
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e-commerce is developing rapidly, so at the end of 2023, the total volume of goods traded on the russian online platform waltbury from products of uzbek sellers increased by 93% and amounted to $418 million. in the near future , suppliers from uzbekistan will be able to enter another large russian marketplace (ozone) more than 3,000 enterprises with russian participation are already operating in the uzbek market, shahad miramanovich also just said this, this is every fifth of the companies operating in the country with foreign capital, to finance promising projects implemented in uzbekistan with the participation of regions of the two countries jointly a special investment fund is being created, it was also just said about this with a total amount of $500 million, the russian side is ready to contribute. our share, our share is
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$400 million, funds have been allocated, have been prepared, now only technical details remain, this will be finalized in the coming days, these are funds that will be directed to a variety of areas of the real sector of the republic’s economy. in april , the fourth international industrial exhibition inoprom, central asia was successfully held in tashkent, with many subjects within its framework. representatives of the russian federation presented their expositions dedicated to joint projects with uzbekistan, there are many such projects, for example, companies from tatarstan help modernize systems heating in the tashkent region, equip medical universities in uzbekistan with specialized equipment, i was in tatarstan and saw what and how they produce the highest level of metal equipment, you can really be proud of it, this is a good partner for
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uzbekistan, enterprises in the ivanovo region purchase high-quality uzbek equipment for production cotton products and textiles. the chelyabinsk region supplies automation for the oil and gas industry of the republic. in turn, companies the novosibirsk region exports mining equipment to uzbekistan for the extraction and processing of rare earth metals and gold. rostov rosselmash organized...
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in addition, it is planned to open a trading house in the capital of uzbekistan. st. petersburg, and naturally, cooperation between the regions gives an additional impetus to the development of tourist exchanges between the two parties. tourist flow doubled last year, 1.2 million trips, and russians enjoy visiting historical cultural centers uzbekistan, samarkand, bukhara, khiva, and tashkent is developing at such a pace, so such a city is becoming, it was good, of course, but since soviet times...
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to support your constructive initiatives and new joint projects, i with all my heart want to wish the participants council meeting successes and good results, i’m sure they will definitely come, thank you. ladies and gentlemen, speeches by the heads of regions of the two countries are planned as part of the council meeting. the floor is given to the khakim of the tashkent region, zair tairovich mirzaev.
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tatarstan, the republic of bashkastan, and the moscow region, took part in the kazan summit forum, visited a number of industrial facilities, also took part in business forums in kazan, i would like to note that the tachkinsk region, as you yourself noted, has a sister-city relationship with the republic of tatarstan, which gave us the opportunity to successfully implement the project for creating a chemical-industrial...
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the republic of bashkastan agreed to begin work on creating a joint industrial zone, including implementing a production project.
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the second signed an agreement with the ambaks company to implement a project on...
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next, the floor is given to the governor of the moscow region andrei yuryevich vorobyov, dear vladimir vladimirovich, thank you for the opportunity to work in such a comfortable and... plant protection, this is the most important plant that today fully provides uzbekistan
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with everything necessary from the point of view of protection, and completely eliminates dependence on, so to speak , european and some other countries, the second topic that we have implemented is... personnel, the fact is that this plant requires very close integration with science, and an agreement has also been concluded with the samara and samarkan agricultural university. secondly, the mash metro car, it’s nice that there is another clear example of our cooperation, this is the metro, the toshken metro, our cars, which are produced in mytishchi, are also supplied here. since childhood, we have begun cooperation on purchasing
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middle-class buses in the samarkan region for our needs for trial operation, this is in addition to what we produce in the moscow region. second, high-stage joint projects readiness. on your instructions, dear vladimir vladimirovich, a new russian collider niko will be launched in dubna in the near future. this is an international project of eighteen countries. on the basis of the joint institute for nuclear research. currently, 13 scientists from uzbekistan are participating in the research programs of this institute. in the twenty-second year , cooperation agreements were signed between the university of dubna and five leading technical universities of uzbekistan. students can receive double diplomas, a diploma in his university and, accordingly, the university of dubna. and your theses. on the basis of organizations of uzbekistan oaii implements,
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the academy of sciences, together with scientific ones , firstly, strategically important projects in the field of nuclear medicine, such a project has been approved, and secondly, a cloud computing cluster has been created that integrates the computing resources of the institute of nuclear physics of uzbekistan into a cloud system, thirdly planned joint projects, yesterday we had the opportunity with prime minister a... to discuss the prospects of working with our regions, there are successful experience of interaction and integration into industrial parks. tatarstan has implemented such an experience; accordingly, we are also going to open joint ventures for a start, and then continue to look at the possibilities of further integration. another important topic is training of professional
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personnel in specialties that are important to us. and kochikhs, masons, drivers, welders. raskazgan is a territory with the highest population density, and there is experience that allows us to train personnel, including for our needs, the needs of russia, moscow region, in particular. logistics, we have three largest dry ports in the moscow region and a number of other projects are being implemented in this area, and we have a joint trilateral project with china, kazakhstan, in norofaminsk, and a project has been launched with uzbekistan, a joint project with the tlc in the jazagh region, and we see great prospects here. reception of schoolchildren and teachers. according to your program, vladimirovich, we have opened two schools, this is the festeh lyceum with the possibility of permanent residence, and the primakov gymnasium.
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we are already exchanging students with belarus and teachers can undergo internships and learn from them. the best teaching skills, and work in the best laboratories, we also suggest considering this opportunity with ours, with our schoolchildren at the level of uzbekistan and russia, two schools that will provide an excellent education to gifted children, completely free of charge, can also be included in the work, in conclusion i also wanted to draw attention to the fact that...
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we, for our part, will try to do everything so that new projects, new enterprises the next meeting should have results, and they were born like we did in the moscow region, but among our friends. thank you for your attention, the khakim of the fergana region, khairullo khaidbaevich bazarov, is invited to speak. assalomu alaykum, dear shavkat miramanovich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear members of the council, first of all
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i express my deep gratitude and gratitude to the initiators of today’s event, president. shavkati and the president of the russian federation, dear vladimir vladimirovich. today fergana the region actively cooperates with partners from many regions of russia in the textile , energy, oil, furniture and service industries, as well as in urban planning. more than 170 joint ventures operate successfully in the region. participation of russian capital. at the end of 2023, $340 million of direct russian investment was disbursed in twenty joint projects being implemented. for example, a cotton cluster has been created, rus-uzbek, in the ransky district for the production of towels and cotton paper chamber under the costaline brand.
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thanks to this project, today the company’s factories employ more than 600 people
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. thus, the head of bashkastan agreed to create an agricultural enterprise for crops and livestock on more than 10,000 hectares of land. this enterprise will provide the markets of uzbekistan and russia with high-quality food products, potatoes, wheat, milk and meat. the energyland enterprise signed an agreement with the russian company vkus agro to create an agrological center in kubasinsky area in the amount of 50 million. upon completion of the project , more than 200 new jobs will be created and the export of high-quality agricultural products to the russian market will be ensured. thirdly,
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we have developed new projects in the cultural, humanitarian, scientific and educational fields in the field of health and joint research. for example, we agreed with the svedlovsk region to create two professional technical colleges in the fergana region. in general, to the present. at the forum, we developed 52 new agreements worth $536 million. dear forum participants, dear presidents. in conclusion, i would like to assure you that the agreements reached within the framework of this council will be implemented in full. i am confident that through common efforts, strengthening partnership and trust, we can achieve good results, stable development and prosperity of our regions. thank you. for your attention, the floor is given to the governor
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of the astrakhan region, igor yuryevich babushkin. year, export growth amounted to 10%. we purchase textiles, fruits and vegetables from uzbekistan, we believe that the expansion of cooperation could
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be facilitated by the opening of a trading house of uzbekistan in astrakhan. the astrakhan transport hub provides multimodal transportation, goods are delivered here by rail, road, and water transport; last year we handled 15.00 tons of cargo. from uzbekistan this year we plan to double this figure. today, the astrakhan region is rightly called the caspian gates of russia. on instructions from our president, we have formed a powerful logistics hub international transport corridor north-south. the russian government is actively developing opportunities for cargo turnover using the seaports of astrakhan, iran, turkmenistan with access to uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan. today we have reached the transshipment of cargo in the amount of 4.5 million tons, this is a ten-year record, and the existing potential of astrakhan ports is 16
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million tons per year, and it will invariably grow, so we offer uzbek companies and entrepreneurs to use our transit capabilities and transit cargo carried out through our ports. it would also be advisable. to join forces with the potential of our special economic zones, they have already been created and are functioning quite effectively; entering into mutual cooperation could increase the potential for interaction, including within the framework of joint ventures. i would especially like to note the unique experience of cooperation between the astrakhan region and uzbekistan in the field of personnel training. at one time, uzbekistan adopted a program of measures to accelerate innovation. development of the fishing industry with in 2020, a branch of our state technical university operates in tashkent. today, this is the only university in uzbekistan that trains specialists
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for... guests of uzbekistan at the caspian international media forum and the international caspian classical music festival. i would like to note once again that the astrakhan region attaches great importance to strengthening ties with the republic of uzbekistan. our region is open to proposals for joint projects. thank you for attention. the floor is given.
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russian federation for further development bilateral trade and economic cooperation. thanks to your constant support, there is an intensification of dialogue at all levels, a qualitative new stage of mutually beneficial cooperation has begun based on the principles of friendship and mutual interests. dear forum participants, over the past few years, thanks to the constant attention of the esteemed president shavkat mirav.
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region, we closely interact with the governments and business circles of the republic of tatarstan, bashkarstan, udmurdia, as well as rostov, omsk, chelyabinsk, tyumen, novgorod and other regions. separately, i would like to note that with the personal support of rais tatarstan, ruslam nurgalyevich minikhanov , the implementation of the chemical-industrial technopark project with
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the initial package has begun with himgrad. investment agreements, this is an amount of more than $300 million, this morning we had 33 projects, now there are about 40 projects. it should also be noted that the cooperation between the jenzak region and enterprises of the russian federation is trusting and long-term . as an example, i would like lead implemented with the russian company national reserve corporation and st. petersburg. logistics center for growing and packaging agricultural products, where more than 50 million dollars were spent and more than 500 jobs were created. currently, the second stage of the implementation of this project has begun here, which provides for a reserve line for processing packaging of fruits and vegetables. let me briefly dwell on our vision of current problems. firstly, there is significant opportunity to increase volumes
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double-sided trade in the coming years, products produced by the jerzai region enterprise, in particular finished textile clothing, agricultural goods, basalt fiber, glass products, food concentrates and others are in great demand in the russian market. secondly, over several years of the region, special attention has been paid to the full-scale implementation of projects in such industries as automotive - more than $500 million, metallurgy - more than... billion dollars, construction materials - $1.3 billion, food 320 million, textiles 280 million dollars and pharmaceuticals more than 80 million dollars, over the last 2 days we have held meetings with the heads of the kaluch, novgorod, rostov, and moscow republics of baskastan.


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