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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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potential for increasing the volume of bilateral trade in the coming years, products produced by the jezak region enterprise, in particular, finished textile clothing, agricultural goods, basalt fiber, glass products, food concentrates and others are in great demand in the russian market. secondly, for several years, the jezak region has paid special attention to the full-scale implementation of projects in such industries as automotive over p... dollars, metallurgy over 1 billion dollars, construction materials 1.3 billion dollars, food 320 million, textiles 280 million dollars and pharmaceuticals more than 80 million dollars, over the past 2 days we have held meetings with the heads of the kaluga, novgorod, rostov, moscow republics of baskazhstan and agreed on joint steps to prepare new projects in these directions, thirdly: on the initiative of the president
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of the republic of uzbekistan , digitalization and integration of information technologies from the industrial sphere are rapidly developing. from world experience it is known that the role it parks in modern infrastructure are very important in the development of the digital economy. in this regard, in order to create favorable conditions for the development of competitive products and services in the information technology field , stimulated investment is being promoted both in domestic and foreign markets. special attention is paid to the creation of an innovation park, where, again, more than 60 projects will be in the field of information technology and artificial intelligence. fourth, it should be noted separately the tourism potential of the jezak region, which has great prospects for interaction, is just one system.
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on april 8-9, a state commission was created headed by the prime minister for the development of sports, i say this using the fact that russian entrepreneurs are participating here, we are confident that the spare tire in the region is the most...
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the floor is given to the governor of the ivanovo region stanislav sergeevich voskresensky . the basis of our economic relations with the republic of uzbekistan. it's definitely easy industry, our region is the heart of russia's light industry, and according to the results of the first months of 24 , our enterprises produced 95% of all russian medical gauze, 83% of all russian bed linen, 79% of knitted fabrics and 77% of cotton fabrics. we are also mastering new technologies; in 23, we were the first in russia to begin producing high-tech membrane fabrics. since the twenty-first year, our
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entrepreneurs have been leading the new online economy in e-commerce. our the region is third after moscow and st. petersburg in terms of sales volume on russian marketplaces. at the end of the twenty-third year, the volume of such sales exceeded, by the way, 100 billion rubles. in 2018, an agreement was signed between the government of the ivanovo region and sustekstilprom on cooperation in light industry, including cooperation projects and ensuring guaranteed supplies to the enterprise. our region of cotton yarn, there are results, i wanted to tell you about them: in 2019 our enterprise purchased 54,000 tons of yarn in uzbekistan, in the twenty-third year already 82,000 tons, supplies are growing, all obligations are being fulfilled, in connection with which i would like to thank the uzbek side for the fruitful cooperation, there are examples of successful investments of enterprises in our region in yarn production in uzbekistan, in particular, enterprises in tashkent, mamangan and kharizob region. today we held detailed
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negotiations and concluded a new agreement with suustekprom. along with the supply of yarn, speech we are talking about joint cooperation in light industry with access to export to the markets of third countries. in mind: today in the russian federation in the ivanovo region, of course, there is record low unemployment, while the workload at enterprises is serious, our textile production is confidently growing , the production index for 3 months was 114%, it grew in previous periods, in addition , with the departure of western brands , huge opportunities have opened up for our entrepreneurs to create their own brands, so our enterprises are interested in to attract enterprises from uzbekistan into their cooperation chains. which are ready to place orders with subsequent sale both in russia and in other countries. i am confident with my colleagues from uztekstil prom, taking into account the experience of our joint work, that these will be successful projects for the benefit of our two countries. i will say about education, a lot has been said about this today; over the past 5 years, uzbekistan has been one of the top three countries for the largest influx
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of foreign students into our universities. two joint programs with universities are being implemented uzbekistan, a total of 12 cooperation agreements were signed between ivanovo and uzbek universities. yesterday. at a meeting with the chairman of the government of the republic of uzbekistan, we talked about expanding our cooperation in the field of higher education, we are talking primarily about the energy sector, where we have one of the country’s leading universities in chemistry and medicine, especially since, in accordance with the decision of russian president ivanov, one of regions of the country where a world-class interuniversity campus will appear, we will be happy to welcome students from uzbekistan. and in conclusion, i would like to say that we are connected not only by economic and educational ties, but
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because of the well-known events in tashkent, ivanovo builders were among the first to arrive in tashkent to provide assistance to those affected by the earthquake, when such a foundation is precisely the human relations between our peoples, i i believe that you said that our cause is noble, i am sure that the success of a noble cause is not far off, thank you, the floor is given to the head of the republic of tatarstan rustam nurgalievich minekhanov.
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we highly appreciate the opportunity to expand interaction with uzbekistan within the framework of friendly relations between our countries, and we are grateful for your attention and support of our joint projects. today we actively
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interact with partners from uzbekistan , primarily in the field of economics and investment. our republic has recently been damaged twice. shavkat mironovich visited, thank you very much, in october last year we hosted the third forum of interregional cooperation between russia and uzbekistan in tatarstan. in mid-may, the international economic russian islamic world forum, kazan the forum was attended by a representative delegation from the republic of uzbekistan. shavkot panovich, thank you very much for your support. our forum, in turn, tatarstan delegations regularly visit uzbekistan, i myself go on working visits to uzbekistan several times a year, and the last time we were at
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the foreign industry, according to the results of last year, tatarstan and uzbekistan trade turnover increased by 27%, amounting to 370 million dollars, well, it’s worth noting that the consulate general strongly supports us in this work uzbekistan, well, ours works in tashkent. tatarstan’s relations with many regions of uzbekistan are developing, i myself have not visited all of them yet, but i have been to many, thank you very much for the support and... uzbekistan, we
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are implementing many agreements, including, work is underway not only through our large companies like kamas, statne, fimgrad, alabovar, well, work is also underway at the level of these chemists - saoirse industrial technopark, which we together with our partners from... we are interested in further expanding cooperation with uzbek partners in
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such areas as mouse manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, petrochemistry, energy, agriculture, medicine and pharmaceuticals, also informatization, new technologies, well, the development of technology parks and special economic zones, well, in general, i would like to thank,
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and russia is declared closed. thank you for your participation. these were shots from tashkent, where the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan had just concluded. well, we continue, now to
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other news, russian units occupied two more settlements: the village nitaylovo in the donetsk people's republic and the village of ivanovka in the kharkov region. the ministry of defense reported this today; the military department also added that the troops of the north group are advancing into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian army. although the armed forces of ukraine are trying to counterattack in most directions, these attempts are successfully reflected in... the kremlin believes that nato is already in direct confrontation with russia, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stated this in an interview. he was asked to comment on the statements of the head north atlantic alliance jens stoltenberg, who called for allowing ukraine to launch strikes on russian territory. dmitry peskov believes that in this way nato is increasing the degree of escalation and flirting
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with military rhetoric. at the same time , the president’s press secretary noted that stoltenberg’s words cannot be true. a reflection of his personal point of view, since he is, after all, the secretary general of nato. peskov assured that the russian military will continue a special military operation to stop all threats. stoltenberg's statement was called an abuse of power and the head of the russian foreign ministry sergei lavrov. according to him, the nato secretary general has already been besieged by the alliance members themselves. in addition, a number of eu leaders also did not support stoltenberg’s initiative to allow kiev to use western weapons to strike russian territory. report by our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. italy and germany oppose jens stoltenberg’s proposal to lift restrictions on the use of western weapons by ukraine, including for attacking russian targets in internationally recognized territory community of the territory of russia. at the same time , poland and sweden actually supported this idea. over the
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past few days. the general secretary of the alliance has repeatedly voiced this idea, speaking out in interviews and speeches dedicated, in particular, to what is to come. the allies must decide for themselves on what conditions to supply weapons to ukraine. as i said earlier, the time has come to consider lifting a number of restrictions: ukraine is under attack from russian territory with missiles and artillery, and it is difficult to respond to them. kiev has the right to defend itself in accordance with the charter un, international law, including attacking legitimate military targets on russian territory. some allies have lifted such restrictions, allowing ukrainians to better defend themselves. i think it’s time to lift other restrictions. at the same time, en stoltenberg emphasized that nato’s goal remains to prevent the conflict from escalating into a full-scale war between russia and its allies. he emphasized, for example, that nato has no plans to deploy ground troops on the territory of ukraine, despite the statements that it has recently made french president emmanuel macron. in italy, for example, this idea was not supported; it
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was criticized both by the head of the foreign ministry and personally by prime minister george meloni. i think he needs to be very careful with statements like that. i agree that nato must take a tough stance and not give in. but there are many, let’s say, dubious and controversial statements. suffice it to recall the statement by french president emmanuel macron about sending nato troops to ukraine. i advise you to be more careful. federal chancellor of germany olaf scholz also said that he does not currently see any prerequisites for expanding the scope of use of western weapons that the allies supplied to ukraine. he noted that there are clear rules for the supply of weapons that were agreed upon with ukraine, and at the moment these rules are working. this is olaf scholz's position. but sweden, in an appropriate response to a request from journalists, actually supported jans stoltenberg’s idea. according to international law, ukraine has the right to defend itself through military action, directed against enemy territory
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as long as military actions comply with the laws and customs of war. sweden supports international. right and the right of ukraine to self-defense. this position was echoed by the head of mid-poland, who in an interview with the guardian said, and i quote: constantly proclaiming what our own red line is only encourages moscow to adapt its birth actions to our constantly changing voluntary restrictions. earlier, let me remind you, the head of the british foreign office stated that ukraine can decide for itself how to use british weapons. in his opinion, kiev has the right to strike targets.
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the new brix development bank may become a more active player in the financial market. we are talking not only about payments in national currencies, but about expanding the scope of activity. this was stated today by the secretary general of the eurasian peoples' assembly andrei belyaninov at the international financial and economic forum brix. it seems to me that even 21st century investment banks should change your face and not be so clean. investment business, in conditions of relatively redundancy, liquidity in the market, i want to say that there are a lot of projects, they are not only
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infrastructure, they are also related to the development of industry and the development of integration between the brix countries, i don’t think that if , for example, the maritime reinsurance company brix, now there is a very urgent need for this tool. well, the all-russian forum of the yuna army movement started today in the moscow region, and they accepted representatives of the organization from 89 regions participated. the program includes practical classes and master classes. in drone control, engineering and physical training, tactical medicine, rock climbing and laser tag, young army men from all over the country will also learn how to make survival bracelets, camouflage nets and trench candles, and today they visited a branch of the vishnevsky hospital and congratulated the participants in the special operation, who were presented with state awards. letters from children were also given to the wounded soldiers, in conclusion ceremony, the young army soldiers performed creative performances in front of the military. the parliament
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of georgia on tuesday intends to override the veto imposed by president zurabishvili on the law on foreign agents. to do this, deputies need to get a majority of votes, the speaker of the georgian parliament announced this. meanwhile , the west is putting pressure on georgia not only through threats, for example, to nullify the status of georgia’s candidate in the eu, taking advantage of the opposition's noisy street protests. as the chairman of parliament stated, representatives of individual countries even tried to doors to convince. send the military to ukraine, anna voronina will tell you in more detail, such a picture under the windows of the georgian parliament has become familiar since the start of the discussion of the law on foreign agents, they are already prepared for the riot of opponents of the reform, special forces are on duty in the courtyard of the government building, inside the president’s representatives called for the law to be repealed. the transparency law contradicts four articles
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of the georgian constitution, including freedom of assembly. and equality of citizens. the law leads to stigmatization of non-governmental organizations and free media, therefore the law is unacceptable. true, mskhiladze was unable to explain in more detail why the law on foreign agents is discriminatory, even despite very specific questions from the project’s defenders. the question directly concerns the law, which you object to on completely absurd grounds, can you now tell me a specific public source where we and the georgian people will see the finances. all non-governmental sectors with their own funds, targeted, donor and projects. i'm waiting for a public source on which you claim that the sector is transparent. deputies of the parliamentary majority tried to get specific answers for 3 hours, but nothing came of it. did you have a tape recorder as a child, if the recording was damaged, it automatically repeated the same phrase: this is exactly what you are doing, it insults your mandate, the importance of the right of veto and everything in general.
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if you had arguments and could. explain, on the contrary, it would be in your interests to go into details and content when leaving from the content, on the contrary, you emphasize the absurdity of the veto. arguments do not exist in nature, if they did, you would be talking to us with arguments, and not in the style of a broken record. salame zurabishvili herself, apparently understanding the futility of her arguments and the uselessness of the imposed veto, the day before offered political parties a kind of georgian charter in order to be able to abolish the document on foreign agents. among the terms of the charter.
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or not, this parliament must fulfill its obligations under the charter, after which it will return the mandate to the voter and hold the next parliamentary elections in a new free environment. in europe, where zurabishvili is striving, they are clearly unhappy with what is happening in georgia. the law on foreign agents was discussed in brussels at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the european union. even before the start, the lithuanian department hinted that the eu might reconsider relations with tbilisi. the head of the german foreign ministry completely stated that georgia’s path to the european union is closed. it pains me incredibly that the georgian government has blocked this big dream of its people with one law, first of all to young people: to take the path to the european union. the georgian government is acting against its own population. we, as eu member countries, have extended our hand to georgians, but it is obvious that it is possible to take the path to the eu if not only the population wants to take this path, but also the government. us vice president kamla haris in her letter to the president of georgia.


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