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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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let me remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty. that's all for now, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30. well, the broadcast continues with facts, an informational picture of the day in our release, in the studio of artyom yamshakov and olga armyakova. well, let's start with, perhaps, one of the main events of monday, the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan took place in tashkent. the event was attended by the presidents of the two countries. vladimir putin emphasized that cooperation. subjects
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russia and uzbekistan have good prospects. all the details and facts, as well as the most important statements, were collected by anastasia efimova. they play a key role in strengthening comprehensive partnership relations. this is exactly how vladimir putin described the role of the regions of russia and uzbekistan, opening the council of regions of the two countries this monday in tashkent. heads of 22 subjects of the federation from the russian side, 14.
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at a council meeting in tashkent , representatives from various regions of 22 russian governors and 14 uzbek governors gathered khakimov. the agenda of the council of regions is very extensive, it includes current topics such as deepening industrial cooperation, cooperation in agriculture, innovation and digital technologies. i note that in total.
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we consider it important that the russian language is used in uzbekistan as a language of interethnic communication, it is spoken in everyday life, it is broadcast on television, it is in great demand in socially significant areas of life, including in health education, we understand that we are aware that without support... from the very top, without the support of the president, this situation would be impossible, in this regard, i would like to note a successfully implemented joint initiative, a class aimed at improving the quality of teaching the russian language in uzbekistan, within the framework of this project covering 85 schools with over 26 thousand students, more than 100 russian teachers are working in the republic, and retraining of local teachers is also underway. i know
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the position of the president of uzbekistan, he believes that this is not enough, he puts before us the question is that we increase the number of teachers, we will strive for this. these negotiations, first in a narrow format, then in an expanded format, lasted more than 3 hours, quoting the head of uzbekistan, with a pencil in hand, the leaders went through all agenda items, in a joint statement they noted the closeness or high consonance of positions on a wide range of international topics, including the formation sustainable, multipolar world order. russia has been and will always be our key strategic partner. we will go deeper dialogue within regional and international structures, the united nations, cooperation of independent states,
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shanghai cooperation organizations. in the modern world, in the current unpredictable conditions, thinking about our national interests, we must first of all actively cooperate with those. partners who respect us, share our goals and objectives, and most importantly, are ready for active, joint practical steps. the council of regions is, of course, an important part of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, where today, in addition to the busy negotiating agenda, the russian president laid flowers at the memorial to resistance in victory park and toured the museum of glory, which was opened on the initiative of shavkat mirziyoyev on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the great victory. the head of the russian state left an entry in the book of honored guests: the common past of the two peoples, the common present and the common future, the foundation of which, thanks to active joint work, is only becoming stronger.
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the north is smashing the defenses of the ukrainian army and moving forward, well, we’ll find out all the details from denis alekseev, he joins to the facts live. denis, welcome, so, how is the situation developing on the fronts? yes, hello, well, the geography of our local victories in the main areas of the special operation is expanding, the list of those released. from the presence of ukrainian militants , settlements are replenished with new and new villages, and the strategic importance of each is colossal, otherwise our military would not have made so much effort, and so, with the transition to russian control of ivanovka in the kharkov region, the line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine is moving back, this is the kupinsky front, and for us new operational opportunities are opening up in the direction of kupinsk, and fighters from the tsentar group liberated the village of nitaylovo, pushing the ukrainian armed forces group further west into the lowlands.
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a unit of the center's group of troops liberated the settlement of netailov, improved the tactical situation, defeated the formation of the sixty-eighth hegelian twenty-fourth mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of semenovka and novgorod, and repelled five counterattacks of the 7ger assault groups. ocheretina, solovyovo and umanskoye. enemy losses amounted to 335 military personnel. well, also from nitailov’s militants carried out indiscriminate attacks on donetsk and the surrounding area. and now here, here is footage confirming this, the russian tricolor flaunts, and the ukrainian military of the fifty-ninth separate motorized infantry brigade, which was based here, hastened to leave at night under noise.
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hamer aerial bombs, 14 rockets from khaimars and 44 drones, and south of volchanskaya a ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed. a little earlier , a fighter jet loaded with american bombs, transferred from slovakia, was also spotted in this area. here you go what is happening in volchansk itself these days, at these moments, the armed forces of ukraine are still trying with all their might to hold this settlement, renting out house after house; when they retreat, they hit civilians with drones.
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i haven’t seen such a hero before, lad, it’s terrible, but there’s something like that, the road is terrible, terrible, and what would you like to convey to sergei, who, oh, thank you, gratitude, events are rapidly developing on the vremev ledge, a year ago the vssu members encroached on this territory with their counterattack, and now they are actively holding defense, our military, russian special forces advanced west of harvest, occupying another impressive... square of terrain, kilometer by kilometer, bsu losses in this area are more than 100 people
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per day. so, every day. in the belgorod region, the consequences of night shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. this time the kiev regime chose rzhevka and shibekin as its targets. as reported, the air defense worked effectively and shot down all targets, but when the debris fell, including the warheads of the shells, they caused a lot of damage. our special correspondent, yegor grigoriev saw how the destroyed things were being restored. over there, where there were four loud arrivals in a row, a few half an hour earlier, rockets were fired. rzhevka , the missile warning signal has not yet been canceled, but firefighters went to the place of arrival, this is the shibekinsky district, near the village of rzhevka, shibekina itself, after the arrival the grass caught fire, now firefighters are doing everything to prevent the fire from spreading to residential buildings, there was an arrival there, there
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the shell, which has not exploded, is now taking on water and needs to be extinguished. vili chaotic, projectiles they fell near the school, on the roads, on the houses of villagers, i was sitting here when the arrival arrived, there was a glass of tea in my hand, the cup, of course, that’s all, i didn’t finish it, then the window jumped out and everything started to flow, i was a little numb, in the garden the crater has broken the old seven with fragments, shards of glass are sticking out of the rickety frames, you see the fascists, what they did to make it empty, it’s cruel, the world. electricity supply, water supply, after rzhevka the ukrainian armed forces’ attacks shifted to the city of shibekina. during the breaks, precisely in the short pauses between missile danger alarms, amazingly the city
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comes to life. that is, if someone had broken the panel, the steering wheel had been broken, if someone had been sitting in the car, it would have hit everything, nearby, also on the weekend, a rocket fell near a grocery store, it hit a woman, in the ssu they choose peaceful shibekin residents as their target, the enemy cements his status as a terrorist. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, alina zykova, news!
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kabul welcomes moscow’s intention to exclude the taliban movement, currently banned in russia, from the list of terrorist organizations. this reaction came from the taliban office in qatar to sergei lavrov’s statement. and according to the head of the russian foreign ministry, it is the taliban that is the real power in afghanistan. this must be taken into account, as lavrov emphasized, the decision to exclude the taliban movement from the list of prohibited organizations does not contradict the resolutions. un. the topic will be continued by emil mersaev. it's time to wake up to reality. with these words , foreign minister sergei lavrov commented to journalists on the initiative of his
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department, as well as the ministry of justice, to remove the status of a terrorist organization from the taliban, which is still banned in russia. the foreign minister's comment came in uzbekistan, a country that shares a border with afghanistan. they are the real power. afghanistan is not indifferent to us. lawyers say that the final decision rests with the supreme court, and diplomats explain that such a measure is necessary to recognize the authority of afghanistan at the official level. the process of normalization of bilateral economic relations is beginning, and this status is encouraging.
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representatives of the two countries will discuss specific projects in june on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic forum, where the taliban authorities have already been officially invited. the delegation confirmed its participation. the minister of labor, the taliban government and... has recently grown fivefold and reached a level of a billion dollars, but 2 years ago it was only 170 million. the main items of bilateral trade are gas, oil,
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wheat flour, and dairy products. the list is gradually expanding. experts attribute this dynamic primarily to washington’s withdrawal from the region. the positive dynamics of bilateral trade occurred due to the flight of us and nato forces, which in every possible way impeded the active development economic political relations. between russia and afghanistan. russia's interests in the region are very specific and, unlike the west, moscow is not going to cynically siphon resources. bilateral cooperation plans include large infrastructure projects that can change the economy of kabulul for the better. russia intends to create jobs in afghanistan and invest in local projects. these are the same plants, factories and agriculture. the construction of the kushtape water canal is of great interest. a number of our companies issue for long-term land lease. plots for agricultural needs next to this canal, as stated on smolenskaya square, recognition of the taliban government has become much closer than 3 years ago, when they first came to power, although moscow, in principle, never
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closed its embassy. in a south asian country, especially since there is already a precedent in world practice. last december , the kazakh authorities removed the taliban from the list of banned organizations. then astana stated that the un security council did not recognize the movement as terrorist. this follows from the resolutions of the world organization, which are binding. moscow reacted positively, saying that such a step would gradually lead afghanistan out of global isolation. so, withdrawal. the taliban movement's banned status is an important turn in the trajectory of bilateral cooperation, which is being built before our eyes. experts are confident that an inclusive foreign policy will help smoothly lead the country out of a protracted crisis. the georgian parliament intends to override the veto imposed by the president on tuesday zorabishvili on the law on foreign agents. to do this , deputies need a simple majority of votes. the speaker of the georgian parliament announced this. meanwhile, the west is
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not only putting pressure on georgia. without threatening, for example, to nullify georgia’s candidate status in the eu, but also using noisy street protests of the opposition. yes, as the chairman of parliament said, representatives of individual countries even tried behind closed doors to convince tbilisi to send military personnel to ukraine. anna voronina will tell you the details. this picture under the windows of the georgian parliament has already become familiar from the moment the discussion of the law on foreign agents began. special forces are already on duty in the courtyard of the government building; inside , presidential representatives called for the law to be repealed. the transparency law contradicts four articles of the georgian constitution, including freedom of assembly and equal rights of citizens. the law leads to stigmatization of non-governmental organizations and free media, therefore the law is unacceptable. true, explain in more detail why the law on foreign agents is discriminatory,
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mskhiladze could not, even despite very specific ones. owls, but even. did you have a tape recorder as a child? if the recording was spoiled, he automatically repeated the same phrase: this is exactly what you are doing, it insults your mandate, the importance of the right of veto and everything in general. if you had arguments and could explain, on the contrary, it would be in your interests to go into details and content. by moving away from the content, you, on the contrary, emphasize the absurdity of the vet. arguments do not exist in nature, if they existed, you would say with us with arguments, and not in the style
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of a broken record. herself? among the conditions of the charter are early parliamentary elections next year and the repeal of all laws that harm the european future. today's political conditions and electoral environment do not allow for regular elections where everyone is given an opportunity. put yourself, your program. what we have to decide in this election is not who we vote for, but what we vote for. these elections will actually become a national referendum, in which we need to answer the question: do we want to go to europe or not? this parliament must fulfill its obligations under the charter, after which it will return the mandate to the voter and hold early parliamentary elections in a new free environment. in europe, where zurabeshvili is striving, they are clearly
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unhappy with what is happening in georgia. agents were discussed in brussels at a meeting of eu foreign ministers. even before the start, the lithuanian department hinted that the eu might reconsider relations with tbilisi. the head of the german foreign ministry completely stated that georgia’s path to the european union is closed. i find it incredible it hurts that the georgian government with one law blocked this great dream of its people, especially the youth, to take the path to the european union. the georgian government is acting against its own population. we, as eu member states, will hold out. hand to the georgians, but it is obvious that it is possible to take the path to the eu if not only the population wants to take this path, but also the government. us vice president kamla haris said in her letter to the president of georgia that the adoption of an anti-democratic law on foreign agents could undermine relations between tbilisi and washington.


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