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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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union, the georgian government is acting against its own population. we, as eu member countries, have extended our hand to georgians, but it is obvious that it is possible to take the path to the eu if not only the population wants to take this path, but also the government. us vice president kamla haris said in her letter to the president of georgia that the adoption of an anti-democratic law on foreign agents could undermine relations between tbilisi and washington. american secretary of state antony blinken previously threatened georgia with dignity. to which tbilisi
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noted, trade sovereignty and there will be no security, and the policy of blackmailing threats does not correspond to the spirit of strategic partnership. georgia and the georgian government, and with this it attracts the majority of the population, promotes ideological diversification, that is, we are a strategic partner with the west, with europe, but we will not unilaterally kill ourselves for the sake of the west of europe, our region is very complex, we will agree with everyone.
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there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including ninety-one children , were found by search engines when they came across this shot hole. all residents of the village were burned for contact with the partisans. an ost plan was developed, according to. which was subject to the destruction of at least 30 million slavs. why is it important to recognize the genocide specifically against the soviet people, because it is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. very a well-thought-out attack. in
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the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working, install, open, look. russian channel. all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the facts are on air and we continue, already next the main political and economic event of the summer starts this week. the international forum in st. petersburg, the twenty-seventh in a row, today published a program, as always bright, eventful, 150 thematic sessions, in which over a thousand speaker moderators will take part. well, the main theme of this year’s forum is the basis of a multipolar world and the formation of new growth points. in essence, this is the formation of alternative programs for economic growth of interaction between those countries that share a position related to...
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vladimir putin sent greetings to the participants, organizers and guests of the st. petersburg forum. it was published on the kremlin website. in his welcoming speech , the president said that russia is open to constructive dialogue and is ready to work together to solve the problems of our time. the head of state noted that the main topic of the forum is very significant and relevant. an increasing part of the world community is in favor of building a fair and democratic one. system of international relations that takes into account each other's legitimate interests is based on respect for the cultural diversity of states. vladimir putin added that such principles underlie the activities of brix, which russia chairs this year. more than 12,000 people
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from 128 countries and territories have already confirmed their participation in the forum, the roscongress press service reported this with reference to anton kobikov, advisor to the president and executive secretary of the forum organizing committee. according to him, the world has already changed, his quote: economic, financial and technological centers have moved to asia, so today special attention to specialists from countries in this part of the world. but this does not mean that there will not be europeans at the forum, for example, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, petr szijart, and hungary, let me remind you, is one of the consistent critics in the politics of the eu and nato. another guest is serbian director emir kusturica. he will speak at a session entitled unifying the culture of traditions in modern intercultural projects. also, and this is now official, afghanistan has confirmed its participation in the forum, that is, representatives of the movement will be among the guests taliban. in russia, let me remind you, this movement is still on the list of prohibited ones, but earlier our mit reported that, together with the ministry of justice, they sent their proposals to the president to remove this status from the taliban. moreover,
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delegations from afghanistan have visited moscow before, and now the taliban labor minister and the head of the chamber of commerce and industry will come to st. petersburg. as stated in the media, moscow expects that. the delegation from kabul is taking full advantage of the opportunities to strengthen ties with russia. as for other countries, their participation in the forum has already confirmed by republika srpska president milorad dodik, as well as bolivian president luis arce. russian presidential assistant yuri ushakov spoke about this, adding that work is also underway on the issue of the participation of other foreign leaders. we'll find out about this a little later. well, the president of bolivia will attend the main event of the forum, the plenary session, and will. his main guest. balivia is the largest, and in fact, lithium deposit in the world. and in this sense, russia, represented by rosatom, is actively developing interaction with bolivia from the point of in terms of developing new fields, and using our unique technologies
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in high-mountain fields. the st. petersburg international economic forum will be held from june 5 to 8. the organizers published. business program of the event, it consists of four thematic tracks, which include more than 150 sessions. the forum will discuss, in particular , the transition to a multipolar economy, technologies that ensure the leadership of countries, as well as the health of society and traditional values. discussions will reveal an understanding of the place and role of russia in the new world order. over a thousand moderated speakers will take part in the sessions. also , more than ten are planned at the st. petersburg forum. on june 4, the forum will open with a concert of the russian piano school in the capella. on june 5
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, a gala concert will be held for forum guests at the mikhailovsky theater, where not only soloists, but also other artists of the opera and ballet stage will perform. well, june 6th is pushkin’s birthday, so we’ve made plans for this. an evening of romances on the palace square, on june 7 there will be a concert with the participation of vyacheslav butusov, and on the eighth there will be musical and sports gastronomic festival sails of kranstad. trade turnover between russia and other cis countries is growing, despite the sanctions. moscow will continue to do everything to increase the authority of the organization. mikhail mishustin, who returned from a meeting of the council of heads of government, announced this at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. cis countries in ashgabat. this year, the chairmanship of the cis passed to our country. the prime minister recalled that the creation of a network of sustainable partnerships with foreign countries was set by the president as one of the national goals. cis, today it is an effective platform for
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the development of multilateral dialogue, coordination and promotion of common initiatives in our macro-region. in the year of russia's presidency, we will continue to do everything. necessary to increase the authority of the commonwealth, expand communications with other integration associations, important agreements were reached to strengthen cooperation in... the energy sector, transport, as well as in the field of the chemical industry, hazardous waste management, and the elimination of accumulated harm facilities, together, and further we will take measures to protect individual property and develop national telemedicine systems. i am confident that the decisions of the heads of government of the cis will contribute to the fruitful cooperation of our countries, and of course, will serve to improve quality.
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to engage in such a pure investment business in conditions of relatively redundancy, liquidity in the market, but i want to say that there are a lot of projects, there are a lot of them, they are not only infrastructure, they are also related to the development of industry and the development of integration between the brix countries, not i think that if, for example, the maritime reinsurance company brix appeared, now there is... a very urgent need for this tool, now about the weather and so the ministry of emergency situations
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is warning about a high fire danger in the capital region in the coming days. earlier, weather forecasters announced increased heat in the european part of russia. well , let’s talk more about the weather with the leading specialist of the phobos center, evgeniy tishkovets. evgeny, hello. well, haven’t the forecasts changed, are we still waiting for those hot +30s in moscow? good afternoon. colleagues, i looked statistics, it’s so warm, spring says goodbye to moscow only once every 15 years and at the end of the season, the thermometer will really try to storm the thirty-degree height. finally. summer, meanwhile, has already reached the coldest regions of our country. reindeer became hostage to the ice drift on the olenyok river in yakutia. the ice movements began at the moment when they were crossing to the opposite shore, by the track to the central and northern regions of the sakha republic, in '. poisonous snakes entered the area, which had never been seen here before. local residents hope that the snakes will not
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withstand severe weather conditions for a long time and will not develop these territories. in st. petersburg, the warm sun attracted thousands of beachgoers. it’s cold to swim in the gulf of finland and the neva, although there are people who want to, and the weather is ideal for getting a tan. but in taganrog, the beach season has been disrupted for now; due to strong squeezing winds, the sea of ​​azov has retreated somewhat. hundreds of meters, which attracted daredevils who decided to ride and walk along the bottom. most of european russia still remains under the rule of a low-cloud anticyclone. it was because of him that the wind in taganrog acquired an unfavorable eastern direction. and he continues to disperse the clouds over the north-west of our country, the center and the volga region. as a result, the air in these areas warms up wonderfully. the high pressure area is very stable, so tomorrow. the heat will only intensify, from the black sea region to the baltic it will be +25 and above, the same forecast
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for the capital region. in the lower reaches of the volga , the thermometer can exceed the thirty-degree mark. it will also become warmer in volgovyadsky region and in the southern urals. the cold will retreat to the north. in taganrog today it will be cloudy with clearings, the east wind continues to blow with gusts of up to 14 m/s. tomorrow there will be almost no changes, only the daytime temperature will rise to 27°. on wednesday the wind will change direction to the south, southwest, which will allow the sea to return. the city will experience intermittent rain, possibly thunderstorms, with a temperature of 24° in the daytime. on thursday there will be no precipitation, the wind will subside, the air will warm up to +26. not a record, but still unusually hot on the banks of the neva. in in st. petersburg in the middle of the day it was +26.2. there is a chance that there will be some life-saving rain in the evening, and a thunderstorm is not excluded. until the end of the week, daytime temperatures will remain unchanged. at 27°, the weather will be unstable, with showers and thunderstorms,
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high humidity, which makes the heat an even more difficult test for city residents. in moscow , the sun shone brightly all monday; the maximum temperature in the city center on balchiga was +23.6. tomorrow it will also be sunny, the air will warm up to 26°, on wednesday +27 the city will be refreshed by short-term rain, not thunderstorms excluded. on thursday. friday daytime warming will reach +28-30, which is 7-8° above the climate norm. according to statistics, it is so warm in moscow at the end of spring no more than once every 15 years. and may 31, 2024 may become one of the top three record holders in the entire meteorological history of vdnkh. in general, may began with october weather and ends with july weather. armenian police detained more than 280 people at protests demanding the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan. according
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to the department, all activists have already been released. read more in elizabeth's material khramtsova. the day of disobedience declared by the armenian opposition in a matter of hours turned into a day of road closures, processions along narrow streets, highways and even the metro, and most importantly, it was remembered for almost record-breaking arrests; by lunchtime the number of those whom the red berets sent to the police station reached approximately three hundred , however, everyone was released within a day. to confirm the well-known saying that... history moves in a spiral, prime minister pashinyan and his associates can, according to their feeling , live up to what officials can see from windows of their offices. in the morning, the leader of the protest , archbishop bograd galstanyan, and a group of activists demonstratively staged a halt at the yerevan domaradio, where in the spring of 2018 the then opposition deputy pashinyan and his like-minded people were breaking through. for
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almost 3 weeks, residents of armenia have been going to protests. diocese of the armenian apostolic church, who also became the leader of the tavush movement in the name of the homeland, calling for all issues to be resolved without outside interference, the archbishop took over the coordination of the protest, while he
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stopped serving of his own free will, by submitting a corresponding request to the catholicos of all armenians. now bograd , archbishop bograd has been announced as a candidate for the head of the provisional government, it has been announced that a provisional government will be announced, assembled, which will consist of non-party people, and elections will take place in a year. however, now the most urgent problem for the cabinet of ministers is not spontaneous rallies, but a disaster in the literal sense of the word: in the north of armenia , a flood killed four people, and 2,500 in the laria region.
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the fact of an attempt to install wiretapping in archbishop bograt’s room in one of the capital’s hotels. another case was opened regarding the beating of deputy ashot simonyan. on monday morning, he blocked the street with his car to prevent the passage of security forces, was detained, and then a blockade was released. on tuesday, armenia will celebrate republic day and protesters plan to celebrate it on the territory of the sardarapat memorial complex. traditionally, the prime minister, the president, the speaker of parliament and protesters.
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regarding hungary, since at the same press conference josep barel complained about budapest, which voted against seven documents on financing ukraine. in total, this is 5 billion euros, which, apparently , will not be used for military purchases for kiev. well, now to other news: st. petersburg, our beautiful northern capital, celebrates its birthday today, exactly 321 years ago, on may 27 , the construction of petropavlovskaya began on zayechy island. the fortress from which the history of the city began and which to this day is one of the symbols of st. petersburg. well, how are the celebrations going and what is the atmosphere in the city now, our correspondent dmitry akimov will tell you. 321 years since his birth, the date does not seem to be an anniversary, but is very similar to a countdown before the start, and indeed,
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today st. petersburg is not only a city, an open-air museum, but a rapidly developing metropolis with a huge number of plans. and, of course, st. petersburg is a city with its own traditions. birthdays are starting to be celebrated here. with gratitude to the founder of the capital of the russian empire, peter on the first day, the city dressed up for its birthday, the wind flutters flags on the main avenues, embankment bridges, and here on the blue bridge near the legislative assembly there used to be a parking lot, and now there will always be a linden grove and a flower garden... another tradition of celebration is to reward and celebrate the best citizens. the list of honorary
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citizens of the city today added three names. the badges were received by jazzman, david goloshchokin and two academicians of the ran. eduard ailomazyan and dmitry granov. exactly at noon in honor of the great city. a salvo thunders from naryshkin bastion of the peter and paul fortress. it was from here, from zaichy island, that the city began to grow stronger, and today there are children, a combined children's brass band, 600 children from st. petersburg, as well as young musicians from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. old friends, i recognize you from my restless youth. due to the fact that city day fell on
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monday, the celebrations will last all week, and city day will end on may 31, according to tradition, with a classical concert on dvortsovaya. dmitry akimofey, sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg. what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like that, ural sip bank, nothing more. will take in response to restrictions on the movement of russian diplomats in poland, and such that the russophobic elite in warsaw will greatly regret it, official
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representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova stated, ria novosti agency. according to her, to begin with, our diplomatic office will study the note from the polish ministry of foreign affairs, since the details are still unknown. while i'm in only the announcement of its head sikorsky, according to him , poland decided to limit the right of russian diplomats to move freely around... in the country with the clarification that members of our diplomatic mission will be allowed to move only within the capital region, the announcement also states that employees of russian consular offices will be limited in movements in the regions in which they work. the measures will not affect only russian ambassador sergei andreev. however, as andreev emphasized, embassy employees have not yet been notified about the entry of data restrictions. the kremlin believes that... that nato is already in direct confrontation with russia, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced this in an interview. he was asked to comment on the statements of the head of the north atlantic alliance, jens
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stoltenberg, who called for allowing ukraine to launch strikes on russian territory. dmitry peskov believes that in this way nato is increasing the degree of escalation and flirting with military rhetoric. at the same time , the president’s press secretary noted that stoltenberg’s words were not may be a reflection of his personal point of view. he is the secretary general of nato. peskov assured that the russian military will continue the military special operation to stop all threats. this cannot be his personal opinion. he is an official. he is the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance. this is how we perceive it. nato is increasing the degree of escalation, nato is flirting with military rhetoric, falling into military ecstasy, this is the reality that we need to continue to deal with. our military also knows what to do. they they are continuing a special military... operation to stop all this, well, in turn, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov noted that the nato secretary general has exceeded his authority by proposing to lift the restriction on
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kiev’s use of western weapons. weapons for attacks on russian territory, some eu leaders did not support stoltenberg’s initiative. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova has details. italy and germany oppose jens stoltenberg’s proposal to lift restrictions on the use of western weapons by ukraine, in including for attacking russian targets on the territory of russia recognized by the international community. at the same time , poland and sweden actually supported this idea throughout. over the past few days, the secret-alliance gene has repeatedly voiced this idea, speaking out in interviews and speeches dedicated, in particular, to the upcoming nato summit. allies must decide for themselves under what conditions to supply weapons to ukraine, as i said earlier, the time has come to consider lifting a number of restrictions: ukraine is under attack from the territory it’s difficult for russia to respond to them with missiles and artillery. kiev has the right to defend itself in accordance with the un charter, international
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law, among other things. attack legitimate military targets on russian territory, some allies have lifted such restrictions, allowing ukrainians to better defend themselves, i believe that the time has come to lift other restrictions, while en stoltenberg emphasized that nato’s goal remains to prevent the conflict from escalating into a full-scale war between russia and allies, he stressed, for example, that nato has no plans deploy ground troops on ukrainian territory, despite the statements recently made by french president emman macron. italy.
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also stated that he does not currently see any prerequisites for expanding the scope of use of western weapons that the allies supplied to ukraine, he noted that there are clear rules for the supply of weapons that were agreed upon with ukraine, at the moment these rules are working, this is his olaf scholz position, here is sweden in the corresponding response to a request from journalists, in fact, jans’ idea stoltenberg supported. according to international law, ukraine has the right to defend itself by introducing military operations on... against enemy territory as long as military actions comply with the laws and customs of war. sweden supports international law and ukraine's right to self-defense. the head of mid-poland also agreed with this position, who in an interview with the guardian stated that i quote: the constant proclamation of what our own red line represents only encourages moscow to adapt its christmas action to our ever-changing voluntary restrictions. earlier, let me remind you,
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the head of the british foreign ministry. stated that ukraine can decide for itself how to use british weapons; in his opinion, kiev has the right to strike targets on russian territory. this statement was made on may 3; at the end of february, finland made a similar statement at the level of the head of the country's ministry of defense. let me remind you that the new york times previously stated that anthony damn will try to convince joe biden to also lift restrictions on the use of weapons, which the united states delivered to ukraine.
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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. what the epicenter in kharkov really was. ukropaganda.


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