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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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there are normal people in general, where are you from? 100 years ago. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. what was the epicenter in kharkov really? ukropaganda. what exploded so loudly in
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the kharkov hypermarket? the kiev regime accuses moscow of preparing an assassination attempt on kirill budanov? and in the west they even look for russian traces in domestic fires and accuse their own citizens of espionage. but if this is sabotage, then who benefits from it? for the sake of extra megawatts we are ready to organize an environmental catastrophe? zelensky regime. literally drains ukraine; after the dnieper, the dniester is drained. but what about the neighbors? the fact that moldova is facing a severe drought in the summer does not bother kiev. he recruited russians into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and ended up in the network of our special services. how is the neo-nazi fokania connected with the terrorist rdk? and why did he spend money from his curators on a ticket to russia? lick a chicken egg to get a million rubles. owner of a supermarket chain from yekaterinburg. complained about
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consumer craze, where did the strange promotion come from? fire and black everywhere soot, life under constant shelling, and the city is dying before our eyes, these are just some of today's headlines, which russian-speaking smiin agents, well, sort of recognized as undesirable, by a radio jellyfish... the premises of a local construction hypermarket called the epicenter, and began to be a picture for propagandists and russophobes it turned out almost perfect, they say our troops cynically struck a peaceful target, where again civilians were killed and wounded, but still... the key word here is almost,
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because, as if loudly, the kiev regime and its information service is not in apili, but allegedly in a war crime, the truth was revealed quite quickly, and the further, the more evidence that the ill-fated pier had long ceased to be part of the civilian infrastructure, and therefore was subject to demilitarization, anton potkovenko is ready to provide visual evidence, anton hello , hello, well, it seems that even the customers of this provocation are already clear, greetings, yes, it’s clear and the threads are stretching to... the terrorist budanov, which, however, is not surprising. the scale of the fake, which is tamed they are trying to make a big deal about our attack on a shopping center in kharkov, can only be compared with the damage suffered by the militants of the kiev regime after the targeted destruction of another object of their military infrastructure, namely the military one, no matter how kiev propaganda shouted that an allegedly ordinary construction hypermarket burned down, this is work for the western public, that’s what happened on... in
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fact, this video, after the arrival, loud explosions are clearly audible, everything is very clear, this is called secondary detonation, when after the main hit they begin subsequent explosions continue, that is , there was something to explode so powerfully in the shopping center, it’s clearly not... wrenches or wallpaper detonated, there was an ammunition depot there. epicenter - this uh, largest shopping center has practically not worked at all for the last month. the security and technical personnel consisted of representatives of the defense forces and the formation of the nationalist kraken. go there at night and in the early morning hours.
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were regularly delivered on trucks, in cars, this ukrposhta, which is tied entirely to military needs, rocket and artillery weapons. according to some reports , gur, the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense, has set up its transshipment base in the hypermarket. the department of the same terrorist budanov who organized attacks on our civilians, there is more than enough evidence on our civilians in the border regions. the kiev regime also does not spare its civilians. hence this scheme such as disguising military objects as civilian ones; there is evidence that among the guards at the epicenter there were also gurovites. budanov has extensive experience in creating such imaginary stores and ammunition in the kharkov hypermarket could be very different, which prevented gur from bringing there, for example,
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rockets for vampires, with which the ukrainian armed forces terrorize the belgorod region. this was a real warehouse for combat units of the armed forces of ukraine, and... uh , the intelligence department could be entrusted with the protection and defense of this warehouse, it is possible that the intelligence department was also involved in logistics, that is, the transportation of ammunition, the delivery of this ammunition from this large warehouse to field ammunition supply points. in the kharkov direction of the armed forces of ukraine it is now especially tight, and the gurovsky epicenter, in addition to being large, is also located conveniently from a logistics point of view. and... from this shopping center there is a direct road through the ring road towards chuguev, izyum and kupinsk, so this is such an important logistics center, it was hit, the strike was so
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precise, they were not damaged at all even from the blast wave of the nearby nine-story building, build ? civilian objects to hide behind residential areas and shopping centers - a common terrorist practice of the kiev regime towards its own people, remember how back in at the beginning of the northern military district, ours destroyed an ammunition depot and a hail battery in the kiev shopping center retroville. then the dill propaganda was also strained, as it is now with the epicenter? this is far from a novelty of the so-called ukrainian special services, in this case the main intelligence directorate. it was the same at the shopping center. in kiev, when they hid the hail installation, but the most important thing is that the detonation worked, which means that the intelligence of the armed forces of the russian federation was absolutely accurate, store weapons and shells right in the hypermarket -
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a crime primarily against the residents of kharkov, no matter how you talk about a supposedly peaceful object, ukrainian fakes cannot withstand the echo of repeated explosions at the kharkov arsenal. called the epicenter. anton botkovenko is an explosive provocation. the russian ministry of defense today announced the liberation by fighters of the western and central groupings of troops of two more settlements in the kharkov region in the donetsk people's republic , respectively. in addition, in all key directions of the northern military district, our military has improved positions along the front line occupied by more advantageous positions, the total losses in the ukrainian armed forces over the past 24 hours amounted to over 1,600 manpower. the latest reports in the material of denis alekseev. geography of ours.
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the center was liberated from the village of nitaylovo, pushing the ukrainian armed forces group further west into the lowlands. the tactical failure is obvious, there is also a so-so prospect for the karlovy reservoir to gain a foothold, and therefore the ukrainian formations will have to retreat, opening up operational space for our military. a unit of the center's group of troops liberated the settlement of netailovo, improved the tactical situation, defeated the formation of the sixty-eighth hegelian twenty-fourth mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the regions. semenovka and novgorodsky, repelled five counterattacks of assault groups, 71 geiger, 47-10 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of the settlements of ocheretina, solovyovo and umanskoye. enemy losses amounted to 335 military personnel. well, also from netaylov, militants
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carried out indiscriminate attacks on donetsk and the surrounding area, and now here, here is footage of confirmation of this from the russian tricolor, and the ukrainian military is fifty- ninth separate. the brigades that were based here hurried to the noise of the night through the forests and bushes, abandoning their weapons and ammunition. military personnel of the north group continue to advance deeper into the defense. enemy, maximally expanding the sanitary zone in the kharkov region, the armed forces of ukraine, watching how the expansion is going on, are beginning to understand that striking the russian border in the very near future will be more and more difficult, and therefore they are striking more and more desperately, like the last time, here in one day, our air defense crews intercepted six hammer guided bombs, 14 rockets from the khaymars and 44 drones, and south of volchanskaya, a ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed. a little earlier
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, a fighter equipped with american air bombs, transferred from slovakia, was also spotted in this area. well, this is what is happening in volchansk itself. these days, these minutes, the armed forces of ukraine are still trying with all their might to hold on to this settlement, renting out house after house. as they retreat, they hit civilians with kamikaze drones and artillery. our military gaining a foothold in positions, volchansky helps the locals evacuate. in the video, konstantin and svetlana. miraculously survived after another arrival from ukrainian militants, and not only ukrainian ones, as it turned out, there were apparently mercenaries there, why did you decide that, and there was an emphasis on some accents, accents, we heard a conversation and the accents were not russian and not ukrainian, seriously, the driver who took us out, i’m not such a hero, the guy is terrible for everyone, and there you are, the road is terrible.
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events on the vremev ledge are developing rapidly, a year ago, the armed forces of ukraine encroached on this territory with their counterattack, and now our military is actively defending here. russian special forces advanced west of urozhainy, occupying another impressive square of terrain, kilometer by kilometer. bsu losses in this area are more than 100 people per day. so, every day. lead. they plotted to kill budanov, tracked down the head of the sbu malyuk and even zelensky himself, fascinating details from the times article about the conspiracy in the kiev elite. under the city grief exclusive, uk edition published a chilling story about how, almost at the last moment, they managed to stop the attempt on the life of the head of ukrainian military intelligence. information for journalists was declassified by an anonymous source in the sbu. he said that the department managed to catch several at once. well , supposedly russian agents embedded in zelensky’s state security department, they say
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these colonels worked for the fsb and for a long time hatched an insidious plan to eliminate the terrorist budanov. to further intimidate the public, quite a lot of details are given, but before you take all this at face value, it’s worth looking at the personality of the author who obtained such valuable material for the editors, and this is none other than maxim tucker. previously, he had already come up with a story about a dirty atomic bomb being assembled in the dpr, so this is a twist. rogue colonels, that’s how it is written, and reveals their secret plan to eliminate the head of ukrainian intelligence kiril budanov. they
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supposedly had to transmit coordinates for a ballistic missile strike, and then the drone operator, edokiy, would step in according to the script james bond, who is hiding nearby and aims a drone to finish off the survivors. all the main villains are clearly from russia. and there is a very good ukrainian proverb, you screwed up, daughter-in-law, so she’s gone, there’s a skirt hanging over there. so here it is. no matter what happened, the russian federation is to blame for everything, any, let’s say, failures, gaps, dilitancy, unskilled work, internal conflicts, they still try to blame everything today on the machinations of enemies, spies, saboteurs and scoundrels, this is the spy mania that has swept the west, american press, here the new york times is pumping up the news that moscow has started.
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methods of espionage, sabotage, terror against their opponents, it has always been this way, this is the method of thinking of western society, trying to denounce moscow, having barely jumped off a british helicopter in a helmet at a nato exercise , and estonian president kaja kallas belligerently calls on the west, quote, to give a collective answer. the hawks in washington also insist on this: in june, the ambassadors of the alliance countries will meet with the director of national intelligence. usa, and british eu diplomats, as the new york times writes, have already they are preparing the ground, putting pressure on other countries to become more actively involved in secret operations against russia. this entire active information campaign is nothing more than a cover operation for large-scale actions by the west, including the allocation of financial resources against russia, including
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the introduction of certain anti-russian actions, because the population. countries , it is becoming increasingly difficult to explain why the population of western countries must bear more and more new burdens of confrontation with russia, why russia is so dangerous, this is where the most various verification ideas, well, from the same series , there is an alleged russian trace in the assassination attempt on kirill budanov, here is another quote from the british times, the attack was planned as a double blow, we saw enough there in hollywood, if we compare it with the original, it seems they really wrote it off. the same two heroes, only here there are two colonels who joined forces in the fight, but not 25 years ago, but only eight, only they got caught somehow stupidly, one revealed himself when, in the first days of the ukrainian conflict, he allegedly gathered his colleagues and offered to lay down im guns when the russians will come, another quote: the bank is a nebrez fortress, after all, western screenwriters think in textbook clichés, but why didn’t they immediately tie him up, but waited for more than two
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years, this, of course, is compromising information. against kiev itself, what can we say then about, in principle , ukraine’s resistance to russia on the battlefield if they cannot protect their leadership. if you look for those who benefit from the assassination attempt on budanov, then i think it is primarily the already identified western intelligence services, for which budanov won back material, because he is the bearer of certain secrets, agreements with mishest, with the cia, on the implementation of certain...
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produced by the usa in order to avoid counter-battery strikes by the enemy, our military is constantly changing positions, as this happens, mikhail andronik saw. the barrel fires a continuous stream of shells at militants on the right bank of the dnieper. the astrakhan jet division covers the enemy, who is loading into boats on the dnieper, after firing, the crew of the combat vehicle immediately folds.
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i bought the landing policy, jumped out to a certain place and took it off. the crew will not fire from one place twice in a row, at first all the parameters are calculated by the officer literally from the wheels, when everything is ready, a combat vehicle flies into the angry position, that is, we work from we are not tied to the terrain, well, we work from absolutely any point, let's work, we're leaving, the house on the right bank, in which the militants of the kiev regime took refuge, collapses after being hit by a 122-mm shell, the crew of the d-30 howitzer is working.
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russian artillery lined up along the dnieper river controls the right bank of the occupied ukrainian armed forces for many kilometers; the command of the troops of the kiev regime cannot but know about this ; they still continue to send the inhabitants of ukraine to certain death. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayan, vesti kherson region. 11.5 million, and not in hryvnia, but in us dollars. this amount now. are being discussed by the ukrainian media, which suddenly learned that zelensky’s office has spent a lot of money on antarctic expeditions since the beginning of the year. here, of course, one may wonder where
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kiev is and where the south pole is. however, how it turned out, upon closer examination, similar expenses were included in the budget last year the year before, well, that is , there is simply an amazing sequence of expenses in conditions when all available funds are supposedly spent on an armed conflict with russia. someone even jokes about a new glacial reich, remember. i'm checking hitler's preparations for escaping to antarctica, but the reality seems to be much more prosaic: no one is going to build a gang with a bank shelter next to penguins, because the estimate mainly contains items such as elite wines, from dry red to sparkling or, for example, caviar, not to mention sets for professional darts games, all of course at significantly inflated prices, which means we are talking about a blatant corruption scheme that obviously allows one to master a lot of money under the pretext of scientific activity, toli will still be there, given that the junta has become adept at stealing even water from its own rivers, how to understand this, evgeniy tishkavets will explain, evgeniy, hello, well, has a man-made drought begun in ukraine? kind
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evening, yes, alexey, the ukraine project is being squeezed to the last drop, literally. hurry to see, copperfield is resting. circus bankova and his main clown managed to do something that none of the presidents of the russian federation managed to do - even steal water. in the footage, one of the tributaries of the dniester, the kalus river, or rather, now it is a stream barely visible from the banks, framed by swamps, here is the dniester itself, here the opened channel has already cracked under the bright sun, the dniester river, once there was a dniester river here, this is creepy , we’ve lived our whole lives, but nothing like this has ever happened. here the same section of the river from space near the city. although, it is clearly visible that the width of the riverbed is now half as much as it was a month ago, and who should we thank for this? the ukrainians are at a loss, water
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was dumped on the dniester, water was dumped on the dniester to increase electricity generation, that’s what happened , great, very beautiful, well , very garneau, crosana, a logical assumption, the kiev authorities, of course, do not admit their guilt, but there is proof. face. let's start with the fact that the hydrological regime of the dniester is completely regulated by cascades hydroelectric power stations. there are four of them: three ukrainian and one moldovan. the latter is located in the lower reaches and does not affect anything. but the first three can, at the request of independent hydrologists, either flood any section of the channel if the dump valves are closed, or drain it if a lot of energy is needed. and the floodgates will remain open for a long time. and what a coincidence. ukraine just... really needs electricity now, there is such a dam in the novodnistrovsk area , they lowered it, everything above novnestrovsk, accordingly, all everyday life
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the level has fallen, well, most likely there is something generating down there to the south, where in order to maintain it somehow, apparently, discharges at ukrainian hydroelectric power stations have been going on for several months, here is the proof, at the end of march the level of the dniester in the lower reaches stood up sharply. in moldova and transnistria , local floods were observed and local hydrologists blamed kiev for everything, saying that the cause was the floodgates of the novodnistrovskaya station that were completely open. it was the beginning of spring, there was a lot of water in the river due to melting snow, now closer to summer there is a flood wave went away and the hydrological pendulum swung in the opposite direction. ukraine behaves, well, not just like a terrorist state, but also a state that is completely indifferent. problems of surrounding countries, neighbors, maybe even allies, they need it, they act like animals, kiev does not think about tomorrow, it needs it here
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now, everything else is not... for kiev. indeed, ecological barbarism is the style of modern ukraine. it was they who drained the north crimean canal, leaving their own farmers without water. it was blocked a couple of years ago litter the bodrok river, flowing into neighboring slovakia. in the end, they destroyed the kokhovskaya gas station, putting tens of thousands of people at risk. and they don’t care who gets hurt, be it strangers or their own. kiev and chisinau, friends, do not spill water, sang together on the basis of common russophobia, but it seems that their relationship may deteriorate. the level of the dniester in moldova is already at a record low, and if ukraine continues to squeeze kilowatts out of the unfortunate river, the republic will face a drought, and the situation will be aggravated by prolonged low water on the dniester. it's been 5 years now water is well below average. the fact that chisinau will be at risk due to the fact that ukraine takes water from itself
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has been known for a very long time. water is used for various. goals, there are agricultural issues that should work sustainably, in general the entire infrastructure, the progression of energy problems in ukraine will continue to affect, including moldova, by the way, the local authorities of moldova will have to explain this, because they are politically allied to ukraine, yes, apparently, here we are suffered for some significant purpose. of course, it was obvious that the west, through its puppets, would try to survive every last drop from the anti-russia project, but that this would be done literally. it was hard to guess, henceforth a lesson for us, do not underestimate the greed of those who have already managed to steal the carpathian forests, collect loans from the whole world , sell an entire generation of compatriots for meat. evgeniya teshkovets, dehydrated ukraine. ukrainian drones today attacked the graivarnsky district in the belgorod region, there was damage infrastructure facility. also during the day , several settlements of the shibekinsky urban district came under fire from ukrainian militants, as the governor
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of the region reported. no, but residential buildings in the private sector were damaged. the area also suffered from a night strike in the ssu, including destruction recorded in shibekino, as well as murami and rzhevka. with details, our special correspondent in the belgogorod region, egor grigoriev. four loud arrivals in a row, a few more half an hour earlier. the ssu fired rockets at the village of rzhevka. rocket signal the danger has not yet been canceled, but firefighters have left for the arrival site. this is the shebekinsky district, near the village of rzhevka, shebekino itself, after the arrival the grass caught fire, now firefighters are doing everything to prevent the fire from spreading to residential buildings, there was an arrival there, there was a shell that had not been dismantled, now you are recruiting for water and even extinguishing it, the fire is in isa they fought chaotically, shells fell near the school on the roads
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on the houses of the villagers. business here, when we arrived, there was a glass of tea in my hand, a kichashka, of course, that’s it, i didn’t finish it, so the window jumped out and started leaking everything, i was a little deafened, there was a crater in the garden, shrapnel broke the old seven, shards of glass were sticking out of the rickety frames, you see, the nazis, what they did to make it empty, it’s cruel, peaceful beats, they shelled rzhelka terribly, this never happened, of course, they shifted to the city of shibekina. during the breaks, precisely in the short pauses between missile danger alarms, the city miraculously comes to life. utility workers are barely keeping up with the consequences of the arrivals. after the blows, the night before, in the courtyard of one of...
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floors, like ashes. the rocket hit the tank of a domestic car, three nearby cars immediately burst into flames, and several more cars were cut by shrapnel. there was a tank, she flew in and was thrown out of there when they came out through the doors, yeah, and here, and there i also looked in the windshield, it was also visible, that is, if someone was there, the panel was broken, the steering wheel was broken, if someone was sitting in the car, that would be it. not far away, also on the weekend, a rocket fell near a grocery store, wounding a woman, the ukrainian armed forces target peaceful shibekin residents, the enemy is consolidating its status terrorist. egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, alina zykova, news. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. he recruited russians into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and ended up in the network of our special services. like a neo-nazi. textiles linked to
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