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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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at the exhibition russia. a fair world order based on a balance of forces and interests, without double standards, with a guarantee of security for everyone. a common goal for russia and uzbekistan against the backdrop of the global world.
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left the podium and the anthem of the russian federation sounds. the anthem of uzbekistan, beginning with the words the bright land is free, is performed live by soldiers of the national guard.
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the topic of the state visit, the presidents begin to discuss it on the fly. russian and uzbek flags fly over the kuksaroy residence. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev we communicate regularly through the cis and the sco, but bilateral communication in the format of a state visit is a unique and important opportunity to discuss all the main issues of bilateral relations. the first official negotiation of the day, shavkat mirziyoyev was re-elected to his post last summer . vladimir putin this spring, which means ahead. years of strengthening close relations,
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the fact that such a representative delegation came to uzbekistan, this is one of the first visits after the completion of elections of all procedures related to this, this emphasizes our special character, both strategic partnership and allied relations. i am very grateful that one of your first visits was to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for uzbekistan. this level of relations between russia and uzbekistan is officially stated in the documents, and these loud words are confirmed by the development of the economy, thanks to your efforts, thanks to the efforts of the government of uzbekistan, our trade and economic relations are diversified, have good prospects, especially in the field of industrial cooperation and high technologies, this is the most important thing, but...
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traditional areas of interaction are also maintained at a good level and are developing at a good pace, if we talk about trade turnover, we have already reached 10 billion, growth this year is 30%, this is very good growth, my colleagues and i are now we are working to reach 20 billion in the near future. at the negotiations with the participation of the delegation, the president notes another important aspect: the capital of the two countries is increasingly penetrating the union markets. thanks to your position. russian investments in uzbekistan are increasing from every year, now they have already reached a solid figure, almost 10 billion dollars, i am sure that if they are implemented, i have no doubts about this, for this meeting the russian and uzbek ministers have prepared a very solid package of bilateral agreements, relations between the russian federation and uzbekistan they are developing dynamically, with more and more investment and industrial projects appearing every year. vladimir putin and shavkat. yev signs
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a joint statement following the visit, then the ministers of the two countries exchange endorsed agreements. gas processing plants built by russian companies are already operating in uzbekistan. and now. plans to create a complex for the production of alefins, the basis for plastic synthetic rubber, is the creation of essentially a new industry in uzbekistan, the chemical industry, with access to foreign markets of third countries, and this will be a significant contribution to the development of the economy of uzbekistan, it is necessary to improve transport corridors for so that - it would be possible to freely supply your products, widely in russian it projects are also presented in uzbekistan, for example, otsberbank using artificial intelligence. these are educational projects, projects in the field of high technology. are these services in demand in uzbekistan? very, very everything is under the personal patronage of the president.
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and, of course, rosatom is ready to provide advanced technologies to its partners. rusatom is actively working abroad; it is the leader in this area, number one in the world.
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old friends, brothers, my father received his first higher education, here he, well so to speak, i opened the doors of life here, i feel at home in uzbekistan, and i am very glad that our countries are friends and are developing very much in the economic direction, countries and regions are friends, cooperation between the constituent entities of the russian federation and the regions of uzbekistan is developing for the first time in tashkent a forum where governors and khokims exchange experiences.
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and russian regions are ready to offer mutually beneficial projects; the head of tatarstan calls on businessmen of the bukhara region for cooperation. we are interested in further expansion of cooperation with uzbek partners in such areas as motorcycle manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, also informatization, new technologies, well, the development of technology parks and special economic zones. where once upon a time ambassadors from...
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also a pen with the name of the minister arrived for the first time. so, with everyone, with everyone, with all participants in these negotiations. we can try to understand, imagine that from the car window, vladimir putin can now see, on the streets
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of tashkin, look, just everywhere, flags of russia, uzbekistan, we saw a lot multimedia screens with greetings addressed to the president of russia, what types of transport do presidents travel on, today here is an excursion. around the new museum, including electric cars. the new museum is the victory park memorial complex on an area of ​​14 hectares. the whole history of the participation of the uzbek ussr in the great patriotic war. the republic accepted refugees and sent soldiers to the front. the center of the memorial is a monument to resilience. it portrays a real woman, zulfiya zakirova, who lost five sons in the war. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev, laid flowers at the memorial. the park was opened on victory day in 2020, and
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its own tradition has already developed here: the russian and uzbek presidents planted a spruce together in memory of the state visit, which in uzbekistan is already called historical. alexey golovko, natalya lundovskaya, konstantin morozov and andrey greshnev, broadcast from tashkent, republic of uzbekistan. over the course of 24 hours, military personnel of the russian group vostok forces carried out a series of effective attacks against the formation. ssu in the south donetsk direction, and more specifically in the area settlement of makarovka, where up to 130 ukrainian militants were destroyed, and even well-equipped fortifications, which were targeted by our howitzers and homemade artillery installations, could not save them, about the effective fire defeat, report by eduard punigov. an mstas self-propelled artillery unit of the eastern group is in a combat position. the crew conducts targeted fire. according to the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. quick reload, adjustment of target coordinates,
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the next blow is delivered to the adjacent enemy supporter. after a series of shots the gunners immediately change positions to avoid being hit by return fire. these calculations came here from buryat. artillerymen of the eastern military district are supporting with fire the infantry, which these days is working on a temporary ledge in the south donetsk direction. mysta can shoot at a distance of over 30 km, installation. work both from closed firing positions and hit with direct fire, as a rule, these are targets hidden deep in the enemy’s rear. crews destroy strongholds, fortified areas, enemy tanks, and disable artillery and mortar batteries. the senior officers give the settings for the batteries, i set the settings for the new target, we continue to work, the shot in the previous version is all on tamulers, it’s all like that, well, manually, there are already computers here, everything is aimed automatically. the jaws keep opponents in constant tension, they work day and night, the crews fire dozens of
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shots per day, what is the rate of fire, the rate of fire, it depends on the loaders, the force is needed, that is, it’s like you have to push the shell in there, then the cartridge case, that’s all there push through. after combat work, the installation is hidden in a so-called garage in a forest belt; they are also periodically changed so that they are not detected by enemy drones. under no circumstances should you linger in one place for a long time. the fierce battle in this area is now in the active phase, the ukrainian armed forces are hopelessly losing the artillery duel. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the georgian parliament intends to override the veto imposed by the country's president zarubishvili on the law on foreign agents tomorrow. the legislator assures that it will be accepted despite the strongest pressure from both the internal opposition and western countries, which are already threatening tbilisi not just with sanctions, but with the withdrawal of georgia’s candidacy to join the european union.
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funds, targeted, donor and project. i'm waiting for a public source on which you claim that the sector
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is transparent. deputies of the parliamentary majority tried to get specific answers for 3 hours, but nothing came of it. did you have a tape recorder as a child, if the recording was damaged, it automatically repeated the same phrase: that’s exactly what you’re doing, it insults your mandate, the importance of the right of veto and everything in general. if you had arguments and could explain, on the contrary, it would be in your interests to go into... details and content, moving away from the content, you, on the contrary , emphasize the absurdity of the vet, arguments do not exist in nature, if they existed, you would talk to us with arguments, and not in the style of a broken record. salome zurabishvili herself, apparently, understands the futility of her arguments and the uselessness of the imposed veto; the day before she proposed to political parties some kind of georgian charter in order to be able to abolish the document on foreign agents. among the conditions of the charter are the holding of early parliamentary elections next year and the repeal of all laws that harm the european future. today's
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political conditions and electoral environment do not allow for regular elections where everyone is given an opportunity. introduce yourself and your program. in this election, we have to decide not who we vote for, but what we vote for. these elections will actually become a national referendum, where we need to answer the question: do we want to go to europe or not? this parliament must fulfill its obligations under the charter, after which it will return the mandate to the voter and hold extraordinary parliamentary elections in a new free environment. in europe, where zurabeshvili is striving, they are clearly unhappy with what is happening in georgia. the law on foreign agents was discussed in brussels at a meeting of eu ministers. even before the start, the lithuanian department hinted that the eu might reconsider relations with tbelisi. the head of the german foreign ministry completely stated that georgia’s path to the european union is closed. it pains me incredibly that the government of georgia, with one law , blocked this great dream of its people, especially the youth, to take the path to
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the european union. the georgian government is acting against its own population. we are members of the eu. extended a hand to the georgians, but it is obvious that it is possible to take the path to the eu if not only the population wants to take this path, but also the government. us vice president kamla haris said in her letter to the president of georgia that the adoption of an anti-democratic law on foreign agents could undermine relations between tbilisi and washington. american secretary of state antony blinken previously threatened georgia with sanctions if the authorities did not revise the law on foreign agents. what they noted in tbilis is to trade.
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georgia will be accepted, experts have no doubts. today, the parliamentary committee on legal issues has already approved overcoming the presidential vote, further consideration at a plenary session, which could take place tomorrow. if the majority in parliament votes in favor, the president's veto will be finally overcome. anna voronina, asya aslonyan. and in armenia today , about 300 participants in the protest against nikol pashinyan were detained. they all blocked roads, demanding that the prime minister break them up. agreements with azerbaijan on border delimitation and, accordingly, on bringing four villages of the tavuzh region under the jurisdiction of baku. and the demonstration was led by archbishop of the armenian apostolic church bagrad galstanyan, who proposed his candidacy for the post of head of government. details in the material by elizaveta khormtsova.
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the day of disobedience declared by the armenian opposition, on in a matter of hours it turned into a day of road closures and processions along narrow streets. highways and even the metro, and most importantly, it was remembered for almost record-breaking arrests; by lunchtime, the number of those whom the red berets sent to the police station reached approximately three hundred, but everyone was released during the day. to confirm the well-known statement that history moves in a spiral, prime minister pashinyan and his associates can feel dozhavu because officials can see from the windows of their offices. morning leader protest archbishop... bograd galstanyan and a group of activists demonstratively staged a halt at the yerevan home radio, where in the spring of 2018 the then opposition deputy pashinyan and his like-minded people were breaking through. for nearly 3 weeks, residents of armenia have been holding protests demanding that pashinyan’s government resign. the reason is
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the process of delimiting the border with azerbaijan, within the framework of which four villages that were part of the soviet era are coming under the control of baku. azerbaijani ussr, but in the nineties, which passed to yerevan. the most important thing is now get rid of those treacherous authorities who every day, day after day , harm armenia, sell and give it interest. this is not the first crisis that the current cabinet of ministers has faced, but this time the protest is not led by the former leaders of the republic, who have lost most of their trust. now archbishop bograd galstanyan is bringing people out onto the streets. the head of the tavush diocese of the armenian apostolic church, who also became the leader of the tavush movement in the name of the homeland, i urge you to resolve all issues without interference from outside, the archbishop took upon himself the coordination of the protest, in this case.
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we have gathered to sum up the work of the organizational headquarters created to combat the consequences of floods in the tavuzh and lariska regions, first of all , the government expresses condolences on behalf of the people, family members, relatives and... on monday, the prosecutor general's office of armenia announced the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of an attempt to install wiretapping in archbishop bograt’s room in one of the capital’s
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hotels. another case was opened in fact beating of deputy ashot simonyan. on monday morning, he blocked the street with his car to prevent the passage of security forces, was detained, and then a blockade was released. on tuesday, armenia will celebrate republic day and protesters plan to celebrate it on the territory of the sardarapat memorial complex. there, according to tradition, so that... moscow will continue to do everything necessary to strengthen the authority of the cis, based on the instructions of the russian president to create a network of stable partners with foreign countries, about this today said mikhail mishustin, who returned from a meeting of the council of heads of government of the commonwealth in turkmenistan. the example reminded us that this year the chairmanship in the cis passed to our country. the cis today is an effective platform for the development of multilateral dialogue, coordination and
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promotion of common initiatives in our macro-region. in the year of the russian presidency, we will continue to do everything necessary to increase the authority of the commonwealth and expand connections with other integration associations. important agreements were reached to strengthen cooperation. in the energy sector, in transport, as well as in the field of the chemical industry, hazardous waste management, and the elimination of accumulated harm, together we will continue to take measures to protect intellectual property and develop national telemedicine systems. i am confident that the decisions of the heads of government of the cis will contribute to the fruitful cooperation of our countries, and of course they will serve. improving the quality of life of our citizens. moscow will take retaliatory measures due to poland's decision to limit movement of russian diplomats. as foreign ministry spokesman maria zakharova said, the russophobic polish elite
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will greatly regret the next anti-russian steps. today, the minister of foreign affairs of poland announced a note that limits the rights of movement within the country for our diplomats. embassy staff in warsaw will only be able to travel within the capital region, and consular staff only within the voivodeships in which their missions are based. the reason for... a new development bank created brix countries could become a more active player in the financial market, this opinion was expressed by secretary general of the eurasian peoples’ assembly andrei beleninov at the brix international financial and economic forum. he emphasized that we are talking not only about payments in national currencies, but about expanding the scope of activity. it seems to me that even investment banks of the 21st century. they should change their face and not engage in such pure investment business in conditions of relatively excess
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liquidity in the market, i want to say that projects - there are a lot of them, they are not only infrastructural, they are also related to the development of industry and the development of integration between the brix countries, i think that if, for example, a marine... reinsurance company brix appeared, now this is a very acute the need for this instrument, st. petersburg today celebrates its 321st birthday, it was on may 27 that tsar peter the first founded the fortress at the mouth of the neva, so the holiday every year naturally begins with the ceremonial laying of flowers to the marksman horseman, well, other traditions in are strictly observed in the northern capital; salemazars will tell you about everything in more detail. like any birthday person, the city is preening for its holiday, so... even from a height one could see how cleanly and beautifully dressed petersburg was on its 321st birthday, monuments to kutuzov and barclay before toll were received at the kazan cathedral of souls, the foam was washed off from
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the folds of the field marshal's batons. square, and guests are already gathering at the bronze horseman. one of the main traditions of the day is laying flowers at the most famous monument to peter the great. petersburgers give back a tribute to the emperor, thanks to whose unbending will this amazing city was founded. the torches of the raster columns light up, the military orchestra plays the anthem to the great city. burgundy roses from the thunder stone lie on the paste of the bronze horseman.
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serve our beloved city. in the peter and paul fortress they are preparing to fire the noon gun of the naryshkin bastion. this is a beautiful tradition that comes from those times, where st. petersburg itself is from. even if it’s a weekday, the square is full of people. parade at the cathedral of saints peter and paul children's and youth brass bands. young musicians came from all over the country.
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st. petersburg comes to the music of tchaikovsky. sale mazarev, alexey sasyrin, sergey ishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, galina arlova, ekaterina bobkova. news: northwestern bureau. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website.
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