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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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there was tatyana petrova, see you on honest detective, that’s all for us, russia 24 tv channel is with you. this is a big informational one. evening we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. what the epicenter in kharkov really was. ukropropaganda lies about a supposedly ordinary shopping center, but what about the guards of gurovtsy, the secondary detonation that exploded so loudly in the kharkov hypermarket? the kiev regime accuses moscow of preparing an assassination attempt on kirill budanov. and in the west they look for russian traces even in domestic fires and accuse their own people of espionage citizens. but if this is sabotage, then who
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benefits from it? for the sake of extra megawatts, we are ready to cause an environmental disaster! the zelensky regime is literally draining ukraine, following the dnieper, they drained the dniester, but what about neighbors? the fact that moldova is facing a severe drought in the summer doesn’t bother kiev? he recruited russians into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, he himself ended up in the network of our special services, how is the neo-nazi sakania connected with the terrorist rdk? why did he spend money from his curators on a ticket to russia? lick a chicken egg to get a million rubles. owner of a supermarket chain from yekaterinburg complained about the craze of buyers, where did the strange action come from? there is fire and black soot everywhere, life is under constant shelling, the city is dying before our eyes. this is just part of today's headlines from russian-speaking media agents. but like
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medusa and radio liberty, which are considered undesirable, as well as the present time, they are somewhat belatedly suppressing tears from their audience on the topic of events in kharkov. there, let me remind you, a powerful explosion occurred as a result of the arrival of russian high-precision weapons, and the target in this case was ended up in the premises of a local construction hypermarket called epicenter. and so the picture for propagandists and russophobes turned out to be almost ideal, they say our troops cynically struck a peaceful target, where civilians, again, died and were injured. but still, the key word here is almost, since no matter how loudly the kiev regime and its information service were not involved in an apili, but in an alleged war crime, the truth was revealed quite quickly, and the further, the more evidence that the ill-fated supposedly it had long ceased to be part of the civilian infrastructure and was therefore subject to demilitarization. anton potkovenko is ready to provide visual evidence. the scale of the fake that ukrosmi is trying to inflate around our strike. shopping center in
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kharkov can only be compared with the damage suffered by the militants of the kiev regime after the targeted destruction of another object of their military infrastructure, namely military, no matter how kiev propaganda shouted that an allegedly ordinary construction hypermarket burned down, this is work for western audience, that’s what really happened, in this video after the arrival , loud explosions are clearly audible. everything is very clear, this is called secondary detonation, when after the main hit subsequent explosions begin, that is, in the shopping center there was something to explode so powerfully, it was clearly not wrenches or wallpaper that detonated, there was an ammunition depot there. epicenter is the largest shopping center in general for the last month. practically did not work, security,
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technical personnel consisted of representatives of the defense and formation nationalist kraken, they were regularly delivered there at night in the early morning hours on trucks, in cars, this is the ukrainian post office, which is tied entirely to military needs, rocket and artillery weapons. according to some reports , gur, the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense, has set up its transshipment base in the hypermarket. the department of the same terrorist budanov who launched attacks on our civilians. there is more than enough evidence for our civilians in the border regions. its civilians the kyiv regime has no regrets either. hence this scheme, such as camouflage.
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in the kharkov direction, the armed forces of ukraine are now especially tight, and the gurovsky epicenter, in addition to being large, is also conveniently located from a logistics point of view; from this shopping center there is a direct road through the ring road towards chuguev, izyum and kupinsk, which is why
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it is such an important logistics center , he was hit, the blow was so strong. the boilers were not damaged at all even by the blast wave of the nearby nine-story building, to build military facilities into civilian ones, hiding behind residential areas and shopping centers is a common terrorist practice of the kiev regime against its own people, remember how at the beginning of the northern military district, ours destroyed an ammunition depot and a battery of hail in the kiev shopping center retroville, then the dill propaganda was also strained, as it is now with the epicenter? this is far from a new thing - the so-called ukrainian special services, in this case the main intelligence department, the same thing happened near the shopping center in kiev when they hid the hail installation, but the most important thing is that it worked detonation, which means that the intelligence
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of the armed forces of the russian federation was absolutely accurate, storing weapons and shells directly in a hypermarket is a crime, first of all, against the people of kharkov, if you don’t talk about a supposedly peaceful object? ukrafakes cannot withstand the echo of repeated explosions at the kharkov arsenal called epicenter. russian artillery today inflicted fire on the personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the rabotin area of ​​the zaporozhye region, as well as on the right bank of kherson. as a result, the kyiv regime lost dozens militants and several pieces of equipment, including a us-made m-119 gun. and in order to avoid enemy counter-battery attacks, our military is constantly changing positions. how does this happen? they are sending a continuous stream of shells at the militants on the right bank of the dnieper. the astrakhan lutas jet division covers the enemy, who
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is loading into a boat on the dnieper. after firing, the crew of the combat vehicle immediately folds and leaves the firing position. the battery commander moves across the sand dunes on a motorcycle; everything is done here. to increase the speed of completing tasks and reduce the time spent in open areas, this method of transportation is the safest in forest plantations, so as not to drive, for example, through fields, and even if you cross some points through fields, it is faster than by car or there in the urals everything else, yeah, it’s safer to select targets on it, roughly speaking, it skipped the landing, jumped out to a certain place and took it off, the crew won’t fire from the same place twice in a row, all the parameters first.
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there are nps, channels, that is, boats, accordingly, some kind of drg units, reconnaissance units, observation posts, firing, mortar positions, that is, well, we cover the entire spectrum. the militants are constantly trying to get over to the left bank of the dnieper, more often at night, in small groups on rubber boats, they are trying, but nothing works out for them, they keep fighting, fighting, and suffering a lot of losses, i had a case... when we took into a man’s penis, he was in an inadequate state, in a narcotic high, he says only one thing, he was caught on the street, imprisoned, in short, and here sent by the people. russian artillery, deployed along the dnieper, controls the right bank of the occupied ukrainian armed forces for many kilometers,
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the command of the troops of the kiev regime cannot but know about this, they still continue to send the inhabitants of ukraine to certain death. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayantsa, conduct the kherson region. they plotted to kill budanov, tracked down the head of the sbu malyuk and even zelensky himself, fascinating details and times articles about a conspiracy in the kiev elite were proudly labeled.
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more like a spy novel than investigation of one of the world's most famous newspapers. in the pages of the british times , the sbu is tracking down two rogue colonels. this is how it is written, and reveals their secret plan to eliminate the head of ukrainian intelligence kiril budanov. they supposedly had to transmit coordinates for a ballistic missile strike, and then the drone operator would take over according to the script. the odious james bond, who is hiding nearby and aims a drone to finish off the survivors. all the main villains are clearly from russia. there is a very good ukrainian proverb: you screwed up, daughter-in-law, so no, there’s a skirt hanging there, so it doesn’t matter what
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happened, the russian federation is to blame for everything, any, let’s say, failures, gaps, amateurishness, unskilled work, internal conflicts, they still try to blame everything today on the machinations of enemies, spies, saboteurs and scoundrels , the same spy mania has swept over... the american press, such as the new york times, is pumping up the story that moscow has launched a sabotage campaign in europe, however, under this loud headline they are putting up very dubious, and essentially random, facts. for example, a fire in london, when a warehouse associated with ukrainian business burned down. two young britons were accused not only of arson, but of spying for russia. in general, everything is in the usual english highly-like style. also without evidence, the western press is incensed after almost every major fire in europe. builder. a store in lithuania, houses in latvia, a factory in poland, the culprits everywhere are, of course,
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alleged agents of russian influence. and now polish prime minister donald tusk is fanning the flames of suspicion, reporting arrests, they say, they caught as many as nine people, but they are silent about the fact that these nine were detained a year ago, supposedly they were preparing to derail the trains with military equipment going to ukraine, but for the whole year, where is the evidence, the confession, there is nothing. spymania is in the blood of a foreign helicopter at nato exercises and estonian president kaya kallas militantly calls on the west, quote: to give a collective response.
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hawks in washington also insist on this. in june, ambassadors from the alliance countries will meet with the us director of national intelligence. a british diplomats from the european union, as the new york times writes, are already preparing the ground, pressing for other countries to become more actively involved in secret operations against russia. this entire active information campaign is nothing more than a cover operation for... large-scale actions of the west, including the allocation of financial resources against russia, including the introduction of certain anti-russian actions, because it is becoming increasingly difficult for the population of western countries explain why the population of western countries must bear more and more burdens confrontation with russia, why russia is so dangerous, this is where all sorts of assertive ideas arise, well, from the same series, supposedly a russian trace in... the attack was planned as a double blow, we saw enough there in hollywood,
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if we compare it with the original, it seems they really wrote it off the same two heroes, only here there are two colonels who joined forces in the fight, but not 25 years ago, but only eight, only they got caught somehow stupidly, one revealed himself when, in the first days of the ukrainian conflict, he allegedly gathered his colleagues and offered to lay down they will have weapons when the russians come, more quote: the bank is a nebrez fortress, after all, western scriptwriters think. then i think this is, first of all, already determined by western intelligence services, for which budanov has played the material, because he is the bearer of certain secrets, agreements with mishest, with
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tru, on the execution of certain orders that compromise these intelligence services and countries, in general it’s time ... already understand the spies, the anglo-saxons always play by their own rules, and ukraine, and poland and the baltic states, are only pawns in these games. nato is increasing the degree of escalation and flirting with military rhetoric, although in essence it is already in a state of direct confrontation with russia. this opinion was expressed in an interview with the news by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on jens stoltenberg’s statement. the latter, in particular, called for the armed forces of ukraine to give permission to strike with weapons of the north atlantic alliance on russian territory, but... peskov, in turn , emphasized that our armed forces in any case will continue to carry out the tasks of the special operation and are ready to stop all threats. but at the same time we must admit that unity regarding the measures proposed by stoltenberg is still not observed in the nato countries themselves. a striking example of this was another discussion between the militant macron and the slightly more cautious scholz. the president of france
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made an official visit to germany for the first time in almost a quarter of a century, and ukraine was discussed there primarily. germany, macron has demonstrated a good ability to quickly switch from ship to ball. even more impressive is that this is the first state visit of a french president to germany in almost quarter of century. berlin and paris are so accustomed to solving problems in a working manner. however, the default format of the state visit does not imply a strong emphasis on the conflict agenda. the table football match between macron and federal president steinmeier ended with a score of 1:1. as expected, friendship won. we walked through the background area set up at the brandenburg gate; the square and the adjacent streets were already covered with synthetic turf imitating a football field. european championships in germany, then immediately the olympics in france. all this
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excitingly important, but something else is more important. what will the score be on the scoreboard after the european parliament elections? we have never had so many enemies, both within the country and abroad. as i said a few weeks ago, i believe that this is an existential moment for our europe, because i truly believe our europe can die. macron, as reported by franzpress, studied german with a tutor for a whole year, but apparently not enough. expression, power, pressure, all this was in abundance, but exclusively in french. in dresden he spoke at the walls fraun-kirchi, a church destroyed during the second world war. of course, no one remembered what they did. american bombers. we europeans want peace, lasting peace, which ukrainians will choose. peace is not the capitulation of ukraine. macron positions himself as the main spokesman for the idea of ​​a strong, centralized europe. and the german authorities, in principle, agree with this, but not on france’s terms. scholz met macron once at an evening reception with steinmeier. among the guests, by the way,
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was angela merkel. but the rest of the time it was the federal president who entertained the guests. the chancellor communicated.
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bloc, which includes member countries, and he carries out their will, i believe, has exceeded his powers. even more misunderstanding than the question of the limits of the use of weapons is caused by another stoltenberg project concerning the creation of a military support fund for ukraine in the amount of $100 billion. it is also called insurance against trump, which, it seems to some, could completely cut off kiev’s funding. the political publication writes that the initiative, at a minimum, requires clarifications. even behind the scenes. some of ukraine's closest eastern european allies have become more reticent about the plan recently, wondering where and how such a huge sum of money could be raised with
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nato leaders just weeks away from meeting in washington in july. there is no great desire to dump into another fund among key nato allies. germany, for example, announced long ago that it intends to continue to remain within the framework of bilateral agreements on money. 7 billion allocated kyiv at the beginning of the year.
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here, of course, one may wonder where kiev is and where the south pole is, however, as it turned out, upon closer examination, similar expenses were included in the budget last year the year before, that is, there is simply an amazing sequence of expenses in conditions when all available funds are supposedly are leaving for an armed conflict with russia. some even joke about a new glacial reich, recalling hitler’s mythical preparation for fleeing to antarctica, but the reality seems to be much more prosaic: build.
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scientific activity, although it may still be the case, to spend a lot of money under the pretext , given that the junta has become adept at stealing even water from its own rivers, how to understand this, evgeniy tishkavets will explain. hurry to see, copperfield is resting. circus bankova and his main clown managed to do something that none of the presidents could do. independent, even steal water. in the footage, one of the tributaries of the dniester, the kalus river, or rather, now it is a stream barely visible from the banks, edged with swamps, here is the dniester itself, here the opened channel has already crack under the bright sun. the dniester river, once upon a time there was a dniester river here, it’s creepy, we’ve lived our whole lives, but nothing like this has ever happened. here is the same section of the river from
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space, near the city. the dniester is completely regulated by hydroelectric power cascades. there are four of them: three ukrainian and one moldovan. the latter is located in the lower reaches and does not affect anything. but the first three can, at the request of independent hydrologists, either flood any section of the channel if the dump doors are blocked, or drain it if a lot of energy and the floodgates will remain open for a long time. and what a coincidence. ukraine really needs electricity right now. there
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is such a dam in the area of ​​novodnistrovsk, they lowered the dam from it, everything above novodnistrovsk, accordingly , the level has dropped everywhere there, well, most likely , something is generated down there to the south, where there in order to maintain it in some way, apparently, discharges at ukrainian hydroelectric power stations have been ongoing for several months, here is the proof: at the end of march, the level of the dniester in the lower reaches rose sharply, in moldova and transnistria local floods were noted, and local hydrologists blamed the keys for everything, they say... the cause was the novodnistrovskaya station's floodgates that were completely open. it was the beginning of spring, there was a lot of water in the river due to melting snow. now, closer to summer, the flood wave has passed and the hydrological pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. ukraine behaves, well, not just like a terrorist state, but also a state that is completely indifferent to the problems of the surrounding neighboring countries, maybe even allies. they need it, that's it. like
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an animal, kiev does not think about tomorrow, he needs it here now, everything else is not a planning horizon for kiev. indeed, ecological barbarism is the style of modern ukraine. it was they who drained the north crimean canal, leaving their own farmers without water. a couple of years ago , the bodrog river, which flows into neighboring slovakia, was clogged with garbage. in the end, the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station was destroyed, putting tens of thousands of people at risk. and they don’t care who gets hurt, even strangers. at least your own. kiev and chisinau, friends, do not spill the water, sang on the basis of common russophobia, but it looks like their relationship may be going south. the level of the dniester in moldova is already at a record low, and if ukraine continues to squeeze kilowatts out of the unfortunate river, the republic will face a drought, and the situation will be aggravated by prolonged low water on the dniester. for 5 years now , the water level has been significantly below average. the fact that chisinau will be at risk because of this. that
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ukraine takes water from itself, this has been known for a very long time, water is used for various purposes, there are issues of agriculture, which should work sustainably, in general the entire infrastructure, progress problems with energy in ukraine will continue to affect, including moldova, by the way, the local authorities of moldova will have to explain this, because they are politically allied with ukraine, yes, that apparently we suffered for the sake of some significant goal. of course, it was obvious that the west, through its puppets, would try to survive the entire anti-russia project. to the last drop, but it was hard to imagine that this would be done literally. from now on, a lesson for us, do not underestimate the greed of those who have already managed to steal carpathian forests, collect loans from around the world to sell an entire generation of compatriots for meat. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. he recruited russians into the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces and ended up in the net himself.


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