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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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a new agreement worth $20 billion, new areas of joint work between intelligence services and mechanisms for cooperation in the field of labor migration, as well as strengthening business and economic ties between.
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russia and uzbekistan, as vladimir putin put it, are impressive, anastasia efimova will tell you. they play a key role in strengthening comprehensive partnership relations. this is exactly how vladimir putin described the role of the regions of russia and uzbekistan.
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representatives from various regions gathered at the council meeting in tashkent 22 russian governors and 14 uzbek mayors. the agenda of the council of regions is very extensive, it includes current topics, such as deepening industrial cooperation. cooperation in agriculture, innovation and digital technologies. i would like to note that a total of 78 out of 89 constituent entities of the russian federation have mutually beneficial partnerships with the uzbek regions. one of the areas of cooperation that shavkat mirziyoyev drew attention to is increasing the tourist flow. number of russians coming to uzbekistan has grown fivefold in recent years, and at the same time, the interest of residents of the republic in visiting is growing. russia,
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and we are talking not only about its capital, but about the regions. over the past few years , the number of russian tourists to uzbekistan has increased fivefold. along with samarkand, bukhara and khiva, routes to kakant, fergana, namangan, karshi and many other cities of uzbekistan are in demand. at the same time , interest in trips to large historical cities and regional centers of russia from outside is growing. citizens of uzbekistan, in this regard we need new joint programs and tourism products, there is a lot of potential here, moreover, all our major cities are connected by regular flights. an important prerequisite for the development of tourism, by the way, is the absence of translation difficulties. anyone who has been to uzbekistan knows that russian is actively used as a language of interethnic communication. on the street, on tv, in a store, a clinic or at school, they speak russian:
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they understand russian well. today, following the results of the negotiations, vladimir putin i especially thanked shavkat mirziyoyev for his careful attitude towards the russian language. we consider it important that the russian language is used in uzbekistan as a language of interethnic communication. it is spoken in everyday life, broadcast on television, and is extremely in demand in socially significant areas of life, including healthcare and education. we understand, we are aware of it. that without the support of the very top, without the support of the president, this situation would have been impossible. in this regard, i would like to note the successfully implemented a joint initiative, a class aimed at improving the quality of teaching the russian language in uzbekistan. more than 100 russian teachers are working within the framework of this project, which covers 85 schools with over 26,000 students in the republic. it is also underway.
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retraining of local teachers, i know the position of the president of uzbekistan, he believes that this is not enough, put before us the question of increasing the number of teachers, we will... strive for this. these negotiations, first in a narrow composition, then expanded, lasted more than 3 hours. quoting the head of uzbekistan with a pencil in his hands, the leaders went through all the items on the agenda. and in a joint statement they noted the closeness or high consonance of positions on a wide range of international topics, including the formation of a sustainable, multipolar world order. russia has been and will always be our key strategic partner and ally. our foreign policy department continues regular consultations on current issues of bilateral and multilateral agendas. we will deepen the dialogue within the framework of regional and international structures, the united nations, cooperation between independent states, and
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the shanghai cooperation organization. in the modern world, in the current unpredictable conditions, i think about our national interests, we must first of all actively cooperate with those partners who... the council of regions is, of course, an important part of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, where today, in addition to a busy negotiation agenda, russian president laid flowers at the hodo-resistance memorial in victory park and toured the museum of glory. it was opened on the initiative of shavkat mirziyoyev on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the great victory. the head of the russian state left an entry in the book. guests of honor, the common past of the two peoples, the common present and the common future, the foundation of which, thanks to active joint work, is only becoming stronger. russian units occupied two more settlements, the village of nitaylovo in
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the donetsk people's republic and the village of ivanovka in the kharkov region. in the military department also stated that the troops of the north group are moving into the depths of the defense of the ukrainian army. bsu, at least they are trying to counterattack on the majority. but these attempts are successfully repelled by our military. the enemy suffers significant losses, both in manpower and equipment. the ministry of defense also reported that the troops of the southern group improved the position along the front line, while the eastern group occupied more advantageous positions. the kremlin believes that nato is already in direct confrontation with russia. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced this in an interview. he was asked to comment on the statement of the head of the north atlantic alliance. with stoltenberg, who called for allowing ukraine to launch strikes on russian territory. dmitry peskov believes that in this way nato is increasing the degree of escalation and flirting with military rhetoric. at the same time , the president’s press secretary noted that stoltenberg’s words cannot be a reflection of his personal point of view, since he is nato secretary general.
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peskov assured that the russian military will continue the special military operation to stop all threats. but french president macron, who... promoted the idea of ​​sending a european contingent to ukraine, said in drezdan that europe is not at war with russia with a reservation, but wants the peace that ukraine will choose. so far, macron spoke a lot in french and as much as he could in german, since he had a large-scale visit to germany. his defense minister, lecarniu, acted. he discussed with his ukrainian colleague the supply of missiles and self-propelled artillery to kiev. in addition, paris and kiev are working on sending french troops to ukraine instructors,” the tv channel reported. bfm. meanwhile, brussels criticized hungary, which is blocking the allocation of 6.5 billion euros for military aid to ukraine. we are talking primarily about income from frozen russian assets. according to the head of european diplomacy, barel, most eu countries demand that they be used to purchase weapons for the needs of kiev, and only
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hungary allegedly interferes with consensus. emotions ran high during the meeting of eu foreign ministers, as the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijjártó, said, his... colleagues were hysterical, including demanded the use of western weapons against russian targets, as szijartu emphasized, budapest opposes such crazy ideas as sending weapons and european instructors to ukraine. it’s not easy to catch the firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. feel free to face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away, gigs and minutes remain, we return rubles for them every month, you can! stay
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in cean for the day, maybe a soesson? anywhere appetite, dad, dad, only dad tame it, dad, dad, there is a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt if you have an appetite, sausages. and dad maybe, i’m something good, the best, and i ’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m a new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories every month, for example, clothes, sports products, you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb together everything will work out. who said that
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trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan has reached $10 billion and may soon triple. and it is already known that russia will build the first nuclear power plant in the republic and export more gas. on the economic results of the visit, dmitry morocco. uzbekistan is a strategic partner and a reliable ally of russia, today relations between the two countries are experiencing a new rise, he said. in uzbekistan after china, the share of our products in the market of the republic is 15.5%. at the same time, the transition to payments in national currencies continues; the share of the ruble in commercial transactions at the end of last year reached 58%. it is important that our countries are consistently switching to national currencies in payments, which...
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credit cooperation between credit and banking institutions is being strengthened; the share of the ruble in bilateral commercial transactions reached 58% at the end of last year and continues to grow. last year, trade turnover between the two countries reached almost $10 billion. our country supplies the republic mainly with metals, oil, gas, equipment and agricultural products. as for imports from uzbekistan, these include textiles, cotton, food, and chemical products . cooperation is successfully developing within the framework of the previously signed roadmap with 63 points. i must say that this is actually being implemented and there is real progress, and today, if we talk about trade turnover, we have already reached 10 billion, growth this year is 30%, this is very good growth, we are now working with our colleagues to achieve this in the near future 20 billion. moscow and tashkent are implementing many joint projects, the portfolio of which
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currently amounts to 45 billion dollars, and during the current visit they signed an agreement for another 20, about 300 will increase significantly. on for many years, energy remains one of the priority areas of cooperation between the two countries. in the twenty-third year , gazprom entered into a two-year contract with uzbekistan for the supply of natural gas, the volume being 9 million cubic meters per day. currently, exports are being carried out well ahead of schedule. nuclear energy is another important area of ​​cooperation in uzbekistan; a nuclear power plant will be built according to a russian
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project. russia and uzbekistan are also developing interregional cooperation. now there are more than 80 russian ones.
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opened with our partners from uzbekistan. the most important area of ​​cooperation is the development of transport corridors. the astrakhan port is a major hub for the transportation of goods from uzbekistan. today we have reached the transshipment of cargo in the amount of 4.5 million tons. this is a ten-year record, and the existing potential of the astrakhan ports is 16
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million tons per year and it will invariably grow. therefore, we offer uzbek companies. central youth library number 122, named after alexander green. congratulations to all the moscow libraries, everyone muscovites on this wonderful holiday, all muscovites, because millions of muscovites
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come to you, get a book, hold an event, thank you very much for. worked, thank you on behalf of muscovites, well, on this wonderful day, let me include you with the title of honorary cultural workers of moscow. st. petersburg celebrates its birthday. peter ii founded the city on the niva exactly 321 years ago. there is a rich program for this occasion. moreover, this year they decided to make it more extensive due to the fact that may 27 fell on a weekday. so, in weekend there will be a concert of world opera stars, classics over. palace st. petersburg residents joke that they started celebrating the city day the day before. zenit's victory in the national championship. festive preparations are a traditional shot from naryshkin, the bastion and the race of petrov first. in the report by salima zariev. like any birthday person, the city is sprucing up for its holiday, so that even from above one can see how clean and beautiful st. petersburg is dressed up on
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its 321st birthday. monuments to kutuzov and barclay-dotol, they wash off the foam from the field marshal's batons from the folds of their cloaks, and guests are already gathering at the bronze horseman's place. one of the main traditions of the day is laying flowers at the most famous monument to peter i. st. petersburg residents pay tribute. to the emperor, thanks to whose unbending will this amazing city was founded. the torches of the raster columns light up. a military band plays the anthem to the great city. burgundy roses from the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko are laid on the pastel of the bronze horseman thunder stone. the governor lays flowers, the leadership of the navy, the constitutional court, and from everyone a bow to peter. peter not only founded it.
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an honorary citizen of st. petersburg is a great respect for the residents of our city, and indeed we celebrate the most worthy, regardless of where they were born, who they are, most importantly, they serve our fatherland , serve our beloved city. in the peter and paul fortress they are preparing to fire the noon gun of the naryzhkin bastion. this is a beautiful tradition that comes from the times where i come from.
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petersburg comes to the music tchaikovsky. sale mazarev, alexey sasyrin, sergey ishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, galina orlova, ekaterina bobkova. news: northwestern bureau. heroes of fairy tales. the peoples of the north received a modern sound. folklore characters spoke in the voices of theater and film stars, many of whom are well known to children as transformers, smeshariki and luntik. the goal of the largest
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audio library of fairy tales is to preserve the unique heritage of the country, and most importantly, to introduce the younger generation to the magical world of ancient legends and tales. barbara nevskaya will continue. enchanted brides, magical owls and horned bears, heroes of folk tales. the north began to speak with the voices of popular blockbusters and cartoons, atmospheric folklore stories that inspired even pushkin received a new digital life, this unusual gift for the all-russian library day was prepared by gazprom neft volunteers, together with theater and film stars, for wanting to cut down a tree, she has a sharp saber, rare tales of the peoples of the north, like secret treasures, carefully preserved for centuries passed down within families, from generation to generation by word of mouth and were hidden from the general reader in the vastness of the mysterious tundra, now they will be heard throughout the world in the format of fascinating audio performances. they are so very atmospheric, they are literally
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permeated with the way of life of these peoples, and this is very interesting, i generally love fairy tales of the peoples of the world, fairy tales of northern peoples, probably one of the most beloved, because on the one hand they are so short and simple, on the other hand very rich in some details of everyday life, lifestyle, how they hunting. the northern animals of fairy tales will literally appear on the big screen, in the plots of the gasprom neft art project, opening up the tundra. our art project , revealing the tundra, is a photozine look. on the real world of the tundra, with its plots and the state of a fairy tale, into which we immerse the viewer. the project will premiere soon at the st. petersburg international economic
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forum. new digital formats invite. traveling through the unknown world of the north, where there is faith in miracles and good spirits, and nature is like a fabulous living creature, such how the indigenous people of the north see it. fairy tales are already waiting for their listeners on popular audio services and internet platforms. varvara nevskaya, news. the year-round resort magic baikal will be developed as part of the five seas project, lake baikal. ecoclusters will appear not only in the irkutsk region, but in buryatia. details. with alena logvinova. the deepest lake in the world and 20% of all pressed water reserves, by 2030 a new year-round resort, magic baikal, will appear in russia. it will include three separate clusters. on the territory of the republic buryatia has one project planned: baikal harbor. there are two sites in the irkutsk region - baikalskaya sloboda and the gates of baikal. haven is located on the eastern coast of the lake, 160
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km from ulanu. baikalskaya sloboda will be located on the banks of the angara river, 45 km from irkutsk and 20 km directly from the lake. the gates of lake baikal 148 km from irkutsk. the base for development will be the city of baikalsk. along the southeastern shore of the lake, the hamar daban mountain range is one of the local landmarks. we take the entire baikal, that is, to the irkutsk side, buryatskaya side, because the story unites us. and this is the development of shoulder infrastructure, this is the development of guests. infrastructure, transport, this is the construction of clean landfills, this is the construction of a fleet that will sail on water and provide excursion trips there, we will try to create an infrastructure that will provide both environmental requirements, and, probably, such tourist sights that we ourselves would like to see tourists. now let's take a closer look at each of the projects, starting with the irkutsk region, where the area of ​​the resort area
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will exceed 1,200 hectares. the place for the development of baikalskaya sloboda was not chosen by chance; nearby are places already well known to tourists, the village of lestvyanka and the taltsy museum, and the circum-baikal railway is not far from portbaikal. the gates of baikal are also an attractive area for tourism projects. baikalsk is located in one of the most beautiful places in eastern siberia, famous primarily for its ski resort mount sabolinye, pomegranate beach and the annual strawberry festival. by 2040. baikalsk will turn into russia's first eco-city on the territory of the former industrial site of the baikal pulp and paper mill , an ecological campus has already appeared. it is a resource and educational center for youth, a place for generating ideas and implementing green projects. a platform for holding various events, and today it is a complex of prefabricated non-permanent structures, and is
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a forum. zone, this is about more than ten tents, exactly where we are now, including accommodation facilities, these are houses, which we also have about twenty with the ability to accommodate up to 80 people, we have also been categorized as a three-star hotel complex. the irkutsk region will attract 54 billion rubles of extra-budgetary investments to create infrastructure, as a result 5,400 rooms will be built, this will ensure year-round operation. baikal harbor, within the framework of the project several areas will be developed at once, among them the goryachinsk resort, nameless bay and gorobyche. the total area exceeds 3,500 hectares. six projects are already being implemented
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residents of the special economic zone. vodokhod company, today the company is the largest company that enhances water cruises, along the volga, along the yenisei, now the company is entering lake baikal, building four electric ships, these are hotels on the water. the implementation of the buryatia project will require 55 billion rubles extra-budgetary.


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