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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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lugansk, under fire from ukrainian militants. the strikes were carried out using cluster munitions, as reported by the head of the lpr, leonid pasichnik. a huge fire started at the arrival site. according to eyewitnesses, the flames were visible from different parts of the city. fire crews are working on the scene. police officers and doctors. a little later,
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information came about another attack on the ssu. explosions occurred in the eastern part of the city. information about the destruction of the victims is being clarified. an example of perseverance and unbending will, loyalty to duty, defense of national interests of the country. russian border guards are celebrating their professional holiday today. this date dates back to 1918, the year of the establishment of the border guard of the rsfsr. personnel and veteran.
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a new agreement worth $20 billion, a new direction for joint work between intelligence services and mechanisms for cooperation in the field of labor migration, as well as strengthening business and economic ties between dozens of regions. these are not all the results of vladimir putin’s visit to uzbekistan. the main events of the main day of the trip were: of course, negotiations with shavkat mirziyoyev, participation in the first meeting of the council of regions of the two countries. about why the pace of development of economic relations between russia and uzbekistan, as vladimir putin put it. are impressive,
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anastasia efimova will tell you. they play a key role in strengthening comprehensive partnership relations. this is exactly how vladimir putin described the role of the regions of russia and uzbekistan. opening this monday in tashkent the council of regions of the two countries. heads of 22 subjects of the federation from the russian side, 14 khakims from uzbekistan. the same people from which, the head of state emphasized, depends on decision-making not only in the industry. russia and uzbekistan make a significant contribution to the development of the entire complex of our relations. representatives from various regions gathered at the council meeting in tashkent.
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cooperation, which shavkat mirziyoyev drew attention to, an increase in tourist flow. the number of russians coming to uzbekistan has increased fivefold in recent years, and in parallel, the interest of residents of the republic in visiting russia is growing, and we are talking not only about its capital, but about the regions. over the past few years, the number of russian tourists to uzbekistan has increased fivefold; along with samarkand, bukhara and khiva, routes to kakand and fergana are in demand. namangan, korshi and many other
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cities of uzbekistan. at the same time , interest in tour trips to large historical cities and regional centers of russia is growing from outside. citizens of uzbekistan, in this regard, we need new joint programs and tourism products, there is very great potential here, moreover, all our major cities are connected by regular air services. an important prerequisite for the development of tourism, by the way, is the absence of translation difficulties. anyone who has been to uzbekistan knows that russian is actively used as a language of interethnic communication. on the street, from the tv screen, in a store, clinic or at school, they say in russian: shavkat mirziyoyeva for caring about the russian language. we consider it important that the russian language is used in uzbekistan as a language of interethnic communication, it is spoken in everyday life, it is
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broadcast on television, it is in great demand in socially significant spheres of life, including healthcare and education. we understand, we are aware of it. the fact is that without the support of the very top, without the support of the president, this situation would have been impossible. in this regard , i would like to note a successfully implemented joint initiative, a class, aimed at improving the quality of teaching the russian language in uzbekistan. and within the framework of this project, covering 85 schools with over 26,000 students, more than 100 russian teachers are working in the republic. it is also underway. retraining of local teachers, i know position of the president of uzbekistan, he believes that this is not enough, puts before us the question of increasing the number of teachers, we will strive for this. these negotiations, first in a narrow format, then in an expanded format, lasted more than 3
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hours. quoting the head of uzbekistan with a pencil in his hands, the leaders went through all the items on the agenda, and in a joint statement noted the closeness or high consonance of positions on... a range of international topics, including the formation of a sustainable, multipolar world order. russia was, is always there will be our key, strategic partner and ally. our foreign policy department continues regular consultations on current issues on the bilateral and multilateral agenda. we will deepen the dialogue within the framework of regional and international structures, the united nations, cooperation between independent states. shanghai cooperation organizations in the modern world, in the current unpredictable conditions, thinking about our national interests, we must first of all actively cooperate with those partners who respect us, share our goals and objectives, and most importantly, are ready for active, joint,
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practical steps. the council of regions is, of course, an important part of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, where today, in addition to the busy negotiating agenda, the russian president laid flowers at... the memorial of resilience in victory park and toured the museum of glory, which was opened on the initiative of shavkat mirziyoyev to seventy-fifth anniversary of the great victory. the head of the russian state left an entry in the book of honored guests: the common past of the two peoples, a common present and a common future, the foundation of which, thanks to active joint work, only becomes stronger. russian artillery today inflicted fire damage on the personnel and... equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the rabotin region, zaporozhye region, as well as on the right bank of the kherson region. as a result, the kiev regime lost dozens of militants and several pieces of equipment, including the us-made m-119 gun. and in order to avoid enemy counter-battery attacks, our military is constantly changing positions.
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mikhail andronik convinced how this happens. rocket artillery. they are sending a continuous stream of shells at the militants on the right bank of the dnieper. the astrakhan lutus jet division covers the enemy, who is loading into a boat on the dnieper. after firing , the crew of the combat vehicle immediately folds and leaves the firing position. the battery commander moves along the sand dunes on a motorcycle; everything is done here to increase the speed of completing tasks and reduce the time spent in open areas. this method of transportation is the safest in forest plantations. so as not to travel, for example, on fields, well, even if you cross some points in the fields on it faster than by car or everything else in the urals, yeah, it’s safer to choose targets on it, roughly speaking, i slipped through a forest plantation, jumped out to a certain place, took it off, from one the crew will not fire in a place twice in a row,
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first all the parameters are calculated for the officers, literally from the wheels, when everything is ready, a combat vehicle flies into the firing position, that is, we work from we are not tied to the terrain for well... we work from any point, absolutely, we'll work it out, we're leaving, the house is on the right bank, in which the militants of the kiev regime took refuge, develops after being hit by a 122-mm shell, the crew of the d-30 howitzer is working. groups of dnieper troops, directly under our fire pressure there are ops, channels, that is, boats, respectively, some kind of drg units, reconnaissance units, well, observation posts, firing, mortar positions, that is , well, we cover the entire spectrum. the militants are constantly trying to cross to the left bank of the dnieper, more often at night, in small groups on rubber boats.
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love commented to journalists on the initiative of his department, as well as the ministry of justice, to lift
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the status of the taliban, which is still banned in russia, as a terrorist organization. the foreign minister's comment came in uzbekistan, a country that shares a border with afghanistan. they are the real power. afghanistan is not indifferent to us and is not indifferent to our allies, especially in central asia. the proposal has already been sent to the kremlin, said zamir kabulov, director of the second department of asia at mitt russia, a lawyer. they say, that the final decision rests with the supreme court, and diplomats explain that such a measure is necessary for the recognition of the afghan authorities at the official level. the process of normalization of bilateral economic relations begins, and this status prevents , first of all, russian economic operators from establishing normal cooperation with representatives.
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considering that they and the afghan businessmen accompanying them will be able to agree with russian and other foreign partners on establishing cooperation, it can be characterize as multilateral and actively developing trade turnover between russia and afghanistan has recently grown fivefold and reached a level of a billion dollars, and yet 2 years ago it was only 170 million. the main items of bilateral trade are gas, oil, wheat flour, and dairy products. the list is gradually
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expanding. experts attribute this dynamic primarily to washington’s withdrawal from the region. the positive dynamics of bilateral trade occurred due to the flight of us and nato forces, which in every possible way prevented the active development of political and economic relations between russia and afghanistan. russia's interests in the region are very specific and... unlike the west , moscow is not going to cynically siphon resources; bilateral cooperation plans include large infrastructure projects that can change the economy of kabulul for the better. russia intends to create jobs in afghanistan, also invest in local projects such as factories, factories, agriculture, and construction is also of high interest kushtape water channel, row. our companies are already obtaining long-term leases
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for agricultural land next to this canal. as stated on smolensk square, recognition of the taliban government has become much closer than 3 years ago, when they first came to power, although moscow, in principle, never closed its embassy in the south asian country. moreover, there is already a precedent in world practice. last december , the kazakh authorities removed the taliban from the list of banned organizations. then in astana they said that the council. un security recognized the movement as terrorist, this follows from the resolution of the world organization, which are binding. moscow reacted positively, saying that such a step. will lead afghanistan out of global isolation, so the removal of the taliban from being banned is an important turn in the trajectory of bilateral cooperation, which is being built before our eyes. experts are confident that an inclusive foreign policy will help smoothly lead the country out of a protracted crisis. the chinese foreign ministry accused the united states of violating its promise not
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to maintain official contacts with taiwan. today a delegation of american congressmen arrived on the island, which was categorically caused. protest from official beijing. the prc said that washington is giving the separatists the wrong signal, and china reserves the right to take measures to protect its sovereignty. meanwhile, visitors from the united states are luring taiwan with promises of supplies of the latest weapons. with details, our sopkor in china, alexander baletsky. for the sake of such a meeting in the palace of the taiwanese leader, even the orchids were painted in the colors of the flags, but the smell in taipei, everything is more fried. manners are barely out. the chinese army, which showed that it could encircle taiwan in no time, like the delegation of the american congress, promised the island authorities even more weapons and the most modern ones. taiwan, unlike ukraine, will receive new weapons systems, and not old ones, especially not old russian weapons. this will be a new stock that will be supplied to taiwan. these, by
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the way, will be our latest technologies. chairman of the congressional foreign relations committee i remembered ukraine more than once. today, that they are fighting on land, taiwan will fight at sea, and that, just like for kiev , the americans will push the supply of weapons from europe to taipei, that up to 4 billion dollars worth of american modern weapons, the bill still needs to be pushed through congress , and here now it’s just a souvenir from texas. in it, leitsend became even more like the cowboy from the joke who shot himself in the leg, and he continued to do this from the podium. i hope that with your support in the future the us congress will pass laws that will help taiwan strengthen its capabilities in the field of self-defense and expand cooperation with the united states, so as not to say in washington that they do not maintain official contacts, the american government system is by no means the last person, which means biden’s promises that xi made in san- francisco about chinese unity is not worth
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a cent. we urge us legislators. taiwan and stop actions that undermine china-u.s. relations. beijing has already added 12 american to its sanctions lists. military-industrial companies and their leaders. and this, the chinese media stated, was a response not only to arms supplies to taiwan, but also to ukraine, when, accusing beijing of collaborating with moscow, the united states cut off oxygen to chinese business. the prime minister of the prc state council today warned both south korea and japan that following the lead of the states is dangerous. at a trilateral meeting in siul at this level, the last time it was held before the pandemic, the main economies of east asia agreed to work more closely. we need honest dialogue to better build trust and resolve doubts. we must maintain
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the spirit of strategic autonomy and maintain our relationships. this meeting was more about the economy, that's why. instead of the prime minister, but they still entered the political sphere due to us pressure. tokyo and seoul have intensified not only military cooperation with washington, but have also consistently disrupted production supply chains, excluding china from them. and beijing reminded about the danger of protectionism, they talked about the dprk. beijing is preparing to launch a new reconnaissance satellite, however, much more beijing is concerned about the participation of its eastern neighbors in the taiwan issue and the fact that the united states is transferring new equipment to them. this week in singapore. a meeting is expected between the head of the pentagon and the minister of defense of the people's republic of china, and this will be their first personal contact; the conversation will obviously turn to the recent maneuvers in the taiwan strait, although after them it seems that china no longer needs to explain anything to anyone. alexander baalsky, evgeny samsonov, nikolay petrov, news, beijing bureau. nato is increasing the degree of escalation and flirting with military rhetoric, although it is already essentially in a state
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of direct confrontation with russia. this opinion was expressed by the press secret in an interview with the news. president dmitry peskov, commenting on the statement of jens stoltenberg, the latter in particular called for the ukrainian armed forces to give permission to strike with weapons of the north atlantic alliance on russian territory, and peskov, in turn, emphasized that our armed forces in any case will continue to carry out the tasks of the special operation and are ready to stop all threats. cancellation of restrictions for kyiv to beat with weapons nato on the territory of our country, the heads of the eu foreign ministry discussed it in brussels. and
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according to the fan zone, equipped at the brandenburg gate, the streets adjacent to it are already covered with synthetic turf, simulating a football field, the european championship in germany, then immediately the olympics in france, all this is excitingly important, but what is more important is what the score will be on the scoreboard after elections to the european parliament? we have never had so many enemies, both within the country and abroad. as i said a few weeks ago, i believe this is an existential moment for our europe, because i sincerely. expression, power, pressure, all this was in abundance, but exclusively in french. in
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dresesdon he spoke at the walls of the fraunkirche. the churches were destroyed during the second world war. of course, no one remembered that it was american bombers who did this. we europeans want peace, lasting peace, which ukrainians will choose. peace is not the capitulation of ukraine. macron is positioning. themselves as the main exponent of the idea of ​​a strong centralized europe, the german authorities, in principle, agree with this, but not on conditions in france. scholz met macron once at an evening reception with steinmeier. among the guests, by the way, was angela merkel, but the rest of the time it was the federal president who entertained the guests. the chancellor spoke with voters in the garden of his office. one question was about when germany would allow ukraine to shoot at russian territories recognized in the west with its weapons. the topic “
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within the framework of a bloc, which includes member countries, and he carries out their will, i believe, has exceeded his powers. even greater misunderstanding,
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what raises the question of the limits of the use of weapons is another stoltenberg project concerning the creation of a military support fund for ukraine in the amount of $100 billion. it is also called insurance against trump, which, it seems to some, may completely cut off kiev’s funding. the political publication writes that the initiative is at least. requires clarification. behind the scenes, even some of ukraine's closest eastern european allies have become more reticent about the plan recently, wondering where and how one could get one. a huge amount of money, with only a few weeks left before the nato leaders meet in washington in july. there is no great desire to dump into another fund among key nato allies. germany, for example, announced long ago that it intends to continue to remain within the framework of bilateral agreements on money. against this background , the next aid package from spain, just over 1 billion euros, looks modest.
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what else, what wild ideas will they come up with at today's meeting of the foreign affairs council? i love the wildest idea representatives of the baltic countries are ready to support, it is no coincidence that the head of mid-lithuania lansberges directly spoke about the need to neutralize hungary’s position in european institutions. vilnius, riga and tallinn agree on everything: to a no-fly zone over ukraine, to sending their troops there, albeit under the cover of the french army, and for american weapons to fire at russia here. and not with both hands. estonian president karis is going to bring russia to its knees. we will do our best to supply russia and putin on his knees. then serious discussions about ending the war in ukraine can begin. everything is clear with the estonian brovada. no comments needed. something else is interesting here. even the most fierce russophobes admit that the swiss conference, which the west convened, supposedly to discuss kiev’s peace plan,
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was not a serious discussion from the start. all this is an imitation of window dressing. in this regard, today's meeting of eu foreign ministers in brussels faces an even more important task than drawing up a rough draft of the fourteenth package anti-russian sanctions. they need to figure out how to get out of this whole situation with the swiss conference, which can be presented to the public as some kind of sane result. they will try, but it seems that this problem has no solution. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. may 28. a memorable date in the military history of russia. border guard day. the border guard of the rsfsr was established, to which officers of the border guard corps transferred. in 1941 , border guards were the first to meet hitler's hordes, defending the borders of their homeland to the last drop of blood. border guard day was established in order to revive the historical traditions
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of russia and its border troops. in peacetime , border troops always remain at the forefront , always in combat readiness. there is an opinion that time heals.
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these criminals are already dead, i present to you a new soldier, nikolai sergeevich rebinin, you love books, yes, i write books, the classics have arrived, take it, thank you, if you could help, i don’t help for that, come on guys, let’s put it all together, call sign passenger. i'll be back for
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you, do you hear?


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