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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. in a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, nikolai sergeevich rebinin. do you like books? yes, i write books. classic i've arrived, take it. thank you, if you could help, i don’t help like that. come on guys, let's put it all in! call sign passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear? i'll be back, are you used to watching
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videos online? stopped working , install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. it seems that the non-staff recruiter of the terrorist rdk lost his vigilance and was caught in the net of our special services by the bait, which worked, of course, it was money, here he is in the photo, neo-nazi alexander sakanya, a relaxant fled to georgia in 2020, hiding there, sakaniya recruited russians into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and, as telegram channels write, even opened for... a special recruitment center,
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this is a recruiting center that a certain amount of money was supposed to be sent to socially unadapted, confused relocants, first of all, for combat operations on the territory of ukraine, and before that, sakania himself seemed to be eager to become a stormtrooper of the terrorist russian volunteer corps, banned in russia, but apparently chickened out and chose the path of a brainwasher, recruiting and campaigning for state traitors, national traitors,
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as voluntary donations for the maintenance of the armed forces of ukraine. sakania , according to intelligence services, was in contact with the head of the extremist denis kapustin, banned in russia, the rdk. and how does the head of a military unit even have time to communicate with relaxants? really contacted, this is evidence of only one thing, that denis kapussin is the same, well, some kind of figure who is used exclusively for to cover up the work of the british, first of all. special services in the kharkov direction. rdk, this is a banned organization, it is entirely under the control of the british intelligence services, there are a lot of special documents for this, declassified by our intelligence. sakania’s business in georgia, apparently, was not going well, and apparently that’s why he agreed to help an allegedly moscow entrepreneur open a business in tbilisi for money. here is the correspondence of sakani with employees of our special services, where sokani on behalf of the entrepreneur they promised a million rubles and a percentage of the profit from the project. but just... the money had
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to be collected in cash, here in the correspondence sakania writes that he needs an advance payment, sends card details, which also includes a ukrainian account, and then sakania even sends it in this correspondence. .. screenshot of a ticket to russia, in general, he goes for the money himself. money must be transferred exclusively in cash, so that this is not noted anywhere in the bank transfer accounting system of the russian federation, do not involve attention of the central bank rosfinitoring and special services. naturally, sakanya took the bait very easily and came for the money in person. the deep successful operational game that lies in the hands of our special services becomes clear already during the interrogation.
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our special services, so the recruiter’s network worked, and now those who helped sakania recruit into the ranks of the ssu have probably already fallen into it.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 28, 585 bc, the oldest a battle in history that can be accurately dated. this is the battle of the halys river. it flows in the north of modern turkey and is called today. the armies of two powerful states of the ancient east, the lydian and median kingdoms, fought. the war had been going on for five years, it was started by the mussels, located in the territory of northwestern iran and invading asia minor, where lydia dominated. the battle promised to be
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brutal and bloody, but suddenly it became dark, day turned into night. it was a solar eclipse, and the warriors decided that the gods were giving them a sign to stop the bloodshed and conclude. peace, they sealed it by marriage, marrying the daughter of the lydian ruler to the son of the ruler of media. we know about this event from the ancient greek historian herodotus, and the exact date of the eclipse, and therefore the battle, was determined by the philosopher astronomer thales meletsky. lydia and media drew the border along gallis and lived in peace for some time until they were conquered by the persian kingdom. may 28 , 1830 is considered the start date. to the indians in the usa. on this day, the law on their resettlement to uninhabited territories to the west came into force mississippi. president andrew jackson and other politicians insisted that this was almost a humanitarian action in the interests of the indians. they say that european civilization is destructive for them; the authorities help them preserve
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their traditional way of life. in fact, the reason was the desire to seize fertile lands in the southeast in violation of all treaties previously signed with the tribes. the population was declared voluntary, but in reality they were forced to participate by any means. the uprising of one of the siminolol tribes was suppressed with extraordinary cruelty. the difficult path to the west became the road of tears for the indians, so they called this path. the indigenous population of north america has decreased by a quarter. the extermination of the indians continued throughout the 19th century; only at the beginning of the 20th century were they granted civil rights, but they still lived mainly on reservations. on may 28, 1928 , maxim gorky, one of the most famous controversial writers in russian literature of the 20th century, arrived in moscow. before the revolution, he became famous as a realist writer and playwright; having joined the revolutionary movement, he became close with lenin, but after october 1917 their paths
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diverged. the suppression of democracy and the red terror pushed gorky away; he went to italy. the soviet leadership tried to return it to raise its prestige. the ussr. he was promised all the benefits, and he could not resist the temptation. at the belarusian station, gorky was met by alexander fodeev, leonid leonov, konstantin stanislavsky and other cultural figures. in the capital on a trip. throughout the country he was greeted by enthusiastic crowds as a great proletarian writer, but gorky hesitated, came, left, only thirty-third decided to stay in the ussr, although he was no longer released. he sang of soviet achievements, admired the white sea canal, which was built by prisoners, communicated with stalin, his works were published in huge editions, only pushkin and chekhov were published more. however, in his homeland he wrote almost nothing; he died in honor of glory on the 30th sixth. on may 28, 1971
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, the interplanetary automatic station mars-3 launched from baikanur. this flight was an important step in the exploration of the red planet. towards the implementation of the development program mars exploration in the ussr began 10 years earlier . a song has become popular about how apple trees will bloom on mars. but everything turned out to be not so simple. communication from the first station. stopped when it had not yet reached the planet, the second crashed on its surface, what a success: mars-3 entered the martian orbit, the separated descent module began its descent, for the first time in history made a soft landing on mars, at the bottom of the large crater ptolemy between the regions of electris and foitontia. one of the project participants, astronomer mikhail marov, said that could not hold back tears of joy, however, the data transfer lasted less than 20 seconds, then... a dust storm failed, but the orbital station continued to work, making 20 orbits around mars,
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studies were carried out on the composition of the atmosphere, the magnetic field of the plasma, the gravitational field obtained photometric profiles of mars. this is what this day in history was like. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring, warm, sunny, bright, the exhibition russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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this company works in three shifts, sews knitted clothes, constantly updating basic and seasonal collections, and most importantly, they managed not to lose quality given the growing demand. let me play the role of skeptic, there is an opinion that our knitwear is in some way inferior to knitwear produced abroad? no, i will immediately dispel your most. it does not lose at all, it is at the level of world standards, well, accordingly, this requires certain technologies, it must be good production, good equipment, completely our own assembly, patterns, we have all the details for this, designer, knitting production technologist, desinators - these are the specialists who prescribe the program for each loop. the machine then knits according to this program, the cycle is labor-intensive,
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the industry is not problem-free, but our products are not inferior in quality to either italian, german, or other runaway western brands, they assure in this fashion house, they introduce innovative technologies, maintain the brand, build cooperation with internal suppliers. the demand is high, we still experience it, but we always have high demand for our products, it is growing, we are not growing as fast as the demand for us is growing. but we are still trying to increase production, this fashion house is located in kuntsevo, in the new center of the capital's light industry, stitch by stitch, a full cycle has been created here, where a wide variety of textiles are created, from complex designer products to patches, from digital printing to camouflage, here there is a specialist who develops the patterns directly for future signs of equipment, be it a vest or a pouch or some other thing. ivan baenko gives us a tour of the production of tactical equipment that
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will be used by professional military personnel. the technologies used in this clothing are tested and essentially developed in real combat conditions. many adjustments and improvements were made based on feedback from participants in the special military operation. we are located in an experimental workshop where various things and equipment are developed, and they are also produced in experimentally. when creating models it goes. first of all, on ergonomics, on strength, on camouflage properties, the craftsmen who work here are not just ordinary seamstresses and developers, they know. they know how - they know how it will be used. in pursuit of demand, over the past year they opened another level of production here, added laser cutters, opened a workshop for the production of accessories, and managed to significantly increase volumes. these clothes are from military professionals for other professionals - they explain to us in local showroom. a fully equipped fighter, he
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is wearing a tile, in the language of our fighters, this is a tile that allows, a vest that allows you to place here. panels, as well as panels for protecting the sides, there is an interface for attaching pouches, the whole set works in the visible and high-voltage spectrum, that is, it camouflages in the visible and low-voltage spectrum, that is, on the fighter’s actual desktop, when developing the cut of this particular clothing, this is taken into account that this clothing should be compatible with protective layers, that is, with body armor, for example, all pockets should not conflict with armor plates. almost four dozen companies operate on the territory of the light industry complex, 18,000 km away, and to understand how actively the industry is developing, one only has to look at the expansion plans for this site. due to the growing need for space, we have plans to build a new building 66.00 km away, this is a parking lot, we want to build a 19-story building
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for industrial purposes, now we already have applications from potential tenants more than 18.
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to the center of consumption, and, accordingly, have feedback from the consumer about the quality of the manufactured products that are sold to one or another enterprise, plus, it should be noted that moscow is the largest educational center and it is in moscow that they prepare the best specialists, designers, seamstresses, engineers who , strictly speaking, are involved in the development of textile production, which is why, strictly speaking, in moscow we see... the rapid growth of this industry, so managed to bring moscow's light industry to a new level, and this is definitely not the limit. if a business stands still, or, more simply put, stagnate, then sooner or later it will simply begin to die, ordinary workers will suffer, volumes and quality will drop. light
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industry is well aware of the value and importance of this eternal progress. and here’s an example: last year alone , clothing production in the capital increased by more than 3 and a half times. this is what digital printing on fabrics looks like; inkjet printers process seemingly endless fabrics. some of these machines are unique to the russian market, which is why they are in demand. attention, a masterpiece is being printed, an unspoken slogan for the work of the local masters. this, by the way, is the company that... keeps ahead of progress, namely using artificial intelligence, it managed to replace a number of operational processes, and also with its help they obtain new patterns for printing on fabrics. artificial intelligence greatly facilitates the process of producing the prints themselves; the neural network itself draws some very interesting prints, some interesting
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selections of compositions, well, this greatly simplifies the process in terms of time and results accordingly. all sorts of pretty cool things, that is , we see one of the first examples when a neural network replaced a full-time designer, one might say so, and a transformation is taking place within the textile companies themselves, the so-called vertical connections between industry partners are strengthening, more and more companies are entering into partnerships transactions with a friend in those areas where previously contacts were established with counterparties and abroad. we are one of there are few productions that have mastered all types of printing on fabric, that is, here we can take away the finished product in the form of large rolls. it can be silk, cotton, linen, cashmere, wool, and of course, synthetic fabrics. just recently we started printing on absolutely excellent fabric
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of russian origin on hemp, and these are no longer small companies, large enterprises that invest tens of millions of rubles in development , the city also provides significant support to the industry. alexandra shows us fabric samples that until recently could not be obtained without foreign components. here we already have products printed using new equipment, what’s new in it? in fact, we began to print much faster, so we became softer, that is, we got much more opportunities in terms of what kind of tactility our fabric will have, this is printing on hemp of russian origin, our partners have settled in the fields of this crop and produce everything for flesh to thread. this company specializes in decorating workwear for a variety of customers, for restaurants, retail, sports teams and many others, they make chevrons, inscriptions, the load on these
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machines here is almost full, this is an eighteen-head embroidery machine, i think there is only one in moscow, eighteen-head means that 18 , 18 repetitions, yes 18 heads that will embroider the same logo. that is, on this plane, the head of this company, mikhail bizhan, says that they are ready to do even more, there are incentives, and today does not ask for only one thing, stopping in place, so just forward, tirelessly, given that we live in an era of challenges, how do you generally adapt to new realities in general, have you strengthened some of your capacities, somehow adjusted production chains, established new contacts, business? with partners and the like, nothing has changed for me, we are going up all the time, we are developing, we are purchasing new equipment, we are creating
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jobs for people with a good average salary in moscow, but in principle i don’t see any difficulties at all now, once upon a time this brand began as an online store that offered souvenirs from pillows to cups with works by russian artists and designers. then, a few years ago, they couldn’t even think that they would produce clothes themselves; they believed that they would only look for contractors and print drawings of artists on them. well, in the end, 6 years ago we bought a textile production company, and so we now have a sewing workshop, printing production, and we have completely updated our machine park, and we have several types of textile printing, and a small sewing workshop, and where we sew... souvenirs, theatrical decorations, and we also have a large unit - knitted clothing, which we sell on marketplaces. this is a success story, when people
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did their job, putting their souls into it, growing through word of mouth, from customer to customer, with contractors already the main museums of the country. here we see how an order is printed, this is the transfer of sublimation paper onto fabric, images. this is an order for the state museum of russian history for the exhibition of porcelain time, it will be printing 127 linear meters, then it will all be stitched into such large canvases. participants in the moscow light industry market insist that replacing the lost volumes of western products is only half the battle. it is much more important to make russian brands recognizable so that the buyer gets used to them, then it’s a matter of organic development and scaling of the business. and we expect that following such an expansive development of the textile industry in the city, we will begin to actively export, we are already doing this, and we are actively exporting
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in the eastern direction, and despite the fact that there is serious competition and rather difficult conditions for conquering a niche in the market, and ip countries, of course, this is probably one of the main priorities for our factories. the city's support in the development of light industry is extremely significant; those who have become residents of a special economic zone are exempt from taxes on land, transport of property, and the income tax rate is only 2%; light industry develops easily, and this is especially important when the country's economy configured for a domestic seller, made in moscow, begins to sound proud. our task was taken. in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, blood is spattering from my leg, nothing happened.
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; in the pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to do.
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