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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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and who is this? my name is alesa, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here? and space pirates. i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my hand and heart. an interesting proposal, but maybe it can be done in some other way, anyone interfering with that time can lead. 100 years ago,
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but in general this whole story happens for one reason, or rather two: one big, the second smaller, a big reason, but they don’t understand how to read the signals. from washington, because these signals are some kind of mooing, and, by the way, there is again a good symptom in europe, they have reached the point that blinkin is not exactly the united states, blinkin’s sanction does not mean sanctions from the united states, blinkin’s statement is just blinkin’s statement. and by the way, i ’m saying this, i’m saying this sincerely, it’s a good symptom, but then the mooing starts, it’s from the regional committee.
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they didn’t send a telephone message, they don’t know the classic number of analogies with the very late soviet union is off the charts and the sowing did not start because the telephone did not work and they sent a telephone message, and now there’s a smaller reason, well, why is it not blinkin stoltenberg who is so nervous, it’s very understandable if you look at what’s happening. they must understand that these are all sorts of echoes from among the baltic emirates.
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if we miss the opportunity to stop them here now, at this point, i think that the next one, firstly, will not come very soon, because having missed this line, the line of sanctions for attacks deep into our territory, including against strategic nuclear facilities strength, they will gain such inertia that will be unstoppable, in my opinion, if we do not take a yes, painful, yes, maybe dangerous, but political decision to stop them by preventive escalation, it will be... very dangerous political myopia, i agree, absolutely, but not we must be afraid of going down the stairs, of escalation, let them be afraid, i will repeat 156 times, we must start by
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depriving the ukrainian nazis of their sight, all their vision, all their systems, guidance are supplied, we must play not by... this is the west, oh, don't put your finger in his mouth, the west is probably the head, all that we just saw is the west colus with feet of clay, that’s what they once talked about russia, hitler specifically said, yes, the red army
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was wrong, look at them, weak, pathetic, insignificant, yes, even with great opportunities, but the foulbrood...
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was shown during the visit of the russian president in the history of our countries, and this is very good for the federation in uzbekistan, by the way, regarding tourism, i want to say right away that the figure was announced that it is five times the tourist flow has grown in recent years, and i can tell everyone who it looks to us that it’s enough to cry over europe, to uzbekistan, the land of uzbekistan, it is truly imbued with history, starting from the ensemble of erigestan and ending there with the mausalee of tamerlane, khiva, bukhara and so on, that is, there everyone can find someone interested in history,
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colossal connections of peoples that extend into modern times, but in particular, for example, we recalled here in the first part of the program, i understand correctly that you miss the cut, pilaf, try it. yes, yes, absolutely right, by the way, regarding food - this is generally separate, conversation, because i still have the smell of those flatbreads that we bought from a tajik woman opposite my grandmother’s house, we brought them for eggs, as we bought them, for bringing our own chicken eggs, we took flatbreads from our chickens, this smell, it lasts a lifetime and it will probably never disappear, i had tajik flatbreads in nablukistan, yes, but there , by the way, we talked, i wanted to say that we are talking.
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which brought us together, of course, there were difficult periods in history, and we know that in the nineties there was an outflow of russian language population, a lot of germans, by the way, left, there was also a large colony in uzbekistan, but nevertheless, today we have reached, and these are not nice words, a completely new level of relations, and it is no coincidence that the president of uzbekistan called the visit of our president a historic visit , and indeed... this can be seen not only from the increase in the number of tourist
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flows there, but the figures, for example, the same 10 billion trade turnover, they say a lot, of course, you can imagine belarus saying, but we have more than 53 billion there, yes in my opinion, but it's not the limit, yes, yes, but 10 billion is also not the limit, yes, yes, by the way, it turns out that these contacts are economic, political, cultural, historical. the forum of regions, by the way, began today with a demonstration of different areas in which relations are developing, from culture to energy, from education to, say, mechanical engineering, we have a very wrong idea about uzbekistan among the mass consumer, that it is an agricultural country , only cotton, no, this is super-industrialized...
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it is very important to observe this, to maintain,
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or rather to maintain connections after educational programs, in this sense, there is a lot to learn, it is necessary to learn from westerners, because we taught them , they said goodbye, thank you very much , that’s all, in the west they maintain very close contacts with graduates, form forum, association forums, various projects are carried out. we should do this too, who’s stopping us? yes, well, no one is stopping you, we just need to, yes, we just need to do it, this is also a very important point that can be use and develop, so what am i, what is the population of uzbekistan? more than 34 million. yes, well , since we are talking about the post-soviet space, including the meeting of our president in uzbekistan, but firstly , the most important thing is that integration, all these forms of integration. that exist in the post-soviet space with which i have had to deal for many years, so to speak , including yes, they would not be
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decorations, yes, because very often they are just decorations that were built for show, so to speak, their essence is this, that means, when they need something from us, and they insist on their own, when we need something from them, they say: uh, we are independent, so to speak, leave it all, it’s a waste, unfortunately, it seems to me that now the time has come to change these meanings, yes, the methods may be different, they may be softer, they may be harsher, but they should be by the way, migration here is one of the... instruments of political influence, i have always said so, i think that in this there is nothing completely shameful, this is the first thing, yes, that is, roughly speaking, rudely speaking, so to speak, yes, we need to build these integration forms, they should not be a way to really say, you know, some kind of corrupt activity of cross-border organized crime groups, they should be a way of building production chains, that is, production there, production here, people get there work, here people get jobs, together we make some kind of product, this is extremely important, this is what we should strive for, and not to...
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it’s not just like that, and it seems to me that this is also connected with some political aspects, and kazakhstan, uzbekistan, in general in central asia, they actually competed for good relations with russia for quite a long time, and i remember when, so to speak, nazarbayev was still president, and islam avdganevich karimov was , as it were, during his lifetime yes and was the president of uzbekistan, between them, so to speak, there was quite a serious tension in some places, including about
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how to build relations in this triangle there, russia, central asia, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, today this... exactly to uzbekistan, it seems to me that this is not a coincidence, i would honestly advise people in astana, of course, they are there with a mustache, but i would advise them to think about why exactly this is happening, yes, it did not happen or anything in these last few years, including from the point of view of this particular situation, when you need something, save us, so to speak, yes, we remember recent events, when we need something, excuse me, move over, so to speak, yes, i think that we are from this, from this we are like this i should say that the situation should in any case go away regarding the russians, well, i’ve been saying this for many years, including on your program vladimir, right? russia is the historical homeland of the russians, yes, but they have no other homeland, but will you show honesty towards these people, but in the end, i can say, that’s the question, what does it boil down to, it’s very scary to say that there may be a program based on nationality, it’s very scary that it could be said that there may be a repatriation program based on nationality, but the russians don’t have
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there is no other homeland, so to speak, yes, that’s where they can return, except to russia, historical russia... bears responsibility for them, because when we say the russian world in general, the russian language in general, in general there is somewhere- then, of course, we will now protect, there are specific people, and many of those people who remained in the post-soviet space, well , unfortunately, they became hostages of local ethnocratic regimes, hostages, i have repeatedly heard from different people that they say, well, you don’t understand, this is our resource influence, what is the resource of influence, show me an example of the baltics, show me this influence, when did you at least once, so to speak, use this resource of influence, in what way, in what way, where was it? yes, as soon as something stirred there somewhere in the early nineties, how would you immediately take it and hand it all over, merge it, as it were, with local ethnocracies, also in exchange for good relations, therefore, well, listen, those who want, i think, should conditions would be created for moving to russia, and it would be fair, it would be in the end, would be consistent with the principles that we proclaim, including during the military operation in ukraine, and this would be
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the right example and an inspiring example for all people, for all people in russia, by the way, on this matter, on the matter in general , and how and how we should and can differ from others, here on sunday in the main church of the armed forces in kubinka there was a liturgy, liturgy is a divine service, the main thing in the orthodox church, which was conducted by patriarch kirill, and was present there in that including the new minister of defense andrei belousov, yes - during this service, by the way, i saw the faces of our guys there and it was clear that they didn’t just come to serve a number, you know, to stand there, so to speak, just there, but they were there it is clear that people are truly believers. as if they were singing a symbol of faith as if they were singing yes for those who understand yes and this made an impression in the end the patriarch gave belousov an icon of the tehmin mother of god, she is considered the historical defender of the fatherland and so in my opinion, he said important words that russia has become an alternative to the world west and they put it on air on sunday, and it became an alternative, to be honest, i’m
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a little more harmful person, which is what the patriarch is, of course, more so. so poisonous, so to speak, yes, i think that we have a chance to become an alternative, a chance, yes, i hope that we use it, yes, and i think it is extremely important to understand that the alternative is to feel ourselves as a civilization, b- to be honest about what we so to speak, we take upon ourselves such responsibility to develop our own way of thinking, relating to others, to surrounding, so to speak, events, which would be original, this does not mean that dressing in bast shoes, you know, to fight here or there. it seems to represent these roots, i think this is correct, because the west very often offers us, you know,
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some kind of at least, you know, such a false dilemma, here we are or with the west in this world, so to speak . that russia has every chance of its path, the golden path, it is possible, i believe demonstrate when achievements in the field of science and technology are not the meaning, but are a way of realizing this very way of life based on morality, morality, religion, and so on and so forth in this alternative, by the way, the west is most afraid of this, the west is afraid of those , not those...
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more complicated and much more expensive, our equipment, for example, yes, so to speak, it is military, well , at least it is aviation, what can i talk about, yes, it is much more maintainable, it in this sense, yes say, and it’s simpler, more reliable and cheaper, in many ways, yes, because the philosophy is different, it is also based, so to speak, on other historical events, but it is important to understand that this originality is important, so to speak, as what everything else, all other areas of life, will work, that is, relatively speaking, the economy, as a matter of fact, will not sustain the country. economics as a method that is a framework, say, a means of filling and implementing ideas, wow, because in fact, when we say
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only about the economy, or were they talking only about the economy, you need to understand that in modern conditions the economy will strive to destroy sovereignty, especially an economy based on financial, on financial, so to speak, on the dominance of mechanisms, where everywhere, here there, this is the same anywhere , will strive for globalization, it will naturally be... as much as possible ourselves, this is all important, but the economy itself as an idea, it will still sooner or later lead to the fact that the next generation or after a generation they will lower the flag, all our sacrifices, including those on the battlefield, will be meaningless, people will come. who will still say, and you know, as if from a financial point of view, no borders are needed at all, so to speak, no sovereignty, nothing is needed, economics is globalism, yes, economics is globalism, national economy, about sovereignty, and this is already,
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this is already about what we have also talked about here more than once, about language, the description of reality, democracy, people in power, so to speak, the economy, there, the national economy and so on and so on and so on, by the way , this sovereignization, including political, economic, yes, if you want business language, it is extremely important, because in the russian language...
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therefore europe did not benefit from this, oddly enough, but rather lost, having lost diversity and losing its character. please, i wanted to say a few words about estonia,
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the leader this week.
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they are now filled with new meaning, indeed, especially during the times of islam karimov, but even now uzbekistan was not a very simple partner of ours, during the times islam karimov uzbekistan either entered the tashkent treaty, then left, then joined the csto, then again entered guam, well, yes, it entered guam the same way, that is, it was a difficult partner, but even now, pay attention, uzbekistan is not joins not the csto, not the ias, although we... once with colleagues conducted research, counted, analyzed the agreements that uzbekistan signed with the russian federation, starting from the seventeenth year, when merize became president, and in fact he is de facto has connections with russia no less than if it was a member of the eurasian economic union.
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you’ll die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, in a roundabout way he went to serve as volunteers, found out what it’s like to actually be in war, precisely on the front line, junior also brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way. i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.
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british foreign secretary at presidential level, it was uzbekistan, and the uzbeks.


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