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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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in the propaganda that we see, it is carried out in the west, now it has even been used during elections, invisible, i would call them, elections of the lithuanian president, the old new president, of course, an amazing story when elections follow the same scenario with a difference in 5 years took place on the same dates. this factor was even used there, they are trying in propaganda to emphasize the presence of large russian communities in latvia and estonia; in lithuania there is no such thing, but in latvia and estonia in order to put pressure on russia, to exert pressure on these people, in their plan, which they say, russia is supposedly going to use these communities for some kind of hybrid war...
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and this precedent will sooner or later be resolved, and this should be understood, first of all , by those ethnocratic fascist regimes that are established in latvia and estonia, and the citizens of these countries must understand this, because when you have been restricting the rights of people who live next to you on the border with a major power for three decades with increasing pressure, it can't just end up being nothing and you can get away with it. and i am convinced that, of course,
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when we talk about the upcoming settlement, i shy away from the question of whether there will be a nuclear war or not, this can be argued with alexander viktorovich, this is always this discussion, it is of such a vivid nature, dusseldor or berlin, but no less, about which here is an important point, correctly, as dmitry gennadyevich said, this is not a crisis in ukraine, this is a crisis around ukraine, there will be a settlement sooner or later, it’s all the same happens, then the settlement must be comprehensive and not affect only the consequences of the activities of the kiev regime since the fourteenth year or since the nineteenth year, when the now illegitimate president zelensky was elected. yes, as lutsenko, the former prosecutor general, said, he of course may be legitimate, but overdue, they say catch the difference, but how subtle, how subtle ukrainian politics is.
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approximately the same as the same night, but nevertheless, i think that this whole complex of issues must be resolved, here look, germany, yes, migrants' rights, italy - migrants' rights, france - migrants' rights, britain - migrants' rights, in america, 11 million illegal migrants must receive american citizenship, we owe them, there must be languages ​​that they understand, so in same america, spanish, they’ve been bullied for 30 years.
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as soon as they leave them, please, now i’ll offend my colleagues who were just talking about the russian world, i’ll argue with svadiy frantsevich, but in a different way, on a different topic, before talking about the russian world, before talking about how the rights of people who consider themselves to be part of the russian world are being humiliated, and i want to once again confirm my opinion, the russian world is not only russian, it’s much broader, it’s...
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from that russophobic bastard who gathered in we cannot take away citizenship from lvov, who speak russian, that’s absolutely true, and we won’t give citizenship to those people who dream of getting our citizenship for us, amazing logic, that’s absolutely true, and this is of course the main question, but from the point of view that people will come, they won’t come, it’s very complicated, and i don’t think it should be translated into the plane of obtaining passports or into the plane of getting a hectare of land, this is...
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get it, i won’t open the curtain, as it were, and talk about what and how, this, this is a separate conversation, it will require a lot of additional work, but of those documents that i saw and which i managed to sort of acquire for my own use, you won’t believe which part of the documents struck me the most, not the documents , which we were talking about what ges brought to the uk, what he talked about there, i was amazed by the gigantic amount of mail from the united states of america, the guest arrived. to scotland on may 10, 1941, starting from may 12 of the forty-first year and right up until the end of june july, almost every day , batches of letters from the united states of america arrived in the uk, which were addressed to mr. rudolf ges, tower, or
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something else was written there , and you think what was in these letters, in these letters was: you are the savior of humanity, only only the third the reich can save us, only the third reich will save us from all this.
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we’re talking at anna ilena bärbock’s, here ’s a small, small digression: last week the first trial took place in the case of insulting the honor and dignity of the german foreign minister, annelena bärbock, they are trying a young man who wrote the following phrase on his twitter: he wrote : “germany is unlucky to have the dumbest foreign minister of all time .” and in germany, criminal cases of insulting honor and conscience occur only according to the statement, that is, just like that, the police do not initiate them, they do not appear from nowhere, and in order for this case to be initiated or initiated, as they now say, someone had to write,
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the police wrote it, the prosecutor’s office more precisely , the prosecutor's office reported that they drew attention to the tweet that this young man wrote, so we are...
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imagine germany, that germany - “here it is, listen, but this is not at all like that, you know, this is how it is a piece of a mountain, one edge of which is beginning to crumble, here it is at the beginning sand, sand, sand goes, and then the stones begin to roll, now these stones are already rolling from this mountain, and soon the mountain will move completely, because anna lena berbok, i’m not talking about not on my own, i ’m saying that they say she is lena berbak, she hates not only russians, she hates jews too.
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he probably, i think, thinks so too, he’s just still afraid, so he refrains from such
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statements. that's all, see you tomorrow, you'll die, i'm like, well, he says, who will protect you if not me? many donetsk residents went to front almost immediately after graduation. he left through ocular paths. to serve as volunteers, i learned what it’s like to actually be in a war, on the front line, my younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go in the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there is something to learn from young guys, where are you from, from the eleventh b? no harm, but i’m from the eleventh b, now 2.
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uzbekistan is a strategic partner and a reliable ally of russia, today relations between the two countries are experiencing a new rise, president vladimir putin stated this during his visit to tashkent. ties are developing in the spheres of trade, industry, and peaceful nuclear energy. in terms of goods volumes, russia is in second place among uzbekistan’s partners after china. market share of our products.
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as for imports from uzbekistan, these include textiles, cotton, food, and chemical products. cooperation is successfully developing within the framework of the previously signed road map, numbering 63 points. i must say that this is actually being done and there is real progress. and today, if he talks about trade turnover, we have already reached 10 billion. growth this year is 30. this is very good growth, we are now working with our colleagues to reach 20 billion in the near future. moscow and tashkent are implementing many joint projects, the portfolio of which currently amounts to $45 billion , during the current visit, we signed an agreement for another 20. about 3.00 companies in uzbekistan operate with russian participation, and uzbekistan supports approximately 700
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enterprises in russia. all this indicates a significant increase in direct investment. direct russian investments in uzbekistan. are increasing every year, now they have already reached a solid figure, almost 10 billion dollars, i am sure that if they are implemented, i have no doubts about this, all our plans, which we just talked about in a narrow meeting, that these direct investments will increase significantly. for many years, energy remains one of the priority areas of cooperation between the two countries. in the twenty-third year , gazprom entered into a two-year contract with uzbekistan for the supply of natural gas.
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two countries, as part of the current negotiations , more than twenty more commercial contracts have been prepared aimed at developing mutual trade and investment. on may 28, a memorable date in the military history of russia, border guard day, the border guard of the rsfsr was established, to which officers of the border guard corps transferred. in 1941 , border guards were the first to meet hitler's hordes, defending the borders of their homeland to the last drop of blood. border guard day was established in order to revive historical traditions. russia and its border troops. in peacetime border troops always remain at the forefront , always in combat readiness. our task was to take the stone. in the morning we were attacked, well , i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened,
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he says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, she says, now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i how they were covered by the department, well, it was not visible that there was no leg, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well... nothing, the most important thing is that he’s alive, you can walk with such people reconnaissance, and you will return from reconnaissance with these. moscow is melting from the heat; it started snowing in chelyabinsk a few days before summer. may ends differently in different parts of our vast country, which will surprise nature in the near future. this is weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the foba center. i'm ksenia levitskaya, hello! in the central regions the heat will continue to intensify, but beyond the urals the october cool will blow. a week before summer, the weather
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contrasts across the country continue to amaze. transbaikalia the day before reached leaders in area of ​​natural fires. the fire there engulfed almost 28 thousand hectares of taiga. but in the steppe regions of the region, huge dust tornadoes spun up due to the heat. the heat is intensifying in the european part. the swimming season is already slowly opening even in the vologda region, linoblast and karelia. in moscow on monday it was a little cooler than on the weekend, but the sun was still hot, so some residents of the capital decided not to waste time and go to the roof to sunbathe. for comparison , video from yamal. it's still winter there now in usti abi, snowdrifts reach almost a meter in height. the seasonal migration of deer continues in the region, what an unusual thing...
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on may 27, academician shmakov, once again i congratulate everyone on the upcoming new year, let's assess the situation from space, now synoptic processes in russia are determined by the confrontation of two giant... vortices, a blocking anticyclone, which captured almost the entire russian plain and the vast cyclone dominating beyond the urals. this explains the weather contrasts that have developed across the country. and today almost all european russia, with the exception of the extreme south and north , will be in an area of ​​sunny weather. but the urals, almost all of siberia, will continue to be covered by fields of frontal clouds. due to the invasion of arctic air in the north and mid-latitudes. precipitation will turn to snow, the most intense showers are expected in altai, here in some places over 20-30 mm of moisture will fall per day.
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temperature differences between the mentioned regions will be even more dramatic. so on the russian plain, excluding the extreme north and northeast, columns thermometers on tuesday will rise to +25-30°. at the same time, in the south of siberia it will be as cool as october, no higher than +7 +12. at the epicenter of bad weather. barnaul seems to be. the heaviest showers of up to 6-8 mm in 3 hours will occur here in the first half of the day. in total, by the end of the day, almost 2/3 of a month's rainfall will pour into the city. it must be said that such heavy rains at this time of year are observed in the capitals of the altai territory only once every quarter of a century. and such weather in the south of siberia will linger for a long time. let's say, in novosibirsk in the coming days there will only be rain +9-11 on thermometers. this is almost 9° cold. as expected on friday-saturday, precipitation will stop and the cold anomaly will begin to decrease during the day to +13 +16. in central russia, on the contrary, sunny and
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extremely hot weather will prevail. in moscow today and tomorrow it will be +27:29, which is on average 8° above normal. by friday the heat will intensify even more, around +30 in the afternoon. and only on saturday there is a chance for refreshing thunderstorms. that's all i have. goodbye.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changing entire locations. we will expose all fakes.
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lugansk under fire from ukrainian militants. the strikes were carried out using cluster munitions. this was announced by the head of the lpr leonid pasichnik. a huge fire started at the arrival site. according to eyewitnesses, the flames were visible from different parts of the city. firefighters, police officers and paramedics are on the scene. a little bit later.


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