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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she’s in the morning... i arrived early and immediately cried, well
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, i was covered as if by a department, well , it was not clear that my leg was gone, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is that he’s alive, with such people you can go on reconnaissance , and you will return from reconnaissance with these, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here and space pirates, i love children, they will meet again. offer you with my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any interference in time can lead to this, 100 years in the future, hello, the legal program is on the air, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you, conditional term for the death of an eleven-year-old girl.
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chelyabinsk region heard the verdict from the former director of the baden-badyn introductory complex, elena abasova. in february 2022, a child drowned while swimming in a jacuzzi. the audit showed that the rescuers working that day did not have the necessary qualifications and were just trainees hired under a contract. report by ksenia voloshina. the announcement of the verdict took place without the defendant herself, instead of her there were two lawyers, on the side of the victims there was only a grief-stricken father. the tragedy happened here. in february 2022, an eleven-year-old schoolgirl was vacationing in the complex with her parents; according to the head of the family, they left their daughter for literally 5 minutes and were not worried, because she knew how to swim; when she returned, they could not immediately find the child. the girl was found at the bottom of the jacuzzi; according to investigators, her hair got caught in the drain hole, but neither the rescuers nor other adults had time to notice this in time; according to the surveillance camera, the child was under water for 10 minutes. after an emergency in a complex about...
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in addition to 2 years of probation, yedkulsky the district court banned elena abasova from holding leadership positions in the service sector for 2 and a half years, and also ordered her to pay the parents of the deceased compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1 million rubles. lawyers did not agree with this verdict. what happened was just an accident . and of course, we will appeal the verdict on appeal. the father of the deceased girl declined to make any comments. ksenia. pavel golovin leads
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the duty unit of the southern urals. american case soldier gordon black, who is accused of stealing 2,000 rubles. his russian lover was sent to court, and, as it became known. another threat to kill was added to the charges. black was detained and arrested at a time when he was already planning to leave russia. american media claim that senior sergeant black arrived in vladivostok without informing his superiors. supposedly he came for a date, which obviously didn’t work out. he has been stripped of his mantle and will now appear before the fimida himself. the high qualification board of judges considered representation of the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, about giving consent to initiate criminal cases of retired judges, among them gorgolin, now the former deputy chairman of the maykop city court. a little less than a year ago, gorgolin flew onto the sidewalk at full speed and killed a nine-year-old boy. my colleague olga zhurenkova has been following this story from the very beginning. until recently, it was unclear
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whether the ex-deputy chairman of the maikop city court, anatoly gorgoli, would come to the meeting of the high qualification board of judges. in monday they were considering the proposal to bring him to criminal responsibility. happened, we don’t want to interfere with the investigation in any way, that is, we are ready to cooperate and so on. in july last year, anatoly gorgolin allegedly caused a fatal accident in the maykop city park, hitting nine-year-old artyom penkovsky at high speed. the driver of a mercedes with a beautiful license plate three
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first caused an accident, tried to go around the bus ahead in the parking lot, crashed into another car, and then flew through the intersection at a prohibitory traffic light, flew at high speed into a city park, where in this... all the evidence is clear and well, in general, the case is very difficult, so i can’t say, i’m still inclined that somehow the status of the judge may influence the case to be delayed. our program followed this resonant story from the first days; at first , all the lawyers in the region refused to represent the interests of the child’s family. later, investigators allegedly delayed the examination of the car, the parents. and schoolchildren previously expressed concerns to journalists that vdygei may deliberately delay the investigation, after which the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered a repeated report on how the work on the case was progressing, a repeated appeal was sent to the higher qualification board of judges, the progress
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of the investigation of the criminal case was placed under special control in the central office of the investigative committee. on monday , anatoly gorgolin’s powers were terminated. presentation of the chairman of the investigation. russian federation bastrykino satisfy give consent to bringing in as an accused a judge, retired deputy chairman of the maikop city court, anatoly timofeevich gorgolin. mr. gorgolin, 72 years old , worked in the maykop city court for more than 30 years. he retired 9 years ago. it is known that at the time of the accident he was traveling in the car with his wife, daughter, grandchildren and children of acquaintances. local media, citing their sources, reported that the probable culprit of the accident was stated by the investigator. that he does not remember anything about that day, as was announced during the meeting, the mercedes car was in good working order. a consideration was taken of the submission of the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation to give consent to the involvement of retired judge anatoly gorgolin as a defendant in a criminal case regarding a traffic
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accident that resulted in the death of a minor. in addition, as a result of the meeting , the powers of retired judge of the stambov region elena drobusheva were terminated. she may reportedly be involved in at least ten. crime, passing deliberately unjust sentences. higher the qualification board of judges allowed to initiate a criminal case against retired judge of the khimki city court denis bukin. article of fraud on an especially large scale. now these servants of themis will become participants in the process in a different status. the probable culprit in the death of nine-year-old artyom penkovsky, anatoly gorgolin, faces up to 12 years in prison. olga zhurenkova, olga masurak, vladimir bazov. vesti duty department. residents of the city of sektyvkar are shocked by the brutal murder of a thirty-year-old woman, the manager of a local sushi delivery store was attacked by a neighbor from above while working with a knife. according to eyewitnesses, the man was irritated by the smell of japanese food that allegedly wafted into his apartment. andrei romanov
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found out all the details of this story. residents of this high-rise building on the outskirts of sektavkar only talk about the terrible massacre at an asian cuisine establishment. well, he went there, why? but what to take, but sometimes i also hear that the neighbors are cooking or knocking, but i don’t go anywhere to swear. the bloody massacre was carried out by the neighbor of this old woman. enraged that the fragrant smells of asian dishes were penetrating into his apartment, he, in the company of his wife, showed up for a showdown in the workshop where the cooks were preparing sushi and rolls, don’t come here, the whole apartment, bro, move away, i ask you to move away, the tense situation has escalated instantly, the uninvited guest covered the few meters that separated him from the cook in seconds and pounced on the sushi.
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criminal case, a complex of investigative and procedural actions are carried out aimed at securing evidence base. the wife of
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the knife-wielding psychopath has not been out on the street since his arrest. through the slightly open door, she talked to our film crew and said that she was worried about the future fate of her husband. they had been going to the employees of the asian food shop to swear for six months, allegedly, despite persistent requests, they continued to keep the doors to the kitchen open. the smells went to the second floor and her husband lost his nerve. in the coming days, residents of the house will not be disturbed by foreign odors; the aroma shop is closed during the investigation. true, the probable killer will not be able to personally appreciate the achievement, because he is unlikely to return home in the coming years. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. the mysterious death of tourists in the middle of lake baikal near the island of tonki was discovered. a ship whose passengers and captain are all dead. in this footage , criminologists from the russian investigative committee
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examine a small ship on which the bodies of five people were found. it is known that travelers came to the ushkani islands archipelago to admire the protected nature. this is a unique territory where for centuries, life developed without connection with the mainland. the place is almost deserted; you can get there only with special permission. it is known that the tourists spent the day on the islands and returned to the ship in the evening. after that, no one saw them alive, and there were no signs of violence; everyone slept peacefully in their beds. investigators believe they may have suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. while this is a preliminary version, it remains to be tested. a criminal case has been initiated in the republic of buryat regarding the provision of services that do not meet requirements for the safety, life or health of consumers. in addition to studying the ship on which the tragedy occurred, investigators also conducted searches in the office of the company that... organized this deadly tour. according to the ministry of internal affairs
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, 2,310,000 motorcycles are officially registered in russia. to loudly announce the beginning of the new motorcycle season, thousands of bikers rode along the garden ring in the capital as part of a colorful festival. the race was led by representatives of twenty-six motorcycle clubs. and in addition, the head of the russian traffic police mikhail chernikov and the head teletrans of moscow maxim liksutov. part of the general biker culture. road safety of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, mikhail chernikov, he gave my colleague, journalist eduard petrov, an exclusive comment: it turns out that mikhail himself is an experienced motorcyclist. years old, i studied in achinsk, in a distant town, then, having just
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earned my first money, i went in for sports, then took first place in regional competitions, as i remember now, they gave me 160 rubles, for these 160 rubles i went to study at dsaf and received right to drive, from 16 years old i drive all the time. the country's top traffic cop shared some interesting statistics related to motorcyclists. it turns out that the number of bike accidents is on the rise, but it's not to blame. in 2023 , in fact, 1/5 more, but it should be noted that in our country, people are irresponsible, they get on a motorcycle without a driving license, half of the accidents were caused by drivers who do not have a driving license, and this is scary , driving schools today
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teach, you can receive this service comfortably and safely and move accordingly in general stream. yeah, they encourage each other to drive correctly and honestly on the roads, unfortunately, there are also those who, well , on a completely different principle, gather and also drink alcohol, get behind the wheel of a motorcycle, special motorcycle battalions fight such motorcycle offenders, they are in moscow in a number of other regions of the country, their main task, according to mikhail chernikov, is
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to set an example for other bikers, by the way, this is one of the main tasks of the motorcycle parade, this event, why i emphasized that... the most important thing is to give a good start, a safe start and everyone who will be driving in a convoy today, you will see that they will move very respectfully towards each other, as it should always be on our roads, well great, well, today i will sit in a car for the first time as a passenger, i will go with mikhail yuryevich along the highway, along today’s route, i hope everything will work out for us, so please use motorcycles, just follow the rules of the road, motorcycle police are participating in the race, the opening of the motorcycle season is today, apparently there will be a record in terms of the number of participants, a very good mood, festive , approximately, well, more than 10 thousand, last year there were less than 10 thousand, today there are clearly
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more, the weather, the city, everything is ready for motorcyclists to leave for... moscow noted, that the capital is one of the safest cities for motorcyclists, this is important, given that there are more than 100,000 motorcycles in belokamennaya. we also have positive things, such as a decrease in the number of injured and dead, particularly among motorcyclists. year after year these numbers are improving. eh, moscow and so on the city is the safest in terms of traffic, but the number, if we take the tenth and twenty-third year, the results, then minus 22% is the number of victims, dead, namely motorcyclists. this is a number. this is already so serious, this is a very large figure, we are already at the level of the best megacities in the world. the importance of such events is emphasized by the capital's traffic police. today’s event also allows us to unite our motorcycle teams and bring those tasks into the motorcycle culture, into the motorcycle environment for safe , accident-free driving that we set for
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in order to prevent accidents on motor vehicles, safe roads for everyone, success and mutual respect. then the garden ring leaves, makes a circle and returns to the start, this is how the motorcycle rally looks from the first person, footage taken personally by my colleague eduard petrov, the beginning of the column is already at the garden ring, the tail still continues to leave, the scope amazes the audience, it’s like
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an event for you, great, thank you, what are your impressions, and did you like the burning sensation? very super absolutely impossible, i didn’t know that there were so many different motorcycles in general life, there are very, very beautiful ones, well, what emotions are rolling in now, energy in the sea, even more impressions for the participants of the race, of course, i try to come to the opening and closing every year, as an impression from the ride, yes, super, this is my second time i’m participating, this is an indescribable impression, where else can you drive through an empty garden that is absolutely completely blocked. in such an awesome company, how did you feel about the trip, excellent, great impression, thanks to the organizers, very pleased, just a great event, something like this is rare? can to feel, yes, yes, it is rare to feel this, it is very uniting, after the race there is an entertainment program for all participants and spectators, songs, dances and other fun, the opening of the motorcycle season always
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turns into a small celebration, but the main thing the police warns is to remember about safety, because this spring alone, more than 100 motorcyclists were involved in accidents on the capital’s roads, so you always need to be on guard when riding your iron horse. daniil sukharuchko, eduard petrov, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko, news! and here's how showed the final of the motorcycle rally. reckless drivers without a driver's license on bikes interfere with even honest motorcyclists. one of them caused a massive accident with casualties. according to festival participants, a self-taught biker without a driver's license mixed with a column of participants from official motorcycle clubs, and then became the culprit of the accident. a domino effect began, motorcyclists fell under each other’s wheels, there were injuries, according to eyewitnesses, the probable culprit of the accident tried to escape from the scene of the collision, but he was not allowed to do so.
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the moscow region prosecutor's office is investigating the circumstances of a strong fire for a parking ticket in mytishchi. among the main versions, arson is considered. this morning , more than ten towed vehicles caught fire in a closed area. they cannot be restored. will their owners be compensated? alexey karev worked at the scene of the emergency. the car coolers, black with soot, destroyed by fire. the seats and interior upholstery could not withstand the high temperature. dashboards, only now that the flames have been extinguished are employees inspecting the fire site ministry of emergency situations, their tank caught fire, in these pictures the fire started, according to eyewitnesses,
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the fire broke out behind the fence of the special parking lot and spread to the cars, four cars burned to the ground, seven more were damaged by the fire, i was deprived of my car, my car caught fire it’s not clear where, it’s not clear what the fault is, it is known that the impound lot belongs to the private company okhrana llc. there was no need to call her representatives for a conversation, they showed up themselves, why are you pushing? why did the fire happen? fire, you complied with fire safety standards, i don’t know what they complied with, that's it, you see what's going on here, what do you think is happening here? well, well , look, look, that is, it was an arson, nikolai is also inclined to the version of arson, his sports car worth 6 million rubles was completely burned, he claims that shortly before the incident , they tried to steal his car right from the parking lot. everything was happening too strangely, then some people come there, try to take her away using the wrong documents, then when this is found out, they just run away from here, in general, as if to get from someone, well, a refund of funds,
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it’s too early to say who will compensate for the losses; as a general rule, the company that owns the parking lot is obliged to compensate for the damage only if it proves that the damage was not its fault, for example, it was a deliberate arson, it was some kind of failure in operation of the electronics of a car, then it is possible that the court will release her from duty. rammed a bread shop. in an instant , the seller’s
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whole life flashed before his eyes. fortunately, she was not injured, and no one was in the way of the car, and the drivers and passengers in the car were saved by airbags security. everyone is alive, everyone is alive, sort of, kind of alive. according to preliminary data, the culprit of the accident fell asleep at the wheel, now he has to restore his car. i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is in our telegram channels, lead the duty department, an honest detective, that’s all we have, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny. bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you.
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at the exhibition russia.
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you will die, i’m like, he says, who will protect you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school. he took a roundabout route to serve the volunteers. i found out what it’s like to actually go to war, right on the front line, my youngest, also a brother, 17 years old, siryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there’s something to learn from the young guys.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. the oldest battle took place on may 28, 585 bc in history that can be accurately dated. this battle is on the galis river, it is taking place.


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