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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 28, 585 bc, the oldest battle in history took place, which can be... accurately
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dated. this battle is on the galis river. it flows in the north of modern turkey and today is called the kyzyl irmak. they fought with the army of two powerful states of the ancient east, the lydian and median kingdoms. the war had been going on for 5 years; it was started by the mussel, which was located in the territory of northwestern iran and invaded asia minor, where lydia dominated. the battle promised to be cruel and bloody, but suddenly it became dark. the day has turned. on the night, it was a solar eclipse, and the warriors decided that the gods were giving them a sign to stop the bloodshed and make peace. they sealed his marriage, marrying the daughter of the lydian ruler to the son of the ruler of media. we know about this event from the ancient greek historian herodotus, and the exact date of the eclipse, and therefore the battle , was determined by the philosopher astronomer thales miletsky. lydia and mide drew the border along gallis and lived in peace for some time until they were conquered...
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the west became the road of tears for the indians, so they called this path a difficult path with extraordinary cruelty. the indigenous population of north america has decreased by a quarter. the extermination of the indians continued throughout the 19th century, only... at the beginning of the 20th century they
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were granted civil rights, but they still lived mainly on reservations. on may 28, 1928, maxim gorei, one of the most famous controversial writers in russian literature of the 20th century, arrived in moscow. before the revolution, he became famous as a realist writer and playwright, having joined the revolutionary movement, he became close to lenin, but after october 1917 their paths diverged. suppression. democracy, red terror pushed gorky away, he went to italy, the soviet leadership tried to bring him back in order to raise the prestige of the ussr. he was promised all the benefits, and he could not resist the temptation. at the belarusian station, gorky was met by alexander fodeev, leonid leonov, konstantin stanislavsky and other cultural figures. in the capital, while traveling around the country, he was greeted by enthusiastic crowds as a great proletarian writer. but gorky he hesitated, came, left, and only in thirty-three he decided to stay in the ussr. his
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works were published in huge editions; only pushkin and chekhov were published more. however, in his homeland he wrote almost nothing. he died in honor of glory, already in thirty- six. on may 28, 1971 , the interplanetary automatic station mars-3 launched, this flight became an important step in the study of the red planet. the implementation of the mars exploration program in the ussr began 10 years earlier. a song has become popular about how apple trees will bloom on mars. but that's it it turned out to be not so simple: communication from the first station stopped when it had not yet reached the planet, the second one crashed on its surface. and here is the success: mars-3 entered martian orbit, separated from... the module
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began to descend, for the first time in history it made a soft landing on mars, at the bottom of the large ptolemy crater, between the regions of electris and fetontia. one of the project participants. mikhail marov said that he could not hold back his tears of joy, although the data transfer lasted less than 20 seconds, then it was interrupted by a dust storm, but the work continued the orbital station, having completed 20 orbits around mars, studied the composition of the atmosphere, the magnetic field of the plasma, the gravitational field and obtained photometric profiles of mars. this is what this day in history was like. our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, my mother just says, she will be very worried, i say, now, she
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arrived early in the morning and immediately cried , well, it was like i was covered by a department, well, it wasn’t visible, if you don’t have a leg, you can’t change anything, right? what happened, what happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can go on reconnaissance with such people, and you will return from reconnaissance with such.
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and you don’t change at all, you missed me, baby, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies are in our hands, 100 years - we are forward! hello! the program parliamentary hour is on air. let's talk about the main decisions of the state duma this week. we are discussing the concept voiced by the government based on today's conversation, recommendations will be developed.
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the state duma has begun discussing proposals to improve tax legislation. representatives of the business and expert community were invited and everyone was connected in video conferencing mode.
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legislation. the state duma began discussing the concept of changes proposed by the government. at the beginning of the week, it was presented by finance minister anton felunov at the expert council of the budget and tax committee. it is necessary to discuss such an important issue carefully and widely, as the chairman of the state duma said vyacheslav volodin together with the business community, experts and regions. and on thursday, on his instructions , large parliamentary hearings were held at okhotny ryad. my colleague alexander shavirin followed the process. in large parliamentary hearings today there were more than 700 participants, they were placed not only in the plenary hall, but also here in the small hall of the state duma, representatives of the business and expert community were invited to discuss an important topic, all regions of our country are connected in video conferencing mode, of which more than thirty , i'm participating for sure. we are discussing the concept
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voiced by the government, based on today’s conversation , recommendations will be developed, taking this into account, it will be easier for us to discuss the law, we... for our part , understand the responsibility for considering adoption, but this is a government initiative. government initiatives were presented by finance minister anton siluanov. the tax system, according to him, should be stable and predictable, ensure the flow of resources to solve large-scale government problems in social economic sphere, stimulate investment and support healthy competition. the ministry of finance proposes not to increase vat, leave in force all preferential regimes for small medium-sized businesses and provide a tax amnesty for those who refuse to split their business, and introduce a progressive tax scale. we hear requests from the deputy corps for strengthening. aggression in the personal income tax scale, the principle applies in the countries of our neighbors,
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and where the upper part of the scale reaches 25%, in non-cis countries, there we know the upper tax scale rises to 45-55%. the progressive scale is an approach that has shown its effectiveness in other countries, said vyacheslav volodin, the state duma speaker proposed to withdraw the income of svo participants from it.
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collect more taxes than the taxpayer himself is willing to pay, so people's opinion about whether it is fair or not is the basis for the formation of an effective tax system. at the beginning of the week, the topic was discussed at a meeting of the expert council committee. goal: to make our tax a fairer system, today we
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have gathered with you to compare notes, to assess how much our views on what a fair tax system is coincide. a fair tax system should help reduce inequality, both in society and between regions, said anton siluanov. it is necessary that the benefits from tax changes be families with children, that is. those categories of our citizens who need government support. according to the president of the russian chamber of commerce and industry sergei kotyrin, improving tax legislation is designed to stimulate business investment in research and development work. today, the main financier of neocro is the state, if we look at the statistics. business to a lesser extent, in contrast to , in general, many highly developed countries. so that we can really change the situation here. naturally, incentives are needed to ensure that the tax system encourages this.
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chairman of the profile commission of the state council alexei teksler believes that in order to reduce gap between regions, income should be redistributed through the federal budget. it is also important to preserve the stimulating function of taxes. we need to think about further setting up investment deductions for income tax, and so that those who invest, who develop our country, our regions, are motivated to do this. also in part. personal income tax must be linked to tax adjustments with deductions for additional support for families with children, citizens who care about their health and are actively involved in sports. head of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs alexander shokhin noted the need to improve existing preferential regimes and proposed introducing the concept of an investing company into legislation. alexander shokhin emphasized the importance of public discussion of these issues. we found the key elements. already agreed upon by the expert council, it is very important that the role of parliament in discussing
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the tax system is increasing, in particular this is expressed in the fact that we are discussing these issues in advance, so to speak, more than six months before the start of the financial year. also alexander shokhin stated that it is important to determine not only progressive tax rates, but payment thresholds, since the category of security is very subjective. i supported this position. speaker of the state duma, the main burden due to the progressive scale should fall on those who earn a lot - said vyacheslav volodin. but there is no need to offend the middle class, because they are just... just getting on their feet, and as for wages, especially if we take the regions, excluding moscow, st. petersburg, khantamassiysk and a number of other territories, then you and i understand that even average salaries in moscow are very far away. deputies of all duma factions,
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experts, representatives of the business community and regions expressed their positions at parliamentary hearings. the changes must be accepted as... he noted that it is important to give entrepreneurs time to prepare for work under the new rules, which should come into force in 2025. a tax amnesty, according to alexander kalinin , would also have a positive impact on law enforcement. today in the tax code there is no concept of crushing, there is the concept of abuse of rights, therefore the tax amnesty will just... establish what is an offense and will henceforth indicate that this is an offense, and somewhere tax crimes, depending on the thresholds. first deputy speaker of the state duma alexander zhukov emphasized that changes in tax legislation must be linked with amendments to the budget; citizens must see exactly where their
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contributions are going. it is extremely important that we pass this tax package along with... with amendments to the budget, amendments to the budget, where the money will be used to extend maternity capital, increasing health care programs, supporting motherhood and childhood, and so on. chairman of business russia alexey repik spoke about the problem of economic patriotism. he noted that any discussion of raising taxes for wealthy citizens is often blocked by threats of capital flight. excuse me, this is scyther for me. road, you see, those who are ready in today’s situation to abandon their compatriots to try to save a few percent, these are not those with whom russia should go to the future. first deputy head of the communist party of the russian federation faction, nikolai kolomeytsev , believes that discussions of the tax system should begin with equalizing the budgetary provision of the regions, increasing the return of preferences for the manufacturing
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industry. the faction also advocated the introduction of a progressive rate, while exempting. from personal income tax, those whose income does not exceed the minimum wage. look, in the twenty countries, we are the only ones who have a flat tax system. there are less than seven countries 52%, no maximum threshold. in 2001, we switched to flat from 35, and today we timidly say 30, oh, that’s a lot. sergei mironov noted the need to introduce a special luxury tax. we have.
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13 and 15, and somewhere around four or five bets. deputy head of the new people faction alexander demin noted that the progressive scale should work in both directions. the faction also proposes not to raise taxes for strategic sectors of the economy, teachers, doctors and families with two or more children. we propose not to raise taxes for everyone who earns up to 5 million a year, to leave everything as is for them, and maybe then we will have a real strong middle class. if we are talking about progressive. tax scale, then it should work not only in the direction of increase, but in the direction of decrease, citizens with low incomes should pay less. president of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov said that tax changes should stimulate the development of basic industries in the future leading to economic growth and welfare citizens. the academy of sciences is ready to participate in this process. the russian academy of sciences has a database
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of recognized economic models that could help make a clear forecast of development given given conditions. parameters of the tax system, we can lay down all the parameters that will be proposed, discussed in order, together with the government, with the state duma, to choose the most optimal solutions, among the proposals of the ldpr faction, increasing the income tax for businesses that do not invest in production, as well as expansion of deductions for families with children, the introduction of a separate deduction for the treatment of pets, understanding the tense... situation and demographic hole in which we find ourselves today, it is necessary to make changes to the tax system, which will be aimed at the development of our country, economy, solving social issues, while ...
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he hears, it will be so, we are also in our plans, as we agreed, we will not change this regime for 10 years. large parliamentary hearings in
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the state duma lasted more than four hours. as a result, the tax budget committee formed recommendations of the state duma for transmission to the government. they included proposals from all factions, businesses, experts and regions. the main benefit should go to those who need it most. of course, these are large families. speaking about all the other changes, i’ll say right away that these changes, the changes that would increase the tax burden, will not affect the vast majority of our people. now the cabinet of ministers will have to draw up bills with specific parameters for improving the tax system and send them for consideration by state duma deputies. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, maxim. elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. vyacheslav volodin represented the russian federation at the
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farewell ceremony for iranian president seyed ibrahim raisi. president vladimir putin gave this instruction to the chairman of the state duma. at a meeting in the kremlin, the head of state asked vyacheslav volodin to convey to the leadership of the islamic republic words of sincere condolences in connection with the tragedy. at funeral events. in tehran, the chairman of the state duma conveyed the message of the russian president to the leadership of the people of iran. vyacheslav volodin also met with the acting head of the executive branch of iran, mahammad mahber. millions of mourners took to the streets of tehran and other iranian cities to say goodbye to their president, the chairman of the state duma noted upon returning to moscow. against this background, the statement by us secretary of state anthony blinken that the whole world and the iranians themselves only benefited as a result of the tragic death of reisi was made. only a representative of the regime can say such a thing, who lives in a full sense of his exclusivity, such boorish attitude
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causes more and more irritation among citizens of other countries; due to washington’s policies, soon the very word american will become dirty all over the world. almost half a million rubles from the state will again be available. the state duma adopted the extension bill in the first reading. and support programs for large families. 450,000 rub. every family in which their third child will be born before july 2031 will receive mortgage repayment. read more in the report by maria burkova. february 13 fede made my mom and dad parents of many children. in a family where three people grow up... and dad is the only breadwinner, state support is especially important, and if feda were 2 months older, safonov would already have received 450 thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage loan.
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we learned that such support exists a long time ago, and of course, when frediya was born, two months later we collected all the documents online, registered, submitted an application and, of course, were confident in the positive. as a result , we received a refusal, we were unpleasantly surprised, but the motivation was such that the program had already completed its actions. good news, soon ekaterina will be able to apply again and count on approval. the program is extended until 2030. deputies considered the initiative in the first reading, so very soon fedya’s mother and other parents with many children will be able to count on financial assistance. we will apply again and hope that... our mortgage payment will decrease, this will be good support for our family. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin recalled that the bill was prepared according to on behalf of russian president vladimir putin.
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in his message to the federal assembly, the head of state set the task that large families with a third or subsequent children could receive a payment from the state in the amount of 450 thousand rubles to improve their living conditions. we need, well, not only to extend these support measures, but to help people create precisely this down payment, which many people have problems with, and if you don’t have a down payment, then the banks are making things worse for you.
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taking into account the high burden on the budget, no decisions have been made on this issue yet; at the same time, of course, we are now discussing in the government, together with colleagues from the state duma , about family mortgages. they also plan to extend the family mortgage until 2030 on behalf of the country's president; for families with children under 6 years old, the rate will remain the same - 6%, for the rest 12%. today. the birth rate in russia is 1.4, 1.4, even two for the restoration of the father and mother, we don’t give birth to two, so today we need to think how initially to encourage young people, to motivate them, so that they actually want , desire, to have the children they want, as for the initiative to pay 450 thousand to large families, if the law is adopted, it will come into force from the date of official publication. vyacheslav volodin noted that
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the state duma. we are consistently working to expand measures to support families with children; the extension of this particular program is an important decision that will make housing more affordable for large families. maria burkova, maxim kol, andrey tarasov, anna melkyan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. benefits for families of svo participants, responsibility of resource supply organizations. what bills were passed this week? a trusted person to stop a dangerous payment, about a new financial method. protection, as well as unified children's recreation programs and a new point on the map of patriotic tourism. slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and access to the money would have been processed by the suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. for
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seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that you can transfer the money to a secure account, i’ll call the bank , you hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.


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