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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the scammer would have had a suspicious transaction on your account for the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could transfer the money to a safe account, i called the bank and hung up on her, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the abstention of mainly europeans. the united states voted against it. a very well thought out attack in information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. so that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich. do you like books? yes, i write books. the classic has arrived, take it. thank you, if you could help, i don’t help like that. come on guys! let's
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stop everyone, call sign passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear, i'll come back, are you used to watching videos online? stopped working we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries . we look in the application or on the website. we continue to air the parliamentary hour. the issues of strengthening inter-parliamentary cooperation between russia and the sultanate of oman were discussed at the meeting by first deputy chairman of the state duma alexander zhukov, speaker of the state council of aman abdulmalik al-khalilei. such personal meetings provide
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an opportunity to discuss a wide range of issues and identify the highest priorities. tasks - emphasized alexander zhukov. your visit is very important for us, primarily for the development of our bilateral interaction within the parliamentary dimension. we, just like you, stand for a fair world order, the rule of law in international affairs, and building mutually beneficial relations. with other states, we would like the interaction of the parliaments of russia and oman to be systematic. oman, despite very strong pressure, did not join the anti-russian sanctions. first deputy speaker the state duma noted that trade between the countries is growing, it increased by 61% last year, and the dynamics continue. there are serious prospects for bilateral cooperation in the oil and gas industry and agriculture. we hope that for
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the benefit of both sides, oman and russia, our relations will be expanded in all areas of cooperation. criminal actions against minors by the kiev regime. this was announced by the co-chair of the commission, vice-speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova. ukrainian militants continue to strike in civilian residential areas.
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at the same time, international organizations and the united nations, primarily the council of europe, its osce structures, and a number of others, take a completely stausian position, i apologize here, but there is no other way to say it, preferring not to notice these atrocities, atrocities, monstrous atrocities banderatsov in relation to children, special attention needs to be paid to the rehabilitation of children who suffered from criminal actions by the kiev regime, but i propose here... the report should include a proposal for the ministry of finance, to take into account the necessary expenses for the rehabilitation of children, we understand that there is a corresponding presidential decree, but i would like to solve the issues of rehabilitation, let’s say, systematically. after approving the final report of the parliamentary commission, anna kuznetsova proposed
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recommending that both houses of parliament send it, including to the prosecutor general, the chairman of the investigative committee and the minister of internal affairs. monthly cash payments to participants. it is proposed to appoint a special military operation without a declaration. deputies approved the corresponding bill in the first reading. this week , several initiatives were adopted to support sbo participants. about this and other decisions of the state duma in our review. the state duma is expanding benefits for families of heroes of the soviet union and russia and full holders of the order of glory. in the event of the death of the hero, his wife, parents and children will receive the right to receive the land. still. the heroes could only receive it in person. in addition, all benefits apply to family members of the hero awarded the title posthumously. also, the new law establishes a one-time benefit in the amount of 20,000 rubles. to family members of heroes who died after february 24 , 2022. everyone will receive benefits, widow or
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widower, parents, children under 18 years of age or under 23 years of age if they are full-time students , as well as disabled people from childhood over 18. no, very correct changes are being made, the right to receive benefits will be enjoyed not only parents, but also children of deceased heroes, including heroes of a special military operation. payments to participants in military operations will receive additional protection. the initiative passed the first reading. it is unacceptable that the funds that a soldier or officer receives while defending our country are included in the bankruptcy estate and seized during bankruptcy. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said. let us remind you that in russia there is a law that prohibits the collection of monetary allowances and combat payments from participants of the svo in enforcement proceedings. in the process of implementing the law, it turned out that during bankruptcy proceedings, this also happens. these
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funds may be included in the competition mass, they will then be subject to exaction in the same way. we propose to correct this contradiction, this gap in legislation. to restore justice. currently, there are a number of exceptions: you cannot take away a person’s only home, payments in the amount of the subsistence minimum, or alimony. it would be fair to extend this rule to payments to participants in military operations and other military operations, the state duma speaker noted. the state duma has prohibited writing off pensions and benefits for disabled children when collecting debts from another person. we're talking about situations where payments are received from the accounts of parents, adoptive parents or. immunity from collection will also be extended to social supplements to pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. the law has been adopted, it is clear that parents may have some debts, there may be some court proceedings, but the money that they receive as benefits for their disabled children will now not be able to be taken away to offset these
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debts. this is a correct, very socially fair bill. amendments on liability for disembarkation from public transport passed the second reading disabled people. in the first group. the disembarkation ban is already in effect, but there are no fines. if the law is adopted on september 1, the penalty for violators will be 5,000 rubles. for the driver and from 20 to 30,000 fines for employers for failure to fulfill the obligation to create or allocate jobs for employing
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disabled people in accordance with the established quota, as well as for refusing to hire disabled people within the quota. the bill passed the first reading: increase the fine for officials from 10 to 30,000 rubles, and for legal entities persons to introduce fines from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. according to official data from 2016 to 22, the number of working disabled people in the russian federation.
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legislation the state duma has increased the responsibility of resource supply companies for providing poor-quality housing and communal services, for example, dirty water, turning off lights or heating in winter. if previously the fine for officials did not exceed 1. rubles, and for legal entities - 10,000, then according to the new law, for the first violation of regulations, officials will receive a fine from 5 to 10,000 rubles. and the legal entity is from 30 to 50,000, in case of repeated violation, the liability is higher. up to 30 thousand rubles for officials and up to 100,000 rubles for companies.
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this is why the bill was adopted, because, unfortunately, we have such stories when resource supplying organizations actually begin to collect debts in not entirely legal ways, for example, by disconnecting entire houses and from public utilities, gas companies have been especially distinguished by this in the last year, this law, according to the authors, will also allow, well, such... cases to be dealt with. on open seasonal verandas adjacent to stationary catering facilities were allowed to sell alcoholic beverages. until now, even with a license , it was only possible to legally sell alcohol inside the establishment. the law passed this week ends the legal uncertainty. and from june 1 , russians will be able to legally order, for example, wine on the terrace of a cafe or in the summer courtyard of a restaurant. the financial system of russia plans to introduce the institution of trusted persons. like this? will work, a person will be able to contact the bank at his own request appoint a third party whom you trust
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to confirm your transactions with funds . we are talking about transactions using remote channels, excluding the fast payment service (payment cards). and within 12 hours from the moment of receiving notification from the bank about the operation, the authorized representative will have to confirm or reject such operation. deputies supported the initiative in the first reading; it will help protect the most gullible pensioners. and teenagers. the general director of domrf, vitaly mutko, came to the willing row with a report. this the state-owned company is the operator of preferential mortgage programs. about changes in the cost per square meter, about lending programs and other mechanisms for improving housing conditions in the report by yana dobrovolskaya. for some, home is a big family. for some, a long-awaited apartment of their own, in which this family
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will become even larger, for others , the serenity and silence of a country house, carefully thought out, built according to all the rules without risks, a favorite garden or kindergarten, a school two steps away from home, knowledge, which you get it. and give it to the new generation. home is people. affordable mortgage, civilized rent and comfortable environment. these are questions beyond the legislative. and the implementation of which the state duma is working together with the largest financial institution of the domrf. the state-owned company has been increasing the availability of square meters for citizens of the country for 26 years. vitaly mutko, head of the joint stock company domrf, spoke about the results of the work and priority areas of activity at the government hour in the state duma. we are the operator of all government measures
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support, except for agricultural mortgages, all mortgage products are sold at home. the company is coping with its tasks, improving mortgage lending mechanisms, and indeed the company has made a huge step forward in the development of this financial institution. in recent years, the state has been implementing an active, i would say aggressive, policy in this area. sales of housing under construction hit a record high. the number of equity participation agreements in the twenty-third year increased by 42% over the year. almost all of the sales growth secured transactions under preferential programs. thanks to mortgages , every fourth
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family, which is 17 million people, has improved their living conditions in recent years. but the product was not available on the izh market, according to surveys. 70% of families would like to live in their own home. the house of the russian federation is seriously engaged in this area together with the committee on construction and housing and communal services. sergei pokhomov noted the fruitful interaction with the state-owned company. in recent years, taking into account our new initiatives and the proposals of the joint-stock company, 27 federal laws have been adopted. already in this session there will be considered landmark decisions in the field of private housing construction. in general, the state company works effectively, so we... their powers, mechanisms, their capabilities, from our latest decisions, this is the expansion of the capabilities of the house of the russian federation in working with land plots as part of the implementation of integrated development programs for the territory. a serious problem that needs to be addressed is rising housing prices. in 2021 in 2022 , the cost per square meter in the primary market increased by
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71%, in the secondary market by 44. and last year, state support for mortgage lending used. only to improve living conditions, but for commercial purposes, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin paid attention to this when approving the relevant deputy prime minister. it is important that every meter of housing costs as little as possible. today the key task is to make housing affordable, and our voters demand this, so this will be an issue under the control of the state duma; when we talk about mortgages, it is unconditional.
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change the standards of the central bank so that it can issue cheap loans to commercial banks at 2% as collateral for such portfolios per annum, and commercial banks, in turn, adding no more than 3% on top, issued people's mortgages to the citizens of our country at a rate of 5% per annum. in addition, there are questions regarding preferential categories of citizens, what additional mechanisms do you see that can be used by your organization in order to... a burning question: to eliminate the queue of needy military veterans , disabled people, orphans who need to move out of emergency housing . first, the ministry and i started a big the work to analyze all these obligations and create an electronic register of these obligations is very clear. secondly, on the creation of this so-called fund, a number of decisions have already been made there regarding certification,
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the program is large, now it will be modernized. provide funding for the presentation. first deputy chairman of the committee on agrarian issues, oleg nilov, suggested that the most socially vulnerable categories of citizens should receive funds from western companies from unfriendly countries located in russian banks. by according to the deputy, this will be a response to the actions of former partners who now intend to use frozen russian assets to support the ukrainian armed forces and the kiev nazi regime. money must be taken in billions of dollars. let's discuss this proposal. make a decision to confiscate european american capital here and direct it specifically to the russian federation to solve social problems with housing the most... the number of square meters is growing, but their buyers are often not families with children, but investors, the deputy noted
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chairman of the committee for the development of civil society, public and religious associations, oleg leonov. the deputy proposed to adopt a law that would oblige the developer to rent out residential buildings along with social infrastructure, schools, clinics and kindergartens. we need to help those who really need their first home, these are primarily young people.
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vacation, deputy chairman of the state duma irina suggested the author of the law on safe children's yarovaya. she spoke at an all-russian seminar meeting on the topic of organizing holding a summer health campaign in 2024, which, on the initiative of the deputy speaker of the state duma, is being held for the fifth time on the eve of the holidays. irina yarova once again drew attention to how the processes of training, education and recreation will manifest themselves in synergy. in february last year, at the council of legislators, politicians recommended the development of a unified basic methodological educational program. a few months later in april, a rough plan was approved,
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however, according to the deputy chairman of the state duma, it requires improvement, having already had experience in communicating with counselors in 2023 in simple holiday camps, where there is an opportunity to find out how things are organized, it became clear that this program is completely insufficient, because... it does not contain a specific plan of events, counselors who then figure out how to entertain themselves, sorry for such a word from the children, their ideas are very different and it is extremely difficult to say that this to some extent correlates with the program that was developed. irina yarovaya proposed to carry out this work before june 10. in addition, it is necessary to pay attention to tourist routes for children. with the support of the ministry of education , a single school portal was created. portal of thousands of routes. about 30 regions have not posted routes on the platform. this information must also be provided by june 10. the issue
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of safety and health of children during the holiday period is an absolute priority. amendments to the law are being prepared regarding all purchases of baby food. and in the near future the bill will be submitted to the state duma. there is another patriot on the map of russia. tourist complex with the same name opened on the territory of the memorial. battle. state duma deputies were among the first to visit the facility. a visiting meeting of the committee on tourism and tourism infrastructure development was held in the region. the topic is about patriotic tourism in russia. the regional government appealed to state duma deputies with a proposal to create a single macro-territory with a tourist magnet in kursk in the belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, kursk, lipetsk, oryol and tambov regions. the argument is categorical. the battle of kursk memorial complex has already become a center.
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we watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when...
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vladimir putin congratulated the russian border guards on their professional holiday, the president, in particular, noted that their determination largely helped to thwart
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the repeated attempts of the kiev regime. send gangs of mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs to the territory of our country.


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