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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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vladimir putin congratulated the russian border guards on their professional holiday, the president in particular noted their determination, which largely helped to thwart the repeated attempts of the kiev regime to send them to the territory of our country.
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later, the troops of the kiev regime struck a new place of arrival, a strong fire began, a slight blow to the east of the city, information about the destruction of the victims is being clarified. the un condemned israel's attack on the profahi refugee camp. secretary general antonio guterres stressed that there is now no safe place in gas, and this horror must stop. israeli prime minister netanyahu called the attack.
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civilian personnel of the border service of the fsb of russia on border guard day. your professional holiday is widely celebrated in our country. is a symbol. of people's memory and respect for all generations of defenders of borders and the fatherland at all stages of our thousand-year history, from the formation of ancient russian statehood to the present day, the heroism of the border guards during the great patriotic war will always remain an example of perseverance and unbending warriors. accepting yourself the first blow of the enemy, they did not flinch, did not retreat from... they fought importantly on the fronts in
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partisan detachments, destroyed nazi collaborators, together with all the people they brought the great victory closer. today you continue these valiant traditions, protect the life and safety of our citizens, the sovereignty of the country’s national interests. act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia, from the arctic and the pacific ocean to the black and baltic seas. i would like to note that , largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break through to territory of russia by gangs of mercenaries, traitors and sabotage groups of the enemy, those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated and met with a harsh and severe rebuff. i am confident that in the future you will act with the same courage and firmness in solving problems. special military operations,
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effectively coordinate their work with other units of the fsb, with units of the army and navy, with law enforcement agencies, with the heads of regions and municipalities, of course, an operation to support people who they see you as their reliable defenders; serious, significant results must be achieved in all the most important areas of border activities and conducted. combating illegal migration, cross-border crime, drug trafficking, smuggling and illegal fishing of marine biological resources, promoting the development of international economic and humanitarian cooperation, integration ties with our good neighbors and foreign partners. border agencies are entrusted with truly large and responsible tasks. i am sure that in the future you will solve them with dignity. i want to thank you for your loyalty
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to duty, for your conscientious service in the interests of our homeland, our people, and wish you success, health and all the best to you. to your loved ones, happy holiday, dear comrades, happy border guard day. last year , russian border guards stopped more than 5,500 attempts to enter our country involved in international terrorism, extremism, as well as the security forces of the kiev regime. in an interview with ria news, head of service vladimir kulishov noted: ukrainian intelligence services , with the support of the west, are increasing their intelligence efforts and are trying to involve residents of border areas in this. the peak of saboteur activity occurred during the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections. the border service, together with the russian guard and the army, stopped repeated attempts by armed militants to invade the belgorod and kursk regions. in lugansk, the consequences of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. according to the head
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of the lpr, leonid pasechnik, the strikes were carried out using cluster munitions. on a strong fire started at the arrival site. according to eyewitnesses, the flames were visible from different parts of the city. working on site. firefighters, police and paramedics. a little later , information came about another attack in esu; explosions occurred in the eastern part of the city. information about the destruction of the victims is being clarified. in the special operation zone, the artillery of the west group of troops destroyed the equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts discovered the nationalists using an arlan drone. crew of the multiple launch rocket system, grad moved to the firing line position. russian military personnel struck with precise strikes.
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systematically at some point we left and she was just waiting for us, well, they gave her, as they say, it’s worth it. in the zaporozhye region, russian mortars attacked units of foreign mercenaries with an accurate strike. our fighters work in the so-called gray zone, an area that is not controlled by any side, sometimes less than a kilometer from the position in the osu. our correspondent saw how to protect yourself from enemy drones in such conditions and effectively carry out tasks stanislav osilchenko. you won't meet civilians on this road. it's life-threatening to be here. this is the so-called gray zone, a strip that separates the settlements of the zaporozhye region from the territory controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. this is where russian mortar crews operate. the front line
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remains behind. now we, together with the bars-10 volunteers , are entering the gray zone in an armored pickup truck. any objects in this territory become a target for ukrainian nationalists. therefore, we are trying to get to the position of our mortar men. it gets tangled in the wires of its fans and hangs, it is used to fight additionally. the arsenal of this crew includes mortars of 120 and 82 mm caliber. both are capable of hitting strong points and dugouts. often , with fire from these guns, fighters disrupt enemy rotations and his attempts to clear the approaches to russian positions. mortar! and
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all artillery and mortars work closest to the enemy. one of the enemy’s dugouts is located less than a kilometer from here and in good weather it can even be seen with the naked eye. in bars-10 group of troops dnepr they are real professionals in their field, they are now known in the west. not long ago, while carrying out another combat mission, mortars hit the positions of foreign mercenaries. and they fired, it turns out, at dugouts in different positions, in general, and that’s how many eight two-hundredths were knocked out there, somewhere like that - a lot of, so to speak, foreigners were spotted there, dozens of targets hit, constant disruptions. enemy rotations. bars-10 mortarmen carry out any combat missions and demonstrate their superiority in the gray zone every day zaporozhye region. stanislav osilchenko, valery vinakurov, khalit tankiev. news: southern sector, military special operation. kiev should not receive the right to use western
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weapons to strike russian territory. this opinion was expressed by french politicians heading the lists of their parties in the elections to the european parliament. in their opinion, this move could lead to inevitable escalation. and even a clash of nuclear powers, alika komarova will tell you which other western leaders spoke out against it. europe is waiting for permission from the united states to more actively participate in the ukrainian conflict. about it. reports the publication , citing sources. according to their information , the european union insists on sending nato instructors to kiev. however, france has already disowned these statements. education on ukrainian territory is one of the issues discussed since the conference on supporting ukraine. this issue continues to be the subject of work with ukrainians, in particular to understand their precise needs. emmanuel macron spoke out against his own national information policy. during his speeches in dresden by the french politician again.
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on russia was discussed in brussels. the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs took the most hawkish position. he
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condemned hungary for trying to interfere with the european union. and he actually admitted that attacks on russian territories are the last chance for kiev to justify the trust of sponsors. the biggest problems we solve here are overcoming our fears. it seems that we are afraid, what will russia think, and how will they react? the countries of the baltic region, poland, i think almost all of us know, we really. a lot of done for kiev, now the time has come when we must allow kiev to win this fight, we must allow ukraine to use the weapons that we supply. the excitement around the shelling of russian territory is caused by the effectiveness of its offensive, the western press admits. military experts from the times, under the pathetic headline , exhausted but not broken, cite harsh statistics. most of the brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the eastern regions of ukraine are 90% composed of new...
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presidents, so they think that the president who wins the war always gets
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better ratings than a president who didn’t even take part in the war. antonio guterres condemned israel's attack on arafah, because of the attack on the refugee camp, the security council will hold an emergency meeting today. for the first time in the european union they started talking about possible sanctions, if the military operation in rafah does not stop, the eu foreign minister will raise the issue of imposition. battle, we are investigating this matter, we will provide conclusions, because this is our policy, and
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for us this is a tragedy. meanwhile, the israeli army reported intercepting several shells from lebanon. earlier, the shiite group hezbollah said it had fired more than 80 rockets into israel. the iraqi islamic resistance also announced a strike. three drones were launched towards the city of eilad. it is alleged that the attacks were a response to the bombing of the gaza strip. now there is footage from france, look, a new protest took place in paris against the fighting in the gaza strip, more than 10,000 people took to the streets after a massive attack by the israeli army.
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an exam that will be written by more than 620 thousand human. an additional day on may 29 has been introduced for schoolchildren in border areas. for the first time this year, the unified state exam can be retaken, although only in one subject. in the far east, the exam has already been written; in primorye , 47 points have been organized in 34 municipalities to take the unified state exam. and there are more than 5,500 such classes throughout the country. the exam lasts 3.5 hours, the results will be announced no later than june 14. russian language is one of two compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate of secondary education; you need to score at least 24 points, and for a certificate with honors at least 70 points. unified state examination results in russian are needed when entering a university for any specialty. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. masha, good morning. strengthens positions relative to
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foreign currencies. roman, good morning, yes, it’s noticeable, now i’ll tell you what influenced it. the ruble has strengthened noticeably ahead of today's end of the may tax period. in accordance with the presidential decree, exporters converted the currency. against this background, during the previous trading session, the dollar fell by 91 kopecks. up to approximately 88.5 rubles. euro by more than a ruble to 96 rubles. 28 kopecks yuan for 11 kopecks. up to 12 with a little rubles. all currencies have updated their minimums since january, while on the moscow exchange there is yuan trading volume with settlements tomorrow at the end of the day. more than one and a half times higher than the figure for the dollar and almost 5 and a half times for the euro. menselkhoz of russia plans to introduce a federal emergency regime due to the may siege. this was stated by the head of the ministry oksana lut. this, she said, will allow the government to compensate for the damage suffered by farmers. validity dates, however, not yet determined, abnormally cold weather was observed in central russia in the first
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half of the month. according to initial data, frosts led to the death of approximately 1% of crops. throughout the entire cultivated area in the country. in a number of regions, a state of emergency has already been introduced at the local level, and the federal one will expand support. the government, well , the ministry of agriculture, in particular, they compare the number of agricultural producers affected by frosts, that is, from force majeure circumstances, then the federal center financially, so to speak, it helps farmers who have suffered the greatest losses, this is such a fairly ordinary mechanism that financially helps our farmers who find themselves in a difficult situation due to abnormal natural phenomena to stand on their feet. meat production has increased in russia; over the 4 months of 24 it increased by 4% year-on
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-year to 4.5 million tons, reports menselkhoz; in particular, the production of large horn meat increased. livestock pork, poultry remained at the level of the twenty-third year. as explained by the national meat association, this dynamics fully reflects the plans of enterprises to increase production against the backdrop of increasing demand. it is possible to keep up with it thanks to investments in the pig industry and increased productivity in poultry farming. up to 5 trillion rubles. rosatom's revenue is expected to increase by 2030 . such goals are outlined in the annual report of atomergopromyk. which manages the civil assets of a state-owned company. rosatom also reported on full fulfillment of obligations to export uranium products last year. revenue of 700 billion rubles exceeded the 2022 result. foreign orders last year brought in more than $16 billion. the company notes that despite a significant deterioration in the geopolitical
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climate, the order portfolio for uranium products for a ten-year period remained at the level of previous years. to complete the exchange rate , the dollar today is 88 rubles 68 kopecks, the euro is 96 rubles. 30 kopecks that's all i have. novel! mash, thank you, now to the latest messages. a strong fire was extinguished at night in lugansk; it was the result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, according to the head of the lpr, ukrainian militants used cluster munitions. later, information came about a second attack; explosions occurred in the eastern part of the city. the organizers of terrorist raids on russian territory miscalculated, a saboteur is waiting. a severe rebuff, vladimir putin emphasized this in his congratulations to the border guards. today the border troops celebrate their professional holiday. in the first leagues of france and germany they laughed during. visiting the holocaust memorial right next to the stone slabs in memory of the murdered jews, which was the reason fun is unknown, russian media called this behavior unacceptable. in all
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regions of the country, graduates today publish an eg in the russian language, this is a mandatory subject for obtaining a certificate of secondary education. the most widespread exam will be written by more than 620 thousand people. for the first time this year , the eg can be retaken. in hockey rose to second place in the international rankings, even despite the suspension, they will only talk about this in the sports news in a couple of minutes. every wedding ends the same. newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. but first , let's open a deposit for interest at sea, with sber everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, in sber it
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, which, despite three doubles, only one serve for elimination, beat the german dominik köpfer. the meeting lasted more than three hours and ended with the score 6:3, 6:4, 5-7, 6.3 in favor of medvedev, seeded fifth in the tournament. in the second round, daniil will play with serbian miamir kitsmanovic. for the first time in his career, already in the opening match of the tournament, the crowd favorite rafael nadal, by the will of the draw, lost to the thirty-year-old spaniard already in the first round. alexander zverev, who ranks fourth in the world rankings, remains. the german tennis player won in three games 36 67 36, but the forgiveness ceremony with
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nadal canceled the tournament because he wants... a championship. the st. petersburg team on home court zenit became one step closer to bronze medals ; they beat lokomotiv kuban 99-96 and took the lead in the best-of-three series 2:0. from the start of the meeting it became clear that the match would be equal and productive. the teams went into the long break with the scoreboard equal 48-48. everything was decided in the final quarter, in which zenit played constantly. beat the opponent by at least four points. loka, although he tried, was able to close the gap only at the very end. at first, yalatontsev only realized one of two free throws made the score 96-99, and anderson's desperate attempt to throw a three-pointer to force overtime was blocked by vince hunter. zenit's winning streak in matches against kuban is already four matches in a row. the last time lokomotiv won this duel was in december last year. now they are confronting.
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will continue in krasnodar. one of the anti-heroes of the last round of the russian football championship, sergei pesyakov, whose mistake helped zenit win the golden match, officially changed the club and moved from rostov to samara krylya sovetov. goalkeeper contract contracted for one season. well , on the air of our final russian football program, my colleague ilya kazakov discussed the brightest moments of the completed championship with a famous russian and soviet coach. managing such a team, which is in the hands of simak, is very difficult, a very difficult matter, from season to season, from game to game , motivating the players - as if to the maximum, is almost impossible, this is why this season is significant for us, the fact that the brazilians did not play all games as well as they could, they always played lower
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their potential, and i was sure that at the right moment there would be levers that could raise them again, but fate decreed that dynamo started well, and krasnodar was quite worthy, that’s what they suddenly don’t become leaders, this spurred on, this helped simak, so i don’t know what levers he uses, how he succeeds. portuguese cristiano ronaldo is the first football player in history to become the top scorer in four. ronaldo spent 74 minutes on the field and scored a double, cristiano reached the mark of 35 goals per season, which became a record in the history of this league, now the thirty-nine-year-old football player was awarded the title of top scorer based on his performances not only in the top divisions of england, spain and italy, but also in the saudi arabian championship. that's all about sports for now.
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that's it, see you in the next part, our task was, the stone was taken, in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, he’s alive, i look, blood is spattering from his leg, nothing happened, he says, it’s just... mom says she’ll be very worried , i say, now, she i arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well , it was like i was covered with a department, well, it was not visible that my leg was gone, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is that he’s alive, with such people you can walk around the junction , and return from reconnaissance with these,
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please. russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, guest from the past, how could i even will there be cosmic feathers here? you i
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love children, they will meet again.


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