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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, and space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe in some other way , anyone interfere, then time can lead to this 100 years ago.
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news mid-hour, briefly: vladimir putin congratulated russian border guards on their professional holiday. the president noted in particular that their determination largely helped thwart repeated attempts the kiev regime to send gangs of mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs to the territory of our country. “the ukrainian armed forces fired cluster munitions at lugansk, a strong fire started at the arrival site, and a little later, troops of the kiev regime launched a new attack on the east of the city. information about the destruction of the victims is being clarified. the un condemned israel’s attack on the refugee camp in profahi. secretary antonio guterres emphasized that in there is no safe place in gaza now and this horror must stop. israeli prime minister netanyahu called the attack a tragic mistake. at least 45 people died, about two hundred. russian graduates today are taking
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the unified state exam in the russian language, this exam is the most widespread, more than 620 thousand people take it, the results will be announced no later than mid-june. western publications report the resounding success of the kiev special services, talking about the disclosure of attempts on the lives of the heads of the sbu and military intelligence of ukraine, as well as zelensky himself. the publications, of course, blame russian agents for everything. what is really behind the article, which is presented as sensational exposure, boris ivanin will explain everything. agents of the russian fsb penetrated the dungeons of the bank and spread a sabotage network there. it's more like a spy novel than an investigation into one of the world's most famous newspapers. in the pages of the british times , the sbu is tracking down two rogue colonels. this is how it is written, and reveals their secret plan to eliminate the head of ukrainian intelligence kiril budanov. and... supposedly they were supposed to transmit
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coordinates for a ballistic missile strike, and then the operator took over according to the script drone. the odious james bond, who is hiding nearby and aims a drone to finish off the survivors. all the main villains are clearly from russia. there is a very good ukrainian proverb, then you screwed up, daughter-in-law, so she’s gone, there’s a skirt hanging over there. so, no matter what happened, the russian federation is to blame for everything, any, let’s say, failures, gaps, amateurishness.
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two young britons were accused not only of arson, but of spying for russia. in general, everything is in the usual english style of highley. also unsubstantiated by the western press rage after almost every major fire in europe. a hardware store in lithuania, houses in lati and a factory in poland are, of course, all blaming agents of alleged russian influence. and now polish prime minister donald tusk is fanning the flames of suspicion, reporting arrests, saying that as many as nine people have been caught. however , he is silent that these nine were detained a year ago, supposedly they were preparing to derail the trains with military equipment going to ukraine, but for the whole year, where is the evidence, the confession, there is nothing. spymania is in the blood the western world, and this is due primarily to the mirror reflection of the methods by which the western countries themselves, the collective west and, above all, the united states and great britain, operate very actively. they change the methods
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of espionage, sabotage, terror against their opponents, this has always been the case, this is the method of thinking of western society, it is trying to expose. the united states, and british diplomats from the european union, as the new york times writes, are already preparing the ground, putting pressure on other countries to become more actively involved in secret operations against russia. this entire active information campaign is nothing more than... a cover operation for large-scale actions by the west, including the allocation of financial resources against russia, including the introduction of certain anti-russian actions, because it is becoming increasingly difficult for the population of western countries explain why the population of western countries
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must bear more and more new burdens of confrontation with russia, why russia is so dangerous, this gives rise to a variety of assertive ideas about well, from the same series, the alleged russian trace in the assassination attempt on kirill budanova, here’s another quote from the british times. the attack was planned as a double strike, we saw enough there in hollywood. if we compare it with the original, it seems that the same two heroes really were written off, only here there are two colonels who joined forces in the fight, but not 25 years ago, but only eight. only they got caught somehow stupidly, one revealed himself when, in the first days of the ukrainian conflict, he allegedly gathered his colleagues and offered to lay down their arms when the russians came. another quote: “bankovaya is a nebrez fortress.” after all, western screenwriters think in christian clichés, but why wasn’t he immediately mated, but waited for more than 2 years? this, of course, is compromising information against kiev itself, what can we say then about, in principle , ukraine’s resistance to russia on the battlefield
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if they cannot protect their leadership. if you look for those who benefit from the assassination attempt on budanov, then i think this is primarily the already identified western intelligence services, for whom. aircraft manufacturing, a group of young scientists won a competition under the national project science and received a grant to research what exactly they will study and inna monina found out how they want to improve the industry. millions of mass-produced cars are produced annually in the world, their production is put on stream, on
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the assembly line the whole process is divided into simple operations that are performed by robots, but in aircraft manufacturing this approach is not effective. there are many fewer aircraft being produced. this means that robots will not be busy around the clock. automation is widely used only at the preparatory stages, when individual parts and components are produced. final assembly, and these are the most difficult operations are mostly done manually. in the youth laboratory, which is being created on the basis of the komsomolsk state university, they intend to explore new approaches to the automation of small-scale high-tech production, where industrial robots can be used. we plan to take ready-made robots, but that’s all about the technological equipment, the tools that are installed on this robot, the control system, communication with external equipment, with some kind of quality assessment systems, parameters of everything else, we are already doing all this on our own, but
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before that we will have to immerse ourselves in detail in the technological process of building aircraft in practice, there are no problems with this, there are two aircraft factories in the city that produce modern... focus on the automation of welding production, on the automation of the application process specific coatings, we intend to automate the marking of parts that are produced at our aircraft factories, and work in laboratories along with existing ones. young researchers will also be scientists, postgraduate students. the grant is designed for 3 years, but after two years, as an experiment, they plan to test the solution in production. inna monina, alexander gorilov, lead khabarovsk. abnormally hot weather is predicted until the end of may in the leningrad
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region, pskov, novgorod, and karelia. forecasters warn about this. at the same time , frosts will return to southern siberia in the coming days. ksenia levitskaya will explain how this is possible. melting from the heat, it started snowing in chelyabinsk a few days before summer. may in different areas of our vast the country ends in different ways, which will surprise nature in the near future. this. a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and fos centers, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello. in the central regions the heat will continue to intensify, but beyond the urals the october cool will blow. a week before summer, the weather contrasts across the country are still striking. the day before, transbaikalia became the leader in the area of ​​natural fires. the fire there engulfed almost 28. taigas; in the steppe regions of the region , because of the heat, huge dusty ones were developing. the heat is intensifying in the european part of russia ; the swimming season is already slowly opening even
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in the vologda region, leningrad region and karelia. in moscow on monday it was a little cooler than on the weekend, but the sun was still hot, so some residents of the capital decided not to waste time and go to the roof to sunbathe. to compare the video from yamal, winter still reigns there now in usti abi, snowdrifts reach almost a meter in height. continues in the region. may 27, academician shmakov, once again i congratulate everyone on the upcoming new year. let's evaluate situation from space, now synoptic. the processes in russia are determined by the confrontation between two giant vortices, a blocking anticyclone that has captured
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almost the entire russian plain and a vast cyclone dominating beyond the urals. this explains the weather contrasts that have developed across the country. and today almost all of european russia, with the exception of the extreme south and north, will be in the area of ​​sunny weather. but the urals, almost all of siberia, will continue to be covered by fields of frontal clouds. because of the invasion. arctic air in the north and in in the middle latitudes, precipitation will turn into snow, the most intense showers are expected in altai, here in some places over 20-30 mm of moisture will fall per day, temperature differences between the mentioned regions will be even more dramatic, so on the russian plain, excluding the extreme north and northeast, the thermometers on tuesday will rise to +25-30°. at the same time, in the south of siberia it will be as cool as october. no higher than +7 +12. barnaul will be at the epicenter of the storm. the
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heaviest showers of up to 6-8 mm in 3 hours will occur here in the first half of the day. in total up to by the end of the day, almost 2/3 of a month's rainfall will fall on the city. it must be said that such heavy rains at this time of year are observed in the capital of the altai territory only once every quarter of a century. and such weather in the south of siberia will linger for a long time. let's say, in novosibirsk in the coming days the rains will only be +9-11. on thermometers, this is almost 9° colder than expected. on friday-saturday the precipitation will stop and the cold anomaly will begin to decrease during the day to +13-16. in central russia, on the contrary, sunny and extremely hot weather will prevail. in moscow today and tomorrow +27-29, this is on average 8° above normal. by friday the heat will intensify even more, around +30 in the afternoon. and only on saturday there is a chance for... refreshing thunderstorms, that’s all for me, goodbye, now
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advertising, then we’ll talk about alisher usmanov’s position on increasing taxes for wealthy citizens. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket. just grow with us! attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple reception and installments. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? cereside grouts: a wide range of colors, reliable protection against moisture. mold. cyrisite is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use
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cyrisit grout glue together. what do you need for your trip? the road is where there are no roads. close ones to move on. technology to take a break from civilization and plenty of space for photography. jetur is designed for travel. from a smile. and everything will become brighter, a smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow, share. your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, receive cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay. at persil we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. enzymes persiel
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work on the surface and inside of the fabric, let the memories remain, not stains on things. i persisted once. always persisted. magnet. ice cream 48 kop. 59.99. magnet - the price is what you need. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. just get a credit card and everything will be fine. as you want, say no to silicone and yes to shaoma shampoo, 90% ingredients of natural origin for health hair beauty, take care of your family with shauma, shauma, care from roots to ends. now economic news,
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masha, the ministry of finance, despite the sanctions, continues to fulfill its obligations. on eurobonds. roman, yes, coupons are paid not in dollars and euros, but in rubles. and now i’ll tell you in detail. the russian ministry of finance paid coupons in rubles for eurobonds maturing in the twenty- sixth and thirty-sixth years. the amount amounted to 9 billion rubles. in terms of foreign currency, the two issues amounted to 71 million dollars and 26.5 million euros. the funds are transferred in full to the national settlement depositary. let me remind you that foreign investors cannot receive. payments for the issue of russian eurobonds in dollars and euros due to western sanctions. the ministry of finance, however, continues to fulfill its obligations by transferring funds to a special account in rubles. increasing taxes for high-income citizens is a long overdue solution. this was stated by the founder of the usm holding, alisher usmanov. he noted that he left the business and now assesses the possible measure as
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private person. it, according to usmanov, will help the state solve social problems, the volume of which is growing along with... it will be fair if part of this burden is redistributed to citizens with high incomes without putting pressure on the general population, added the founder of the ysm holding. the european union has blocked 5 billion euros intended for the kiev regime. the head of european diplomacy , josep borel, complained about this after a meeting of the foreign ministers of the community state. the ip council approved the proposal a week ago bareilly send 90%. income from frozen russian assets for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, however , individual states, despite threats from brussels, have taken such a tough position on this issue that the european commissioner is now forced to ask and even beg. we need to agree on documents that will allow us to use income from russian assets to purchase weapons. they
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will be presented to permanent representatives for consideration this week. i won’t guess how it will go, what position. in europe, exchange prices for gas, plus 3% based on the results of the previous trading session, thousands of cubic meters at closing cost more than $390, this is slightly less than the local maximum, last thursday the quotes exceeded for the first time in 5 months. at the same time, experts believe that in the future the summer season is expected to increase rather than a sideways trend; meteorologists in europe predict an abnormally hot summer and , accordingly, room cooling will be needed. in addition, germany managed to avoid a recession; there will also be demand for electricity from industry. besides, in the summer, as a rule, competition between asia and europe for lng supplies intensifies, and asia
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is often willing to pay more for gas. at the end of the course. dollar today 88 rubles 68 kopecks, euro 96 rubles. 30 kopecks that's all i have, roman. thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central topics of the hour: the consequences of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated in lugansk. the strikes were carried out using cluster munitions. a strong fire started at the arrival site. a little later, information appeared that new explosions occurred in the eastern part of the city. vladimir putin the president congratulated the border guard, veterans of the service, on the day. noted that their determination largely helped thwart repeated attempts by the kiev regime to send gangs of mercenaries and saboteurs to russian territory. us president joe biden is pushing for war with. russia, in order to increase ratings in the presidential race, this opinion was expressed by the laureate of the politsar prize, the famous journalist seymour hurzh. biden previously approved the resumption of arms supplies to ukraine worth
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$61 billion. russian graduates today publishes an eg on the russian language. this is a compulsory exam for obtaining a high school diploma. more than 620,000 people write it. the results will be announced no later than mid- june. immediately after the advertisement, a day in history, a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras. what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, like this, uralsip bank.
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we’ll tell you nothing more about what this day in history is remembered for right now. hello. may 28, 585 bc, the oldest battle in history that can be accurately dated took place. this battle is on the galis river. it flows in the north of modern turkey today. called kyzyl-irmak. the armies of two powerful states of the ancient east, the lydian and median kingdoms, fought. the war had been going on for 5 years ; it was started by media, which was located on the territory of northwestern iran and invaded asia minor, where lydia dominated. the battle promised to be brutal and bloody, but suddenly it became dark. day turned into night. it was a solar eclipse, and the soldiers decided that the gods give them a sign to stop. spill and make peace, they sealed it by marriage, marrying the daughter of the lydian ruler to the son of the ruler of media. we know about this event from the ancient greek historian herodotus, and the exact
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date of the eclipse, and therefore the battle, was determined by the philosopher astronomer thales miletsky. lydia and media drew the border along gallis and lived in peace for some time until they were conquered by the persian kingdom. may 28, 1830 is considered. the date of the beginning of the genocide of indians in the usa. on this day the law on their resettlement to the uninhabited territories of western mississippi. president andrew jackson and other politicians assured that this was almost a humanitarian action in the interests of the indians, they say, european civilization is destructive for them, the authorities are helping them preserve their traditional way of life. in fact, the reason was the desire to seize fertile lands in the southeast in violation of all previously signed agreements. formally the resettlement was declared voluntary, in reality it was forced by any means: the uprising of one of the seminole tribes, they were suppressed with extraordinary cruelty. the difficult path to
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the west became the road of tears for the indians, so they called this path. the indigenous population of north america has dropped by a quarter. the extermination of the indians continued throughout the 19th century; only at the beginning of the 20th century were they granted civil rights, but they still lived predominantly. on may 28, 1928 , maxim gorky, one of the most famous controversial writers in russian literature of the 20th century, arrived in moscow. before the revolution, he became famous as a realist writer and playwright. having joined the revolutionary movement, he became close to lenin, but after october 1917 their paths diverged. the suppression of democracy and the red terror alienated gorky. he left for italy. the soviet leadership tried to return him. to raise the prestige of the ussr. he was promised all the benefits, and he could not resist the temptation. at the belarusian station, gorky was met by alexander fodeev, leonid leonov, konstantin stanislavsky and other
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cultural figures. in the capital, on a trip around the country , he was greeted by enthusiastic crowds as a great proletarian writer. but gorky he hesitated, came, left, and only in thirty-three he decided to stay in the ussr, although he was no longer released. he sang of soviet achievements, admired the white sea canal, which... was built by prisoners, communicated with stalin, his works were published in huge editions, only pushkin and chekhov were published more. however, in his homeland he wrote almost nothing. he died in honor of glory already in thirty- six. on may 28, 1971 , the interplanetary automatic station mars-3 launched from baikanur. this flight was an important step in research. red planet. the implementation of the mars exploration program in the ussr began 10 years earlier. a song has become popular about how apple trees will bloom on mars. but everything turned out to be not so simple. communication
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from the first station stopped when it had not yet reached the planet, the second crashed on its surface, and now the success of mars 3 entered martian orbit, the separated descent module began to descend, for the first time in history it made a soft landing on mars at the bottom of the large crater ptolemy between regions electris and foitontia. one of the project participants, astronomer mikhail marov, said that he could not hold back his tears of joy, although the data transfer lasted less. seconds, then it was interrupted by a dust storm, but the orbital station continued its work, making 20 orbits around mars, studies were carried out on the composition of the atmosphere, the magnetic field of the plasma, the gravitational field, and photometric profiles of mars were obtained. this is what this day in history was like.
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“you’ll die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk people went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, he went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers, he learned what it was like to actually go to war, on the front line, his younger brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to. same thing to go, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, is there anything to learn from the young guys?
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vladimir putin congratulated the russian border guards on their professional holiday, the president in particular noted their determination, which largely helped to thwart the repeated attempts of the kiev regime
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to send gangs into the territory of our country. mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs. the ukrainian armed forces fired cluster munitions at lugansk ; a strong fire started at the landing site. a little later, the troops of the kiev regime launched a new attack on the east of the city. information about the destruction and casualties is being clarified. the un condemned israel's attack on the profahiya refugee camp. agent sec antonio guterres stressed that there is now no safe place in gas, and this horror must stop. israeli prime minister he called the attack a tragic mistake: at least 45 people were killed and about 200 were injured. russian graduates today write the unified state examination in the russian language, this exam is the most widespread.


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