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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, and space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my hand and my heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe in some other way , any intervention at that time could lead to this, 100 years. forward!
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mid-hour news, briefly. vladimir putin congratulated russian border guards on their professional holiday. the president, in particular, noted that their determination largely helped to thwart repeated attempts kiev regime, send gangs of mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs to the territory of our country. the armed forces of ukraine fired cluster munitions at lugansk ; a strong fire started at the landing site; a little later, the troops of the kiev regime launched a new attack on the east of the city. information about the destruction of the victims is being clarified. the un condemned israel's attack on the profahi refugee camp. sec agent antonio guterres stressed that there is now no safe place in gas and this horror must stop. israeli prime minister netanyahu called the attack a tragic mistake. died like at least 45.
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of the runet from games to cybersecurity and from state regulation to advertising, but the most significant, at least in terms of money, part of the russian network, e-commerce, almost 16 trillion rubles, that is, more than 90% of the entire runet economy, alexey minaev presented this part of the report, deputy managing director of azon and cited several more figures that were not included in the published part of the document, for example, according to him, online stores processed 5 billion for... orders over the past year - this is more than thirty orders on average for each resident russia or, according to various estimates, from 17 to 19% of all retail trade in the country, but if you take everything except food, then online, according to the data cited by minaev, this is generally 37% of all spending, and the share of cross-border trade in russian e-commerce is stable the decline is now only 3%. another interesting figure
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is that russian users’ spending on content has doubled in a year, well , these are streaming services, game books, now it’s almost 200 billion rubles, which were paid, including for original series on the main platforms, well, i attribute part of the growth to the fact that all the main online cinemas raised prices, the turnover of gaming platforms increased by almost 70%, however, as they calculated, 80% of user payments for online games in the so-called gray zone are created foreign accounts, payments through foreign banks, but also simply piracy. well , as for the internet infrastructure itself in russia, the figures that raek cited from global studies turned out to be contradictory. on the one hand, the speed of access to the network has increased, this also applies to mobile and fixed connections, on the other hand, in the world rankings we have lost a couple of places in terms of average mobile internet speed. russia is now not in the top 100; the middle east is the leader there with indicators well over 200 megabits per
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second. $6 million fine criminal prosecution for deepfake in the us indicted a political consultant who in january this year came up with the voice of joe biden, the democratic candidate and the current president, but consider this voice a text that should persuade voters don't go to the primary elections, well, load the whole thing into an automated dialing system. according to the federal communications commission, this is the first time that a multimillion-dollar fine could be issued for the use of generative neural networks. in addition to his own political consultant, who cost $150 to create biden’s fake vote, the presidential candidate also faces a fine of a couple of million. well , one more news about reliability. according to the publication, in the program code
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beta version of the telegram messenger for the android operating system, a fundamentally new function was discovered: fact checking, judging by what the researchers found, telegram will cooperate with third parties. who will check the accuracy of the information, presumably, the choice of such agencies will somehow be influenced by the authorities of different countries, but ordinary users will have nothing to do with the implementation of this function. probably, the fact check will add some explanatory information to messages, and what’s more interesting, it seems like the user will see which agency added these explanations. when all this will work, it is unknown, as well as in what form it will work, in the sense that...
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grow with us, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha - maybe at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. one of my friends is preparing for a new party. costumes need to be more modest. our internet has run out. and minutes too. and dad will now activate the megafamily service.
8:40 am
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we have a replacement for the younger generation, for a legend enters the field to win. we continue the release. museum and tolerance center in moscow today opens an exhibition dedicated to marc chagall. the exhibition is based on the artist's autobiographical book. she recreates the most vivid fragments of his life, from his parents' home in vitebsk to his paris workshop. sofya sergieva saw how the creative path of the famous avant-garde artist began. the jewish museum center for tolerance decided to tell about the famous avant-garde artist marc chagall through the prism of animated stories, once written by himself. this is a mirror with which you can see the heavenly vitebsk. if you point a mirror at the model,
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you will get the feeling that you are floating above the city. his native vitebsk occupied a special place in the heart of the artist’s work. at 44, while in america, he admitted that he lived and breathed only with thoughts about him all these years. walked, wrote. for me, as an artist, the cow and women are of equal importance; in the picture they are just elements of the composition. in this shadow theater there are little visitors to the exhibition. was covered with scales, we decided exactly make a big fish story here, and
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it’s interactive, you can put this fish in a barrel, compete with your companion, stroke the fish, which is completely made of scales, and look up at the school of huge fish, as if flying out of the shop where shagao’s father worked , images of vitebsk and its surroundings. the artist’s thoughts and canvases left even abroad, sometimes he mixed them up, as here in the lithograph on sundays, a couple in love flies over paris, the eiffel tower and notre dame cathedral, and behind them are acquaintances from childhood silhouettes of houses and churches. and he remembers that he was terribly sad, that it was very difficult for him there, in fact, if not for the museum, then paris would not have become for him, what it became for him, in fact, the city itself, the viewer can get into passing right through him like that. through the closet, find yourself immediately on the streets of paris. the city of mouss met chagall coldly, there was not enough money even for canvases,
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he painted on tablecloths and sheets, but paris became a second home for the artist, where he discovered with surprise and admiration modernism. the circus, the theater, the steps were very sincere, the artist was, the theme of ballerinas, the theme of swimming fish, animals, in some kind of masks, he allowed himself to draw it, and it is very interesting. a group of young scientists won a competition under the national science project and received a grant to
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research what exactly they will study and how they want to improve the industry, inna monina found out. millions of mass-produced cars are produced annually in the world, their production is put on stream, on the conveyor the whole process is divided into simple operations that are performed by robots, but in in aircraft manufacturing, this approach is ineffective. much less is launched, which means that robots will not be busy around the clock; automation is widely used only at the preparatory stages, when individual parts and components are produced, final assembly, and this... the most complex operations are mostly done manually. in the youth laboratory, which is being created on the basis of the komsomolsk state university, they intend to explore new approaches to the automation of small-scale high-tech production, where industrial robots can be used. we we plan to take ready-made robots, but that’s all about the technological equipment,
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the tools that are installed on this robot, the control system, communication with external information... but before that we will have to dive into the technological process of building aircraft in practice in detail. there are no problems with this. the city has two aircraft factories that produce modern combat vehicles and passenger airliners. scientists already understand in which areas production can be partially automated. we are planing focus on automation. welding production to automate the process of applying specific coatings, we intend to automate the marking of parts that are produced at our aircraft factories. along with established scientists, young researchers and graduate students will also work in the laboratory. the grant is designed for 3
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years, but after two years, as an experiment, they plan to test the solution in production. novosibirsk designers are preparing the latest sarma drone for flight testing. drone plans to use it in agriculture. the machine can spray fertilizer over fields and also sow, but these are not all the capabilities of the flying robot. in what other areas can a winged assistant be useful, olga durnykh found out. once assembled, it fits into a small shipping container. sarma drone, lightweight, energy efficient, cruise speed. the prototype has already been in the sky, this prototype is improved, in 2 months they will also go to the airfield, if everything goes well, they will be further developed in terms of import substitution. engine following copies will already be ours, now we are not installing it, because it must undergo a reliability test procedure to produce its
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characteristics, the controller that ensures the operation of the engine will also be ours, we are confidently pursuing the direction of technological sovereignty. they created and collected the sorority at the technical state university, certifications are counting on their help, then it will be possible to enter the market. we, of course, dream of developing technology, developing a design and selling it, actually transferring it existing enterprises, so that they already generate profit there, make these products, so to speak, and are economically stable, a new drone can fly, for example, over a field, spray fertilizers or carry out sowing. now. developers are relying on the use of sarma mainly in the agricultural sector, but in principle this aircraft can be useful in other areas, for example, if you reduce its payload to a minimum, it can stay in the air for up to a day, and this is useful, for example, in during some kind of monitoring, ice reconnaissance in the north or a protected area, modifications can be made to increase the carrying capacity and transport parcels to hard-to-reach areas. the idea of ​​mass and
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the designer are burning with them, it’s not for nothing that the device was given the name sarma, this is the name of the most powerful wind in... the time will come when no one can resist our aviation, and we will fly around the country on our own russian planes, and this it will be convenient, safe and profitable - engineers are sure. olga durnykh, sergey serdyukov, host novosibirs. abnormally hot weather is predicted until the end of may in the leningrad region, pskov, novgorod, karelia. forecasters warn about this. at the same time , frosts will return to southern siberia in the near future. we'll tell you how this is possible. after advertising that we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card,
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a few days before summer it started snowing. may ends differently in different parts of our vast country. what else will surprise nature in the near future? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobas center. i, ksenia levitskaya. hello! in the central regions the heat will continue to intensify, but beyond the urals the october cool will blow. a week before summer, the weather contrasts across the country continue to amaze. transbaikalia the day before became a leader. in terms of the area of ​​natural fires, the fire there engulfed almost 28,000 hectares of taiga, in the steppe regions of the region huge dust tornadoes spun up due to the heat, the heat
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is intensifying in the european part of russia, the swimming season is already slowly opening even in the vologda region, in the lino region and karelia. in moscow on monday it was a little cooler than on the weekend, but the sun was still hot, so some residents of the capital decided not to waste time and send. sunbathe on the roof. for comparison, video from yamal. it's still winter there now in ustia abi snowdrifts reach almost a meter in height. seasonal deer migration continues in the region. and this is an unusual fawn that one of the tondrovians met. dalmatian, handsome. you might think that the following shots were also taken somewhere in the arctic. no matter how it is, this is chelyabinsk. in the last week of may in the south ural metropolis again. on may 27 , academician shmakov, once again all processes in russia are determined. happy new year. let's assess the situation from space. now the synoptic
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confrontation of two giant vortices, the blocking anticyclone, which captured almost the entire russian plain, and the vast cyclone dominating beyond the urals, this explains the weather contrasts that have developed in the country. and today, almost all of european russia, with the exception of the extreme south and north, will be in the area of ​​sunny weather, but the urals, almost all of siberia will continue to be covered by fields of frontal clouds, due to the invasion of arctic air in... the north and mid-latitudes, precipitation will change in snow, the most intense showers are expected in altai, here in some places, over 20-30 mm of moisture will fall per day. temperature differences between the mentioned regions will be even more dramatic. so on the russian plain, excluding the far north and northeast, the thermometers on tuesday will rise to +25-30°. at the same time, in the south of siberia it will be as cool as october, no higher than +7 +12.
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barnaul will be at the epicenter of ninasti. the heaviest showers of up to 6-8 mm in 3 hours will occur here in the first half of the day. in total, by the end of the day, almost 2/3 of a month’s rainfall will fall on the city. i must say that such heavy rains at this time of year are observed in the capital of the altai territory only once every quarter of a century. and such weather in the south of siberia will linger for a long time. let's say it will rain in novosibirsk in the coming days, only +9-11 on thermometers. it's almost. 9° colder than expected. on friday-saturday the precipitation will stop and the cold anomaly will begin to decrease during the day to +13-16. in central russia, on the contrary, sunny and extremely hot weather will prevail. in moscow today and tomorrow it will be +27-29, which is on average 8° above normal. by friday the heat will intensify even more, in the afternoon about +30. and only on saturday there is a chance for refreshing thunderstorms.
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that's all for me, goodbye!
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today is border guard day, vladimir putin congratulated russian border guards on their professional holiday. in sto , lugansk was shelled with cluster munitions, a strong fire started at the landing site, we are waiting. direct input from our correspondent. today , russian graduates write the eg in the russian language, this is the most widespread exam. when will the results be announced? the un condemned israel's attack on the rahahi refugee camp. today's advice security will hold an emergency meeting due to the attack. all the details are in our material.
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an exhibition dedicated to this opens at the jewish museum and tolerance center. kushagalu. what is special about this exhibition? in transbaikalia and the amur region , forest fires in south-western siberia, frosts. our meteorologists will give their weather forecast. so, in lugansk the consequences of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. the authorities of the republic report that the troops of the kiev regime again used cluster munitions. visible from different parts of the city, now on our correspondent alisa khakimova is reporting directly from the capital of the lpr. alice, a strong fire broke out in the explosion, the fire was hello, what is the situation at this hour and is there any information about the casualties? hello, there is no information about casualties, the enemy actually used rocket ammunition, about this...


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