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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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defending the borders of the homeland to the last drop of blood. border guard day was established in order to revive the historical traditions of russia and its border troops. in peacetime , border troops always remain at the forefront , always in combat readiness. in moscow it is 10. we continue. our morning broadcast , this is what we have learned up to this hour: today is border guard day in russia, vladimir putin congratulated the personnel and veterans of the service on their professional holiday. he noted that border guards have always been an example of perseverance and unbending will, and today continue these good traditions, protect the lives and safety of citizens, the sovereignty of the national interests of the country, act professionally and... rejected at all
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borders of russia. nato is practicing nuclear strikes on russia. the leadership of our border service emphasized: this is part of the exercises in which alliance troops train to conduct combat operations against the russian army. the intensity of such maneuvers is growing, and the bloc’s reconnaissance activity is also increasing. such steps by nato require adequate measures to protect borders. in the special operation zone of the nakrainer, kostroma paratroopers destroyed. ukrainian armed forces infantry. scouts using drones discovered a stronghold with ukrainian military personnel. the crews of nona's self-propelled guns moved to firing positions and eliminated the ukrainian armed forces unit with accurate shots. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation after a fire in trans-balkalia. there, the fire from the forest spread to houses. two residential buildings caught fire, one could not be saved. all the people from the village, which is only eight people , were evacuated. made it difficult to extinguish. strong wind
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and the location of the settlement, to fight outbreak is only possible from the air. and now there are fresh reports on the progress of special operations. in the zaporozhye region, our fighters destroyed fortified positions and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. fpv drone operators carried out a precision strike on targets north of rabotin. they acted together with intelligence officers who monitor the territory using small drones with powerful cameras. we discovered the enemy in front of us. coordinates, then the attack aircraft attacked the enemy, when, say, the pilot, mavika detects the target, we immediately take off, approach the target we start diving, it happens very often that we are conducting a free hunt to find equipment or manpower of the enemy, the mood is fighting,
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the team is ready to work, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. the decisive actions of the russian border guards largely became the key to the failure of the kiev regime’s attempts to send gangs of mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs to russian territory. vladimir putin announced this, congratulating soldiers and veterans of the service, as well as its civilian personnel, on their professional holiday. the starting point is 1918, when border guards were established in the rsfsr. largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break through into russian territory by enemy gangs, mercenaries, traitors and sabotage groups were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids on our soil miscalculated and met with a harsh and severe rebuff. i am confident that in the future you will act just as boldly and firmly in solving the problems of a special military operation.
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effectively coordinate your work with other fsb units and army units and the fleet, with law enforcement agencies, with the heads of regions and municipalities, of course, rely on the support of people who see you as their reliable defenders. vladimir putin congratulated his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev on the republic’s independence day. in a telegram from the russian leader published on the kremlin website, he said. that azerbaijan has achieved generally recognized success in socio-economic development, has gained authority on the world stage and is actively involved in resolving important issues international agenda. moscow and baku, vladimir putin noted, will continue to increase cooperation in all areas and will continue to coordinate efforts in regional affairs. this meets the interests of our friendly peoples and is in line with strengthening security and stability in the south caucasus and the caspian sea, the message says. nato
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is training to launch strikes on russia, including nuclear ones, the head of the border service, vladimir kulishov, said in an interview with ria novosti that the alliance’s intelligence is conducting itself at our borders. more actively, troop training is being intensified bloc, during exercises scenarios of combat operations against russia are practiced, this requires adequate measures to protect borders. let me add that earlier nato secretary stoltenberg stated that ukraine has the right to attack military targets on the territory of our country. according to him, some of the alliance's allies have already lifted the restriction on strikes, and it is time to lift other bans. the usa saved the world from fascism and liberated it.
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the consequences of a rocket attack by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. the republican authorities report. the troops of the kiev regime again used cluster warheads. on the outskirts of the city after. really used cluster munitions, the head of the republic, leonid pasechnik, announced this in his telegram channel. in response to the enemy attack, the air defense system was activated. two missiles were neutralized, but the collision of the third with the ground started a fire. according to local residents of zarev , it was visible from several points of the city at once as a large amount of smoke, as local telegram channels write, enemy shells exploded on the outskirts of the city, not far away. residential areas, after rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations arrived at the scene to extinguish the flames,
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the enemy carried out a second attack with unmanned aerial vehicles, which were also neutralized by air defense forces. fortunately, there were no casualties. alisa khakimova, nikolay pyrkh, andrey ostashev, conduct lugansk. and now we move on to the international agenda. at least seven palestinians were killed in new tzahal parahu strikes. according to cnn, israeli. the country notified the biden administration that it allegedly used precision-guided munitions to hit the target, but the explosion caused a fuel tank to catch fire and the fire spread to a residential building in a refugee camp, and the shelling occurred immediately after prime minister benjamin netanyahu admitted the previous bombing of rafah was, i quote, a technical error. at least forty-five civilians became victims then ; i will add that the middle east conflict will become the central topic of an emergency meeting today. un. american president joe biden is seeking war with
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russia to boost ratings in the presidential race. this opinion was expressed by a famous journalist, pulitzer prize winner. prize, cymour hirsch. earlier, washington approved the resumption of arms supplies to ukraine worth $61 billion. the white house said that military tranches for kiev will be carried out as quickly as possible. the fact is that biden wants to go to war with russian president vladimir putin. i don't know why, but what i can tell you is that the biden administration noticed that presidents like abraham lincoln and frank roosevelt who win wars become famous, great presidents. so they think that the president who won the war always receives better ratings than the president who did not even take part in the war. spouses. the president of france and the chancellor of germany laughed while visiting the holocaust memorial,
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right next to the stone slabs in memory of the murdered jews. the first attention to this was drawn by the german publication bilt. journalists called such actions an outrageous gesture; it is unknown what caused the fun. the situation was commented on in the russian miz, where the behavior of the first ladies was considered unacceptable. maria zakharova recalled that earlier german chancellor olaf scholz called ogidantsy’s words funny. in donbass. the death toll from the tornado in the united states has increased to 23 people, including four children. this was reported by cnn. more than 110 million people are at risk of significantly worsening weather conditions. authorities in five american states are recommending residents not to leave their homes. forecasters warn that due to strong winds and heavy rain with hail, the threat of tornadoes remains over a large area. usa and the european union did not allow russia and ukraine to conclude a peace treaty 2 years ago,
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venezuelan president nicolas maduro made this statement. according to him, the conflict was allowed to continue in order to justify the profits of arms manufacturers. nato countries , meanwhile, discussed in brussels the possibility of using the bloc’s weapons to shell russian territories. alika komarova has all the details. europe is waiting for permission from the united states to more actively participate in the ukrainian conflict. this was reported by bilt , citing sources. according to their information, the european union insists on sending nato instructors to kiev. however, france has already disowned these statements. education on ukrainian territory is one of the issues discussed since the conference on supporting ukraine. this issue continues to be the subject of work with ukrainians, in particular to understand their precise needs. emmanuel macron spoke out against his own national information policy. during his speech in dresden, the french politician. reiterated the russian threat in europe and called for more actively pump up ukraine with weapons. today
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russia also threatens our security. perhaps she will be here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. we europeans are not waging war against russia or the russian people. we want peace, lasting peace, which ukrainians will choose. peace is not capitulation in ukraine. the calls were joined in eastern europe. despite the words of olaf scholz that kiev will not join nato in the next 30 years, the baltic leader... for us, the ukrainian issue is a matter of our own security. "we don't want to see a repeat the darkest periods of history, so i am sure that ukraine should be given the right to use western weapons to attack russian territory. while the west is discussing this issue, moscow is on the offensive. the lifting of restrictions on the use of nato weapons to strike russia was discussed in brussels. the most hawkish position was taken by the head
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of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs, he condemned hungary for trying to interfere with the european union and actually admitted that strikes on russian territories are the last chance for kiev to justify the trust of sponsors, the biggest problems that we are solving here are this is overcoming our fears, it seems that we are afraid, and what russia will think, and how they will react, the countries of the baltic region, poland, i think almost all of us know, we have really done a lot for kiev, now is the time when we obliged to let kiev win this fight, we must allow ukraine to use the weapons we supply, the diplomat also... called on the european union to find a way to bypass the hungarian veto, which the country uses almost every time when agreeing on aid packages for ukraine and faced harsh criticism of his position. i think that the lithuanian representative of the ministry of foreign affairs is one of the most pro-war politicians among the european heads of foreign affairs. today in brussels i had a tough discussion with him, and no matter how anyone shouts at me,
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no matter how aggressively he behaves, i remain a supporter of peace. the excitement around the shelling of the territory. caused by the effectiveness of its offensive, the western press admits. military experts from the times, under the pathetic headline, exhausted but not broken, cite harsh statistics. most of the ukrainian armed forces brigades the eastern regions of ukraine are 90% newly mobilized, who completed a week-long young fighter course and were then sent to the front line. the publication directly calls them victims, but does not mention that the death of these conscripts is also caused by western countries themselves. komarova, vesti. and now to the far east, where they decided to involve robots in aircraft construction. to implement a bold project, a group of young scientists received a grant after winning a competition under the national science project. how machines can help people create airplanes, inna learned monina. millions of mass-produced cars are produced annually around the world, and their production
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has been put into production. on the assembly line, the entire process is divided into simple operations, which are... robots, but in the aircraft industry this approach is ineffective. there are many fewer aircraft being produced, which means that robots will not be busy around the clock. automation is widely used only at the preparatory stages, when individual parts and components are produced. the final assembly, and these are the most difficult operations, is mainly done by hand. to youth laboratories, which are being created on the basis of komsomolsk state university and intend to research. new approaches to automation of small-scale high-tech production, where industrial robots can be used. we plan to take ready-made robots, but everything related to technological equipment, tools that are installed on this robot, control systems, connections with external equipment, with some quality assessment systems, parameters, and everything else, all this
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is already done by us independently, but before this will require a detailed immersion in the technological process. there are no problems with this, there are two aviation factories in the city that produce modern combat vehicles and passenger airliners, scientists already understand in which areas production can be partially automated. we plan to focus on the automation of welding production, on the automation of the process of applying specific coatings, we intend to automate the marking of parts, which. it is produced, well, at our aircraft factories. work in the laboratory along with young researchers and postgraduate students will also be accomplished scientists. the grant is designed for 3 years, but after two years, as an experiment, he plans to test the solution in production. inna monina, alexander gorilov, lead khabarovsk.
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now footage from the government house. dear sergey alekseevich, you head the service; one of the key tasks is control over the country’s veterinary safety. and of course, compliance with all phytosanitary requirements depends on the effectiveness of the work of rosselkhoznadzor. complex of the country. the president in his message to the federal assembly said that in 7 years, the volume of agricultural production should increase by 25%, and compared to
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the twenty-first year, exports should increase by one and a half times, this is a serious challenge, by the way, it is being implemented tasks, we see this in the first key performance indicators of the industry today, and of course the rosselkhoznadzor has a special role here, and above all in preventing the spread of diseases that threaten...
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at one time 10 years ago, here we have provided analytical modules, including for regions, that is, we have created modules that today allow us to assess a lot of issues related to the relationship between production and consumption in the region, allow us to rate suppliers of controlled products, by falsification, by safety, identifying unnecessary intermediaries, identifying... alternative manufacturers, alternative suppliers, that is, all this works today, we can show all this today for each region, this is what artificial intelligence directly does.
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of our work, then the first five modules, when we launched, we increased exactly 13 times over a comparable period of time the effectiveness of taking administrative preventive measures, so this is what artificial intelligence today, it immediately selects... and makes it possible further work for the employees who analyze, this is when the volume of production of raw materials does not correspond to the volume of products, the type of raw materials does not correspond to the type of products, lack of raw materials, changes in expiration dates and movement between points, abnormal route, vehicles, today this analysis allows us to significantly reduce the time it takes to correctly respond to the violations that exist, and based on this... those areas of development and those new transport corridors, which are to china, to iran , to turkey, we have foreseen all this, we have a
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much greater development opportunity than we had in these transport corridors today , supplies have increased significantly, and in general, let’s say, supplies of vegetables have increased from almost all countries, including including the countries of our eurasian community, from armenia, for example, almost double the supply. increased - vegetables and fruits, increased supplies significantly from other countries, including turkey, including iran, so we foresaw all this in advance and - carried out measures in the adjacent territories in these countries in advance, because if you just control everything at the border, then it will never be possible to enter normally into the country, so we transferred control to the other side, and here we transferred control to temporary storage warehouses, so that at the border there was no... possibility of transport downtime, these are all our actions, they justified themselves, i can say that the fact that
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agriculture is developing effectively today is our definite role, because the greater the production, the greater the opportunities today the emergence of particularly dangerous diseases, the emergence of any problems related to the fact that
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this was footage of the meeting of prime minister mikhail mishustin with the head of rosselkhoznadzor sergei dankvert. imported wine may become more expensive due to increased duties on supplies from unfriendly countries, while they will try to maintain prices for domestic products. this was discussed at the congress during russian retail week. manufacturers , together with sellers and relevant departments
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, are now working on the issue. yulia makarova will tell you how to increase the attractiveness of russian drinks, what has already been done in this direction. wine imports are growing in russia; deliveries from georgia almost doubled in the first 4 months, to 37 tons, this is data from the georgian national statistics service. the european union also increased volumes to the maximum since 2020. the measures taken on customs and tariff regulation, namely increased rates, had an impact on italian products, they decreased, and french and spanish ones. felt this influence to a lesser extent, and we noted that there is even an increase in the import of relevant products, the reason is probably still demand, this is probably the main factor that i would like to note, this is especially interesting, given that moscow is introducing protectionist measures on the market, increased excise taxes on foreign wine, a new increase in duties is being discussed. over the course of a year and a half, imports have risen in price by one and a half to two times, due to tax policy, changes in exchange rates, and the complication of logistics. credit policy, you
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