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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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is associated with restrictions from the european union countries, because so far, and probably not soon, we will be able to refuse components and auxiliary materials. in russia , the ratio between imported domestic wine is now being redistributed, foreign ones cheaper than 600-700 rubles are being sold. its place is taken by the russian ones. analysts do not expect a sharp increase in prices in either the first or second segment. the fair trade market has great inertia because there are inventories .
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on the restaurant menu, what will this share be, bye the question is debatable. yulia makarova, alexander makridin and sergey kuznetsov, lead. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the american currency is trading around the level of 91.5 rubles. further, the euro today costs about 96 rubles. and yuan is a little more than 12 rubles. the moscow exchange index is 3.35 points and the rts is 1172 points. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit; all the inhabitants of the village were burned for connection with the partisans.
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a very well thought out attack in information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. i present to you a new soldier rebinin nikolai sergeevich, do you like books? yes, i write books, the classics have arrived, accept them, thank you.
10:33 am
if they could help, i’m not helping, come on guys, let’s get to the place, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, you hear, i’ll come back, we’re used to watching video on the network, stopped working , install, open, russian channels , all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, in the capital 10:33, the broadcast of the morning news ends here:
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as a result of new strikes on rafak, according to cnn , the israeli side told washington that it allegedly used precision-guided ammunition, but in the end there were no civilian casualties to escape. earlier, during the shelling of the city, 45 people became victims. civilians. today, the middle east conflict will be the central topic of an emergency meeting of the un security council. the us should not interfere in maritime disputes between china and neighboring countries. this was announced by
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the chinese ministry of foreign affairs following consultations between beijing and washington. the department expressed serious concern about us provocations in the region and called on the states to respect the territorial sovereignty of the sea. rights and interests of china, people. beijing also said that the united states must stop pandering to the forces acting for independence in taiwan. graduates today are writing the unified state exam in the russian language, this is the most widespread exam, more than 62.00 pass it . for the certificate, you need to score at least 24 points, with honors at least 70. the results will be announced no later than mid-june. now let's move on to advertising, huh. immediately after the program, the fifth studio, with this i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you and good news,
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hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri. bogdanov, we have connections with the russian ambassador to belgium, alexander takovinin, alexander avrilyevich, hello, good afternoon, today there are a lot of issues that i would like to discuss with you, they relate both directly to belgium and issues with... ah, what zelensky is in brussels today to sign a bilateral
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agreement with belgium, according to the type of documents which have already been signed by france, germany, and a number of other european states, on the provision of long -term defense assistance to ukraine, the terms are usually indicated there for 10 years, but i don’t know how it will be written in this document, according to statements - again by belgian officials persons, we are talking about the fact that it will contain obligations to provide belgium with obsolete f-16 fighters, according to ukraine’s submission, a figure of up to 30 units that are obsolete in belgium was mentioned, and that the first of these aircraft should arrive in ukraine supposedly before the end of this year. is there any understanding of how many aircraft can be delivered by the end of this year, who will provide
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technical support, and most importantly , pilot these aircraft, belgian officials say? well, they have already, they have joined, the belgians have joined the so-called aircraft coalition, which also includes the netherlands, denmark, norway, about the supply of such used aircraft in ukraine, they are also involved in training pilots from ukraine and... service issues, by the end of the year, apparently, some units are meant to be transferred, but the current government is in a hurry, because on june 9 there will be national elections, according to which the next cabinet of ministers should be formed , they are in a hurry to make as many anti-russian decisions as possible, while their government has full powers. it is reported that the belgian authorities are not considering the possibility of sending their military to
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ukraine, this was stated by the belgian minister defense, do you think these statements can be trusted? yes, indeed, this position has been repeatedly confirmed by belgian officials, at this stage it remains so, but at the same time, in general , belgium’s approaches to the conflict in ukraine are aggressive. continues to increase, if the aircraft are delivered, do you think it will be necessary to send some technical personnel, instructors, or anyone else? well, it’s difficult for me to talk about the details here, this will apparently be decided on the spot, but in any case, this is an obvious step aside further escalation of attitude towards the ukrainian crisis. alexander avrilyevich, that i would like to discuss with you the statement of the nato secretary general and , in general, the related agenda all related to the north atlantic alliance. here. in particular, jens stoltenberg’s statement that it is necessary to lift the ban on strikes on
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russian territory with western weapons, what do you think? at the same time, yes, it should be noted that many european union countries, including those that are members of the north atlantic alliance, have already opposed at the level of foreign ministers, at the level of leaders these states. do you think this is a real split, or is this again an overton window, yes, that is , information is being thrown in, then... here, i don’t know exactly for what reasons, mr. stoltenberg, at the final stage
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of his tenure as nato secretary general, aleksandrelevich , we hear you with some pauses, i don’t really understand if this is a problem with the sound or if we have some kind of technical glitch. i don't know, here we go, yes, that means, but in any case, yes, in any case, it's hard to say why stoltenberg, at the end of his tenure in this position, which ended ... in the coming fall, decided to try to play along with the most aggressive, rabid forces in the north atlantic alliance, which continue to push towards the escalation of tensions in ukraine, reminiscent of people who are blindfolded
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and moving towards abyss, because the danger of such a course is obvious. already in this direction, british representatives declared their readiness to allow the kiev regime to use their long-range weapons for attacks on targets on russian territory, and such eastern european states as poland and latvia have also spoken out in this direction, that is, they are trying to accumulate such a critical mass that they can perhaps
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reverse the position of the alliance, but again for today. there is no consensus, because at the same time there are many politicians who retain the remnants of common sense and understand the enormous danger of such steps, the alliance has already repeatedly crossed the red line they themselves have drawn regarding the conflict in ukraine, and in fact the countries of the bloc are increasingly being drawn into a position where they become parties. conflict in ukraine, while nato does not want to create a no-fly space over western ukraine, in addition, the same stoltenberg declares that there are no plans to send military personnel, do you think this is common sense or some kind of political tricks again? well, i think this is a clear understanding that there must be restrictions, stoltenberg continues to repeat that the alliance
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should not enter into, as he puts it, a full-scale... war with russia, this is still an understanding of how enormous, how great the danger of further movement in this direction is, and i correctly understand that the protocols of the alliance allow the participating countries to send their contingents, including under bilateral agreements , this is what we hear macron talking about regularly, and some other countries, here i have a question, if this happens, let’s say these too...
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this is also a kind of insurance against a possible change in the administration in washington after november elections, well, also an attempt.
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equipment that is sent to ukraine, in any case, remains the competence of national governments, the alliance cannot command its members what and how
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to supply them, we are talking about coordinating these supplies and transferring this directly under the nato umbrella, this justified stoltenberg by , that the general, the american general kavali is simultaneously the commander ... of the combined nato armed forces in europe and the commander of american forces in europe, then one way or another , the same person and his staff will continue to do so, but in essence, of course, this means the further involvement of nato as an organization in the conflict in ukraine. stoltenberg says that the eu has not even come close to keeping its promise to supply 1 million shells to ukraine, as you count them.
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is really militarizing, this is noticeable at the level of rhetoric, at the level of individual decisions, can we say that the north atlantic alliance and its members are preparing for a full-scale war? well, they don’t hide it, the last maneuvers, so the so-called staunch defenders, which were carried out over the past few months, were directly aimed at preparing for a military clash with russia, no one hid this.
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near the border with russia, he is practicing launching nuclear strikes on the territory of our country, at least that’s what they quote. well, i think that within the framework of those exercises, which, as i said, have been taking place over the past few months, a variety of options for action could have been worked out, as you know, the bloc constantly states that nato is nuclear alliance, and there is a mechanism for so-called joint nuclear missions, a mechanism for storing and preparing for the use of american nuclear
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bombs, so i cannot exclude that such exercises are actually being carried out, this fits into the long-term policy of the alliance. well, the last question, if i may, we see that some european union countries, in particular poland we are talking about, are introducing restrictions on the movement of russian diplomats. is something similar happening or planned in belgium? not while we haven't heard anything about it.
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100 years ago, our task was to take the stone, in the morning we were attacked, well , i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i see, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, just my mother says, she will be very worried, she says now, she’s in the morning i arrived early and immediately cried, well, i felt like a blanket.
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it was covered, well, it was not visible that there was no leg, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can go on reconnaissance with such people, and you will return from reconnaissance with such.
11:00 am
today russian border guards celebrate their professional holiday, on this day on 198


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