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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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today russian border guards celebrate their professional holiday. on this day, in 1918 , by decree, the council of people's commissars established the pagran guard of the rsfsr. and the holiday itself was approved in... 958, since then it has been celebrated
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annually; today vladimir putin congratulated the russian border guards. largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break through into russian territory by bands of mercenaries, traitors and enemy sabotage groups were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated and met with harsh and a severe rebuff, i’m sure. that from now on you will also act boldly and firmly in solving the tasks of a special military operation, effectively coordinating your work with other units of the fsb, with units of the army and navy, with law enforcement agencies, with the heads of regions and municipalities. of course, rely on the support of people who see you as their reliable defenders. nato is practicing combat operations.
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against russia near the border, including nuclear strikes. this was stated by the head of the border service vladimir kulishov. by according to him, a number of european states, primarily poland and the baltic countries, are developing nato infrastructure near the russian borders. kulyushov noted that the armies of these countries are actively equipped with military equipment and weapons. logistics for the reception and transfer of troops and equipment is also being developed. according to kolišov, the intensity of various exercises is increasing, during which the scenario is being worked out.
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the contours of the russian border so that there is no seizure of territory; such precedents are extremely rare, but known in the history of our country. 24-hour service at the border, both land and sea, means preventing single violators, formation gangs and sabotage groups from entering our territory, combating smuggling, protecting our biological resources, especially fish and seafood, ensuring security together with units of the black sea fleet and the russian guard transport crossing through the kerch strait. objects of maritime economic activity, as well as fishing vessels in the waters of the black and azov seas. as part of the implementation during this task, coast guard ships inspected more than 4,000 ships, over 40 of which were denied passage through the kerch strait. after february 2022 , it became more difficult to serve on the russian-ukrainian section of the state border. in the city of voronezh, we celebrate border guards day as the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the western group of border troops, which in
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1900 laid the foundations of the russian-ukrainian border, now this is currently the most difficult tense section of the border, so we wish our modern border guards to steadfastly and courageously guard the sacred borders of our homeland. border guards are now trained to be more attentive to emergency situations. this concerns individual fire and tactical training, repelling sabotage, camouflage, and counteraction issues. enemy drones, psychological stability in special situations is very important. they select those people who can be entrusted with the first meters of russian land. here, of course, what is important is responsibility, self-sacrifice, one might say, fearlessness, courage, the courage to face enemy, prevent him from passing, delay or destroy him, or fight back. state border. takes place not only
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on land and seas, but in cities, at international airports, checking passports requires the ability to think logically and psychological skills; they can be in the border zone with a special permit... a circle of people, and, of course, there have been cases in some falsification of documents, you visually evaluate the person’s behavior, how he behaves at the time of checking the document, at the time of stopping him, he is naturally relaxed, or there are some signs of nervousness there, the ceremonial events in honor of the border guard's day began on the evening of may 27, because it is at 20:00 that the green caps begin a new day, traditions of laying holy wreaths at the memorials of fallen soldiers, zenada kurbatova, anna pogonina, news. in lugansk, the consequences of rocket attacks by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated; the night before the city was attacked with cluster munitions; later they attacked again, targeting rescuers who worked at the scene of the attacks, with details from alisa khakimova. to fortunately,
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there was no information about casualties; the enemy actually used cluster munitions, the head of the republic, leonid pasichnik, reported this in his telegram channel. in response to the enemy. the attack was triggered by the air defense system. a fire started. according to local residents, zareva could be seen from several points of the city at once, which was a large amount of smoke. according to local telegram channels, enemy shells exploded on the outskirts of the city, not far from residential areas. after rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations arrived on the scene to extinguish the flames, the enemy launched a second attack using unmanned aerial vehicles. they succeeded too. neutralized by air defense forces. fortunately, there were no casualties. alisa khakimova, nikolay pyrkh, andrey ostashev, conduct lugansk. the united states and the european union did not allow russia and ukraine to conclude a peace treaty 2 years ago. this statement was made by venezuelan president nicolas maduro. according to him, the conflict was allowed
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to continue in order to justify the profits of arms manufacturers. nato countries , meanwhile, discussed in brussels the possibility of using the bloc’s weapons for shelling russian territories. alek komarov will tell you who spoke out against it. europe is waiting for permission from the united states to become more actively involved in the ukrainian conflict. this was reported by bilt, citing sources. according to their information, the european union insists on sending nato instructors to kiev. however, france has already disowned these statements. education on ukrainian territory is one of the issues discussed since the conference on supporting ukraine. this issue continues to be the subject of work with ukrainians, in in particular to understand their exact. emmanuel macron spoke out against his own national information policy. during his speech in dresden, the french politician reiterated the russian threat in europe and called for more active pumping of weapons into ukraine. today russia also threatens our security. perhaps she will be here tomorrow
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or the day after tomorrow. we europeans are not waging war against russia or the russian people. we want peace, lasting peace, which ukrainians will choose. peace is not capitulation in ukraine. joined in eastern europe, despite the words of olaf scholz that kiev will not join nato in the next 30 years, the baltic leaders have already become accustomed to the idea of ​​a common future with the ukrainians, and are actively promoting it to the masses on american television channels. for us, the ukrainian issue is a matter of our own security, we do not want to see a repetition of the darkest periods of history, so i am sure that ukraine should be given the right to use western weapons for...
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we are afraid of what russia will think, and how they will will react, the countries of the baltic region, poland, i think almost all of us know, we have really done a lot for kiev, now the time has come when we must allow kiev to win this fight, we must allow ukraine to use the weapons that we supply. the diplomat also called on the european union to find a way to bypass hungary's veto, which the country uses almost every time when agreeing on aid packages for ukraine and has faced harsh criticism. their positions, i think that the lithuanian representative of the ministry of foreign affairs is one of the most pro-war politicians among european heads of foreign affairs. today in brussels i had a tough discussion with him, and no matter how anyone shouts at me, no matter how aggressively he behaves, i remain a supporter of peace. the excitement around
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the shelling of russian territory is caused by the effectiveness of its offensive, the western press admits. the military experts of the times edition, under the pathetic headline, are exhausted, but not broken, lead. harsh statistics: the majority of ukrainian armed forces brigades in the eastern regions of ukraine are 90% newly mobilized, who have completed a week-long course young fighter, and then were sent to the front line. the publication directly calls them victims, but does not mention that the death of these conscripts is also carried out by western countries themselves. alika komarova, vesti. vladimir putin congratulated his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev on the republic’s independence day. the telegram of the russian leader, published on the kremlin website, states that azerbaijan has achieved generally recognized success in socio-economic development, has gained authority on the world stage, and is actively participating in addressing important issues on the international agenda. vladimir putin noted that they will continue to increase cooperation in all areas and will continue to coordinate efforts in
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regional affairs. this meets the interests of our friendly peoples and goes in line with strengthening insecurity and stability in the south caucasus and the caspian sea, the telegram says. russia is capable of achieving significant growth in the agro-industrial complex. mikhail mishustin expressed confidence in this at a meeting with the head of rosselkhoznadzor sergei dankvert. federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision, primarily in preventing the spread of diseases that threaten both animals and plants. now the service is establishing work in new regions. it is very important that producers have access to both the resources and relevant services provided by rosselkhoznadzor in all constituent entities of the russian federation. knowing that the service works there, how are things going there? we immediately began our work in all the territories that became our subjects.
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protests against the actions of the idf are becoming increasingly more radical. the israeli consulate was set on fire in istanbul, rallies against the war in the gas sector are taking place throughout the middle east, in the usa, in europe, brussels no longer excludes the possibility of imposing sanctions on israel. my colleague alexander khabarov will continue the topic. for ireland, spain and norway, palestine officially became an independent state from that day on. the number of countries that have recognized this status has long been more than 2/3 of the composition of the united nations. but instead of a peaceful two-state solution in the region a bloody, extremely dangerous round of conflict.
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the international community, including the european union, has spoken for decades about supporting a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, but we are no closer to achieving the desired end result, and we firmly believe that without changing our approach, we will never we won't achieve it. european foreign ministers gathered in brussels after israel struck. an air strike on a refugee camp in the city of rafah killed more than 45 people, including women, old people and children. the head of the un middle east agency, philippe lazzarini, said some people were burned alive there. the red cross reports a large number of casualties, calling the situation in rafah unacceptable. the outrage of humanitarian organizations was shared by french president macron. outraged by the israeli strikes that killed many people in rafah. these operations must be stopped. there are no safe areas for palestinian civilians in rafah. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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called the air raid on rafah tragic it was a mistake to promise an investigation, although the idf leadership had previously stated that the strike was carried out against legitimate targets. the british press is already calling this latest tragedy a possible turning point, hinting that netanyahu is now truly losing friends in the west, although to what extent this is true is unknown. israel must cease its military operations in rafah, and we also strongly condemn hamas' rocket attacks on israel. the incredible happened.
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palestinian prime minister, who brought a ceasefire in gaza, was received there thanked the europeans for their understanding and support. these efforts, these statements, these meetings, are key elements towards making palestine an independent, sovereign, viable state. but the bloodshed in the gas continues. more than 36 thousand civilians have already died. the angry statements of individual european figures are unlikely to achieve any effect unless the position of leading supporters of israel, who continue to provide it with military and financial support, no matter what, changes. so europe takes its usual a wait-and-see attitude, without getting ahead of the decisions that will be made in the united states.
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alexander khabarov, ilya mordyukov, news, london. i didn’t sign up for this, but i signed up for the gazprom bonus, every day with me, discount bonuses at hand, a gazprom bonus subscription with benefits for life, a sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, if only a house in the countryside, an apartment in the center would be better. or maybe everything everywhere and at once? find a property , submit just one application for a mortgage in the tomclick service under silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer inside is beautiful the perfect ice cream, airy, natural, happy miw in the heat of july carries a silver
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the border regions of russia , an additional day of may 29 has also been set for the exam. the unified state examination in russian, as noted by the federal education supervision service, is the most widespread exam. its duration is 210 minutes, and the examination paper consists of two parts and contains 27 tasks. the results will be known no later. june. in the far east , they decided to involve robots in aircraft manufacturing. a group of young scientists received a grant to implement the project after winning a competition under the national science project. inna monina learned how machines can help people create airplanes. millions of mass-produced cars are produced annually around the world, their production is based on flow. on an assembly line, the entire process is divided into simple operations that are performed by robots, but in the aircraft industry this approach is not effective. there are significantly fewer aircraft being produced, which means that robots will not be busy around the clock. automation is widely used only at the preparatory stages, when individual parts and
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components are produced. the final assembly, and these are the most difficult operations, is mainly done by hand. in the youth laboratory, which is being created on the basis of the komsomolsk state university, they intend to explore new approaches to automation of low-volume high-tech ones. as far as technological equipment is concerned, we plan to take ready-made robots, but the tools that are installed on this robot, the control systems, connections with external equipment, with some kind of evaluation systems, the quality of parameters, and everything else, all this is already done by us independently, but before that you will have to immerse yourself in detail in the technological process of building aircraft in practice, there are no problems with this, there is... an aircraft factory in the city, which produce modern combat vehicles and passenger airliners. scientists already understand in which areas production can be partially automated. we plan
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to focus on the automation of welding production, on the automation of the process of applying specific coatings, we intend to automate the marking of parts that are produced, well, at our aircraft factories. along with established scientists , young researchers and graduate students will also work in the laboratory. the grant is designed for 3 years, but after two years... experiment, they plan to test the solution in production. inna monina, alexander gorilov, lead khabarovsk. an exhibition dedicated to the biography of marc chagall was presented in moscow, at the jewish museum and tolerance center. it is based on his book "my life". through the works of the artist, his contemporaries, household items and artists. in the installation, you can walk along with marc chagall on his journey from his parents’ home in vitebsk to his parisian workshop. report by sofia sergieva.
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jewish museum tolerance center decided to tell about the famous avant-garde artist marc chagall through the prism of animated stories once written by him. this is a mirror with which you can see heavenly vitebsk. if you point a mirror at the model, you will get the feeling that you are floating above the city. his native vitebsk occupied a special place in the heart of the artist’s work. in forty -four, while in america, he admitted that he lived and breathed only with thoughts about him all these years. walked, wrote. for me, as an artist, cows and women are of equal importance; in a painting they are just elements of the composition. in in this shadow theater, little visitors to the exhibition can play with cows, chickens, goats, animals, surrounded by which the artist spent his childhood, and the frequent heroes of his paintings. the boy’s passion for drawing was not immediately accepted by his family, much more so. he wrote, they valued good meat to feed the family, chagall’s father opened a grocery store in the house, where he sold herring from barrels and oats. these fish are taken from
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chagall's paintings. he said about his father that all his clothes were covered with scales. we decided to make such a fish story here large, and it is interactive, you can put this fish in a barrel. compete with your companion, stroke a fish that is completely made of scales, and look up at a school of huge fish, as if flying out of the shop where chagall’s father worked. images of vitebsk and its surroundings did not leave the artist’s thoughts and canvases even abroad, sometimes he mixed them, as here in the lithograph on sundays, a couple in love flies over paris, the tower of the parisian cathedral. behind the mother, and behind the silhouettes of houses familiar from childhood and churches. and he remembers that he was terribly sad, that it was very difficult for him there, in fact, if not for the museum, then paris
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would not have become anything for him... it became for him, in fact, the city itself, the viewer can get into it, right through it, passing through the closet, and find yourself immediately on the streets of paris. the city of mus was greeted coldly, there was not enough money even for canvases, he painted on tablecloths and sheets, but paris became a second home for the artist, where he discovered modernism with surprise and admiration. circus theater walked he was a very sincere artist, the theme of ballerinas, the theme of swimming fish.
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the decision to open the international airport was made at the end of april. issuance of mortgages for individual housing construction for january-march. increased threefold compared to the same period last year, this is data from the house of the russian federation. under what programs you can get a preferential loan for a private home and what other measures to support izh are available, stanislav bernwald will tell you in the program instructions. if you are planning to buy or build your own house, you can do this with government support thanks to the national housing and urban environment. its goal is to improve the living conditions of citizens. the government's my private home initiative also helps with this.
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what kind of support is possible? we'll tell you about it in 5 minutes in the program. instructions. one of the main support measures was the extension of preferential mortgage programs for the purchase and construction of private houses. several such programs are being implemented under the national project housing and urban environment. let's start with a preferential mortgage, which is valid until july of this year. it is available to all citizens. deliveries up to 8% per annum can be obtained up to 6 million rubles. down payment from 30%. you can spend the money on the purchase of an individual residential building from a developer under an equity participation agreement, you can use it to build a house under a contract or independently, and you can also use loan funds to purchase a plot of land for construction. another preferential program is a family mortgage, parents can participate in it, who exactly is written in detail on the portal ask.don.rf, the loan is given
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at a rate of up to 6% per annum and before going to far eastern federal district, if the child was born on january 1, 2019, the amount is up to 12 million rubles. in moscow and the region, and st. petersburg and the leningrad region, in other regions up to 6 million rubles. the bar can rise to 9 million if you buy housing with a total area of ​​60 km. down payment on a family mortgage from 20%. with the help of a family mortgage. you can buy a house under construction, the house must be built by a developer, and the developer can be either a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, you can buy a house that has already been built, ah, in this case, the seller must be a developer; with the help of a family mortgage, you can independently build the house of your dreams, but at the same time all work must be carried out according to...
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a loan on preferential terms can be obtained under the far eastern and arctic mortgage program, the categories of citizens to whom it is available, several lists can be viewed on the portal sprosi.dom.rrf. loan terms: rate no more than 2%, down payment from 20%, maximum amount - 6 million rubles. but if you are buying a house with a total area of ​​60 km can you get up to 9 million and the same amount is given for the construction of a private house? including with your own hands. in order for the bank to approve a soft loan, you need a suitable project. in order not to waste time searching for approval, you can choose from standard ones on the portal stroim.dom.rf , which contains 1,200 house designs with an average area of ​​143 and more than 900 verified contractors from different regions of the country. any project can be downloaded for free along with all the necessary documentation. those projects
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that have been published.


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