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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 11:30am-11:56am MSK

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a loan on preferential terms can be obtained under the far eastern and arctic mortgage program, the categories of citizens to whom it is available, several lists can be found on the portal ask.dom.rrf. loan terms: rate no more than 2%, down payment from 20%, maximum amount - 6 million rubles. but if you buy a house with a total area of ​​60 km , you can get up to 9 million and the same amount is given for the construction of a private house, including your own. hands, in order for the bank to approve a soft loan, you need a suitable project so as not to to waste time searching for approval, you can choose from standard ones on the portal stroim.dom.rrf there are 1,200 house designs with an average area of ​​143 m2 and more than 900 verified contractors from different regions of the country. any project can be downloaded for free along with all the necessary documentation. those projects that... on the portal, they are pre-approved
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by the bank as collateral; accordingly, a person only needs to confirm his solvency, after which he will be issued a mortgage loan for exactly the project that he chose on our portal. we receive applications from contractors who are ready to build these projects, they are sent to us through our portal stroim.dom.rf, where our moderators, within literally one or two working days, conduct a series of checks that confirm reliability. new personnel will help the development of individual housing construction; within the framework of the national project housing and urban environment , the project f training program is running, it provides skills at the intersections of banking and housing construction. the ef project is a paid program for young professionals and students graduates, which allows them to work locally. with mentors, perform
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business tasks, and also receive training from experts. this program prepares specialists and experts in the construction industry, this is credit analytics, this is construction expertise, this is construction control, client managers and also specialists in the profile of it business analyst. let's repeat the most important thing: buy or build your own house using... the national project housing and urban environment and the strategic initiative "my private home" you can get a loan for individual housing construction receive at a reduced rate under the programs: preferential mortgage, family mortgage, far eastern and arctic mortgage, and choose a standard house design on the portal stroim.dom.rf, if you decide to become a specialist in the field of design and financing of izh, you can use the training program, project f . if you have any questions, if you want to know more about government support measures, subscribe to... our
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telegram channel, ask, and we will definitely talk to relevant experts and specialists and tell you about everything in one of the next issues of the program. instructions.
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in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed, making deepfake easy. the euro is also at a four-month low and is trading at 97. analysts attribute the strengthening of the ruble to an increased supply of foreign currency from exporters. in addition, the approaching tax season and the weakening of the dollar around the world are having an impact. the ruble also gains an advantage due to the central bank’s strict policy
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of restrictions on the withdrawal of capital. the passenger car market in russia has picked up pace after the may holidays. according to the merchant, in about 29 thousand cars are sold per week. and by the end of the month, sales can reach 120,000. analysts call this volume the normal pre-crisis level. earlier it became known that parallel imports of passenger cars began to decline in russia. their market share fell from 16% in february to 11% in april. hundreds of western companies have abandoned plans to leave russia and continue to work, the financial times writes about this. according to her, the reasons were increased consumer activity and bureaucratic obstacles. leaving it is simply unprofitable for russia. it involves the sale of enterprises urgently at a discount. the markdown can reach 90%. the publication notes that there are still more than 2.0 transnational corporations in our country. and europe is faced with a cod shortage.
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the reason is the reduction in catches and restrictions on trade with russia. this was reported by the all-russian association of fisheries, writes rbc. at the end of the year, the eu purchased almost 200 frozen fish, most of which were supplied by russia. this year , a decrease in shipments is expected due to a reduction in the quota for production in the barints sea. it was economic news. short. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a limited children's savings card. design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 guys, full control of my expenses, payment sticker, apply now for a children's sbercard - an adult
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someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, megamarket sellers change the world. megamarket - just grow with us! and i’m something good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m the new vtb loyalty program, vtb, you choose. you owe the bank, i have already ordered
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a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valders on yandex market, in 2033 a year-round seaside resort, white dune, will be built in the kaliningrad region, the volume of private ones. investments in the project according to preliminary data will amount to 400 billion rubles. modern hotels and recreation areas will be built. what will this give to the region? and country? my colleague anna lazareva talked about this with anton alikhanov, who until recently was the governor of the kaliningrad region. it should appear in the kaliningrad region. a very large tourist site, resort, white dune, what can we
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say at the moment? in terms of timing, in terms of its size, tell me everything you know, well, this wonderful place, in fact, is located on the first line of the sea, almost 500 hectares, territory, next to yantarny, excellent wide beaches, that is, the width of our beaches reaches 300 m, this is such white sand, well , whoever has been to... in amber knows, these are, well, that means the russian maldives, in terms of sand, very, very good, interesting beaches, well, a large area, we i would like to create some interesting supporting objects, for example, there is a heated all-season outdoor pool there, about 300-500 meters long, so that it would be such an attractive place not only for tourists, but also for local residents who can come there and you know so in... what else is expected
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to build within the framework of this resort , in addition to the pool that you mentioned, well, this is a general entertainment infrastructure, that is , in addition to the accommodation itself, of course, these are hotels, sanatoriums, we have them there, by the way, and nearby they mine amber and blue clay, we got everything certificates, can be used in spa treatments, including those we are planning. part of its use includes, of course, these include water parks and children's amusement parks, that is, everything that should accompany such a quality vacation, including family vacations, and so do we we are counting on the fact that we have good winds and good interesting places for various sailing sports, this includes windsurfing and kiting, in fact, yachting of various different levels, this is probably what it is. what kind of introductory specialization appeals to us, we have various interesting
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ideas that we are just discussing, this includes real dutifree, we are now also relying on some foreign experience, in particular chinese, and would like to propose introducing a real dutifree, when every russian citizen has a passport a certain amount of money could be purchased annually for various goods in this department without what would be the benefit for the regional budget? well, our estimates actually varied quite significantly, but at
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the first stage, now we, together with colleagues from the tourism corporation pf, estimate that at the moment the complete infrastructure that we said is ready, it will be 1,100 thousand people, and we will definitely be able to accommodate more than a million , this is actually quite a serious challenge for us, because there are limitations. question about the airport regarding the new taxiway a track that will essentially double our runway capabilities, they were given these instructions, we are now also working on this with our colleagues from the government, you have already partially talked about the infrastructure, what else besides the airport, well, there is , of course, most of it, which is connected with the usual housing and communal services infrastructure, so
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to speak, that is, water, sewerage, gas, electricity, all this is included in those, of course, these are approximate figures, these are figures in prices of current years, and approximately this is 37 dashes 40 billion rubles. and the road there is good now, now it’s also good, we have repaired it to those existing roads as part of safe , high-quality roads, as part of a national project, and another one is being built, that is, it’s just a highway, a highway, and there in general it will be possible very quickly, when is the deadline? we already have a contractor working, this is a federal project, this is a supervisory project, but according to all plans they can finish even faster, they say that they are ready to complete it at the beginning in the twenty-seventh year, so i think that in the twenty-seventh year, in fact, we will be able to you take a ride and look at this road, let’s actually talk about the total amount
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of investment, how much this resort as a whole will cost and how much it will cost.
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writing off 2/3 of the debts of regional budgets is a mechanism and the third part is the same thing before the federal budget, look at this interesting question, maybe you have done calculations of how much you earn from one tourist, yes we roughly understand, well, let’s do this, we know how much time they spend here, how long they spend money here, how much is their salary, who is it?
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at the forum, an agreement was signed between the city authorities, the russian tourism corporation and the yacht club of st. petersburg. an anchor investor has now been identified. the gazprombank group of companies entered the project, in this sense, gazprom banks, or some management company that will be formed, will probably become the main investor in this
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project. it is very important. and this allows, this is great luck. because such a systemic investor as an industry accounts for almost 4% of the region’s economy. in addition to the accommodation itself, of course, these are hotels, sanatoriums, we have by the way, amber is mined there nearby and blue clay has received all the certificates and can be used in spa treatments, including the plan to include a sanatorium part with its use, of course, these include water parks and children's amusement parks, that is. everything that should accompany such a high-quality holiday, including family vacations, and we also count on the fact that we have good winds and good interesting places for - sailing various sports, this is windsurfing, and kiting, in fact, yachting. white dune will be able to accommodate 1,100,000 person per year. such assessments are given by the operator
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of the five sea lake baikal project, the state corporation tourism of the russian federation. it already has fairly good transport accessibility, but a high-speed highway will also appear. and another one is being built, that is, it’s just a highway, a highway, and there in general, when does it end, when does the deadline expire? we already have a contractor working, this is a federal project, this is the supervision of rosavtodor, but according to all plans they can finish even faster, they say that in 1927 they are ready to complete it at the beginning, so i think that in 1927, we will actually be able to take a ride with you and look at this road. there will be several clusters on the territory of the white dune resort, this is a sanatorium-resort with 11.00 rooms, a public and business cluster, and a shopping cinema cluster. here you can do water sports, go to a water park, and you might even have your own kids. in general, there are a lot of ideas. but
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perhaps the important thing about the resort is that we see this story in such a way as to create a water body and water spaces here. and one of the central ideas we want here is to implement - this is a large pool, maybe about 500 m, in which it is pleasant to be and... admire the views of the baltic, we do not hide that the baltic is not the warmest body of water, the sea, so you want to spend more time in the water, and you can do this, probably, you can receive the service in some kind of swimming pool. well, investors who will come to the white dune project will be supported by benefits; a significant reduction in taxes on profits, property, land and insurance premiums is provided. the launch of the resort is scheduled for 2029. samoka coffee cafe with a 30% discount and patrol shoes with discounts up to
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when you're an adult it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us, and it does not need a reason. joy can be found in every moment , see where you don’t expect, the holy source fills life with joyful moments, a source of joy for you, feel free to look your expenses in the eye, with yota your money will not fly away, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can yota. border guards day, vladimir putin congratulated russian border guards on their professional holiday, how is it celebrated? it takes place in moscow.
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seminar-meetings to prepare for the meeting of the presidential council on strategic development of national projects, who is participating and what issues are being discussed. the most popular exam. russian graduates today write the unified state examination in the russian language. when will the results be announced? there are forest fires in transbaikalia and the amur region, and frosts in the south of western siberia. how the weather situation will develop further.


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