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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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is it possible, iota, day for border guards, vladimir putin congratulated russian border guards on their professional holiday, how is it celebrated? a seminar-meeting is taking place to prepare for a meeting of the presidential council on strategic development of national projects, who is participating and what issues are being discussed. the most popular exam: russian graduates are writing the unified state exam in russian today, when will the results be announced? there are forest fires in transbaikalia and the amur region, and frosts in the south of western siberia. how the weather situation will develop further.
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today russian border guards celebrate their professional holiday. on this day in 1918 , by decree of the council of people's commissars , the border guard of the rsfsr was established. and the holiday itself was approved in 1958, since then it has been celebrated annually. today vladimir putin congratulated russian border guards. largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break into russian territory were thwarted.
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authorities, with the heads of regions and municipalities, of course, an operation to support people who see you as their reliable defenders. nato is practicing combat actions against russia near the border, including nuclear strikes. this was stated by the head of the border service vladimir kulishov. according to him, a number of european states, primarily poland and the baltic countries, are developing nato infrastructure near the russian borders. kulishov noted. that the armies of these countries are actively equipped with military equipment and weapons, logistics for the reception and transfer of troops and equipment are also being developed, according to kulishov, the intensity of various exercises is increasing, during which scenarios for introducing combat actions against russia, including nuclear strikes. on border guard day in moscow , according to tradition, wreaths and flowers were laid at the monument to the border guards of the fatherland in ustinsky park. representatives took part in the ceremony. border services and
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veteran border guards. vladimir putin congratulated his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev on the republic’s independence day. the russian leader’s telegram, published on the kremlin website, states that azerbaijan has achieved generally recognized success in socio-economic development, has gained authority on the world stage and is actively involved in resolving important issues on the international agenda. moscow and baku, vladimir putin noted, will continue to do so. increases cooperation in all areas and will continue to coordinate efforts in regional affairs. this meets the interests of our friendly peoples and goes in line with strengthening security and stability in the south caucasus , caucasus and caspian sea, the telegram says. the russian military in the zaporozhye region destroyed foreign mercenaries and scored an accurate strike on the enemy’s location our mortar men. the fighters work in the so -called gray zone, an area that is not controlled. neither side, the position of the ukrainian armed forces
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is sometimes less than a kilometer away. our military correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, saw how to protect himself from enemy drones in such conditions and effectively complete the task. you won’t meet civilians on this road; being here is life-threatening. this is the so-called gray zone, a strip that separates the settlements of the zaporozhye region from the territory controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. this is where russian mortar crews operate. line the front is left behind now we, together with the volunteers. bars 10 in an armored pickup truck enters the gray zone, any objects in this territory become a target for ukrainian nationalists, so we try to get to the position of our mortars as soon as possible. well, in general, we don’t often go here by car, we mostly walk, because there have been a lot of captors here lately that are against drones; they, one might say, are trying to king us. drones are hunting for mortars, therefore, despite the fact that the positions are good camouflaged, the area around is additionally fenced. trap nets,
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a fishing net is very effective, let’s say their drone just gets tangled, of course it will have to be neutralized later, that’s it, but the most important thing is that it just gets tangled in the wires with its fans and hangs, it is used by the net worker. additionally, in the arsenal of this crew there are mortars of 120 and 82 mm caliber, both are capable of hitting strongholds and dugouts; often with fire from these guns, fighters disrupt enemy rotations and his attempts to clear the approaches to russian positions, of the si artillery, mortars work closest to the enemy, one of the enemy’s dugouts is located less than a kilometer away, and in good weather, it can even be seen with the naked eye, that in bars 10 the dnepr group of troops serve real...
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combat missions and daily demonstrates its superiority in the gray zone of the zaporozhye region. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, khalit tankiev. news: southern sector, military special operation. around the world , seven palestinians were killed as a result of new tsahal parafahu strikes. according to cnn the israeli side notified the biden administration that it allegedly used precision-guided ammunition to hit the target, but during the explosion the fuel tank caught fire and the fire spread to a residential building in the camp for...
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develop your business. business is a complete blast. every wedding ends the same. the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments, where to invest donated money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we will open a deposit, with interest at sea, with sberbank everyone can it’s profitable to increase your savings, open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. the volume of british government debt is approaching 100%, bloomberg experts said. kristina kuruma will tell you how the authorities intend to solve a large-scale financial problem. christina, hello, what options are being considered? hello vera. analysts see three ways out of the financial
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crisis, but all of them risk being unpopular among the population. great britain faced the most difficult financial crisis in 70 years. this. occurs on the eve of early parliamentary elections, which will be held on july 4. both labor and the conservatives promise to stabilize the national debt situation. finally in april it was estimated at 97.9% of gdp. the last time this was observed was in the early sixties of the last century. and according to prime minister arish sunak, things are not so bad. for several months now, our salaries have been rising, our electricity bills have been going down, they're going down. by mortgages are getting a tax cut, i'm pleased with the progress we've made. the uk is indeed recording economic growth, but the pace is not impressive. the country only emerged from a technical recession earlier this month. real gdp
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grew by 6% in the first quarter of this year. compared to the same period last year, the increase was 2%. inflation reached 2.3, while the target indicator of the bank of england. as for the key rate, the central bank raised it 14 times from december 2021 to august 2023, a jump for this period ranged from one. up to 5.25%. unemployment increased by 166,000 people over six months, exceeding the indicators, the level rose to 4.3%. the cooling in the labor market is indicated by a reduction in the number of vacancies in the first quarter by 3%, to 898,000. the number of people unemployed due to long-term health problems increased by 20,000 people to 2 million 820 thousand, and this is also a record. the director of the british institute
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for fiscal studies said that the new authorities after the elections will have to take unpopular measures to restore economy, among the options for increasing taxes for the population. if we talk, for example, about raising taxes, then first of all this will affect the middle class of the uk population, because it is the income tax that will increase. is already middle class, it will no longer be able to consume in the volume that it has consumed until now. moreover, here we need to take into account the growth of inflation in the country, that is, the increase in food prices, if we again increase income tax for the richest segment of the population of great britain, then there is the possibility that its representatives will simply change their residency. according to the taxpayers alliance. by 2028, but there is
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a second option for stabilizing the economy - increasing the public debt, which is already close to 100% of gdp, the leaders of the libarists are leaning towards it, they first of all plan to resort to new borrowing, that is, the problem of public debt, accordingly, will not exist resolved, rather aggravated, and by borrowing quite... significant, this, well, as was stated, in any case, at least 28 billion pounds sterling per year in during the period until 2030, what will this money be used for? first of all, to solve energy problems and develop green energy, plus to solve a number of social problems, including, for example, a large-scale increase in the staff of the national health care system is planned, well, the third option is to reduce costs. apparatus, the next parliament will have to reduce spending on everything except interest on
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debts from 40.8% to 39% of national income. both sides are expected to present their economic programs within two weeks appetite anywhere. only dad will tame, dad can, dad can, sausages, dad can, from a smile, everyone will become brighter, from a smile there is a radula in the sky, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look. into the camera, receive cashback as with regular payments, pay with your smile using sberpay. the grader
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state traffic inspectors. amansky autonomous okrug today asked drivers to be careful due to snowfalls. at the same time , warnings about increased winds are widespread in the regions of southern siberia. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatiana. greetings. summer has arrived in the european part of russia ahead of schedule, but in siberia winter is not letting up. and just because of the contrast in temperature, the wind increases and this becomes a serious problem, especially where the forest is burning. i had to hurry today residents of the village of nelyaty in the north of the trans-baikal territory were evacuated. a strong wind fanned a forest fire that spread to a populated area. the small village is located in taiga and access to it is limited. there are no roads here; residents travel along the river in the summer. it is only possible to extinguish fires in such areas from the air. at the same time, in the baikal region, due to strong winds, a dust storm raged. this video is from the western regions of the irkutsk region. in the regional center of zalari, the wind increased
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to 23 m per second. due to dust raised in the air residents took refuge indoors. in the north of the european part. in russia and northern siberia , the wind raised snowstorms today, and, for example, in pechora, visibility during snow storms deteriorated to one and a half kilometers. snowfalls also reached southern siberia. in the morning , the lawns turned white in the northeast of the kimerovo region in the neighboring areas of the krasnoyarsk territory. an extensive area of ​​bad weather is associated with a large cyclone located above the ural ridge. the vortex is sandwiched between two anticyclones, which very gradually displace it to the north. so far cyclone has succeeded involve its circulation and... very cold arctic very warm subtropical air, while a strong wind blows along the periphery of high pressure areas at the junction with cyclones. strong winds today throughout the ural district, in the south of western siberia, the urals and vyatka, up to storm speeds, that is, more than 21 m/s the wind will accelerate in the west of the khante-mansiysk district. in some places in the sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk and
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kurugan regions. in yekaterinburg , sometimes the maximum winds during the day reached 18 m per second, tomorrow sharply it will get colder, the thermometer will show only +10, cloudy, rain, the wind will subside, and then the weather will improve with an anticyclone, the warmth will gradually return, on thursday +16, on friday -20, on sunday it will already reach +25. tomorrow there will be stormy weather, the zone will also be quite extensive, it will be windy almost throughout siberia, with the strongest gusts occurring in altai, in the upper reaches of the yenisei, as well as in the ugra. well, in the center of russia the weather remains warm and dry. in moscow, according to the latest weather station data in one day the temperature is already +24. heat-loving copybars have opened the swimming season at the capital's zoo. in moscow the air will warm up to 26°. sunny without precipitation. in the future , there will be more clouds, the likelihood of rain and thunderstorms will increase, and it will become even warmer. and
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on the last day of may, according to preliminary forecasts , thirty-degree heat may come to the capital. these are. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting, start a cool career. rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. this is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card
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and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfabank. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. it’s not easy to catch the feather of the firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum. open your deposit. on today,
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more than 620,000 graduates will write the unified state exam in russian. due to the situation in the border regions of russia , an additional day of may 29 has also been set for the exam. the eg in russian, as noted in rosobrnadzor, is the most widespread exam. his the duration is 210 minutes, and the examination paper consists of two parts and contains 27 tasks. the results will be known no later than june 17. a plane from moscow landed in ilista today; the board, completely filled with passengers, arrived from zhukovsky airport. this is the first flight to the capital of kalmykia after more than two years since the break. the plane was solemnly greeted with a water arch, and the pilots wore traditional kalmyd white scarves as a sign of greeting. elisa became the first city out of eleven where flight restrictions were lifted. decision on the opening of the international airport was accepted. in the end of april. imported wine may become more expensive due to an increase in supplies from unfriendly countries, while attempts will be made
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to maintain prices for the domestic product. this was discussed at an industry congress during russian retail week. manufacturers, together with sellers and relevant departments, are now working on the issue of how to increase the attractiveness of russian drinks. yulia makarova will tell you what has already been done in this direction. wine imports and supplies are growing in russia. georgia in the first 4 months they almost doubled to 37 thousand tons - this is data from the national statistics service of georgia. the european union also increased volumes to the maximum since 2020. the measures taken on customs and tariff regulation, namely the increased rates, had an impact on italian products. it decreased, and the french and spanish felt this influence to a lesser extent. and we noted that there is even an increase in the import of relevant products. the reason, probably, is demand, this is probably the main thing factor i would like to point out. this is especially interesting, given that moscow is introducing protectionist measures on the market, excise taxes on foreign wine have been increased, and a new increase in duties is being discussed. imports
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have become more expensive in a year and a half.
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in russia the ratio between imported domestic wine is now being redistributed, foreign wines cheaper than 600-700 rubles are leaving, russian ones are taking their place, analysts do not expect the market to see a sharp increase in prices in either the first or second segment.
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our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, she says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, she says now. she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, i was covered with adil, well, it was not visible that my leg was missing, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is that he’s alive, you can walk with such people reconnaissance, and you will return from reconnaissance with such, russia.


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