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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, well , i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i see that my leg is bleeding, she says, nothing happened, she says, it’s just mom, she says, she’ll be... very worried, i say, now, she i arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well , the blanket was covered with me, well, it was not visible that my leg was missing, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is alive, you can walk with such people a fork, and you’ll return from reconnaissance with these, urashchia. russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here and space pirates, i love children! they will meet again, i wanted to offer
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you my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe there is another way, any interference in time can lead to this, 100 years in the future, novosibirsk designers. the newest sarman drone is ready for flight testing. drone plans to use it in agriculture. the machine can spray fertilizer over fields and also sow. but this is not all the capabilities of a flying robot. in what other areas can it be useful? olga durnykh found out. once assembled , it fits into a small shipping container. the sarma drone is lightweight and energy efficient. cruising speed - 100 km/h. flight range - 1.0 km. the prototype has already been in the sky. this sample is improved. months
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will also go to the airfield, if everything goes well, they will be finalizing it in parts import substitution. the engine of the next copies will already be ours, now we are not installing it, because it must undergo a reliability test procedure, before issuing its characteristics, the controller that ensures the operation of the engine will also be ours. we are confidently pursuing the direction towards technological sovereignty. they created and collected the sorma at the technical state university, certifications are counting on their help then.
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for example, if you reduce its payload to a minimum, then it can stay in the air for up to a day, and this is useful, for example, in during some kind of monitoring, ice reconnaissance in the north or protection of the territory, you can make modifications, increase the carrying capacity and transport parcels to hard-to-reach areas, the masses of ideas and designers are burning with them, it’s not for nothing that the device was given the name sarma, this is the name of the most powerful wind on baikal. the time will come when no one can resist our aviation, and we are all over the country. we will fly our own russian planes, and it will be convenient, safe and profitable, engineers are sure. olga durnykh, sergey serdyukov, host novosibirs. an exhibition dedicated to the biography of marc chagall was presented in moscow at the jewish museum and tolerance center. it is based on his book "my life". through the works of the artist, his contemporaries, household items and art installations, you can walk with marc chagall on his journey from his parents’ home in vitebsk to his paris workshop. reportage.
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the jewish museum center for tolerance decided to tell about the famous avant-garde artist marc chagall through the prism of animated stories once written by him. this is a mirror. with which you can see the heavenly vitebsk, if you point a mirror at the model, you will get the feeling that you are floating above the city. his native vitebsk occupied a special place in the heart of the artist’s work. in forty -four, while in america, he admitted that he lived and breathed only with thoughts about him all these years. walked, wrote. for me, as an artist, cows and women are of equal importance; in a painting they are just elements of the composition. in this shadow theater, little visitors to the exhibition can play with a cow. chickens, goats, animals, surrounded by which the artist spent his childhood, and, well, frequent heroes of his paintings. the boy’s family did not immediately accept the boy’s passion for drawing, as he wrote above; they valued good meat. to feed his family, chagall's father opened a grocery store in the house, where he sold herring from barrels and oats. these fish are taken from
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chagall paintings. he said about his father that all his clothes were covered with scales. we decided to make a big fish story here, and it’s interactive, you can put this fish in a barrel, compete with your companion, stroke the fish, which is completely made of scales, and look up at the huge school fish, as if flying out of the shop where father shagaon worked, images of vitebsk and its surroundings did not leave the thoughts of the canvas. the artist even abroad, sometimes mixed them together, as here in the lithograph on sundays, a couple in love flies over paris and the efile tower and notre dame cathedral, and behind them are the silhouettes of houses and churches familiar from childhood. ion recalls that he was terribly sad, that it was very
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difficult for him there, in fact, if not for the museum, then paris would not have become for him what it became for him, in fact, the city itself, the viewer can get into it just like that , right through it, passing through the closet, and find himself. right on the street of paris. the city of mus was greeted coldly, there was not enough money even for canvases, he painted on tablecloths and sheets, but paris became a second home for the artist, where he discovered modernism with surprise and admiration. the circus, the theater, the walk was very sincere, the artist was, the theme of ballerinas, the theme of swimming fish, animals, some kind of masks, he allowed himself to draw it, and it’s very interesting, you can take pictures with the masks.
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russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of the glorification of nazism, mostly europeans abstained, the united states voted against, a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any
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national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in humane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. russian troops continue to push back the formation of the kiev regime in the kharkov direction, the enemy, despite the fact that the western curators are safe the regime used all possible reserves, was forced to retreat with colossal losses, up to fifty militants were killed in 24 hours, the fiercest battles are now taking place for volchansk, our war correspondents evgeniy podubny and alexander pushin were the first to get into the city that became the place.
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our operational-tactical aviation is working, our artillerymen are actively working, assault operations in volchansk continue, soldiers of the russian army. knock out the enemy, our film crew entered volchansk, we the northern part of the city, the northern part is under the control of a unit of the russian army, this is volchanskaya in ruins, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed. let me remind you that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks
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on the cities of the belgorod region, multiple launch rocket systems were hidden in volchansk, ammunition was hidden, from here the rszzs moved to firing positions in order to specifically hit residential areas of belgorod and other cities belgorod region. here now our fighters are pushing back the enemy, the fighting is fierce, the fighting is heavy, in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of military operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones, we try to drive further down the street, and then an explosion occurs.
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we dismounted to unload the bugs, and
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now a soldier is carrying him, and to provide medical assistance, the group leaves the battle zone on foot, the successful offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction continues, despite the fact that the enemy has pulled into the kharkov region. all available reserves. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news from volchansk. and i’ll add, our cameraman, alexander pushin, is now in the hospital, nothing threatens his life. we wish a speedy recovery to the vgtrk war correspondent. two more points of attraction for tourists will appear in russia, both on the shores of the baltic sea. radskaya region and st. petersburg marina in the northern capital. all this is part of the large-scale tourism
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project five seas of lake baikal. anna lazareva has all the details. peace and quiet, a deserted shore, small lakes and rare birds from the red book, it turns out that st. petersburg can be like that. the town of gorskoe is part of the resort area of ​​the northern capital. large-scale construction of an all-season tourist cluster in st. petersburg marina will soon begin here. the resort is located next to the main transport routes, the ring road, the western diameter of the primorsky highway, several more interchanges will appear, it will be convenient
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for st. petersburg residents to get there, only 20 km from the center and for residents of other regions from moskovsky railway station is 32 km, from pulkovo international airport 55, guests will have 160 hectares of almost 2 km of shore with unique views and services. you know, the idea belongs to our president vladimirovich putin, our president built the dam. in 2011, and that is, the city is now protected from flooding, that is, the dream of peter i has come true, and at one meeting he says: well , okay, he says, the dam has already been completed, yes there. a large, huge territory, but what to do with it? there is also a shipping canal there, though not very deep, but it can be deepened, there is a railway, a ring road, a whsd nearby, that is, all the infrastructure is there, and what to do with this territory, let's think about it, give us a proposal, he says, first of all, of course, we need to make a marina, because the gulf of finland, yes, and we need to create a good
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tourism cluster, give us your suggestions, so we, together with investors , began to work on the issue. there were various proposals to build a hotel, an apartment complex and even a zoo, but we settled on the idea of ​​​​creating a tourist cluster. the resort town of gorskae will be able to receive 1,3000 tourists per year, 7,00 new jobs will be created, and the volume of investment in infrastructure will be 210 billion rubles. efforts will be united by federal, regional authorities and private investors. this is almost 800 billion investments that are being made in the northern part of our country.
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gazprombanks or some management company that will be formed will probably become the main investor in this project, this is very important, and this allows, this is great luck, because such a systemic investor as gazprombank can allow yourself to look at money a little longer and
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not slip into such trivial decisions. in this sense, we can give a little breadth here with our imagination, so to speak. 200 hectares is the territory of the entire state of monaco, so there is enough space for various activities. about 30 hectares will be occupied by a sports cluster, where both summer and winter sports will be presented, film studios will appear nearby, and there will also be a marine terminal in gorskaya, where large liners will moor, while respecting nature. carefully, preserve territory of lakes where rare birds nest. for vladimir lyubomirov, this project is very personal; almost his entire life is connected with the sea. my first relationship with the sea, with the sea, with shipbuilding, began at the baltic
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shipyard, when i became an apprentice shipbuilder for a year and a half. i worked at a factory, assembling an icebreaker, then i was engaged in windsurfing, well , like sailing, and windsurfing competitions were held in zelenogorsk, so one day we were there in zelenogorsk spending the night in tents at this competition, waking up in the morning, i already as an architect and developer at that time , the idea was born that we should make a yacht club here, vladimir built the first marina in 2005, then there was the hercules club, then smolenko is now gorskaya. i think it’s a great gift from fate when such a big development project is also connected with yachts, water, and maritime culture.
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places for yachts, professional service and winter storage, and of course, a yacht club. st. petersburg began as an industrial city and a shipbuilding center, and centuries later this would be repeated in miniature in the mountain town, here a shipyard will appear where yachts under the aurus brand will be built, there are excellent shipyards that make boats, small yachts, but everything is small, everything that is more than 15 m, while the production market in russia is not developed and... when they started talking about baurus as a project in general, in a broad sense, the president’s instructions, including the construction of a yacht.
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the shipyard, from which the most high-tech ships will be launched, is now in the design stage, with completion of construction scheduled for the twenty-sixth year. every, each yacht is a unique vessel. accordingly, we believe that until the thirtieth year the shipbuilding... program is somewhere, well, maybe 6-7 yachts, such faith could be released from this we proceed. a new tourism cluster also means taxes and new jobs. by the way, the income of every twelfth resident of the northern capital is somehow related to tourism. the industry’s contribution to the regional economy is almost half a trillion rubles. st. petersburg now has almost 10 million tourists a year. today this is not enough, because the industry needs to be developed hospitality. it is important to switch to some themes, to make it event tourism and thematic tourism, for example, we are now developing the island of forts on behalf of the president, kronshtat is getting a completely new
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sound, we need to build, develop and, above all, of course, hotels, hotels of different levels, there from different budgets, it is important that students come, first of all, they cannot pay for expensive hotels, people of the silver age came, with the advent of new resorts, the quality of recreation will become... higher, and prices lower, this is how competition works, how much it will cost, then the black sea, the sea of ​​azov, clusters, st. petersburg, baikal, the far east will compete there, where they will fly, who, who is more effective, they can probably go everywhere once, maybe even several times , but any moment will influence what a person will say, well, something is not very good here, let’s go to another place, on the one hand, the person is very conservative, on the other hand, he is also interested in seeing some new things,
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now let’s move beyond 100 km to another part baltic, white dune resort is almost 500 hectares near the village of yantarny, 65 km from kaliningrad, 50 from khrabrova international airport, first line width of the beach. yes, that ’s right, we are located on the territory of the white dune, imagine, 3 km wide, 5 km long, large territory and the formula of an integrated resort, what is it? this is a city with the function of a sanatorium, a hotel, some entertainment moments, and so on. what is probably important is the feature of the resort, and one of the central ideas that we want to implement here is a large swimming pool, maybe about 500 m, in which it is pleasant to be
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, to look, to admire, to see. baltic, we do not hide the fact that the baltic is not the warmest body of water, the sea, so you want to spend more time in the water, and you can probably get this service in some kind of pool. on the territory of the white duno resort there will be several clusters, a sanatorium-resort with 1100 rooms, a public business cluster, a shopping cinema cluster, and a duty free may appear. the idea is currently being discussed. the resort will be able to accommodate 1,100,000 people per year, this is the estimate given by the operator of the five seas project. lake baikal state corporation tourism of the russian federation and the bottleneck here is the airport, it is designed for 5 million passengers, last year it already transported 4,300,000, the issue of its expansion will be resolved. as for roads. the resort already has fairly good transport accessibility, but a high-speed highway will also appear. we are already building, on the instructions of the president, the next part of the primorye ring, the so-called one,
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maybe you... have already taken advantage of it, well, in fact, you definitely took advantage of it when you were traveling from the airport to kaliningrad, part of it, this is a large, high-quality, high-speed highway along the entire coast, which will unite our entire coastal zone, and so the section of this coastal ring will just reach the amber ring, next to which we have this future white dune project. project costs are estimated at more than 400 billion rubles. an already proven state scheme will be used.
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basically, this means that with average earnings, it grows, by the way, 1000 rubles. well, strictly speaking, they spend from 70 to 130 thousand rubles per trip, the average number of days they spend here is 5 days. tourism in the kaliningrad region has been developing at a double-digit pace in recent years, says ms.ova, executive director of a tour operator company.
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i hope a million million to three to four we'll get there. the beloye adyuna resort, i hope, will meet the needs of our guests who want to come to kaliningrad for accommodation and recreation, and the sanatorium and resort network, i think, will be in great demand, because no amount of money can buy health. task it’s up to you to make sure that tourists return and stay in the region longer, which means you need to constantly offer something new, and the region successfully copes with this. zelenogradsk 8 years ago was not a particularly remarkable town on the baltic, everything has changed thanks to the creativity of local residents. we came up with a story that is now probably known throughout russia, even our president knows about it, that zelenogradskaya is the cat capital of russia, we have a lot of cats, and we
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literally came up with this. years ago we the ateliers did this and began to promote this brand together with our administration, so all around you see cats walking around, happy, yes, we will make such a story so that there is an additional point of attraction for our guests, according to the regional federation of atelier restaurateurs, now in the region there are about 8.00 rooms, mostly two and three stars or hotels without stars, this is clearly not enough, especially there are not enough four-fives, from the emergence of a new resort with more than 10 thousand rooms, everyone will benefit - sergey believes kurenkov. well, some kind of network history will come to us, yes, the jacklevs, yes, if guests choose a hotel, they look at the presence of a network, is there some kind of network there, yes, they want to book, book in this in this network hotel, well again we will catch up with them, adapt, do everything better, so that all the hotels that will be present here will be so cool...


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