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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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we have a lot of cats, and we came up with this literally 8 years ago, we ateliers did it, and began to promote this brand together with our administration, so all around you see cats walking, happy, yes, we will make such a story for that in order to have an additional point of attraction for our guests, according to the regional federation of atelier restaurateurs, there are now about 8.00 rooms in the region, mostly two and three stars or hotels without stars, this is clearly not enough, especially not enough fours fives, from the emergence of a new resort...
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french technology standards and, in principle, much better, probably, than an imported product that can reach us, let's get acquainted with baltic cuisine and we, a cold appetizer, would like to start, probably with the flagship fish of our region , this is, of course, an eel, it leaves the argasian sea to reproduce, through the golf stream it goes to the other end of the earth, then these fry reproduce and return again to the baltic waters in order to grow here. hot dish - locally raised duck farmers. we prepare it, prepare it using
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the hot smoking method, respectively, and serve it by adding a little broccoli cream , parsnip cream, a sauce based on mulled wine, mulled wine was an indispensable part, probably, of the european coast, and of course the dessert is dedicated to the little mermaid, and here the two combined elements: sea and earth, tapioca is responsible for the sea aftertaste here, which is soaked with the addition of seaweed to acquire this sea sea taste, right? the second shell personifies the coast to which the mermaid came out. the second shell is dominated by sea buckthorn, which grows throughout the kaliningrad region. baltic cuisine must certainly be represented at the new resort, says vyacheslav vyunik. of course, i would like to take part in the most grandiose venues that are planned in our city, and of course, create quality and instill a love among tourists for our products. and
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of course, the new resort should introduce visitors to the main fishery of the region, especially since it is located next door in the village of yantarny, where it develops the world's largest coastal deposit, it accounts for about 90% of the world's amber reserves. we are at an enterprise that processes this material; here we create furniture, interiors, and souvenirs using unique technology and inlays. amber tree is especially valued by buyers from arab countries, the theme of amber within the new resort should be scaled up, says ilya emelyanov, head of the amber manufactory. amber has a certain content - the content of succinic acid, these are scrubs, oils, uh, creams that allow you to heal both outside and inside, therefore, an entire infrastructure can be built on this basis.
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publications, but the question of uniqueness, if we create a unique object, i think that it begins to attract not only one-time, but people want to come a second, third, fourth time, we return to the news: russian troops continue to push back the formation of the kiev regime in the kharkov direction.
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the enemy, despite the fact that kiev and its western curators have used all possible reserves, is forced to retreat with colossal losses. the ukrainian armed forces lose up to fifty per day militants killed. the fiercest battles are taking place now. we are commanding the evacuation, while our operational-tactical aviation is now actively working , our artillerymen are actively working, assault operations in volchansk continue, russian army soldiers are knocking out the enemy, our
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film crew has entered volchansk, we are in the northern part of the city, the northern part is under control. division of the russian army, these are the ruins of volchanskaya, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed, i remind you that previously, the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks on cities in the belgorod region; a rocket system was hidden in volchansk. ammunition was hidden from volley fire, from here the rszzo moved into firing positions in order to target the residential areas of belgorod and other cities in the belgorod region,
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now our fighters are pushing back the enemy, the battles are fierce, heavy battles, in fact, primarily because that... the theater of operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones, we are trying to drive further down the street, here an explosion occurs, the result of remote mining of the enemy, the formation of the kiev regime is delivering anti-personnel mines with the help, our specialists are doing the same thing, just by... the car, a mine went off, they lost their wheels, but stop we can’t, the guys control the sky, during the explosion
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our operator, alexander pushin, is wounded, shrapnel hit sasha’s leg, the bugs are damaged, but he’s lucky, alexander vladimirovich is engaged in self-help, puts on a tourniquet so as not to distract. they dismounted to unload the bugs, and now a soldier is taking him for medical treatment. the group leaves the combat zone on foot. the successful offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction continues, despite the fact that the enemy has pulled all
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available reserves into the kharkov region. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news from volchansk. i'll add, our operator. alexander pushin is now in the hospital, his life is not in danger. we wish a speedy recovery to the military man vgtrk correspondent. the decisive actions of the russian border guards largely became the key to thwarting the attempts of the kiev regime to send gangs of mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs to russian territory. vladimir putin announced this, congratulating soldiers and veterans of the service, as well as its civilian personnel, on their professional holiday. the reporting point is 1918, when the border guard was additionally established in the rsfsr. largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break into russian territory by gangs of mercenaries and traitors were thwarted and enemy sabotage groups, those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated, met with harsh and
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severe rebuff, i am confident that in the future you will act just as boldly and firmly in solving special military problems. effectively coordinate their work with other divisions of the fsb, with units of the army and navy, with law enforcement agencies, with the heads of regions and municipalities. education, of course, relies on the support of people who see you as their reliable defenders. on the day of border guards in moscow, according to tradition laid wreaths and flowers at the monument to the border guards of the fatherland in usninsky park. representatives of the border service and veteran border guards took part in the ceremony. vladimir putin congratulated his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev on the republic’s independence day. in the telegram of the russian leader, published on the website. the kremlin says that azerbaijan has achieved generally recognized success in socio-economic development, gained
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authority on the world stage and is actively involved in resolving important issues on the international agenda. moscow and baku, vladimir putin noted that they will continue to increase cooperation in all areas and will continue to coordinate efforts in regional affairs. this meets the interests of our friendly peoples and is in line with strengthening security and stability in the south caucasus and the caspian sea, the message says. in moscow today. a seminar-meeting is taking place to prepare a meeting of the presidential council on strategic development of national projects; participants gathered at an international exhibition at the russia forum. and my colleague anastasia efimova works at vdnkh, she has just left for direct communication with the studio. anastasia, greetings, tell us who is participating in the seminar and what issues are being discussed? yes, yuri, hello, but these are not just questions, and not even the direction of work. these are , in fact, national goals formulated by the president as part of his federal message. meeting and new national projects that are to be implemented in the coming years, so today
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the participants in the meeting seminar, of course, must work in an enhanced mode, first of all, because it is necessary to decide what priorities must be set in order for new national goals to be achieved, what finances can be spent on this, and most importantly, what can be considered a priority task, the participants of today's seminar with... what should be concentrated on first of all? direction for the activities
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of the state council, it is familiar to me, and there are certain things here that, of course, require certain management, ensuring all the activities of the state council, but this topic is familiar to me, and especially based on experience and work in the position of head of a subject, which means we are in close cooperation with our colleagues, governors, we know, we understand, it means...
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an equally ambitious national project is related to the environmental agenda, of course, this is also very important, especially in the context of what kind of technological development.
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construction landfills, because there are a lot of illegal ones , the legislation will be tightened, and we will make these proposals; the program for improving the health of the don river is very relevant for those entities that are located along this river. traditionally at the seminar meeting, common approaches are developed, reports are written, which are then discussed in specialized commissions, and ultimately, of course, submitted for discussion to...
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the alliance's reconnaissance is becoming more and more active on our borders, and the training of the bloc's troops is intensifying. during the exercises , scenarios of combat operations against russia are practiced; this requires adequate measures to protect borders. let me add that earlier nato agent jan stoltenberg stated that ukraine has the right to attack military targets on its territory. of our country, according to according to him, some of the alliance's allies have already lifted the restriction on strikes, and it is time to lift other bans. the usa saved the world from fascism and liberated europe in world war ii. this statement was made by joe biden at a ceremony on the occasion of national day of remembrance. speaking at orlinkton cemetery, the head of the white house did not mention the contribution of the soviet union and other countries. but he pointed out that
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americans have been fighting autocracies for decades and noted those who opposed the co... in response to the attack, the air defense system went off. total there were two missiles, they were shot down. as a result of contact with the ground, one of them started a fire. dry grass caught fire. rising up a large amount of smoke was visible from different parts of the city, as reported by local telegram channels, enemy shells exploded near residential areas on the outskirts of lugansk. after the ministry of emergency situations arrived at the scene to extinguish the flames,
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the enemy attacked with unmanned aerial vehicles. they were also destroyed by air defense forces. there were no reports of casualties. vitaly brysin, egor pavlenko, yana aleshina. news lugansk. the most notable achievements in the scientific field are discussed in moscow. at these moments, a general meeting of members of the russian academy of sciences is taking place in the capital. the event is dedicated to the tricentenary of the institution. the best scientists will be awarded today. we will find out all the details from maria valieva. she joins the broadcast. maria, greetings, we are waiting for details. yuri, greetings, the presentation of gold medals of the russian academy of sciences will begin after 15:00, but for now there is a break here at the russian academy of sciences, specialists, scientists from all over the country and from other states can communicate with each other, share experiences, but i note that today the general meeting began exactly at 10:00 am, the meeting was also dedicated to the three-hundredth
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anniversary of the russian academy of sciences, with a welcoming speech: the head of the wounds gennady krasnikov spoke and one of the key topics at the meeting was the creation of a board of trustees, which, in the opinion of academicians, members and correspondents, should be headed by the president of the russian federation. it was also noted today that the russian academy of sciences is an intellectual headquarters the state plays a key role in the implementation of programs to ensure technological scientific sovereignty. it is, of course, impossible for the country to adequately respond to the challenges that our country faced after the start of a special military operation without our scientists, also today at the general meeting.
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the republic of india, the islamic republic of iran, the people's republic of china, the federal democratic republic of ethiopia,
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the republic of south africa, today we were able to communicate with foreign specialists who are happy to adopt the experience of our russian scientists, for example, now in kyrgyzstan they will begin to grow varieties of p . it is also worth noting that academicians, rana, members of the correspondent, they closely cooperate with the federal medical and biological
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agency, they work in close conjunction. we have created a network of widespread technological platforms, these are proven technological algorithms that enable products with similar mechanisms of action quite quickly. develop according to certain standardized stereotypical models, and we have created many such platforms in just last year we have more than 250 products protected by intellectual property protected as the right of the russian federation, these are new vaccines, these are new medicines, in the twenty-third year we have developed a unique, the world's first allergy vaccine, we have developed. i would like to note that yesterday
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the annual general meeting of the department of medical sciences, the russian academy of sciences, took place in the capital; it was held at the moscow clinical scientific and practical center named after loginov. i can say that this is it...
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95 have been killed and injured since the beginning of the year ukrainian attacks on russian regions. ambassador -at-large for crimes of the kiev regime radion miroshnik also said today in moscow that the west is infringing on the right of russian children to education by supplying weapons to sow. more than 200 thousand children are forced to study remotely due to enemy attacks. of these, 90.00 are in the belgorod region. and in gorlovka, near donetsk, schoolchildren have been studying at home for more than 4 years. huge damage caused to educational institutions themselves. because. according to our data, more than 2,000 educational institutions have started institutions were damaged or simply destroyed by direct, targeted attacks that were delivered from the ukrainian side, and
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you know, somehow i... saw that on international platforms, when these data are voiced by our diplomats, that it caused some kind of shock among representatives of the united states, representatives of great britain, france, by the way, these are the countries that i listed, recently they have been suppliers of long-range weapons, so you see all these fragments, children are dying from these fragments, these fragments they fly to schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and social centers. magnet, timmy soufflé candies 49.99. magnet - the price is what you need. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. interest free period of 120 days starts every month, service notifications are free forever. this
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avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. at least seven palestinians were killed in new idf strikes on rafah. according to cnn , the israeli country notified the biden administration that it allegedly used precision-guided ammunition to hit targets, but when... the fuel tank caught fire and the fire spread to a residential building in a refugee camp, and the shelling occurred immediately after prime minister benjamin netanyahu admitted the previous bombing of rafah was a technical error, which killed at least 45 civilians, i will add that the middle east conflict will become the central topic of today at an emergency meeting of the un council. russian graduates.


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