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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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another holiday, now in the city of nanev the summer garden day will be celebrated annually. it will be celebrated for the first time in the summer garden of the russian museum on june 8. this year they turn 320 years old. the organizers promise a rich program for the whole family. fascinating excursions, educational master classes and lectures. the best artists of russia, pianist ivan besonov, stars of the mariinsky theater and others will perform for the guests. the holiday marathon will last 2 days. the holiday is truly unique. how is it unique? it is unique in its richness.
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there is an opinion that time heals; 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit. contact with the partisans , who burned the village of all its inhabitants, was developed.
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i’m helping, come on guys, let’s put everything in place, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, i’ll come back, we’re used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian. channels, all
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series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, supplies of vegetables and fruits to russia have increased, especially from turkey and iran, and practically from armenia.
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provides 18 public services in the field of veterinary, phytosanitary and land supervision. the agency controls the export and import of goods, interacts with foreign countries, and ensures protection against the importation of animal and plant diseases into the country. the head of the service called the creation of a unified information environment for taking into account supervision and analytics in agriculture one of the most important tasks, and here they come to the rescue digital technologies. the data is analyzed by 30 models of artificial intelligence and... technologies have made it possible to significantly reduce the load on rosselkhoznadzor inspectors and increase the efficiency of their work. we have made models that today allow us to assess a lot of issues related to... the relationship between
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production and consumption in the region, allowing us to rate suppliers of controlled products by falsification, by safety, identifying unnecessary intermediaries, identifying alternative manufacturers, alternative suppliers, that is, all this today works, we can show all this today for each region, that’s what artificial intelligence directly for our work, the first five modules, when we launched, we increased exactly 13 times in a comparable period of time, the efficiency of taking administrative measures of a preventive nature. in system.
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russia today is one of the world's largest food producers, for example, livestock products are supplied to 90 countries and the main importers are china, vietnam, belarus, kazakhstan, republic of korea and saudi arabia. and the export of grain and its processed products in the twenty-third year reached 84 million tons, which is 55% higher than
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in 2022. the main buyers are the countries of the middle east, africa and asia. in total, products are supplied to 101 countries. the head of government also inquired about the results of rosselkhoznadzor’s work in new regions. you mentioned a new territory, these are the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as the donetsk people's republic and the lugansk people's republic. it is very important here that producers had access to both resources and relevant services provided by rosselkhoznadzor in all constituent entities of the russian federation. knowing that the service works there, how are things going there? we are in everyone at once. territories that have become our subjects have begun their work, we even believe that today it is possible to go to a greater level of digitalization there. on the territory of the new subjects, the service created two independent territorial departments in
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the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, and operates southern interregional department of rosselkhoznadzor. yes, anna, thank you, anna lazreva. mikhail mishustin announced a meeting with the head of rosselkhoznadzor. elista airport received its first plane today after a long break. the capital of kalmykia became the first city out of eleven where flight restrictions were lifted. the crew and passengers were given a ceremonial reception upon takeoff at the landing strip. maxim akhmetov will tell you how it all happened. the dry superjet landed safely and now it is passing through the water arch. old aviation tradition. this is how all significant events in the history of the airport are celebrated. and today is just such a day. ilista airport resumed operations after 2 years of inactivity. the air harbor was closed for security reasons. during this time , a lot of modernization was carried out here. it is a joy for us that today regular communication between the cities has resumed. here. but
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we were preparing for this. the first flight from moscow was greeted with excitement and joy. the crew of the aircraft was greeted with completely national flavors. so glad, so glad in general, the time has been reduced a lot, we are happy, really very happy. after modernization, the terminal meets all modern requirements, there is a comfortable waiting area and special equipment for people with limited mobility. the capacity of the new terminal has been doubled and is now 100 people per hour for the small steppe republic and its guests, which is more than enough. the air route to and from moscow has been changed for security reasons, the flight is 2 hours longer, a wonderful experience, well, we expected that the route will be a little shorter, but unfortunately, due to current restrictions, we are forced to fly for so long, but on the other hand , it is still much more convenient than by rail, while flights to ilista are carried out by the red wings company from
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zhukovsky airport, flights twice a week, from june 16 , aeroflot will send its planes three times a week, passenger traffic is expected to increase. i am very happy for my fellow countrymen, because they now have the opportunity to conveniently, comfortably move around the country, and i hope that there will also be international trips. in addition to moscow, in the near future it will be possible to fly from alista to sochi, kazan and st. petersburg. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky, ekaterina bakhtova. news from the republic of kalmykia. st. petersburg marina is a new all-season resort, which should become a point of attraction for millions of tourists and st. petersburg residents themselves. its implementation has already begun and is planned to be completed by 2030 . hotels and restaurants,
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a yacht area and a water park will appear on 160 hectares. welcome to the project, the main tasks ahead to decide what the city will receive as a result, we asked the governor of st. petersburg , alexander beglov. alexander dmitrievich, how? when the idea of ​​a new tourist cluster in gorsk arose, you know, the idea belonged to our president putin, he once said at one of our meetings that he did the most important thing in the history of our city, in general, yes, because peter i had a big dream, which he could not do, and future generations also could not do, was to protect the city from flooding, our president built the damga in 2000 , the eleventh year, and that is, the city is now protected from flooding, that is, the dream
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of peter i came true, so at one meeting he says: well, okay, he says, the dam has already been completed, but there is a large huge territory, but what about what to do with her? there is also a shipping canal there, well , it’s really not very deep, but it can be deepened, there is a railway, a ring road, a whsd nearby, that is, the whole structure is there, and what to do with this territory, let’s think about it, give a proposal, well, he says, first of all, of course... you reported that we will make a tourism cluster huge, big, well
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, imagine, this is 1,300 thousand visitors, tourists, big, yes, you can even bring it to one and a half, but this is 210 billion investments, investment money, of which the federation also invests the city is investing, the rest of the investor is adding, this is one of the largest marinas in europe, yeah, imagine this... this is such a dynamic development of the entire northern territory of our city, as i understand it, the city will have to decide on
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infrastructure, yes or or is all the infrastructure already ready? no, there will be a number of engineering structures that will need to be resolved, the city is ready to install it, we have already decided with the investors how much the city will invest, how much the federation will invest, the investor, well, we are now finalizing these issues, but i want to say that the federation will invest about 50 billion. well, the most important thing is that, on behalf of the president, this project included a federal project, and the five seas. you say a million 300 thousand new tourists will come, but for what? they will come, what will attract gorsky? well, first of all, imagine the possibility of this territory, the potential, it’s almost 5 km, the territory along the gulf of finland, the promenade zone, 5 km, taking into account the beach areas, it will attract, of course, this...
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to make films according to this, watch , in general for st. petersburg, for your region, what is the significance of this particular resort? 7,000 jobs, that’s great, additionally good, well-paid jobs, taxes, of course, let’s in general about st. petersburg, how does
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the tourism industry feel in st. petersburg, how do you assess its current state? you know, we are coming back: if st. petersburg really would attract even more tourists, again, does it have the capabilities, that is, are there enough hotels, you say that a huge number of people come, can you imagine, there will be twice as many, enough whether this, or we need to build, we need to develop further, well , build, develop, and first of all, of course, hotels, hotels of different levels, there from for different budgets, it is important that
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students come, first of all, they cannot go for expensive hotels, people of the silver thunderstorm come, but event tourism also needs to be developed. which we generally do, well , first of all, this is medicine, we have excellent healthcare facilities, and many are already coming, because in st. petersburg they treat people with high quality and perform high-tech operations, event tourism, it is developing very much, this gives us almost 15% per year increase in tourist flow, well, let’s say, various festivals, fire festival that is held.
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that you can come, well, our famous white nights, i invite you, especially in june, june-july, to visit st. petersburg, take a walk at night and smell the lilacs, there is no such smell of lilacs anywhere except st. petersburg. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15.00
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interchanges will appear, it will be convenient for both st. petersburg residents to get there, only 20 km from the center, and residents of other regions, 32 km from the moscow railway station, from the international airport pulkovo-55. guests will have 160 hectares of almost 2 km of coastline with unique views and services. the city and resort of gorskae will be able to receive 1,300,000 tourists per year. 7,000 new jobs will be created. the volume of investments in infrastructure is 210 billion rub. efforts will be united by federal, regional authorities and private investors. this is almost 800 billion investments that are being made in the northern part of our city, this is what gives this impetus. this is such an impetus, the dynamic development of the entire northern territory of our city. there will be a number of engineering structures that need to be solved; the city is ready. to invest, well, i want to say, the federation will invest, well , about 50 billion, this is good money, because this is the development of the transport structure, first of all. the work is underway,
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the transfer of land has been completed and the process has begun design, but most importantly, by order of the president, this project was included in the federal project, and the five seas, our big federal project, it was already included in this component, because when this program was being formed, the president said, where are we? the implementation of the project , an agreement was signed between the city authorities, the russian tourism corporation and the yacht club , started 2 years ago, when st. petersburg was at the st. petersburg economic forum. an anchor investor has now been identified. the gazprombank group of companies entered the project, in this sense, gazprom banks, or some management company that will be formed, will probably become an investor in this project, this is very important, and this allows, this is great luck, because such a systemic investor
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as gazprombank can afford to look at money a little - a little longer, 200 hectares - this is the territory of the entire state of monaco, so there will be enough space for various activities, about 30 hectares will be occupied by a sports cluster, a film studio will appear nearby, and... in gorsko there will be a marine terminal, where large aircraft will moor, and nature will be treated carefully, they will preserve the territory of the lakes where rare birds nest. the main purpose of the unique harbor, which is located in gorskaya, is to become a center of water tourism in the northwest. gorskaya must meet all, all needs, this is the most important thing, no matter what they are, whether she is a beginner athlete, or just a child. this optimist, diving for the first time, into his basin, whether it is a large yacht that costs hundreds of millions, and the corresponding requirements of their owners, it
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will be a marina that... places for yachts, as well as professional service and winter storage, and of course, a yacht club, and there will also be a rope on which yachts under the aura brand will be built. a new tourism cluster also means taxes and new jobs, because st. petersburg now has almost 10 million tourists a year. by the way, the income of every twelfth resident of the northern capital is somehow related to tourism. the contribution to the region's economy was almost half a trillion rubles. now let’s move 1,000 km to another part of the baltic. the white dune resort is located near the village of yantarny. 65 km from kaliningrad. from
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khrabrovo international airport. first line, beach width - 300 m. white sand like in the maldives, hotels and restaurants promise no worse. the resort area is about 500 hectares, there will be 10,500 rooms, the costs of infrastructure alone are estimated at 380 billion rubles. an already proven public-private partnership scheme will be used. what will the city get? jobs, taxes and tourist flow. based on the results of the past. the industry is almost 4% of the region’s economy, in addition to the accommodation itself, of course, these are hotels, sanatoriums, we have them there, by the way, and they mine nearby amber and blue clay have received all the certificates and can be used in spa treatments, including the plan to include a sanatorium part using it, and of course this includes water parks.
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we already have a contractor working, this is a federal project, this is the supervision of rosavtodor, but according to all plans they can finish even faster, they say that
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they are ready to complete it in the beginning of the year twenty-seven, so i think... that in the twenty-seventh year, actually we can take a ride with you and look at this road. on the territory of the white dune resort there will be several clusters, this is a sanatorium-resort with 1100 rooms, a public and business, a shopping cinema cluster, here you can do water sports, go to a water park, you may also have your own children's free, in general there are a lot of ideas, but the important thing is probably the resort's feature , we see this story in such a way that... to create here a water building, water spaces, and one of the central ideas that we want to implement here is a large swimming pool, maybe about 500 m, which is pleasant to be in , look at, admire views of the baltic, we do not we hide that the baltic is not the warmest body of water, the sea, so you want to spend more time in the water, and you can probably get this service in some kind of pool, but
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they will support investors who will come to the project... dune benefits are provided a significant reduction in taxes on profits, property, land and insurance premiums. the launch of the resort is scheduled for 2029. russian troops continue to push back the formation of the kiev regime in the kharkov direction. the enemy, despite the fact that kiev and its western curators have used all possible reserves are forced to come up with colossal losses. every day the ukrainian armed forces lose up to fifty militants killed. the fiercest battles are now taking place for volchansk. our war correspondents, evgeny podubny, alexander pushin were the first to
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get into the city that became the place.


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