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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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but this does not mean that they are prolonged, they are not being carried out, but who said that they should be prolonged, there is nothing about this in the constitution, but there is article 11 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme power, in fact, presidential powers are transferred... to the speaker of parliament, especially since under the martial law law the powers of parliament are extended, this is such a preliminary analysis, we need to look carefully, some experts say that there is a contradiction between the constitution, which only talks about extending the powers of the rada.
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immediately 18 years old, and after the adoption of this or other unpopular decisions in force today, as if, as if representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders who will not, who will not have this responsibility for the unpopular decisions made in people’s decisions, they’re just chick, they’ll change everything if the idea is in...
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and others, in general, could agree, at that time, i’m just sure, i didn’t suffer from any dementia, if he’s talking about the possibility of striking russian territory with high-precision weapons, long range, he, as a person who heads a military-political organization, although he is a civilian like me, but he still must know that high-precision long-range weapons. cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second, and the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence data,
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technical intelligence data, if one strike systems such as stormshadow, yes , these... missions can be entered automatically , flight missions without any presence of ukrainian military personnel, who does this? this is done by those who produce and those who supposedly supply these shock systems to ukraine, without the participation at all, it can and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel, and other systems, for example, such as atacoms, yes, are also based on... space intelligence is prepared, formulated, brought in an automatic order to the appropriate calculations, they may not even understand what they are entering, and the crew, maybe the ukrainian crew, enters the corresponding flight mission, but this
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mission is prepared not by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries, well, these representatives of nato countries, especially - in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, this is a factor that they must keep in mind before talk about applying strikes deep into russian territory, this is a serious thing.
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we warned them not to enter our territory, do not shell belgorod and other adjacent territories, otherwise we will be forced to create a security zone, look at all the reports of your western colleagues, no one talks about the shelling of belgorod and other adjacent territories, everyone
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only says that russia has opened a new front, is attacking kharkov, not a word about what caused this, they did it with their own hands, well... then they are reaping the fruits of their creativity, the same the very same thing can happen in the event of the use of high-precision long-range weapons, which you asked about, and in general this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences if these serious consequences occur in europe, how will the united states behave, bearing in mind our priority in in the sphere of strategic weapons, it’s hard to say, they want... a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t see a great, great desire to do this, talk about this the score is there, we don’t seem to see much desire, well, let’s see what happens
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next, yes, please, please, viktorquestia, for several months even before your visit to the countries of central asia, delegations from the ministry of finance, the usa and other departments that implement the sanctions regime, and unprecedented pressure on the capitals of central asian countries with... exclude, suppress all opportunities, all prospects for cooperation with russia, this is how you feel about this, this behavior, and can russia will somehow compensate for this pressure on the central asian countries and uzbekistan, including, if i may, the second question right away very quickly, the news came that, excuse me, the taliban, that russia can exclude, consider the possibility of removing the taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, that’s how it is the decision was made on why and how this would affect our relations with afghanistan.
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that means, with regard to the first part of your question, well, why is there
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no nastiness here, i mean that this is what is happening now, that travelers all over the world they fly, now to latin america, now to africa, now to the east, they intimidate everyone, these are elements of imperial behavior, and the political observers themselves, the american analysts themselves, say this directly, the usa is an empire, to a large extent its imperial ambitions are connected with internal political events, now the presidential elections are coming soon, and the current authorities want to confirm their status as an empire, many in the united states do not like this, many ... want to be an empire and bear, and bear such an imperial burden, and they don’t want responsibility, and they don’t want
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to expose their country to any dangers and get into any difficulties, well, central asia, in general, uzbekistan is the largest country, not only central asia, but in terms of population, it is second after russia, 37 million, but uh, that means the salesmen are from the usa. as i said, they fly to all regions of the world, just recently, as you know, the minister of finance, in my opinion, was also in china, which she spoke about, i also recalled this, in my opinion, in minsk, that the chinese are too they produce a lot of cars, they mean, what's up, what's going on? they talked about the overproduction of cars, i don’t think that the secretary of the treasury of the united states is illiterate. man, this is just a distortion of the fact, what is, what is overproduction? if we, uh
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, that means we live in market conditions, then the market regulates overproduction or not, they buy, and what’s more, it is produced at a profit, which means there is no overproduction, but how can another country be forced to stop producing this or that product with the help of force, sanctions, and this is one of... the options for using force, but they are still trying to act all over the world, of course, weak countries are weak, unsure of themselves, especially those where there are dozens of ngos operating there, feeding from the american hand, pecking at what was put in their lap, of course, in these countries it is easier to manipulate the consciousness of the local population, it’s easier to put pressure on the current authorities, where the authorities feel... everything is confident - where they devote all their activities to strengthening
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sovereignty, the interests of their people and their country, there they do not react to these shouts because ocean, this is what happens with large countries with small but self-sufficient and - with a state of self-respect, so we know that pressure was exerted on the region... central asia, well, i don’t see something yet, that everyone is on their knees , that means we are ready. to carry out any instructions from overseas, well, of course , certain americans and europeans carry out actions there that harm our partners, well, in the end, this is also the sovereign choice of any country, how to build its policy, fight for sovereignty or not, sovereignty represents
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a certain value or not, and so on and so forth, in my opinion it does. because if a country wants to be successful, it must be sovereign, even in socio-economic terms, it wants to be successful, it must be sovereign, otherwise they will always put pressure on and subordinate the interests of another state to their own foreign interests, as they are trying to do, say, with these with these cars in relation to china, for others, options for fertilizers will be made there based on chemistry, but for whatever reason.
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french mercenaries, instructors, well, you can say military, whatever you want, and now in general it’s officially finally public, and moreover, syrsky says that he hopes that after the french, other partners of the kiev regime will officially follow , this is what you think about this and how far all this can go, allow me one more small clarification in the development of the question of, we will be with you until the morning, yes, the question of legitimacy, from your answer it follows that until the moment when the western the curators will not change yet...
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polish, we know that they are there, these so -called mercenaries, yes, well, under the guise of mercenaries, there are specialists there, there was a question about long -range precision weapons, who controls these weapons, who maintains them, well, of course, these are the same instructors disguised as mercenaries, that’s all, they
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exist and suffer losses, maybe this statement is related. so that it is becoming more and more difficult for them, apparently more difficult, to hide these losses, which means, therefore, maybe the time has come to show that there is an official presence there, so as not to show losses, realistically, legally, i don’t know, maybe, as for the various contingents, i would already talk about this, who are the polish authorities saying that they are ready to send their contingents, we hear polish speech, there are many mercenaries from poland, if, say, some contingents of european countries come there, along with the poles, others leave, the poles will never, this, this is an obvious thing, for me, for me in any case for sure, maybe i’m wrong, but it’s unlikely , hardly, so here under the guise liberate, liberate some ukrainian units stationed along the border, release
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them in order to send them to the battlefield, and keep them along the border. to ensure their safety, it’s nonsense and nonsense, that’s all, uh, and if they are there, then they will also be in the affected area of ​​our armed forces , i don’t think this is a good, correct decision, a good way out, this is escalation and another step towards serious conflict in europe and global conflict. let's have a final one, please, alexey golovko, russia tv channel, in the western press received a message that supposedly after the swiss conference on
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ukraine, western countries want to hold another conference in saudi arabia, and officially invite russia there in order to show moscow a supposedly consolidated position to begin some kind of negotiations. here, vladimir vladimirovich, if such a proposal is made, will our country participate in this conference, and if so, then...
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we have never refused the basis and are ready to continue the negotiation process, but what, meaning here and legitimacy
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, representatives of the ukrainian authorities will offer us at some other stages, we don’t know, so i don’t have an answer on this matter, but i always look with surprise at some kind of body movements from the outside...
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they continue to press the formation of the kiev regime in the kharkov direction; the enemy, despite the fact that kiev and its western curators have used all possible reserves, is forced to retreat, and with colossal losses. so, per day the armed forces of ukraine lose up to fifty militants killed, the most fierce battles are now taking place for volchansk. our war correspondents, evgeny podubny and alexander pushin, were the first to get into the city, which became the site of fierce fighting. this is how we try to fly into volchansk on a bug , under the cover of an electronic warfare station, enemy fpv drones are operating in the sky.
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50 are working, trying to catch our unit on rotation, trying to hit the evacuation teams, while our operational-tactical aviation is now actively working, our artillerymen, assault actions in volchansk continue, russian army soldiers are knocking out the enemy, our film crew has arrived.
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the fighting is fierce, heavy fighting, in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones. we are trying to drive further down the street, and there is an explosion. the result of remote
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mining of the enemy. the formation of the kiev regime delivers anti-personnel mines using uavs. our specialists do the same. a mine just went off under our car and we lost the wheels, but we can't stop. the boys control the sky. during the explosion, our operator, alexander pushin, was injured. the fragments hit.
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a soldier is now taking him for medical care. the group leaves the combat zone on foot. the successful offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction continues, despite the fact that the enemy has pulled all available reserves into the kharkov region.
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the entire zone of the special military operation, this is due to the fact that the enemy is actually pulling together all possible reserves in the kharkov direction, and they have also been transferred here infantry units, a large number of artillery that the enemy has, special forces have also been deployed here , which are subordinate to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and i remind you that it is this criminal organization that is involved in terrorist attacks on russian territory, in... attacks on residents of the cities of the belgorod region, and after our troops successfully launched an offensive operation in the kharkov direction, they were able to break through enemy defenses in several areas and quickly move forward, the formation of the kiev...


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