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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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fighting, probably, not only in the kharkov direction, but throughout the entire zone of the special military operation, this is due to the fact that the enemy is really pulling together all possible reserves in the kharkov direction, infantry units have also been transferred here, a large number of artillery that the enemy has located here, special forces have also been deployed, which are subordinate to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and i would like to remind you that it is this criminal organization that is involved in terrorist... strike on territory of russia to terrorist attacks on residents of the cities of the belgorod region, and after our troops successfully launched an offensive operation in the kharkov direction, were able to break through the enemy’s defenses in several areas and quickly move forward, the formation of the kiev regime is trying to recover from the shock and somehow slow down the advance of the fighters of the northern group of forces. which operates in the kharkov
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direction, and in order to prevent further retreat, but despite all the efforts that the enemy is making, and these efforts are unsuccessful, despite the fact that a large number of equipment personnel have been deployed, a large number of special forces that use attack fpv drones, and they cannot stop our units forming the kiev regime. in volchansk there are heavy, heavy battles, and here it is necessary to explain that the city is divided by a river into a northern part and a southern part, the northern part is under the control of the russian armed forces, the southern part is currently controlled by militants kiev regime, but daily operational-tactical aviation of the russian armed forces operates in the skies over volchansk. every day
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, artillery units support the actions of assault troops that push back the enemy. why is volchansk so important? this also needs to be emphasized. volchansk is important for the simple reason that the formation of the kiev regime used this city to shelter, hide the czech- made vampire multiple launch rocket systems, this is a modernized version of the soviet bm-21 grad system. a the enemy used volchansk to store ammunition and rockets there, which were used to launch attacks on the territory of the belgorod region, on the cities of the belgorod region, the enemy used civilian infrastructure to shelter the rszz crews, and the vehicles themselves, and the ammunition, in fact , from volchansk, moved to firing positions in order to carry out terrorist attacks on civilians.
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residents of the belgorod region, so the russian army needs to liberate this populated area point, in general, volchansk is a fairly large city, relatively large in territory, it can be compared with avdeevka, the only thing in volchansk is that there is no such large-scale industrial zone as in avdeevka there is a large number of one-story houses, it is worth noting that the formation of the kiev regime turned houses into...
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in the cities of belogorye to protect the residents of the belgorod region, colleagues, thank you, thank you, evgeniy, alexandra, speedy recovery, take care of yourself, yes, our war correspondent, evgeniy podubny, was in direct contact, let me remind you, the vesti film crew was the first to enter volchansk together with the military, thank you, if... the bank has only banking services,
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without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, that's... so the bank uralsip, nothing more, our task was to take the stone. in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i look, my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, he says, just my mother says, she will be very worried, she says now, she arrived early in the morning and immediately cried, well, it’s
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like a department for me was covered, well, it was not visible, even if the leg is gone, you can’t change anything, yes, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is to be alive.
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and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here, space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to offer you my hand and my heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any interference in time can lead him 100 years into the future. repels counterattacks and takes more advantageous positions. russian troops of the north group continue advancement into the depths of the enemy's defense.
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this was reported to the ministry of defense. well , we’ll find out the details about the course of the special military operation from our denis alekseev, he joins in with the facts. denis, well, are russian units striking again? on the military infrastructure of ukraine, what are the losses the enemy is suffering? well, what losses? the losses clearly do not meet the expectations of the ukrainian command. meanwhile, the military personnel of the center group continue to improve the tactical situation in the avdievsky direction. after recent release nitailova, our fighters are pushing the ukrainian formations to the reserve line of defense. when the ukrokomdirs were ready to retreat, only in the most... last resort, but their ambitions went against their real abilities, which turned out to be not enough to stay on the main defensive line, and now the vseushniki ran into the karlovskoe reservoir, in addition to the rotation it is
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also problematic to replenish ammunition. the nearest logistics hubs, grodovka and selidova, are already under fire from our artillery. group unit troop center active actions improved the tactical situation, defeated the formation of the forty-seventh mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the 109th brigade of the teroborona in the areas of the settlements of evgenovka, sokol, karlovka, donetsk people's republic, repelled six counterattacks of the assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of shumy, ocheretina, novoaleksandrovka, novopokrovskoe, solovyovo and umanskoye of the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses per day amounted to 405 military personnel. well, the group. north, which is actively advancing in the kharkov region, liquidated several platoon strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces at once, in the tosochka case, a flamethrower system on a wheeled base, the ukrainian military suffered a lot from its predecessor, the solntsepek system, and this is modernized, more maneuverable, and also
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uses improved incendiary ammunition, for for clarity, this is what the result of the work of combat crews looks like from the air. that means there were two goals: the first goal was personnel of up to 50 personnel and their armored vehicles in the forest. second, the second target is also a platoon stronghold of up to 25 people. here are two units of equipment, the tos is used to destroy the enemy’s closed manpower, lightly armored objects, in cases where they cannot be hit by artillery or tanks, that is, these are some kind of fortified bunkers, concrete shelters, and the combat crews of rocket artillery continue from a distance cover our assault groups and eliminate the militants’ firing positions; one example is the kupinsky direction of the polish self-propelled gun in drebezg. and this is a high-precision case, when not a single landowner was injured, and in
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general was not a target, such blows are about something else, training by our pilots, factories on bridges - this means confusing all the cards with the ukrainian formation, leaving them without the possibility of transporting armored vehicles and supplies, like here, this is the southern donetsk direction, that's what in the neighboring donetsk, there the losses of the ukrainian armed forces per day are more than 700 people, the russian army is improving the situation in the front line. edge there is progress in krasnogorovka, we continue to push the enemy towards the seversky canal donbass. and here is just a video from the eastern outskirts of chassofir. ivanovo paratroopers destroy groups of ukrainian armed forces infantry. the assault does not stop in the eastern part of the city. long-range weapons are always at the ready. using the krasnopol guided projectile, our artillerymen worked on armored vehicles with personnel and ammunition. well, the fact that the ukrainian units in... the direction is not particularly sweet is not a secret even for the western public, the british
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edition of the times announced the following figures: the fifth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces from the defense of chasovyar, in 2 years lost almost half of its fighters, they die in battles or from illnesses, but more and more often they run in our direction with their hands raised. ice deluxe is... a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a feast of tastes. try your favorite ice delux flavors and the new paraia mango only at a delicious point. every wedding ends the same way, the newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit with interest on the sea, with a savings account each. maybe it’s profitable to increase your savings, open a best interest brokerage account and receive three sberbank shares as a gift. in sberbank
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the same time trying to absolve itself of collective responsibility. so, according to stoltenberg. quote: it will be difficult for ukraine to defend itself if it does not attack russian targets in the border area. end of quote. therefore, according to the secretary general of the alliance, restrictions on the right to fire western missiles western countries could remove it for russian regions. that is, in fact, a direct call for attacks using nato weapons. the topic was discussed today at a meeting of eu defense ministers, and europeans were divided into two camps. of those who approve of blows from. western weapons against russia, or at least traditional russophobes openly declare this: lithuania and latvia, as well as the czech republic and the netherlands, they openly support stoltenberg. if we are talking about statements by jens stoltenberg or someone else, about that ukraine could use weapons supplied to it from abroad, i
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think this is completely logical. ukraine is a country that defends itself, just like a country that has been attacked, it absolutely has. all rights to use all possibilities for your defense. as long as this is in the interests of self-defense, restoration of the integrity of the country's territory and complies with humanitarian and international law, it is quite possible that the ukrainians will have to carry out strikes, also inside russia, so from my point of view this should not be a subject discussions, and i also hope that other countries that have a different opinion will change it, but that's not all. stoltenberg also said that nato. will soon create some kind of permanent structure that will specifically deal with the supply of weapons to ukraine. according to the nato secretary general, this new structure will take charge of coordinating the provision of assistance and training to ukrainian military personnel, as well as organizing the supply of weapons and their financing. the budget has not yet been agreed upon, but the creation of the alliance should be officially announced in july at the alliance summit in
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washington. temporary, short-term voluntary announcements.
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well, that is, it turns out, as experts note, nato, on the one hand, is clearly escalating the ukrainian conflict, on the other hand, it is providing the ukrainian armed forces with weapons only in limited quantities, so that kiev can stay afloat, but at the same time, so that the entire north atlantic alliance does not end up in a war, if it happens and strikes are carried out, then the fifth
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amendment of the nato charter will not work, and no one will. protect those countries that will allow a blow to be struck against russia. in in the czech republic, one of the politicians directly stated that in the nato charter, the fifth amendment is not a dogma, and this is at the discretion of nato. and i think that if the bloc escalates, moscow will respond harshly. the russian ministry of defense accused the ukrainian armed forces of using prohibited chemicals, according to their words. chief of the radiation chemical and biological protection troops igor kirillov. similar cases were recorded in the area of ​​donetsk, bogdanovka, gorlovka, krema and artyomovsk. by the way, the latter is included in the third list of the convention on the prohibition chemical weapons, according to kirillov, previously the ssu also used the toxic
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substance bizet and hydrocyanic acid. in addition, kirillov noted that the ukrainian armed forces are trying to destroy chemically hazardous facilities on the territory of the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical damage to the civilian population. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free debit card. alpha map is not just profitable, alpha profitable, relax, stay on cean for short term, these are the hands of masha
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testing of drones will begin in moscow; they will be able to fly around the territory of the rudnevo industrial park; the government has already signed a decree on the start of an experimental legal regime. so, more details. our colleague alena logvinova will say. alena, good afternoon, why is this important for the development of the industry? colleagues, good day, enterprises will be able to test developments in real conditions and improve them faster. in the industrial park rudny will begin testing drones. the russian government has signed a decree that establishes an experimental legal regime for drone flights in moscow. the document was developed by the ministry of economic development of russia together with the moscow and federal governments. it is rudny that is the base for the creation of new unmanned aerial systems, taking into account the safety requirements
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that exist in the city. in the current situation for a large metropolis such as moscow, of course, it is very important to localize the experimental-right mode is exactly where it is really needed for designers, developers and testers. we did this in rudniev, we really hope that this base will become not only a base for moscow, for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, but the most important design development center for the entire country. the federal center for unmanned aerial systems itself, it will act as the operator of the pilot area, the developer and manufacturer of drones, among others, geoscans, gazprom neftsnabzhniye and flydrone. experimental legal regime introduced on 3 year, during this time 45 drones will be allowed into the program, they will make more than 1,800 flights, transport cargo, perform aviation work, for example, aerial photography and more. however, drones will not be able to lift.
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all areas of the city, it is of great importance for testing technologies, for testing the use of drones in agriculture, in aerial photography, and , importantly, in aerial logistics. in fact, it is planned to create several regional centers, and this center will be the base for other centers being created in the regions. this network of research and production centers will be developed throughout russia as part of the national project unmanned
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aircraft systems. the federal center based on rudnev opened in 2023 and brought together 12 leading developers and manufacturers of drones. a community center was created for residents. let me remind you that this year the government approved a strategy for the development of unmanned aircraft until 2035 , a national project for the development of unmanned aircraft systems. its implementation began in january of this year. already by 2030 the drone market should reach 47,000 units, and this is without taking into account. in total, following the implementation of the national project, the market volume will increase to 260 thousand units, and the share of russian manufacturers will reach 70%. the main goal is the emergence of a new sector of the economy in the country, the greatest potential for the use of drones in agriculture, construction supervision and delivery of goods to hard-to-reach areas. services based on unmanned aircraft are already
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in various demand. sectors of the economy, their development and production is important strategic importance, as evidenced by the approval of the national project of the same name; according to forecasts of the ministry of industry and trade, by 2035 the market for drones as a whole will be about 12 billion rubles, and accordingly, if we talk about money, the growth of services based on unmanned aerial vehicles will naturally lead to an increase in infrastructure opening of new jobs . conduct. the experiment is an important step in the development of the drone industry; companies will be able to test their developments in real conditions and improve products faster, which means improving their characteristics will lead to increased safety of drone flights.
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an escalation of the situation in ukraine with the west could have serious consequences, journalist vladimir putin stated this during a press conference in tashkent. the russian president noted that if western troops are sent to ukraine, this will be another step towards a global conflict. so, we’ll find out the details from elizaveta khramtsovay. she
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