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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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an escalation of the situation in ukraine with the west could have serious consequences, journalist vladimir putin stated this during a press conference in tashkent. the russian president noted that if western troops are sent to ukraine, this will be another step towards a global conflict. so, we’ll find out the details from elizaveta khramtsova, she’s in direct contact with us. elizabeth, welcome, what else did vladimir putin talk about today? colleagues, good afternoon, today the president talked a lot about responsibility.
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powers of the president in the constitution of ukraine nothing is said, i think this is no longer connected in any way with the constitution, that maybe the idea of ​​the owners, today’s owners of ukraine, they are overseas, is to entrust the current executive power with the time of making all unpopular decisions, including and making another decision to downgrade...
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and against this background , the voices of western politicians almost merge into a chorus, who now began to say, they say, they have the right to decide what to do with the weapons received from their partners, which means they are free to choose any targets for territory of russia, not only in its new regions, and at the same time nato countries will supposedly remain aloof from the conflict, but here it is obvious, the russian president emphasizes, kiev’s support is not limited to the transfer of arsenals. high-precision long-range weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance equipment, the first, second, final selection of the target and the so-called flight task can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence, technical intelligence data, this task is not prepared by ukrainians military personnel. and representatives
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of nato countries, well, these representatives of nato countries, especially - in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small a territory with a very dense population, and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before - the events on the approaches to the city were provoked by the state of the north atlantic alliance, because our military is now working to ensure the security of belgorod. all now there are events going on. on the approaches to
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kharkov, so it was they who provoked these events in this direction, i think i publicly said six months ago, if they continue to strike residential areas, they will advance in europe, how will the united states behave, meaning our priority in the field of strategic weapons? it’s hard to say, they want a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t
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see a great, great desire to do this, there is a conversation about this, we don’t seem to see much desire, well, we’ll see what happens next. and... the goal of the legality of which there can be no doubt is the mercenaries of nato countries who help kiev not only with advice. the military is now in ukraine saying that they may appear, they have been there for a long time, we hear, on the air we hear, then english speech, then french, polish, if, say, some contingents of european countries come there along with the poles , others will leave, the poles. never, this this is an obvious thing, under the guise of releasing, liberating some units of ukraine standing along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, and keeping them along the borders to ensure their safety,
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nonsense and nonsense, that’s all, and if they are there are located, then they will also... be in the affected area of ​​our armed forces, i don’t think that this is a good, correct decision, a good way out, this is escalation and another step towards a serious conflict in europe and a global conflict. the united states does not forget about russia’s friends in central asia. officials at various levels are actively coming to the region, imposing cooperation. in general, they act using known methods.
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themselves, american analysts themselves, say this directly: the united states is an empire, to a large extent its imperial ambitions are connected with internal political events, now presidential elections are coming soon, and the current authorities want to confirm their status as an empire, many in the united states do not like this, many they don’t want to be an empire and carry. and bear such an imperial burden and responsibility they don’t want, and don’t want to expose their country to any dangers and drive them into some difficulties, to find a way out of the conflict by extermination, the west is trying to frame the conference on ukraine, which
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will be held in switzerland in 2 weeks, and some consolidated position of the world community - vladimir believes putin, the west only names its wishes, but it’s unlikely that the agreement that we... they say, we are not ready to invite russia now, but then we will be ready, but we never refused, not now, not then, not, not a year earlier, we said that we are ready, we didn’t stop negotiating, we were told, that’s it, we won’t negotiate with you anymore, we never refused and are ready to continue the negotiation process, but who, i mean here and...
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but it won’t work out for them, this it just means that they don’t want to negotiate. and the artificial excitement around the proposed negotiations remains a delay. for some reason, the west expects that the situation on the battlefield can still change in favor of kiev, and the longer it resists, the more losses there will be, and the nato countries will look at this with indifference, because they don’t consider their ukrainian wards their own. and people, vladimir putin hopes, should finally feel it. every
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5:15 pm
this is how we try to fly to volchansk on a bug under the cover of an electronic warfare station in the sky, enemy 90-160 rons are working. they are trying to catch our unit on rotation, trying to hit the evacuation teams, while they are now actively our operational-tactical aviation is working, our artillerymen are actively working, assault operations in bolchansk continue, soldiers of the russian army are knocking out the enemy, our
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film crew entered volchansk, we are in the northern part of the city, the northern part is under the control of a unit of the russian army, this is the volchanskaya ruins, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed, i remind you that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out... terrorist attacks on the cities of the belgorod region in volchansk they hid multiple launch rocket systems , they hid ammunition, from here the rszz moved to firing positions in order to target residential areas of belgorod and other cities in the belgorod region, and
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now our fighters are pushing back the enemy, fighting.
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bugs are damaged, but lucky, alexander vladimirovich is engaged in self-help, puts on a turnstile so as not to distract the group and not slow down, in general the situation is as follows, i was driving in the back, cameraman sasha pushin, there was a mine explosion in the car, sasha wounded his leg, but not seriously , we dismounted, to unload the bugs, and him...
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as part of, as olga said, the russia exhibition. yes, well, now all the ideas will be brought to the meeting of the presidential council for strategic development, but anastasia efimova will tell you about the discussions that took place today. a format in which each other can be heard face to face face, eye to eye. which we are discussing is already a traditional principle of work: ministers and governors gather together for seminar-meetings to discuss which decisions will be the most effective, and then present them at
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an extended meeting of the state council. the current topic is strategic development and national projects, and here it is important to understand what has already been done and what is yet to come. a lot of work has been done over the years and almost everyone today has broadband access to the internet.
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various indicators, we excluded completely the human factor, this is all not only it technologies were used, but most importantly, software products were developed by our specialists, we have already moved away from western products in this area for the most part. in february, as part of his message to the federal assembly, the president announced the launch of five new national projects, four will begin implementation next year, and one for the youth of russia this year. if our young people grow up. millions of young guys, unsure of their future, not seeing themselves, their realization in our country, this will be already, well, this is unacceptable, this will be, this is the main battle, probably, that is taking place today for the minds, the national project is aimed at this, this challenge, the formation of guys who believe in themselves, believe in their success in russia, just like that, without slogans and unnecessary words they work at the seminar meeting, opening
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which the moderator reminded everyone: the participants about the need for an informal approach, so they work here as usual, without ties , rolling up their sleeves. anastasia efimova, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktistov and valeria borovikova. news.
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there is a lot to learn from young guys. nato countries themselves decide whether to allow kiev to carry out strikes with western weapons on its territory.


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