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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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the west's escalation of the situation in ukraine could have serious consequences, as stated by journalist vladimir putin in tashkent. the russian president noted that if western troops are sent to ukraine. this will be another step towards a global conflict. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you more about these and other statements by vladimir putin. vladimir putin's state visit to uzbekistan lasted even longer than originally planned. the leaders of the two countries share good relations. both recently regained support their peoples. this means that there are still several years of joint work ahead in the interests of our peoples. the visit took place shortly after.
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people on the shoulders who will not have this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people. and against this background , the voices of western politicians almost merge into a chorus, who now began to say that kiev has the right to decide what to do with the weapons received from its partners, which means it is free to choose any targets on the territory of russia, not only in its new regions, and at in this case, nato countries will supposedly remain aloof from the conflict, but this is obvious, the president emphasizes.
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must keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory, they must be aware of what they are playing with, the russian president noted about representatives of nato countries. and now, when the russian armed forces are demonstrating success near kharkov. it is worth remembering that the events on the approaches to the city were provoked by the state of the north atlantic alliance, because our military is now working for ensuring the security of belgorod. everything now revolves around events.
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under the guise of liberating, liberating some ukrainian units stationed along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, and keeping them along the borders to ensure their safety, it’s alien and nonsense, that’s all, and if they are there, then they they will also be in the affected area of ​​our armed forces .
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empire, to a large extent, its imperial ambitions are connected with internal political events, now presidential elections are coming soon, and the current authorities want confirm their status as an empire, many in
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the united states do not like this, many do not want to be an empire and carry and bear such an imperial burden, and they do not want responsibility and do not want to subject their country to some kind of ...
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society, but they will not succeed , this just means that they don’t want to negotiate. and the artificial excitement around the proposed negotiations remains a delay. for some reason, the west expects that the situation on the battlefield can still change in favor of kiev, and the longer it
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resists, the more losses, and nato countries will look at this with indifference, because they do not consider their ukrainian charges as their own. and people, vladimir putin hopes, should. finally feel it. russian troops continue to push back ukrainian militants in the kharkov direction. the enemy, despite the fact that kiev and its western curators have engaged. all kinds of reserves, forced to retreat with colossal losses, the armed forces of ukraine lose up to fifty militants killed per day, the fiercest battles are now taking place for volchansk, our military correspondents, evgeniy podubny and alexander pushin were the first to get into the city, which became the site of fierce battles. this is how we try to fly to volchansk on a bug under the cover of an electronic warfare station in the sky. they are trying
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to catch our units on rotation , they are trying to hit the evacuation teams, while our operational-tactical aviation is now actively working, our artillerymen are actively working, the assault operations in bolchansk continue, the soldiers of the russian army are knocking out. enemy, our film crew entered volchansk, we the northern part of the city, the northern part is under the control of units of the russian army, these are the volchanskaya ruins, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed, let me remind you. that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks
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on the cities of the belgorod region; in volchansk they hid multiple launch rocket systems, hid ammunition, from here the rszzs moved to firing positions in order to target the residential areas of belgorod and other cities of the belgorod region. here now our fighters are pushing back the enemy, the fighting is fierce, heavy fighting, in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of military operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones, we try to drive further down the street, and then an explosion occurs. the result of remote mining of the enemy. the formation of the kiev regime delivers anti-personnel
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mines using uavs, our specialists do the same. did a mine just go off under our car? we've lost our wheels, but we can't stop. the boys control the sky. wounded during the explosion. our cameraman alexander pushin receives, shrapnel hit sasha in the leg, the bugs are damaged, but he’s lucky, alexander vladimirovich, is engaged in self-help, puts on a tourniquet so as not to distract the group and not slow down. in general, the situation is as follows, i was driving in the back, cameraman sasha pushin, in the car, there was a mine explosion, sashka wounded his leg, but not seriously, we and... to relieve the bugs, a soldier is now taking him
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for medical care, the group leaves the fighting zone on foot, successful offensive of the russian army in kharkov direction, despite the fact... he is now in the hospital, his life is nothing . i note that our cameraman alexander pushin is not in danger, and we wish a speedy recovery to the vgtrk war correspondent. ukraine is preparing attacks using toxic substances, the head of the ordinary, chemical and biological troops said. protection of the russian armed forces, igor kirillov. according to him, there is evidence of requests to the ssu for the provision of antidotes and
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gas masks in large quantities. in addition, already recorded cases of use cue ammunition with chemicals. for example, american -made gas grenades with ss substance were used against the russian military in the krasno-limansky and boguslavsky directions of the special operation zone. they also dropped drones on the positions of our troops. hand grenades filled with irritant chemicals and marked ren-6. numerous cases of the use of the destructive substance chlor-fikri by the ukrainian country have been recorded. in the mixture schloracytophenones. similar incidents recorded in the areas of the city of donetsk, the settlements of bogdanovka, gorlovka, kremennaya, artyomovsk. while chlorocetophenone is classified as a riot control chemical, chloropicrin is included in list three of the chemical weapons convention. let me remind you that chloropicrin was first used by ukrainian neo-nazis during
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the siege of the trade union house in odessa on may 2 , 2014 against those who disagreed with the us-organized union. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim is always tells her friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and... she will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free
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the georgian parliament overcame the veto imposed by the president by a majority vote zorubishvili on the law on foreign agents. 84 deputies were in favor of only four against , the speaker of parliament said. well, despite the fact that a simple majority was enough to eliminate the vet. the voting took place virtually under siege, the parliament building was surrounded by protesting opposition, which, during all three readings of the law, organized its actions, in parallel with the visits of western representatives. eu delegates threatened to block georgia's entry into the eu if the law was passed. however, nothing stands in the way of this document. take effect. and the main directions of new national projects that will form the basis for the country’s development were discussed today in moscow at vdnkh. a special seminar and meeting was held
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as part of the international exhibition of the russia forum. now all ideas will be submitted to a meeting of the presidential council for strategic development. anastasia yafemova will tell you how the discussions went. a format in which participants can hear each other, face to face, eye to eye, at a round table, seminar participants meeting. work ministers and governors gather together at a seminar-meeting to discuss which decisions will be the most effective, and then present them at an extended meeting of the state council. the current
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topic is strategic development and national projects, and here it is important to understand what has already been done and what is yet to come. over the years , a lot of work has been done and almost everyone today has broadband access to the internet, people receive high-quality communications. in the majority, in the absolute majority of cases, but there are certain points that require constant improvement, in in particular, the regions, and we interviewed 74 governors, have comments and there is a great demand for strengthening and improving the quality of communications along roads, both railway and highway. for most of the participants in the seminar, this is a familiar format, as alexey dyumin recalled, as the governor of the tula region, he took part in it for many years, and his work will continue in the position of assistant to the president, the direction of the activities of the state council is familiar to me, and
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there are certain things here that, of course, require certain management, provision all activities of the state council, but this topic is familiar to me, and especially based on experience and work as the head of a subject, it means that in close cooperation with our colleagues , governors, we know and understand, which means, those necessary key points that should be at the forefront, and what things need to be synchronized at the federal center level. but for the five acting governors, this is the first seminar; they started work only 2 weeks ago, however, they are already completely immersed in the process. just the other day i visited one of the largest coal mining enterprises and got acquainted with what we did in... dispatching, every excavator, every dump truck, every coal machine is equipped with various sensors that record
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various indicators, we completely eliminated the human factor, this is all not only using it technologies , but most importantly , software products were developed by our specialists; we have already moved away, for the most part, from western products in this area. in february, as part of his address to the federal assembly, the president announced launch.
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choirs such as danko and malevich created set the tone for the development of domestic porcelain for many years to come, and in fact created it.
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participation in the state decision-making system, creating conditions for training scientific personnel, creating a board of trustees. key topics at the general meeting of wound members. the russian academy of sciences, the intellectual headquarters of the state, plays a key role in the implementation of programs to ensure the technological scientific
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sovereignty of the country. russia, food security in center of attention. we create up to 20 varieties every year. our varieties give increasingly higher yields, while maintaining high quality, because wheat is bread, bread must be of high quality and tasty. new technologies and unique selection methods attract partners from other countries. and here we are today, yesterday we discussed this issue, testing these varieties in the conditions of kyrgyzstan. i think this will be a very big help for our republic, because food security is the number one problem in the whole world. openness, public discussion of research results, freedom of scientific discussions. basic principles of work at the russian
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academy of sciences. consists of more than 400 foreign members from 55 countries. there will be a meeting of the heads of the academy of sciences brix-plus with the participation of the federative republic of brazil, the arab republic of egypt, the republic of india, the islamic republic of iran, the people's republic of china, the federal democratic republic of ethiopia, and south africa. russia has something to surprise its foreign partners, for example, in the fmba, in order to increase the effectiveness of scientific research, introduced a cluster approach and technological platforms. they allow you to gather a team for a specific task to speed up development. over the course of a year, the agency managed to create more than 250 new vaccines and medicines. of particular importance are, of course, antidotes against toxic substances, and new radioprotectors. these are new
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systems for radiochemical-biological defense troops; in the twenty-third year we have developed a unique, the world's first allergy vaccine against birch pollen and cross food allergens, we have developed personalized oncology vaccines that can be used for colorectal cancer; similar studies are now underway for different types of melanomas.
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in addition to knowledge, beautiful theory, there is an element of chance, something that we constantly talk about, and it is quite large. the russian academy of sciences turned 300 this year, an organization with a rich history and traditions. every year the best reports are presented on stage, and their creators are awarded gold medals for their significant contribution to the development of russian science. maria valieva and sergey ukhvaryonok, danila kuznetsov and asya oslonyan, lead.


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