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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. foreign agent radio liberty posts deployment points on. but ukrainian commanders continue to send fighters to the left bank of the dnieper, what is this? punishment for some misdeeds or the enemy hopes to build a bridge from human bodies, engaged in hand-to-hand combat in order to leave ukraine. a military school cadet specially
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prepared for competitions in europe in order to go to russia from there, now he wants to fight the kiev regime. anti-russian manuals in german schools, parents students are outraged that their children are forced to draw ukrainian flags and hate russia. where will such lessons lead germany? another reason to confess your love for your homeland. russians are recording videos en masse under '. mother earth, who has already become a thorn in the flash mob? the blood of people who suffered from another attack by the armed forces of ukraine at the hands of such, in quotation marks, journalists, is a harsh but quite fair verdict that the ridovka building makes in the wake of events in the moscow region, where previously, as reported, a ukrainian drone was shot down. although in this case we are not talking
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as much about him as about radio liberty's unwanted foreign agent. one of its authors seems to have taken advantage of the fact that a certain category of citizens are simply itching to film the work of our air defense systems. and, in fact, thanks to similar footage published on social networks, he was able to calculate the expected geolocation of the anti-aircraft crew, and then absolutely openly posted the information received online on the website of the same radio liberty, that is, by and large, he acted as a gunner for the possible ones. future terrorist attacks of the kyiv regime, here with on the one hand, the corpus delicti of a criminal offense is obvious, but on the other hand, it must be admitted that the problem is much broader than one single episode, anton podkovenko will tell you what it is and what solutions are available. anton, hello, as far as i understand, all these characters are on the payroll of the state department, and are even trying to draw up some kind of map of russian air defense regions. greetings, yes, they are trying to draw up such a map, making it publicly available, this is intelligence activity, there is no other way to put it. and but an agent who
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is rapidly turning into a spy, because that the latest posts of radio liberty are the result of intelligence activities, there is no other way to say it, it doesn’t even masquerade as the media, it broadcasts this mixed with fakes and rabid anti-russian rhetoric. we found opposition air defense systems that shot down an alleged ukrainian drone, there is a satellite photograph attached, which we will not show of course, revealing the location of the air defense - this is work for the enemy, direct, undisguised, public, arrogant, the handwriting of a foreign agent of radio liberty. media or how at a minimum, an organization that calls itself a mass media does not, of course, fall under any definitions of freedom of dissemination of information, independent journalism, objectivity and all the other things that they have long ago thrown into the trash, they practically perform the function of army military intelligence. and, accordingly
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, requires a similar attitude towards itself, but how could it be otherwise if the foreign agent’s media employees, who are funded by the us congress, closely, purposefully, intentionally they study satellite images, so they themselves write about it, examine it, compare maps, calculate where our air defense systems might be, and post everything in messengers. this is no longer the media, but a media espionage project. west, working very closely with various interested services, they even have a special map of the points where, according to the foreign agent, our air defense systems are located, an interactive map, that is, it is constantly updated, they make changes there, and the reader is responsible for all this mark krutov, really his the surname is written in latin in the corner of the card. ever since the summer when the attempts began.
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drone attacks on moscow, krutov lays out the location of our anti-aircraft systems, as he imagines it. here he is, this krutov, editor of the radio liberty information service, not the most famous media outlet. the character has several odious investigations in quotes, as people with beautiful faces call it, krutov lives in prague, where the headquarters of the media department is located, created specifically for information counteraction to russia, on the initiative of american agency for global media, in turn trustees of the foreign agent radio liberty. by the way, krutov himself, as an individual, is not included in the list of foreign agents or extremists. regarding kutov, this is another homeless person there, who...
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year, in 2023, satellite images of military factories under construction in russia were published, also a tip on strategic objects, like now in the air defense, this is the whole story, when they start there - drawing some maps, map some targets, that’s easy for us once again it speaks about who we are dealing with, and radio freedom, it is engaged in conducting special information and psychological sabotage operations, disclosing information about the locations of our air defense systems, that is, this is direct assistance to our enemy. and no matter how accurate these homemade maps of theirs are, it is clearly clear that radio liberty is no longer just a foreign agent, not just an information weapon, a generator
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of anti-russian propaganda, it is a direct intelligence tool of the enemy, but with spies we don't stand on ceremony. anton potkovenko and propagandists-guides. the situation in ukraine is such that the country’s authorities are forced to take on the burden of responsibility for all unpopular decisions imposed by the west, including a radical reduction in the conscription age down to eighteen. vladimir putin spoke about this during a press approach following his visit to uzbekistan today, who suggested thinking about what goal the foreign masters of the kiev regime are pursuing by betting on its current political leadership. constitution of ukraine provides.
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all unpopular decisions, including the adoption of another decision to lower, further lower the draft age, now 20 was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after making this or other unpopular decisions, the current today, as if representatives of the executive branch, i think, will replace them with... people on the shoulders who will not be, who will not have this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people. as for actions russian troops, the president paid special attention to their advances in the kharkov region and lucidly reminded that the goal
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is not some kind of aggression that is being talked about in kiev and the west, the creation of a security zone due to shelling by ukrainian armed forces militants of our border regions. everything now revolves around the events on the approaches to kharkov, so it was they who provoked these events in this direction. i said publicly six months ago, i think, if they continue to strike residential areas, neighborhoods, we we will then be forced to create a security zone. nobody talks about the shelling of belgorod and other surrounding areas. everyone only says that russia has opened a new front and is attacking kharkov, not a word. what caused this, they did it with their own hands, well, then they are reaping the fruits of their creativity, and in general, this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences, if these serious consequences occur in europe, how will
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the united states behave, bearing in mind our priority in the field of strategic weapons, it is difficult to say, they want a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate with... in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t see a great, great desire to do this, there is a conversation about this, we don’t seem to see a great desire, well, let's see what happens. another reason to talk about the attempts of the kiev regime to transport the so-called paratroopers to the left bank of the dnieper, in fact natural suicides, who invariably receive a one- way ticket from their command, in a creepy video of the telegram channel archangel-special forces can observe the guaranteed consequences of such attacks, the flooded boats are densely packed with the bodies of eliminated militants, and those who somehow... miraculously manage to slip onto land remain alive only a little longer, since in the absence of shelters an artillery
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shell or drones easily find their target. in general, is it any wonder that even on this section of the front, where, unlike donbass and the kharkov region, there seem to be no large-scale military operations, the armed forces of ukraine manage to lose dozens of manpower daily. but here, of course, the question arises, what is the reason for such a long collective suicide of ukrainian formations. vadim zavochenkov tried to find the answers. vadim, hello. well, is there at least some practical, or at least propaganda, meaning? alexey, surprisingly, even the masters of kiev propaganda cannot clearly explain why this meat grinder is needed. a ritual sacrifice to river spirits, or perhaps collective insanity, more often than not, even in the craziest acts you can find a billion-year-old, even disgusting , even inhumane, but...
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and it would be okay if the footage from near kherson was a one-time action, an attempt to catch our fighters by surprise, but no, with the manic persistence of the ukrainian armed forces they send suicide bombers to the left bank of the dnieper, no matter at night or landing in the afternoon. is perfectly visible from any distance and becomes an easy target for the russian
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army, which has targeted the position. sometimes the enemy even manages to get through and land, but only to come under artillery fire and die anyway. the only one the chance to survive the landing operation is to immediately run into a russian detachment upon landing. a word from one of the lucky ones. when we crossed to the left bank, ours. the commanders and officers did not go with us; we were thrown there like cannon fodder, without coordinates, without guides. when the russian military overtook us, i immediately put the machine gun on the ground and raised my hands. even the ukrainian marines themselves cannot explain what the motivation is. one can only assume that the armed forces of ukraine are being fooled into thinking that the attack will be supported by fire weapons, and that the russian defense will be suppressed by drones and artillery, otherwise there would be no... no one agreed, the very personnel who
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are expanding this combat mission, of course, are tasked with the fact that at this time the enemy is conducting reconnaissance for us, he is determining the locations of our firing starting positions, opens up and hits them, but this is the only way to explain them - the persistence of trying to break through the wall with the forehead, but in fact we are on the shore, we have the opportunity to maneuver, we have the opportunity to cover ourselves from the uav. knowing the kyiv the junta, one might assume, is probably all these deaths for the sake of pr, but even this is hard to believe. in local information dumps there is practically no word about landing operations; occasionally there are light notes, without video or specifics, with reference to terrorists from the national battalion, which is banned in russia. zbroynye forces. the ukrainian armed forces withdrew from the krynki, but advanced to more fortified positions.
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soldiers of the aidar battalion report this on social networks. as i understand it, we are talking about these brave fighters, shocking footage from the jars was published today. it turns out that the basements of the houses are literally filled with the remains of the marines, who for months kiev sent to this very, this very. to support the bravura picture in the media, fantasies, and propaganda, they are still holding machine guns in their hands, and even... dnieper, in principle, there is no strategy. in the current attempts of ukrainian troops to cross , once again show tens of hundreds of corpses for ukrainian residents, this is the most actually bring
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additional anger to the zelensky regime, nothing more, so i think now... another revealing video, four militants on territories controlled by kiev, they are preparing another landing operation, only two of them don’t want to go to death, they kill their brothers-in-arms , drag them into boats and...
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although, according to putin, a scenario is quite likely in which these same territories will actually be captured, well , for example, by the poles under the pretext of helping the armed forces of ukraine. the military is now in ukraine saying that they may appear, so they are there, we hear, on the air we hear, then english speech, then french, polish, if, say, some contingents come there european countries together with the poles.
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they will also be in the affected area of ​​our armed forces. i don't think this is a good, correct decision or a good way out. this is an escalation and another step towards a serious conflict in europe and a global conflict. finally, the president also touched upon the call of the authorities of a number of nato countries to allow ukrainian militants to use longer-range weapons. for attacks on russian regions, as vladimir putin noted, the ukrainian armed forces are simply not capable of independently carrying out such attacks, so moscow obviously believes that specialists from western countries will have to bear responsibility for them and recommend not to forget about the possible consequences. long -range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second,
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and the final choice of target. and the so-called flight mission can only be entered by highly qualified specialists on the basis of this intelligence data, technical intelligence data, this task is prepared not by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of nato countries, well, these are representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries, they must generally be aware of what they are playing with. they must remember that this is generally a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, a factor that they must keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. well, by the way, the defense ministers of the eu countries just today held
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a special meeting where they discussed the possibility of using western weapons against targets outside the northern military district zone. nato secretary general. jens stoltenberg proposed that each state make a decision at the national level so that the north atlantic alliance, quote, does not become a direct participant in the conflict, as if it still had not become one, but one way or another , the baltic authorities clearly supported indiscriminate attacks, the czech republic and the president of france do not object emmael macron, germany takes a rather cautious position, for example italy is strongly against it. during the day, units of the central, southern and eastern groups on... our the armed forces again occupied more advantageous positions in all directions of the northern military district in the donetsk people's republic and collectively destroyed more than 1,200 ukrainian militants. and in the battles on the territory of the kharkov region, the city remains the hottest area. where one of the first russian journalists managed to get into the film crew of evgeniy poddubny and alexander pushin. this is how we try
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to fly to volchansk on a bug under the cover of an electronic warfare station in the sky where enemy rons are working. they're trying to catch our the rotational unit is trying to hit ... the evacuation teams, while our operational-tactical aviation is now actively working, our artillerymen are actively working. the assault in volchansk continues, russian army soldiers are knocking out the enemy. our film crew entered volchansk, we are in the northern part of the city, the northern part is under the control of the unit. these are the ruins of volchanskaya, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually
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destroyed, i remind you that the enemy had previously used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks on cities in the belgorod region; multiple launch rocket systems were hidden in volchansk; ammunition was hidden from here. mlrs were moved to firing positions in order to target residential areas of belgorod and other cities in the belgorod region. now our fighters are pushing back the enemy, the fighting is fierce, heavy fighting, in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of military operations is intense. artillery and fpv drones, a reconnaissance officer, his duty specialist, volunteer, has been fighting for a long time, says the nature
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of the war has changed dramatically in recent months, the battle for volchansk, the first such battle in the new stage, you need to constantly be on fox, constantly monitor the sky, the road, movements, who is where, what is the war now completely... different, now there is practically a war of drones, so to speak, drones, they hang 20, almost 24 hours a day, and they work, if a bird, the bird’s battery runs out, the other one changes it, at the same moment that runs out , the battery flies away, and so they constantly, one flew up, the other flew away, so they constantly monitor and understand what is happening in the interaction. we are trying to drive further down the street, here an explosion occurs, the result of remote mining by the enemy, the formation of the kiev regime
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is delivering anti-personnel mines using uavs, our specialists are doing the same, a mine has just gone off under our car, now we have lost a wheel, but we cannot stop. the guys control the sky, during the explosion our cameraman alexander pushin was wounded, shrapnel hit sasha in the leg, bugs are damaged, but lucky, alexander vladimirovich is engaged in self-help, puts on a tourniquet so as not to distract the group and not slow down. in general, the situation is as follows: i was driving in the back, the operator was in the car, an accident happened... now
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a soldier is taking him to provide medical assistance, the group is leaving the battle zone on foot, the successful offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction continues, despite the fact that the enemy brought all available ones to the kharkov region... evgeniy poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news from volchansk. well, i’ll add that the cameraman of our film crew, alexander pushin , is now in the hospital, nothing threatens his life, but of course, we wish him a speedy recovery. it sits against the backdrop of the flag of the banned bandera union, but at the same time they broadcast theses that modern banderaites probably won’t like at all. this is a sensational video from glavred. ukrapomoyki yuri butusov, which revealed a lot of inconvenient truths about the quality of training of ukrainian armed forces militants. 125
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replacements were sent to the brigade. during the fighting, a brigade was sent reinforcements, some tcc recruited more than 100 people, it turned out that all these people were unfit for service, out of all 100 , only three were accepted into the brigade. actually, there are no adjuncts before the service, but the brigade is not at all abstract, the character means 125, it was she who, let me remind you, rushed into the scattered, leaving weapons and equipment in positions as the fighters of our north group advanced in the kharkov region, accordingly, even for strategically important direction, well -trained reserves... square was not found, and the junta can only fill the front with low-grade cannon fodder, although not everyone seriously intends to put up with this situation, here is just the resonant example of sergei kuznetsov, who, being a professional ukrainian military man, fundamentally refused to serve in zelensky’s army, and the main one found a way to get russian citizenship, how he managed to explain it evgeniy nipot, evgeniya, good evening, but a similar story is really exciting, alexey, hello, it reminds me of the scripts of a film about
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an escape. from prison. sergey kuznetsov, former a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, decided to leave square when he realized among the troops that the commanders and officials treated ukrainians as cattle from which they could skim off the last of their money or send them to the slaughterhouse. in his story, sergei told journalists masha, he says that he entered the service in 2021. after finishing the eleventh grade, i was inspired by the idea of ​​going to serve, like the bulk of my relatives, my grandfather there. great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, and also my father also served in the airborne forces, so i already came to the airborne forces, started with the special unit in lviv region, where weapons were brought from the usa, eu countries and great britain, where western instructors trained ukrainians. when returning from vacation, you are unlikely to go to the lviv region, the village of staryche, we also meet western partners, foreign partners from england, these
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are them specifically. why? because the javelin was produced in england itself and partners from england arrived there and demonstrated it to us. so we seemed to understand in principle that we were preparing for something, but the question was who the first to attack. when it began, sergei was sent to the front. on the way, he learned that the ukrainian terrorist defense had shot the column in which his former colleagues were moving. was wounded and was being treated in hospital. transfers me to a city clinic in ternopil and a doctor comes in. an older man says: comrade viyskovsluzhbovtsy, my bread is my work, that is, i am hinting that you want to lie here longer, pay this money, and he showed with his hand like this, as a person sees that there are people there with one there you can in leg just like that, to look and see right through what is happening there, one of them has his hand together with knitting needles, and how he offers bribes to people, well, this is nonsense, this was the last
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straw, after which sergei wrote to his relatives that on... sergei achieved the title candidate for master of sports, got into the national team and went to the european championship in poland, as soon as the opportunity arose, he left the place where his team was stationed. i went to the czech republic, stayed there for almost six months and flew to moscow. it is reported that in russia, before in order to obtain citizenship, he passed many checks, and
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has already chosen this method of salvation from the kiev regime. hundreds of ukrainian athletes. last november, let me remind you, local functionaries published data on those who left; at that time there were more than 300 of them, a significant increase, almost 100 survivors in six months. maybe that’s why square stopped publishing such statistics. they try to escape at every opportunity, so as not to fall into the web of the murderers from the shopping center. true, not everyone turns out to be a kievba player. they try stay somewhere in europe, because most likely, if they are not athletes, do not go there along this line, then they probably have few other options, say, so as not to end up in...


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