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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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citizenship has passed many checks, and hundreds of ukrainian athletes have already chosen this method of salvation from the kiev regime. last november, let me remind you, local functionaries published data on those who left; at that time there were more than 300 of them, a significant increase, almost 100 survivors in six months. maybe that’s why they stopped publishing such statistics in nezalezhnaya, they try to escape at every convenient opportunity, just to avoid... getting caught in the network of the murderers from the shopping center, however, not everyone succeeds, a kievbasket player, for example, was detained while trying to cross border, they try to stay somewhere in europe, because most likely, if they are not athletes and do not go there along this line, then they probably have few other options, say, so as not to end up in the armed forces, so use such opportunities.
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sergei kuznetsov used his opportunity to escape to the fullest; now, as mash reports, he will go to his relatives who live in new territories, and says that he intends to volunteer to serve in the russian armed forces in order to liberate his native land from the kiev regime. and considers this choice to be the only correct one. evgenia, nipats and a reasonable solution. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. anti-russian training manuals in german schools, parents of students are outraged that their children are forced to draw ukrainian flags and hate russia. where will such lessons lead germany?
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our task was to take a stone, in the morning we were attacked, well, i open my eyes, well, i’m alive, i see that my leg is spattering blood, nothing happened, he says, it’s just my mother, she says, she will be very worried, she says, now well... i arrived early and immediately cried, well, i was covered like a dead man, well, it was not visible that my leg was gone, and so you can’t change anything here, what happened, happened, well, nothing, the most important thing is that he’s alive, you can do that walk around the junction, and you will return from reconnaissance with the following: russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could i even end up here and space pirates, i love children, they will meet again. i wanted to offer
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you my hand and heart, an interesting proposal, but maybe it’s possible in some other way, any intervention in time can bring him forward 100 years ago, there is an opinion that time heals 512 people, including the 91st child, searchers found it when they came across this execution pit. they burned the village of all the inhabitants for themselves and the partisans. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite. a very
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well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. it was you who stole your grandfather's cutlass at the age of 7. that's what the men from the yard told you, you're a fighter. you were the one who was never afraid. fights, it's with you, she's calm everywhere, it's on you, friends can always rely on you, it’s you, you can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own, may 28, a memorable date
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in the military history of russia, border guard day, the border guard of the rsfsr was established, to which... officers came border guard corps. in 1941, border guards were the first to meet hitler's hordes, defending the borders of their homeland to the last drop of blood. border guard day was established in order to revive the historical traditions of russia and its border troops. in peacetime , border troops always remain at the forefront region, always in combat readiness. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. watch, watch in the app or on the website, only in alfabank, spin the reel in
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8:39 pm
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ukrainian militants are planning a large-scale attack using toxic substances in the special operations zone. such data were announced today, as emphasized by the head of the radiation chemical and biological protection troops of the russian armed forces, igor kirilov. kiev’s requests to western sponsors say that ukraine is demanding antidotes and gas masks in excessive quantities. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces' storm teams are already equipped with american-made gas grenades. also the use of ammunition containing chemicals by ukrainian troops was recorded. they are dropped from drones onto positions of russian forces. numerous cases have been recorded in the ukrainian country of using the corrosive substance chloropicrin in a mixture with chlorocytophenone. similar incidents. recorded in the areas of the city of donetsk, the settlements of bogdanovka, gorlovka, kremennaya, artyomovsk. if chloroacetophenone
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is classified as a riot control chemical, then chloro-picrin is included in the list of three conventions on the prohibition of chemicals. weapons. let me remind you that for the first time chloropicline was used by ukrainian neo-nazis during the siege of the trade union house in the city of odessa on may 2 , 2014 against those who disagreed with the armed coup d'etat organized by their allies in the united states. a smoking samovar, a bottle of vodka, a jar of black caviar and, of course, a horse serving collage to the participants of the feast. a cartoon from the archival edition of the newspaper novoye vremya for august 1914, which was recalled today in the newspapers department of the russian national library, and not by chance, right now. since we are talking about the brightest example of german propaganda during the first world war, in which this is what breakfast looks like. home, the housewife in a kokoshnik happily drinks tea, stirring the sugar with a bone instead of a spoon;
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human jellied meat was served as the main dish at the table, at least this is what the legs sticking out of the jelly testify to. according to the editor’s explanation, more than 100 years ago, even before the declaration of war, in german churches and schools they talked about the barbarity of the russians, and also that the cossacks were especially ferocious and eat people. and in in general, as recent events show , not much has changed since then, selected propaganda horror stories about russians are still being put into the heads of german schoolchildren, boris ivanin has become familiar with educational brochures for special purposes, boris, greetings, and what exactly are they scaring german children with? alexey, good evening, but they are scared, of course, by ferocious russia, russian soldiers and even vladimir putin himself. political science lessons in germany turned into lessons in anti-russian propaganda, invests. her in the fragile minds of german schoolchildren with with the help of textbooks that are simply saturated with hatred of our country. the word
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hate is already on the cover. here in this ugly caricature of russian soldiers, supposedly this is how they are going to take kiev, imagining that there are not people there, but monsters. the anti-russian discourse of the west in the title, look, does not leave any space for other interpretations of the ukrainian conflict. the authors assure that this is how supposedly independent thinking is formed, although textbooks designed for 15-year-old teenagers, using similar manuals, are already german teachers are also trained, parents complain, teachers in german schools even in art classes force children to draw ukrainian flags, and insults against russia are heard, including in those classes where history, rights or politics are not studied. masha zhukov said that they would never forgive us for our victory, so as a german it’s very, very painful for me to see what he really seems like. i’m right, because what i’ve been observing there over the last two years
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is really a nightmare, this is fascism, children are already being brainwashed there, like in ukraine in the last 10-15 years there, i would say, the same thing is starting now in germany, it seems to me that this is preparation for war, in german schools they are already starting to learn the ukrainian language, in the land of hessen - this is the center of germany, it is being introduced into the schedule for foreign and any student can choose these lessons, it is not at all necessary to be a refugee from ukraine, but studying russian there is reduced to zero, well, the creators of the textbook of hatred do not even hide that their goal is to encourage young people... to stand under the banner of war, to take lessons according to the parents everything has become invite soldiers from the bundeswehr more often and talk about their service in the army. here are some other tasks: write how the conflict in ukraine affected life in our country, in russia, thoughtful tips in the media environment, supposedly this is the blocking of social networks, in the economy, the fall of the ruble, but no facts. it’s strange that there are no questions about
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germany itself, how much more expensive housing and communal services products and services have become there. instead , explaining to schoolchildren: it was immediately discussed in the form of such brochures, and since my daughter is russian-speaking, despite the fact that she spoke german, schoolchildren also approached her and this is precisely the effect of such - such nonsense, they asked what putin was doing there in russia, why is he so angry, well, now the wording is even more aggressive, the conflict in ukraine is now presented as an encroachment on the whole world, so german
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schoolchildren are made to believe that the struggle waged by the west against russia concerns everyone, including them. nato wants to protect ukraine from russia and is already supporting the country. the prospect is now being discussed that at some point ukraine joins nato, then the military alliance will become even stronger. in general, this is a direct reflection of the current course of the bundestag, especially since all these educational materials are not published by some private shop, but by the state center for civic education, which is located in the baden-württemburg region, in
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the southwest of germany. therefore, the manuals, although they caused a flurry of criticism in the republic , were not included in the school course. every effort is being made to further denigrate or further somehow dehumanize the russian side in order to in order to have leverage in the future to further drag germany itself into the conflict. but in germany they diligently do not notice that such lessons of hatred, like
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the textbooks in which they are taught, lead to a split in german society itself, because, as the russian proverb says: what goes around comes around! our boris ivanin is the heir of goebbels. we'll be back after a short commercial, and here's what i'll tell you about. another reason to confess your love for your homeland. russians are recording videos en masse to the patriotic song mother earth. and to whom has the flash mob already begun? there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation.
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penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is effective. thermal insulation at avito work just find your place, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, there are many vacancies new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place, i'm going for a walk in 2024, why do you always fly into the past? for my combo, dasha vreshchagina's star combo for 355 rubles and this will continue for a long time until june 16 at a delicious point. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on this have not happened before. russian
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cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try this real ice cream, russian cold. great, incredible taste. new bugs in the fight against beetles on potatoes. three active substances. what unites us? vivid emotions, good traditions and your favorite lottery. in the russian lotto we will raffle off country houses in honor of the golden anniversary keg is an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. buy tickets on the website in company stores. discounts up to 35% on sh and lujo shoes on yandexmarket.
8:52 pm
feel free to look your expenses in the eye, your money won’t fly away from yota, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can, yota, in life’s whirlwind of successes and failures, hope fills you with wiggles, in the rhythm of a worker there are many tasks, your break fills piclan, meat sauce, hearty hot, fills with meat and noodles, i am the new vtb loyalty program, choose the right categories and get cashback
8:53 pm
up to 25% in rubles, thank you, no thank you, but in rubles, collect a car vacation without extra expenses on avito. roman burger and roman cinnamon burger pairings at a great price. in italian: delicious, period. flashing signs of brands, bottles of pepsi on the shelves, affordable tickets to europe and the usa, rainbow flags and eurovision, a telling list of values ​​that russian relocants are nostalgic about on tiktok, there’s a new trend, users publish videos about supposedly lost russia as a background sounds the voice of foreign agent elizaveta gordymova, that is, the singer monetochka, the other day she released a sentimental track about homesickness and...
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and this is entirely due to the state they so dislike, but how to truly confess your love for your homeland is shown by the participants of another online flash mob, within which kokoshniks, birches, and holy russia are appropriate. anastasia ivanova also decided to join, i welcome anastasi, you don’t have to dance with the bears. hello, alexey, but generally at will, but seriously, just remember several lines, although this happens, of course, by itself. i don’t even want to use the word “viral” for a common unified impulse, as... usually happens with popular songs and dances on the internet, because this is sincere love for one’s own homeland, there’s just a new way to express it, chat with a birch tree
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about it and about love, mother earth, white for me, for me i am russia of light, for others i am a fan, if in winter there was a trend for fur hats and fur coats, now russian women wear: scarves or kakoshniks, wear bright lipstick, record videos under patriotic hit. such videos have become especially popular among makeup artists, because , among other things, they are a great way to show your professionalism. well, for example, svetlana sergeeva shares the result before makeup and then adds a video during recording, the very words and songs give me goosebumps. makeup artist sasha anasanova created an equally striking and original image, writes by nationality buryatka has always considered and still considers russia to be her homeland. how else? and like this. dagestan joined the flash mob, a beautiful girl against the backdrop of a mountain under the usual already for this challenge , a national dance dances a song, but this is a less
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familiar format, but no less colorful.
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because we love, because we succeed, but now the people themselves have decided that the song should become famous, in the repertoire there are very strong songs about love for their country, i think the same candidates for becoming big hits, we we are now preparing them for release and are preparing new songs not for trends, forever, because they are about russia.
9:00 pm
anastasia ivanova, her flash mob of russian song and dance. moscow is ready to respond appropriately to any attempts by the west to aggravate the situation around ukraine and donbass, be it calls to attack. strikes on russian regions from nato weapons or possible preparations for the entry of full-fledged contingents of foreign troops into the northern military district zone. vladimir putin spoke about this today when he spoke with reporters following his visit to tashkent. key statements by the president in the material by alexey golovko. a plane from a special russian detachment is preparing to take off at tashkent airport. the honorary king of the national guard lines up at the presidential ramp. vladimir putin completes his state visit to uzbekistan. after two.


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