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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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and they are preparing new songs not for trends, but for centuries, because they are about russia. anastasia ivanova, her flash mob of russian song and dance. moscow is ready to respond appropriately to any attempts by the west to aggravate the situation around ukraine and donbass, be it calls to strike russian regions with nato weapons or possible preparations for the entry of full-fledged contingents of foreign troops into the zone. vladimir putin spoke about this today when he spoke with reporters following his visit to tashkent. key statements by the president in material by alexey golovko. at the tashkent airport, planes of the special russian detachment are preparing to take off. the honorary king of the national guard lines up at the presidential ramp. vladimir putin
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completes his state visit to uzbekistan. after a two-day state visit to uzbekistan, vladimir putin decided to stay in hospitable tashkent for another day, including in order to answer questions from representatives of the russian media right in the airport terminal building before departure. but of course it's like that the press conference is another opportunity to find out the president’s opinion on current political issues, primarily about the situation around ukraine, where legitimate powers expired on may 20.
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we won’t lead, one could say that we are not satisfied with the agreements that were reached in istanbul, it would be possible if there were no signatures for extracts from the agreement that we prepared as a draft chapter. negotiation group on
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the ukrainian side, he initialed this, which means it suited the ukrainian side, they were given the command to throw it in the trash. i'm surprised i always look at... some - some gestures on the part of our western friends and partners who say that russia refuses to negotiate, i said it a thousand times, it’s as if they don’t have ears, we don’t refuse, the ukrainian country refused publicly, they want to draw something, create the appearance of world support for what they drew voluntarily, based on their own wishes, and present...
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among the ukrainian military there are many dissatisfied with the current kiev government, but so far the president cannot reach them belarus. unfortunately, while alexander grigorevich is not in command of the military in ukraine, if he were, we would have ended this conflict long ago, and to mutual satisfaction, we would have found a solution to ukraine, if ukraine were now commanded by
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people who would be guided by national interests, and not interests of their masters in europe or from the ocean. speaking of negotiations, ukraine's allies continue to pump up.
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protenent of european countries together with the poles, others will leave, the poles will never, this is an obvious thing, for me, for me in in any case, for sure, maybe i’m wrong, but it’s unlikely, it’s unlikely, so under the guise of
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liberating, liberating some ukrainian units stationed along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, and... keep them along the borders to ensure their safety, it’s nonsense and nonsense, that’s all, and if they are there, then they will also be in the zone of destruction of our armed forces, i don’t think this is a good, correct decision, a good way out, this is escalation and one more step to a serious conflict in europe and...
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countries are weak, unsure of themselves, especially those where there are dozens of ngos operating there,
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feeding from the american hand, pecking at what was put in their lap, of course, in these countries it is easier to manipulate the consciousness of the local population, it is easier to put pressure on the current authorities, there , where the authorities feel confident, where they devote all their activities to strengthening.
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joint, in industrial cooperation, in energy, infrastructure, there are problems for
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uzbekistan, which is that it has no access to the sea, to the ocean, here we are we could also, together with other partners in the region, take steps to help our friends in uzbekistan, solve this logistical problem, and a solution, of course, will be found, because both russia and uzbekistan are also active participants in the cis and the commonwealth where they report. georgia will not allow blackmail for integration into the european union to lead the country to the ukrainian scenario, this is how prime minister irakli kabakhidze responded to european officials who criticized today’s vote in the georgian parliament. deputies by majority vote overcame a veto about the western president of georgia, a previously unadopted law, over a previously adopted one. law on foreign agents. thus, despite colossal external pressure, tbilisi managed to defend its sovereignty in
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making decisions important for the country. with details stanislav bernwalt. the inscription on the box of salich to europeans from a european village on the square in front of the georgian parliament was already crowded at lunchtime. some were treating themselves to fruit, others were dancing the lisginka. in general, a protest rally against the adoption of the foreign transparency law influence, more like a folk festival than a political action. while cheerful music was playing on rustoveli shakhta avenue and the legs were dancing on their own, a meeting had already begun in the building of the georgian parliament, deputies from the majority tried...
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without difficulties and by a simple majority of votes of deputies, it was overcome, which means that the law , after two months of difficult discussion, was in three readings comes into force in the original wording, canceling the additions added by president soloma zurabeshvili. let us remind you that if the amendments had been taken into account, the law would have lost would be in force within a day after its adoption. did not happen. probably, many years ago, no one could have imagined that georgia would be able to make an independent decision, despite resistance of such magnitude. for this i thank each of my colleagues and, most importantly, the georgian people. if not for their unprecedented unity and wisdom, this would not have happened. all friends should know that our country is ready only for worthy, true friendship. zurbishvili did not admit defeat, although
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the parliamentary majority already understood her the day before will overcome in her address to the nation she called on opponents of the law now.
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getting bigger. the ministry of internal affairs of georgia, immediately after the meeting, called on the participants of the action to give the deputies and parliamentary staff the opportunity to freely leave the building of the legislative body and peacefully express their protest. the ministry of internal affairs calls on the organizers of the action participants, based on the fact that the plenary session of the parliament in the legislative body is ending, to give the opportunity to the deputies’ employees located in the building parliamentary apparatus, freely leave the building to continue the protest at at these moments, the rally near the parliament building of opponents of the law continues, it is still calm, but as they say, it is not evening yet. stanislav bernwalt, lead. the vologda region has great potential for development; it is important that people experience an improvement in their quality of life. with these words, speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko addressed the acting governor of the region, georgy
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filimonov, at a meeting to discuss issues of socio-economic development. also the chairman of sofeda recommended the new head of the region. get the support of the residents of the vologda region, i wish you success in the elections, the vologda region is a very, very large, important region, with great potential, there is room to put your hands and talent there in order to give a new impetus to development, so that people feel an improvement in their lives, of course , the forest complex is of great importance. where it is also necessary to restore order and many other issues, i think that you are immersed in detail into the life of the region, the most important thing now you need to cover as many regions as possible, travel, communicate with people, thank you very much for your support, for your kind words, for your understanding, for your immersion in the contest, just today my report to
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the regional legislative assembly took place in the form of a message, i can really admit that ... which was presented at the russian exhibition at vdnh, a seminar-meeting was held there, at which... ministers and governors discussed the main directions of new national projects. the best initiatives will be included in reports for the meeting of the presidential council on strategic development. anastasia efimova observed the discussions about the future of the country.
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a format in which you can hear each other, face to face, eye to eye. at the round table, participants in the seminar-meeting are preparing for an extended meeting of the state council. we are discussing a national project, a sustainable dynamic economy. today this is a priority for the development of our country, taking into account external sanctions pressure and the tasks in terms of technological and financial sovereignty that the president has set, in fact the set of directions that we are discussing. this is already a traditional operating principle. ministers and governors gather together for seminar-meetings to discuss which solutions will be the most effective, and then present them at an extended meeting. council, the current topic is strategic development and national projects, and here it is important to understand what has already been done and what is yet to come? a lot of
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work has been done over the years and almost everyone today has broadband access to the internet. a person receives high-quality communication in the majority, in the absolute majority of cases, but there are there are certain points that require constant improvement, in particular in the regions... and we interviewed 74 governors, there are comments that there is a big request for strengthening and improving the quality of communications along roads, both railway and highway. for most of the seminar participants, this is a familiar format, as alexey dyumin recalled, as the governor of the tula region, he took part in it for many years, and his work will continue in the position of assistant to the president. the direction of the activities of the state council is familiar to me. and here there is certain things that, of course, require a certain management, ensuring all the activities of the state council, but these topics are not familiar, and especially based on experience and work
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as the head of a subject, this means that in test interaction with our colleagues, governors, we know and understand, which means those necessary key points, what should be at the forefront and what things need to be synchronized. various indicators, we completely eliminated the human factor, not only did it use it technologies, but most importantly, we developed software products our specialists, we have already left, for
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the most part, western products in this area. in february, as part of his message to the federal assembly, the president announced the launch of five new national projects, four will begin implementation next year, and one for the youth of russia this year. if our young people grow up. millions of young guys, unsure of their future, not seeing themselves, their realization in our country, this will already be, well, this is unacceptable, this will be, this is the main battle, probably, that is taking place today for the minds, for this, for this, on that the challenge is directed by the national project to form guys who believe in themselves, believe in their success in russia, this is how, without slogans and unnecessary words, they work at the seminar meeting, opening which the moderator reminded:
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new technologies and approaches. as part of the project , we built a unique infrastructure complex that includes more than 100 production facilities for the production and preparation of transportation of hydrocarbons. the main facility of these hundreds is a gas pre-treatment installation. it was built twice as fast as industry deadlines, everything thanks to the block-modular approach. domestic equipment was delivered to the site in maximum readiness. these blocks, as if they were assembled by a designer, were already here on site. the development of the achmov deposits of section 3a is important. in the development of the urengoy production center, working with deep deposits , of course, allows us to obtain additional volumes of hydrocarbons, this includes natural gas for delivery to consumers in russia, and these are, of course, liquid hydrocarbons, which are valuable raw materials for petrochemicals and oil refining, and additional volumes gas condensate, which we will receive at the terial section of the uringoy
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field, this will be... additional shipments for the omsk oil refinery, which is one of the most modern oil refineries in russia. the gazprom neft company already has experience in working with such reserves, and it greatly helped oil workers in developing the achmov horizons of the new site. of course, the widespread use of a number of modern technological solutions helped us achieve this, this is, of course, high-tech drilling, which allowed us to build a horizontal. wells with a long trunk length, these are multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, which made it possible to increase the mobility of hydrocarbons in the reservoir, and this, of course, is the use of our digital solutions and digital tools. the drilling process was monitored around the clock from tyumen, 1,500 km from the field; it is difficult to get into a thin layer at a depth of many kilometers underground, focusing on sensor readings. drilling such structures is
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undoubtedly a jeweler's work and it was. would impossible without the use of digital assistants. with the launch of a new production complex , gas and condensate began to be produced here. the quality of hydrocarbons is monitored in the laboratory. specialists analyze the density, composition and other parameters that determine the quality of raw materials. gas condensate is a valuable resource; gasoline, aviation, diesel and boiler fuel are obtained from it, as well as raw materials that are used in the production of plastics , synthetic rubber and fibers. to work in the arctic, special clothing is used, it is warm and comfortable.
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security, uniform dry cleaning, robots are responsible for everything, there are more of them here than people. the development of the achimovsky reserves of the tria orengoy field is an important event for the russian oil and gas industry. and this successful experience will be used in other projects for the production of achimov hydrocarbons; new areas in yamal and ugra are next. anastasia ponko, maxim bragin, sergey zabarov, tatyana klepcha. news from yamal.
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