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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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let me remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty. tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to the agenda. from today . foreign agent radio liberty lays out the locations of our air defense. photos, posts, interactive map, western military intelligence gunners took off their media masks. he took up hand-to-hand combat to leave ukraine. a military school cadet specially trained to competitions in europe, and from there to go to russia. now he wants to fight the kiev regime. the thickets are littered with vseushniki, but
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ukrainian commanders continue to send soldiers to the left bank of the dnieper. what is this? punishment for some misdeeds or the enemy hopes to build a bridge from human bodies? anti-russian manuals in german schools. parents of students are outraged that their children are forced to draw ukrainian flags and hate russia. where will such monsters lead germany? another reason to confess your love for your homeland. russians are recording en masse video for the patriotic song mother earth. and to whom has the flash mob become a pain in the ass? well, at the beginning of this hour, a message from the ministry of finance regarding a number of potential changes to russian legislation, in particular amendments to the budget law, as well as to the tax and budget codes, which will be considered first at the government meeting. commission on
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legislative activities, and then at a meeting of the federal cabinet and can be adopted by the state duma in the spring session. well, actually, specific ones have already been made public initiatives that affect taxation procedures. so, the ministry of finance considers it fair to maintain the basic thirteen percent income tax rate for citizens whose annual income is less than 2.4000 rubles. for those whose earnings fall in the range from this amount to 5 million, the rate should be.
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state of russia as a whole, based on the president’s instructions on socially significant issues, and i’ll add, according to existing calculations, the amendments, if they are adopted, of course, will apply to 2 million people out of 64 million, who make up the working population of the country, respectively, 97% of the changes will not affect, but in other news, the blood of people who suffered from another attack by the armed forces of ukraine at the hands of such, in quotes, journalists, is a tough but completely fair verdict that the ridovka publication makes in the wake of the events in the moscow region, where previously, as reported , a ukrainian drone was shot down, although in this case we are talking not so much about it, but about an unwanted foreign agent of radio liberty. one of its authors seems to have taken advantage of the fact that a certain category of citizens, they are just itching to film the work of our air defense systems on video. and, in fact, thanks to similar footage published on social networks, i was able to calculate the estimated geolocation of the anti-aircraft crew, and then. absolutely openly posted
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the received information online on the website of the same radio liberty, that is , by and large acted as a guide for possible future terrorist attacks of the kiev regime, here on the one hand the elements of a criminal offense are obvious, but on the other hand we must admit the problem is much broader than one individual anton podkovenko will tell you about the episode, what it is and what solutions are available. and an agent who is rapidly turning into a spy, because the latest posts of radio liberty -
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a mass media or at least an organization that calls itself a mass media, naturally does not fall under any definitions, freedom of dissemination of information, independence. journalism, objectivity and all the other things that they threw into the trash long ago, they actually carry out function of army military intelligence, and accordingly require a similar attitude towards themselves. how could it be otherwise, if members of the media, an agent funded by the us congress, carefully, purposefully, deliberately study satellite images, so they themselves write about it, examine it, compare maps, calculate where our air defense systems may be, everything. posted in messengers, this is no longer the media, but a media espionage project of the west, working very closely with various interested services, they even have a special map of points, where, according to the foreign agent, our
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air defense systems are located, an interactive map, that is, it is constantly updated, they make changes there, and the person responsible for all this is written by the reader mark krutov, indeed his last name: it is listed in latin in the corner of the map. ever since that summer, when attempts at drone attacks on moscow began, krutov has been laying out the location of our anti-aircraft systems, as he imagines it. here he is, this krutov, editor of the radio liberty information service - not the most famous media character on his account several odious, quote-unquote investigations, as people with beautiful faces call it. krutov lives in prague, where the headquarters of the media department is located, created specifically for...
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russia, i’m now talking about foreign agency status or otherwise, this is a question for the competent authorities, and i think that we should think about it here too. in fact , the radio liberty agent has been engaged in anti-russian intelligence activities for several years now; in 2023 , satellite images of military factories under construction in russia were published, also a tip on strategic objects, as they are now in air defense. this is the whole story when they start painting there. some maps, plotting some targets, this just tells us once again about who we are dealing with, radio liberty, it is engaged in conducting special information and psychological sabotage operations, disclosing information about the locations of our systems air defense, that is, this
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is direct assistance to our enemy, and no matter how accurate these homemade maps of theirs are, it is clearly clear that radio freedom is no longer just a foreign agent, not just an information agent... a weapon, a generator of anti-russian propaganda is a direct intelligence tool for the enemy, and we don’t stand on ceremony with spies. the situation in ukraine is developing in such a way that the country’s authorities are forced to take on the burden of responsibility for all unpopular decisions imposed by the west, including a radical reduction in the conscription age down to eighteen years old, vladimir putin spoke about this today during the press approach following his visit to uzbekistan, who suggested thinking about what goal the foreign masters of the kiev regime are pursuing in doing this.
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from the ocean is to entrust the current executive power with the time to make all unpopular decisions, including making another decision to lower, further lower the draft age, now 20 was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after making this or other unpopular decisions, they act...
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in their actions towards kharkov, so it’s them provoked these events in this direction, i think i publicly said six months ago, if they continue to strike residential areas, we will then be forced to create a security zone, no one is talking about the shelling of belgorod and other adjacent territories, everyone is talking only that russia has opened a new front and is attacking kharkov, not a word about what caused this, they did it.
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there is a great desire to do this, there is a conversation about this, we don’t seem to see a great desire, well, let’s see what happens further. well, finally, the president also touched upon the calls of the authorities of a number of nato countries to allow ukrainian militants to use longer-range weapons to attack russian regions. as vladimir putin noted, the armed forces of ukraine are simply not capable of carrying out such attacks on their own, so moscow obviously believes that specialists will have to bear responsibility for them. from western countries and recommend not to forget about the possible consequences, long
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-range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance assets, first, second, the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence data, technical intelligence. this is a factor they must keep in mind before talking about striking
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deep into russian territory. he sits against the backdrop of the flag of the banned bandera upa, but at the same time he broadcasts theses that modern banderaites will probably not like at all. this is a sensational video by the editor-in-chief of ukrpomoika yuri butusov, who gave away a lot the inconvenient truth about the quality of training of militants in the armed forces of ukraine. it was she, let me remind you, who rushed into the ravine, leaving weapons and equipment in positions as the fighters of our north group advanced in the kharkov region, accordingly, even for a strategically important direction it was good.
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made the decision to leave square when he realized in the civilian troops that commanders and officials treated ukrainians like cattle from which they could cut off their last money or send them to slaughter. sergei told his story to journalists masha, he says, that i entered the service in 2021. after finishing the eleventh grade, i was inspired by the idea of ​​going to serve, like the bulk of my relatives, my grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, and also my father also served in the airborne forces, here i am. i had already come to the dshv, i started with a special unit in the lviv region, where weapons were brought
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from the usa, eu countries and great britain, where western instructors trained ukrainians. returning from vacation, they say you are going to the lviv region, the village of staryche, we also meet western partners, foreign partners from england, that’s exactly why they are, because jevelin was produced in england itself, and partners from england came there and showed it to us, so we... as if in principle they understood that we were preparing for something, but the question was who would attack first. when esvo began, sergei was sent to the front. on the way, he learned that the ukrainian terrorist defense had shot at the column in which his former colleagues were moving. was wounded, was treated in a hospital, he transfers me to a city clinic in ternopil, and a doctor comes in, already a man in age says: comrade viyskovsluzhbovtsy, my bread is my work, that is, hinting that you want to lie here longer, pay this money, and he showed with his hand how a person sees that there are people there, one there can
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look at the leg like this and see right through what’s going on there, one’s hand is assembled with knitting needles and how does he propose? this was the last straw, after which sergei wrote to his relatives that he did not intend to stay in the country, but wanted to get to russia? i look at all this, write to my father, i say, this is complete madhouse, i’m ready to leave ukraine altogether by any means, i decided to make a knight’s move, enter vvnz, i entered as a result, i was actually very happy about this, there are more chances to leave the territory of ukraine, why, because if you got in, then you can participate in some. sports entries. sports rounds are sporting events, that is, the plan was that after enrolling to study to become an officer, i would begin to actively engage in army hand-to-hand combat. sergei achieved the title of candidate master of sports, joined the national team and went to the championship europe in poland. as soon as the opportunity arose, he left the place where his team was quartered. i went to the czech republic, stayed there for almost six months and flew to moscow.
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it is reported that in russia, before receiving citizenship, he went through many checks, and so on. hundreds of ukrainian athletes have already chosen the method of salvation from the kiev regime. last november, let me remind you, local functionaries published data on those who left; at that time there were more than 300 of them, a significant increase, almost 100 survivors in six months. maybe that’s why they stopped in square publish such statistics, they try to escape at every opportunity, just to avoid falling into the web of murderers from the shopping center. true, not everyone succeeds; a kievbask player, for example, was detained while trying to cross the border. they try to stay somewhere in europe, because most likely, if they are not athletes and do not go there along this line, then they probably have few other options, say, so as not to end up in the armed forces, so they use such
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sergei kuznetsov used his opportunity to escape to the fullest, now as... mash reports that he will go to his relatives who live in new territories and says that he intends to volunteer to serve in the russian armed forces in order to liberate his native land from the kiev regime, and he considers this choice the only correct one. during the day , units of the central, southern and eastern groupings of our armed forces again occupied more advantageous positions in all directions of the northern military district in the donetsk people's republic, in total they destroyed more than 1,200 ukrainian militants, in battles on the territory... of the region the hottest area what remains is the city of volchansk, where the film crew of evgeniy poddubny and alexander pushin were one of the first russian journalists to get there. this is how we try to fly into volchansk on a bug, under the cover of an electronic warfare station , enemy fpv drones are operating in the sky. 90-160 are working trying
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to catch our unit on rotation. are trying to hit the evacuation teams, while our operational-tactical aviation is now actively working, our artillerymen are actively working, assault operations in volchansk continue, fighters the russian army knocks out the enemy. our film crew entered volchansk, we are in the northern part of the city. part is under the control of a unit of the russian army, this is the collapsed balchansko, there have been fierce battles here for more than a week, the city is virtually destroyed, i remind you that earlier the enemy used volchansk to carry out terrorist attacks on the cities
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of the belgorod region, multiple launch rocket systems were hidden in volchansk fire, hid. ammunition from here rszzo moved into firing positions in order to hit purposefully in residential areas of belgorod and other cities of the belgorod region. now our fighters are pushing back the enemy. the battles are fierce, heavy battles in fact, primarily due to the fact that the theater of military operations is saturated with artillery and fpv drones, the reconnaissance officer, his duty specialist, a volunteer, has been fighting for a long time. he says that the nature of the war has changed dramatically in recent months, the battle for volchansk is the first such battle in the new stage, you need to constantly be on
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fox, constantly monitor the sky, the road, movements, who is where, because now the war is completely different, now it’s practically a war of drones, one might say, drones hang around 20 hours a day, almost 24 hours a day, and...
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the fighter is transported to provide medical assistance. the group leaves the combat zone on foot. the successful
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offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction continues, despite the fact that the enemy has pulled all available reserves into the kharkov region. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news from volchansk. our camera crew sasha pushin is now in the hospital, nothing threatens his life, of course, we wish him a speedy recovery. well, again to the message from the ministry of finance, which, as mentioned earlier, proposed amending tax laws, well, here are some additions to the information already announced: the ministry advises maintaining the personal income tax rate at 13% for income from deposits, securities and participation in the amount up to 2.4000 rubles per year, and for any up to... also, according to potential changes, the tax on the sale of real estate will remain 13% if the transaction is estimated to be no more than 2,400,000 rubles. well,
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if it’s more expensive, we’ll be talking about 15%. in addition, as part of fair taxation , it is recommended to offer a tax deduction to reduce personal income tax in the amount of 7% out of 13 for families with two or more children and with an average per capita income below one and a half subsistence minimum. one more point that i will quote: the income of svo participants in the form of monetary pleasure and other additional monetary payments in connection with the participation of a special operation is not subject to an increase in personal income tax, for them the same will remain taxation procedure. well, back to the situation in the zone, today there is another reason to talk about the attempts of the kiev regime to transport the so -called paratroopers to the left bank of the dnieper, in fact natural suicides, which they receive from their command a one- way ticket. on the creepy video of the telegram channel archangel of special forces, you can see the guaranteed consequences of such attacks. flooded boats are densely packed with the bodies
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of eliminated militants, and those who still manage to somehow miraculously slip onto land stay alive, well, only a little longer. because in the absence of cover, an artillery shell or drone can easily find its target. in general, is it any wonder that even on this section of the front, where, unlike donbass and the kharkov region, now well... albeit inhuman, but logic, this is not the case for what people are dying in the waters of the dnieper, what the commanders are trying to achieve, sending fighters
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one way? business to create a riverbed for tanks to drive through? i understand that with the departure of ice from the dnieper, when all this is happening unfolded when the dnieper opened up, they lost their markets, we completely destroyed them there, today there are fruitless attempts, they began to use english boats, they are trying to land, there are some sabotage actions going on there, but at least for today, as far as i know they didn’t succeed, they didn’t secure anything. and it would be nice if the footage from near kherson was a one-time action - an attempt to catch our fighters by surprise, but no, with the maniacal persistence of the vsso they send suicide bombers to the left bank of the dnieper, it doesn’t matter whether the landing is at night or during the day is perfectly visible from any distance and becomes an easy target for the russian army, which has targeted the positions; sometimes the enemy
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even manages to slip through and land. but only to come under artillery fire and die anyway, the only chance to survive the landing operation is to immediately run into a russian detachment upon landing, word to one of the lucky ones. when we were crossing to the left bank, our commanders and officers did not go with us; we were thrown there like cannon fodder, without coordinates, without guides, when we were overtaken by the russian military, i immediately put the machine gun on the ground and raised my hands, which the motivation can’t even explain...
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filled with the remains of marines, which kiev had been sending for months to this very, this very bridgehead to support the bravura picture in the media, while authorities zelensky and company, relatives of the victims will not know about their terrible fate. in the current attempts of ukrainian troops to cross the dnieper, in principle , there is no strategy, once again to show. hundreds of corpses for ukrainian residents, this will actually bring additional anger to zelensky’s regime, nothing more, so i think now tsepso will work on this issue in reverse, on the contrary, closing down any information about losses. well, a little more about the fighting spirit of the armed forces of ukraine, another indicative video, four militants on the territory controlled by kiev are preparing another
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landing operation, only... two don’t want to go to death, they kill their brothers-in-arms, drag them into boats and let them onto the left bank, for we remind such desperate people that they do not have to go to the dnieper if they can call the volga. now there is a short advertisement, that's what will happen further on our broadcast. anti-russian manuals in german schools. parents of students are outraged that their children are forced to draw ukrainian flags and hate russia. where will such lessons lead germany?


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